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必修二unit1-unit4 单词测试

Unit1 Cultural relics

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. While all his classmates left, he still r ______ in the dark room.

2. Tom s ______ his friend by 10 years after the war.

3. You can see the edition is well d ______ and all the articles are well written.

4. I think he would come but it’s only a f ______ of mine.

5. We’d better r ____the box out of the room; it takes too much room.

6. I don’t like talking about people s ______.Why not point out their shortcomings in public?

7. There was no ______(证据) that they had stolen the car.

8. The ______(财宝) dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.

9. There are three other children entering the cave ______ (除了) Lin Tao and his brother.

10. I have always been ____(考虑) building another house in the yard.


1.The old couple ______ ______ ______ (从战争中幸存下来).

2.Do you think he did it accidenally or ______ ______ ?

3.The houses are specially ______ ______ the old people.


①The book is worth ___________ =The book is ______ ______ ______ read.

=It is ______ ______ the book.


______ ______ ______ you can’t sleep when you eat so much.


I ______ who he was, where he were from and why he came.


The police ______ ______ him everywhere. He was caught at last and now the police are ______ him. 三.用所给短语的适当形式填空

in return/take apart/think highly of/no doubt/in search of

1. After leaving the army, Mr Brown came to China ______ a job.

2. She mentioned the names of a few judges whom she did not ______.

3. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing______ .

4. There is ______ that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue.

5. ______the sentence______ and you’ll make its structure clear.

Unit 2 Olympic games

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. Do you know how many athletes will c______ in the game?

2. Our book starts with a______ history of China.

3. Meanwhile, a number of university students have v______ to drive buses while the strike lasts.

4. My brother has graduated from our school and soon he will be a______ to college.

5. My father p______ to buy a new bicycle on my 18th birthday.

6. My English teacher has a m______ way to make his classes lively and interesting.

7. In the morning,he often does some exercise to build up his p______ strength.

8. We will buy some flowers to ______ (代替) the old furniture in the room.

9. They have decided to ______ (做广告) for their products.

10. What a waste of time to ______ (讲价) for everything!



He believed that nobody could ______ ______ him.


More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to ______ ______ the first prize.

3.他参加过两届奥运会了。He has now ______ ______ two Olympics.


He ______ ______ ______ a member of the basketball team


Only 200 children ______ ______ ______ the school every year.


Will you ______ ______ ______ the window?

7他被控犯谋杀罪。He ______ ______ ______ murder.


Do you think museums should ______ ______ admissions?


He ______ ______ ______ the farm after his father’s death.


If you ______ ______ them they might reduce the price

11你也来吗?Are you coming ______ ______ ?

12他每三天来看他的父母一次。He comes to see his parents ______ ______ ______ . 13我仍然不习惯早起。I’m s till not used ______ ______ ______ early.


in charge of/as well as/stand for/bargain with/compete for

1. Young children usually ______ their mother’s attention.

2. Who will be ______ the company when the manager resigns?

3. He,______ his classmates hopes to go camping on Sunday.

4. What do the letters PRC ______?

5. The woman was ______ the shopkeeper over the price of the coat.

Unit3 Computers

Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. I ______(实在) can’t do such stupid behaviour.

2. Now students are in need of good ______(科技的) books badly.

3. Use your ______ (聪明才智), and you’re sure to achieve something.
