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History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell
The Classical Period (古典时期) 480 BC – 323 BC
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell
• Which was the strongest city-state?
• Detail of the ethnographic chart of Meyers Konversationslexikon, 4th edition 1885-1890, to illustrate the notion of "Aryan" and "Caucasian" at the time.
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell • When did Greek Civilization begin? – Crete circa 2200 BC (克里特岛) – Minoan Period (米诺斯文明) – Legendary ruler: Minos
in a nutshell
• A Dark Age (黑暗时期)came…… – Poverty – Political confusion – For more than 200 years
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell
• Archaic Age <古风时期> – Around 750 to 480 BC – Old-fashioned – Still innovative – City-states – Olympic Games began circa 776 BC
– Deities‘ wills learned (signs/words) – Appearance of temples
Gods Classified
• Gods
– No single version of the genealogy – Two accounts widely recognized
• Dravidians and Singhalese (green)
Beginning of Greek Belief
I. Ghosts
– Belief in
• Powers not perceptible to the senses • Souls • Goblins or ghosts
– Burial sacrifices(殉葬品)
– Man trying to please them – Three mains forms of worship
• Purification (water) • Prayer (promises in set phrases) • Sacrifice (later-burning sacrifices)
• The 20th century racial classification by American anthropologist Carleton S. Coon, divided humanity into five races: • • • • • Caucasoid race 高加索人种(白种人) Negroid race 尼格罗人种(黑种人) Capoid race 非洲开普人种 Mongoloid race 蒙古人种 Australoid race
– Sparta – Athens
– Greco-Persian Wars (490 BC - 479 BC) (希波战争)(对外) – Peloponnesian War (431 BC – 404 BC) (伯罗奔尼撒战争)(内战) – weakened both
History of Ancient Greece
Beginning of Greek Belief
• IV. Worship
– Deities
• • • • • Soul-like or daemonic being Chance success (prayer, sacrifices,etc.) Pictured as a living being Free from earthly limitations Important as gods
– Caucasian Race: (blue tint)
• Aryans [European Aryans and Indo-Aryans; "Aryans" corresponds to "Indo-Europeans", "Indo-Aryans" to "Indo-Iranians"] • Semites 闪米特 • Hamites 含米特
坦塔罗斯first King of Lydia (因泄露天机被 罚永世站在上有果树的水中, 口渴想喝水时 水即减退, 腹饥想吃果子时树枝即升高)
狄俄尼索斯(酒神, 即罗马神话中的Bacchus) 古代斯巴达的别称(传说他建立斯巴达城, 并以其妻子之名Sparta为该城命名)
Gods Classified
– Mongolian Race
• North Mongolian (light yellow) [corresponds to "Altaic"] • Tibetans (dark yellow)
– Negroid Race
• African Negroids (dark brown)
– uncertain classification
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell Where was ancient Greece? >mountainous peninsula >juts in the Mediterranean Sea >numerous rocky islands off the coast >settled wider area SEE WORLD MAP
• Theogony 《神谱》 by Hesiod (8th century BC) • The Library《书库》by Apollodorus (2nd century BC)
Gods Classified
• 1. Creation of the Gods
Chaos 混沌之神 卡俄斯
in a nutshell
• What next? – Alexander the Great died in 323 BC. – The Hellenistic period (希腊化时期) began
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell
• Romans came in 146 BC • Part of Byzantine Empire 拜占庭帝国(395) • Byzantine capital • Constantinople 君士坦丁堡 • Istanbul 伊斯坦布尔 • Byzantine fell to Ottoman Turks 奥斯曼土耳其 in 1453
Greek Mythology
Ancient Greece
The Great Fountain
science technology
Western Civilization
Another Fountain
The Judeo-Christian Civilization
九位缪斯女神(文艺、美术 、音乐等)
西弥斯(法律与正义女神) 迈亚(昴宿七姐妹之一)
霍莉(时序三女神) 摩涅莫辛涅(记忆女神)
塞默勒(腓尼基王子Cadmus之女) 尼俄伯(她的十四个儿子因自夸而全被杀死, 她悲伤不已, 后化为石头) [诗]因丧失孩子而终身悲叹的妇女 first king of Arcadia, the ancestor of the Pelasgians
—Cronus‘s other children disgorged —Zeus made war on Cronus and the Titans —new regime on Mount Olympus
拉达曼提斯(冥府三判官之一),铁面无私的法官 欧律诺墨(海洋女神) 艾莉西雅 (生育女神) 狄俄涅(冰海女神)(土卫四) 安提俄珀/安提奥佩 阿尔克墨(底比斯国王涅安菲特律翁Amphitryon之妻) 卡利斯托(nymph)(木卫四)
Gaea 地母 盖亚
Tartarus 冥府神 塔Biblioteka Baidu塔洛斯
Eros 性爱之神 厄罗斯
Uranus = Gaea 天神 乌拉诺斯 Cyclopes 3个独眼巨人 The Titans (including Cronus & Rhea) 十二提坦神
Gods Classified
• 2. Cronus 克罗诺斯 and Rhea瑞亚
Zeus's Consorts and Offspring Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods, had many relationships with Greek goddesses and mortal women that resulted in offspring. Zeus even gave birth to a child without a mother—Athena, the goddess of wisdom, sprang from his head. Metis 美狄丝 is considered to be Athena‘s mother because, as one story relates, she was Zeus‘s pregnant wife when he swallowed her just before Athena emerged from his head. Zeus married his sister Hera after Metis‘s death.
• Generally reputed ancestors as heroes
Beginning of Greek Belief
III. Nature and Elemental Powers
– Nature-daemon – Little distinction between them
(male or female)
– Underground Gods
• Translated without dying underground • Receive offerings • Exert influence in the neighborhood (rings a bell?)
– Prophecies in dreams – Curing diseases
• Human offerings (real way) • Sacrifices of beasts (symbolic)
– Souls avenge neglect – Corpse coming back to life
Beginning of Greek Belief
II. Nether-World Powers: Heroes
珀尔塞福涅(被冥王劫持娶作冥后) 阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)
赫拉克勒斯(大力神) 安菲翁 泽萨斯/西苏斯
珀尔修斯(杀女怪美杜莎 Medusa 的英雄) 勒托 阿耳特弥斯(月神与狩猎女神) 赫耳墨斯(人神间的信使) 墨提斯 雅典娜(智慧,技艺与战争女神)
Hestia 女灶神 赫斯提 (hearth) Hera 婚姻女神 赫拉 Zeus 天神 宙斯 Hades 冥王 哈德斯 Demeter 丰饶女神 得墨忒耳 Poseidon 海神 波塞冬
Escaped being swallowed
Gods Classified
• 3. Zeus and the Olympian Gods
in a nutshell
• How did Greek power end? – Conquered by Macedonia 马其顿(338 BC) – A kingdom to the north – Greek civilization continued……
History of Ancient Greece
History of Ancient Greece
in a nutshell • Then What? – Mycenae(迈锡尼时期) (war culture) – A city on mainland Greece – War in Troy, Asia Minor
History of Ancient Greece