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这里的气候像北京。 The climate here is like Beijing. The climate here is like that of Beijing. 她的脸圆圆的,跟孩子的一样。 Her face is as round as a child. Her face is as round as a child’s.
许多人不但不植树,反而砍树。 Many people not only don’t plant trees but also cut trees. Many people don’t plant trees, instead, they cut trees. 他们屡战屡败。 They fought again and again and they are repeatedly defeated. They are repeatedly defeated although they fought again and again.
3.假期从明天开始。 The vacation begins from tomorrow. 4.这只表的价钱很贵。 The price of the watch is dear. 5. 旅行我总得坐二等舱。 I travel always by the second class. 6.我不想去——他也是 I don’t wish to go——so does he. 7.我不喜欢喝酒——我兄弟也一样。 I dislike to drink. Neither dose my brother.
我们享受公费医疗。 We enjoy free medical care. We are entitled to free medical care. 这个故事发生在上海。 The story takes place in Shanghai. The story is set in Shanghai.
他挨了批评真是遗憾。 It is a pity for him to have criticized. It is a pity for him to be criticized.
看着窗外,他想起了自己的童年。 Looking out the window, thoughts of his childhood came to him. Looking out the window, he thought of his childhood. 老虎在笼子里,因而我不怕。 Being in a cage, I was not afraid of the tiger. The tiger being in a cage, I was not afraid of it.
8.那一点你是错了。 You have mistaken in that point. 9.倘若战争爆发我们会变得怎样呀? What shall we become if war breaks out? 10.老张也没有来。 Old Zhang has not come also.
从山顶看下去,这座城市就像个漂亮的花 园。 Seeing from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden. Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks like a beautiful garden. 听到这消息时,他满眼是泪。 Hearing the sad news, his eyes were filled with tears. When he hear the news, his eyes were filled with tears.
欢迎你来参加英语角。 欢迎你来参加英语角。 Welcome you to join our English corner activities. You are welcome to join our English corner. ( welcome to join our …)
热烈欢迎国内外嘉宾惨叫洽谈会。 Warmly welcome all guests of honor at home and abroad to attend to this symposium. Warm welcome to all honored guests both at home and abroad to attend the Trade Talks! 有空儿就到我们家来聊天吧! If you are free, please come to our family to have a talk. Drop in on us for a chat at any odd moment.
我能看出你的心事。 I can see your mind. I can read your mind. 从他的话音里,我能听出东西来。 I can hear something from the tone of his voice. I can tell something from the tone of his voice.
你们班的女生比我们班的更活跃。 The girls in your class are more active than our class. The girls in your class are active than those in our class.
A. 时间的先后不符合逻辑 1、对不起,我没有看见你。 Sorry I don’t see you. Sorry I didn’t see you. 2、我不知道你在这儿。 I don’t know you are here. I didn’t know you are here.
B.不定式的逻辑主语问题 1、要做出决定,你应该考虑各种因素。 To make a decision, everything must be taken into consideration. To make a decision, you should take everything into consideration. 2、这本书需要翻译成英语。 The book is required to put into English. The book is required to be put into English.
他本来想多给你一点帮助的,只是他太忙 了。 He wanted to give you more help, but he has been so busy recently. He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy recently.
我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。 Our cause has won victories one after another. We have won one victory after another for our cause. ( A series of victories have been won for our cause.)
不要搞一刀切。 Do not cut off at one stroke. Do not impose uniformity in all cases. 我们改革开放的步子要迈得大一些。 Our steps of economic reform and open poliroach to economic reform and opening up.
在挤公共汽车时,我的钱包丢了。 On squeezing on to the bus, my wallet was lost. On squeezing on to the bus, I lost my wallet.
他大学毕业后,他父亲想让他去日本继续 深造。 After graduating from college, his father wanted him to pursue his education in Japan. After he graduated from college, his father wanted him to pursue his education in Japan. 未接到邀请他就参加了晚会。 He attended the party without invitation. He attended the party without being invited.
他们刚要走过街角就听到了枪声。 They were just turning the corner, when they heard the noise of a shot. Just as they were turning the corner, they heard the noise of a shot. 要把一个人的情感完全隐藏起来几乎是不 可能的。 Entirely to conceal one’s feelings is almost impossible. To entirely conceal one’s feelings is almost impossible.
1.昨天晚上我们整晚在看电视 We spent last evening watching the television. 2.旅行社告诉了我们许多关于夏威夷的情形。 The travel agency sent us many informations about the Hawaiian islands.