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2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH
Vehicle NVH Awareness
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Customer Concerns顾客关心的问题
General •-P/T NVH is defined as the NVH the customer ascribes to powertrain sources, usually because of Operating condition(e.g..idle or wot) P/T振动和噪声的协调性被如此定义的原因,用户认为是由于噪声和振 动是动力装置所产生,而噪声与振动通常是与运行工况密切相关的(例 如…空转) •Engineering Definition 工程上的解释 Vehicle powertrain NVH is any vehicle noise or vibration due to powertrain excitation including induction, exhaust and tailpipe sources 车辆动力装置的噪声和振动问题是由于动力装置的激励产生的包括进排 气和排气管的激励。
Vehicle NVH Awareness
NVH(noise vibration harshness) 噪声和振动控制工程
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Summary Flow Chart流程总图
Categorization目录 Background背景 •Issues结果 •Targets指标参数 •Trends趋向 •Customer concerns用户关注的问题 •Phenomena现象 •Op.cond工作状态 •Sources来源 •Alignment列表 Target setting物体位置 •Process方法 •Parametric参数模型 •NPA model-mech.noise噪声路径分析模型-机械 噪声 •NPA model-airborne noise噪声路径分析模型-空 气噪声
Target Setting Cascade物体位置的重叠
•General process 一般的方法 -VOC-QFD rates of importance VOC-QFD 重要性 -Functional image targets from PALS/trade-off 来自位置测定系统的功能投影目标 -Convert to objective target ranges 转换成客观的目标值 -Cascade to system/end-items via parametric/NPA models 经参数/噪声路径分析模型连接到系统/末项
RWD 1st P/T Bending

转 速
6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000
FWD P/T Bending 的P/T
25 50 75 100
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Why worry about low frequency problems -Shake, roughness and boom problems are hard to fix late in a problem—they must be deal with early 振动,工作粗暴,噪声很大的问题很难放到程序里头—他们应该被提前处理 掉 -Sever problems may lead to buy-backs严重的问题可能导致招回
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Body Mode Issue车身样式问题
-Shake,roughness and boom problems tend to involve the same low frequency body models 振动,工作粗暴,噪声很大的问题往往与同 样的低频车身形状有关 -Same structure involved有关的同样的结构 -Excitations may be quite different 激励源可能大不相同
Airborne Noise Sources空气传播的噪声来源 •Powerplant做功设备 •Induction进气 •Exhaust排气
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Issues 问题 -Sound-Loudness/speech interference -声音-响度/语音 干涉 -Sound quality on as needed basis during development 在改善音质的过程中依据的原理 -Vibration-velocity or acceleration 振动-速度或者加速度 Trends:competition is steadily improving 趋向:竞争越来越激烈
Cruise一般的速度 Particularly medium speed特定的中速 Coast 滑动
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Source 来源
Operation condition工况 Idle空转 Phenomenon现象 Boom/Shake噪声/振动 Rumble隆隆声 Tick&Hash滴答声杂声 Rattle咔嗒声 Tip-in微调 Lugging拖动 Wot Moan呼啸声 Boom轰隆声 Boom轰隆声 Growl咆哮声 Noise噪声 Cruise正常速度 Boom/Shake轰隆声/振动 Rumble隆隆声 Noise噪声 Firing,orders/engine/exhaust/induction着火 顺序/发动机/排气/进气 Driveline imbalance动力传动系的不平横 Accessories零附件 Engine/exhaust发动机/废气 Source来源 Primary engine firing 着火初期 Accessories零附件 Belts,valve,injectors,etc气门喷油器等 Gears传动装置 Primary engine firing 着火初期 Primary engine firing 着火初期 Primary firing/exhaust 着火初期/排气
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
P/T NVH Phenomena P/T噪声和振 动表现出的一些现象
Boom轰隆声 Clunk沉闷声 Drone嗡嗡声 Growl咆哮声 Moan呼啸声 Low frequency sound 20-80 Hz低频声音20-80Hz Transient, low frequency, broadband瞬时的,低频,宽带 Large amplitude single tone, 100-200hz大振幅,单音调,100-200Hz Broadband, 100-1000hz, noticeable time variation宽频带,100-1000 hz,明显的随时间变化 Low amplitude tone, 80-200hz小振幅,80-200Hz Sound peaks due to resonance由于共振,声音达到峰值 Random impact noise杂乱的冲击噪声 Low to mid-frequency broadband noise, 100-500hz with time variation低中频的宽频噪声100500Hz,随时间而变化 Miscellaneous time varying noise 杂乱的,随时间变化的噪声 Mid to high frequency sound, 200-2000hz,tone an harmonics中高频声音,200-2000 hz,和声
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Frequency Alignment of Forces & Structural Modes受力与结构样式的频率表
•Firing orders and powertrain resonance 的 频率表
Column shake gives the impression of “rough idle” 轴的振动给人以很粗暴的印象 -Customer wonder if engine will stall 用户想知道发动机是否会停下来
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization-LowFrep.phen
PT periods
Rattle咔嗒声 Rumble隆隆声 Tick&Hash滴答声 Whine呜呜声
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Shake,Roughness,Boom,Moan振动,工作粗暴, 轰隆,呼啸声
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Target Consistency物体的组成
-Modal/component targets must be consist 组成的物体之间要相容 -Example:Steering Column Shake例如:操纵轴振动 Mode frequency must be >25Hz for wheel/tire 对于车轮或是轮胎的形状频率必须>25Hz Must avoid primary firing frequency 必须避开最初的点火频率
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Vehicle Level Targets
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Typical Noise Targets and Trends Vs.RPM 典型的易产生噪声的物体其响度随转速的 变化关系
DEW 98 WOT 1st Gear V6 RPM转速 2500 (转/分钟) Loudness 响度 15 3000 15 4000 20 5000 23 6000 25 Zwicker sones 单位:宋
2.1 Vehicle Level Powertrain NVH-Categorization
Vehicle NVH Awareness
Main Operation Conditions for Evaluation P/T NVH用主要的运行 工况来评估P/T噪声和振动
Tip-in微调 Lugging拖动 Light acceleration from cruise从中速轻微的加速 High torque low RPM高扭矩,低转速 1st gear USA-Automatic第一套传动装置 美国-自动的 2nd gear Europe-Manual第二套传动装置 欧洲-手动的
Body sensitivity&Modes 车身灵敏度和样式
Sound package capability消音性能
Mechanically Trans.Force机械传动产生的力 •Resonance 共振 •Force&vibration inputs施加的力和振动 •Frequency alignment频率表 •Historic problem老问题