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1) washi ng machi nes, televisi ons, cars, 1946, un employme nt, soldiers, politicia ns, on television, in films

2) 10 perce nt


1) The Market Research Society.

2) More tha n 3,000 people were questi on ed.

3) People dress far more casually tha n they used to.

4) In the past "an evening out" for most people mean a visit to the cinema. Today they would be more

likely to go to a restaura nt or to a disco.

5) The lack of ambiti on among the middle-aged.

C. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) F


Ordinary people in Britain have more washing machines, televisions and cars than in 1946. They also have more fear of un employme nt. Whereas once the n ati on's heroes used to be soldiers or politicia ns, today they are more likely to be famous faces on televisi on or in films, such as Sylvester Stall one.

These are just some of the cha nges discovered in a series of surveys by the Market Research

Society. More than 3,000 people were questioned and the results were compared with a similar

survey done in 1946. In many cases,the new survey tells us what we already kn ew, such as the fact that many people are better off in a material sense and that women spend much less time at the kitchen sink or in the home looking after their families. But we also learn a number of other things. Tastes in clothing and en terta inment have cha nged con siderably. People dress far more casually tha n they used to. And whereas "an evening out" for most people used to mean a visit to the cinema, today it is far more likely to invo lve going to a restaura nt or to a disco. Some things have not cha nged. People still adore the films of Humphrey Bogart and In grid Bergma n eve n though they are

more likely to watch them on television or video. And despite the variety of foreign food now available, more than a quarter of the people in the survey said they preferred a meal of steak and chips. The

only cha nge is that a large nu mber would also like wi ne with it in stead of beer. I n 1946 only a small proporti on —less tha n 10 perce n — ever drank wi ne with their meals.

One of the most surprising things to come out of the new research is the lack of ambition among the middle-aged. Many executives feel that by the time they are in their mid-forties, they have

achieved all their most important goals in life. Most of them said they would prefer to retire in their fifties rather than go on working for a promotion.

Task 2


Unit 10 Task 1


Colu mn 1

Dilip Sardesai

and his wife An

Nicole Pernot .

Dave Stirl ing

B. Colum n 2 a shop onJbeJniernet a small stati oner a Forum hypermc Colu mn 3 Ohio, USA n ear Arras, France Newcastle, En gla nd
