

As we all know, this year's U.S. presidential election. Trump, from a person without political experience, step by step, elected president of the United states. This is really surprising. Why was Trump elected president of the United States? I looked up some data:

Data one: 50-64 year old voters: 44% support Hilary - 53% support for Mr. Trump Data two: 18-24 year old young voters: support for Hilary - 33% support for Trump - 55%

Data three: high school graduates voters: 51% support Trump - 45% support for Hilary

Undergraduesundergraduates: 52% - 43% of voters support Trump Hilary

Data four: college graduates voters: 49% support Hilary - 45% support for Trump Graduate voters: 58% support Hilary - 37% support for Trump

Data five: no college education white voters: support for Trump - 29% support for Hilary - 65%

DataSix: according to the data of November 7th, the "Wall Street journal," the last published polls show that about 67% of voters said "this campaign" to "national pride." nearly 60% voters on the two candidates are not satisfied with them, nearly half of voters said that no matter who won the election, they are not ready support the new president

Data seven: the presidential election turnout was only 55%, a record low of 20 years. The above data can be summarized as a word, is itself a business elite Trump, took the mass line, mobilized a long been excluded from the elite grassrootswhite".

Specifically, why did Trump win Hilary?

Reason one: white American anger.

A data to five data show that Trump is mainly older voters and cultural degree at the University of the voters, especially the five data more straightforward, it shows that no college educated white voters, 65% supported Trump, and supported Hilary's only 29%.

Older voters tend to be racist, because they enjoy special treatment from the more recent, it seems that still feel superior. Because of the reason of the times, people aged 50-64 lower education levels, due to globalization, technology and highly educated elite, outstanding immigrants and migrant population occupies the superior position behoove. According to snowball theory, their lives will only be less than a year, so accumulated anger. Trump ZoupianJianFeng, the outspoken "layman" image, ignoring the "political correctness" style, let them think to find the spokesperson, feel more superior recovery "white America" point the day and await for it.

Reason two: the appeal of conservatism.

After the 2008 financial tsunami, the U.S. economy into a downturn, the employment environment for a long time, people's wealth continues to shrink.

The plight of the U.S. economy, and manufacturing hollowing out of great relevance. In the course of globalization, the United States relied on global oil dollars, as well as

high-tech, financial industry leading and monopolistic advantages to obtain wealth growth. While industrial manufacturing, a large number of relocated overseas - mainly china.

This before, no problem. Anyway, relying on high-tech, financial hegemony and wealth, to search from all over the world can provide wonderfull life for all the people, who are willing to work in the manufacturing industry? Dry services, enough to earn decent income.

But after the financial tsunami, the American hegemony is weakened by cutting the wool from all over the world search for wealth -- due to clean up the China industrial behemoth, has no significant effect. In this case, the United States before the wealth growth and maintenance means, can play a more and more obvious effect, reflected in the people there, that life is not easy.

This is certainly unacceptable to the public. For high-level white, this is good to say, after all, they bear more ability, but also engaged in finance, high-tech industries, the advantage is still obvious. But for the following sectors, due to the overall economic downturn, the general service sector jobs, lower income, it is difficult to maintain the previous standard of living. At this time, the manufacturing industry of brown live, is also back into their eyes. Hope to revitalize the manufacturing sector to provide more jobs and income. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to foreign manufacturing, as well as Latin American labor outside the door, so that conservative tendencies in the white American middle class flood.

This tendency, with the United States in the past, the road of globalization and the spread speed is very fast. Trump was the first person to sniff out this change, suddenly carried out conservative, this is equivalent to a station to the outlet, got the support of the majority of low-income whites.

Reason three: anti American elites, anti politicians status quo.

The current situation in the United States between rich and poor, the people in your life, many families could not get a $400 emergency, but also for the children to college costs down. Therefore, the people of the elite is hatred, while sending hatred for the establishment, that is the establishment of politicians did not favor the people, did not pay attention to fairness. In addition, Hilary and A-Sun Qi Mail Mail door event disclosure so that the people of politicians disappointed, but also more confirms their ideas, think politicians are hypocrites, are liars. But this time, there was a madman as they hate "liar", "liar", and vowed to attack if elected to "liar" sent to prison, Jiehen, friends, and produce an infinite resonance.

Reason four: re revitalize the country's psychological needs.

The consumption of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the impact of the financial tsunami, severely weakened the U.S. national strength and world influence, global hegemony and therefore loose. And China's strong rise, more emphasis on the psychological crisis of americans.

This hurts Americans' pride and pride, and increases their worries about the future and the future. To change this situation, the United States has two means:

First, the internal potential, increase through the national strength, to consolidate hegemony. This is the conventional routine of the general country, but not applicable

to the current United states. The financial tsunami has been eight years, but the economic recovery still teeter. The harsh reality that many Americans realize that relying solely on their own national strength to re-establish the world's level of rolling advantage, which is at least in the short term is impossible.

Can the corresponding is, Chinese has strong rise, strength of the gap with the us more and more near - although compared with itself, the growth rate of China also decreased year by year, inside there are also many problems; but compared to the United States after repeated, China situation is better than too much.

Oneself already rose not to move, China but more and more near. In this case, many Americans will have such an understanding that in order to continue to ensure their hegemony is not affected, in addition to tap its economic potential, more to strengthen the Chinese rivals such as pressure -- which makes the win-win cooperation of globalization, more and more are conservative Bizhouzizhen type substitution.

white American anger.

the appeal of conservatism.

anti American elites, anti politicians status quo.

re revitalize the country's psychological needs.

Four reasons, together cast Trump's voter base. Although Trump's political routine, by other groups consistent offensive and even boycott, but given the relative superiority of whites in the lower share among American voters, from their support, still enough to let Trump win the Republican other players, and finally the arch on the president throne.
