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除非你是万里挑一的幸运儿,否则你的第一份工作绝不会是你梦想中的样子。但不管你的第一份工作有多么差劲,它仍然能教给你受益终生的五件事为你的未来奠基的东西。人生第一份工作,你学会了什么?You Are Expendable 牺牲精神

Getting a degree, working your way up in a company, and getting a nice position that's difficult to attain can make you forget one very important lesson: you can be replaced.


People Skills Are Just As Important as Hard Work 社交能力和努力工作同样重要

Many bosses will stay happy so long as you can get work done and do it well. However, that

only really sustains your current job. If you want to move forward, make connections, or get a better position, people are the way to get there. This doesn't just get you in good with your boss, it helps work get done more effectively.


Company Culture is a Huge Factor in Determining Your Happiness 企业文化决定着你的幸福感

You may get lucky enough to like your boss, but you probably won't. That's okay, though! You don't

have to like your boss. You should, however, try to find a company culture you mesh well with. Your first job is a great chance to learn what type of culture you get along with.


Jobs That Aren't in Your Field Can Still Help Your Career 非本专业工作仍可为未来职业铺路

Most of us have certain jobs that we'd like to have more than others. The essence of pursuing a career

is working towards those jobs, but the ones you have in between are crucial to getting you there. Sometimes what you need most from a job is to learn skills related to your field.


Know When It's Time to Quit 掌握辞掉工作的时机

It almost certainly won't be your last. At some point you're going to make the decision that it's time to leave. Maybe it's because you're unhappy, maybe it's because you want more money, or maybe it's just time for a change. Whatever your reason, you need to know how and more importantly, why to leave a job.


