








研究内容:1. 分析电影中各角色之间的语言交际方式和语码转换现象;2. 探究不同语言使用者的社会文化背景和影响因素;3. 研究电影中的情感表达和语言符号的象征意义;4. 探讨语言使用者之间的权力关系及其对语言表达的影响。


参考文献:1. Hall, Stuart, and Paul Du Gay. Questions of Cultural Identity. Sage, 1996.2. Kress, G., & van Leeuwen, T. (2006). Reading images: The grammar of visual design. Routledge.3. Scollon, R. (2001). Mediated discourse as social interaction: A study of news discourse. Longman.4. Wodak, Ruth, and Michael Meyer. Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. Sage publications, 2009.。

(精品)劳伦斯《儿子与情人》读书报告 (英文版)

(精品)劳伦斯《儿子与情人》读书报告 (英文版)

The Book Report - A Sample劳伦斯生于一八八五年九月十一日,一九三零年三月二日死于肺痨,终年四十四岁,是世界文学史上重要得不能再重要的人物。






劳伦斯临死前将自己的一生概括为:A savage enough pilgrimage(残酷的朝圣之旅)。


Sons and Lovers is a novel written by David Herbert Lawrence and it was first published in 1913 in London by Wyman & Sons.D. H. Lawrence was born at Eastwood, Notts, on September 11, 1885, the fourth child of a miner who had been employed at Brinsley Colliery since he was 7 years old. In 1911, his first novel The White Peacock was published.Sons and Lovers is divided into two parts and is composed of 15 chapters altogether. The story, set in England, can be interpreted as an autobiographical novel of Lawrence. The hero of the book, Paul Morel, is the second son of a miner's family. His mother, Mrs. Morel, is a daughter of a mid-class family. Because of the differences in family background and education, a shadow is soon cast upon the married life of Mrs. Morel. And this shadow is darkened by Mr. Morel's laziness and alcoholism. By misfortune or bad luck, Mr. Morel has an accident and becomes a cripple, which changes him into a man of bad temper. As a result, the couple shares less and less the things in common and is driven farther and farther apart from each other. Little by little, Mrs. Morel transports her attention and love to her children, especially her two sons, William and Paul. She encourages them to leave the small mining region for a big city to find opportunities for a better life. After the death of her first son, William, because of hard work and pneumonia(肺炎), Mrs. Morel's divided attention and love is poured completely upon Paul. The mother's abnormal love robs Paul of his normal love for his girl friend.Sons and Lovers has always been claimed since its publication to be another version of Oedipus complex*. But D. H. Lawrence is in no sense an imitator. Sons and Lovers is trulyan autobiographical novel. It describes an ordinary life of a coal miner's family. The abnormal love from the mother deprives Paul of his independent personality and mental health. It is perhaps because of this true picture of life that the novel has won Lawrence everlasting reputation.Oedipus complex: (psych) love of an infant for the parent of the opposite sex, with jealousyof the other parent. The term originated from a Greek myth in which King Oedipus killed his father and married his mother.(心理学上)(儿子对母亲的)恋母情结(及对父亲的嫉妒);(女儿对父亲的)恋父情结(及对母亲的嫉妒)。



《儿子与情人》论文:《儿子与情人》中的男性气质【中文摘要】D. H.劳伦斯是20世纪英国的杰出文学家,《儿子与情人》是他的第三部小说,也是他的第一部重要的小说。



















读书报告姓名:王晓琳班级:07英语一班学号:L0715101指导教师:韩玲Sons and LoversSons and Lovers was The third published novel of D.H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist. This autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community. The original 1913 edition was heavily edited by Edward Garnett who removed eighty passages, roughly a tenth of the text. Despite this the novel is dedicated to Garnett. It was not until the 1992 Cambridge University Press edition that the missing text was restored.It is the first of David Herbert Lawrence’s major works, and is still considered to be one of his best .It was first published in 1913 London by Wyman and sons. Sons and Lovers was the first of Lawrence’s major works, and is still considered to be one of his best. The 1913 novel was partly autobiographical and was set in the coalmining village of Bestwood.Lawrence rewrote the work four times until he was happy with it. Although before publication the work was usually called Paul Morel, Lawrence finally settled on Sons and Lovers. Just as this changed title makes the work less focused on a central character, many of the latter additions broadened the scope of the work thereby making the work less autobiographical. While some of the edits by Garnett were on the grounds of propriety or style, others would once more narrow the emphasis back upon Paul. Sons and Lovers appears to really mean sons as lovers, and it is more appropriate for the book, because the sons are more lovers than sons.David Herbert Lawrence was born in 1885 in Nottinghamshire, England where his father was a miner. His experience growing up in a coal-mining family provided much of the inspiration for Sons and Lovers. Lawrence had many affairs with women in his life, including a longstanding relationship with Jessie Chambers (on whom the character of Miriam is based), an engagement to Louie Burrows, and an eventual elopement to Germany with Frieda Weekley. Lawrence began working on the novel in the period of his mother’s illness, and often exp resses this sense of his mother’s wasted life through his female protagonist Gertrude Morel. Letters written around the time of its development clearly demonstrate the admiration he felt for his mother - viewing her as a “clever, iron ical, delicately moulded woman”- and her apparently unfortunate marriage to his coal mining father, a man of “sanguine temperament”and instability. He believed that his mother had married below her class status. Ratherint erestingly, Lydia Lawrence wasn’t born into the middle-class. This personal family conflict experienced by Lawrence provided him with the impetus for the first half of his novel - in which both William, the older brother, and Paul Morel become increasingly contemptuous of their father - and the subsequent exploration of Paul Morel’s antagonizing relationships with both his lovers, which are both invariably affected by his allegiance to his mother.Lawrence’s first two novels, first play, and most of his early short stories, including such masterpieces as “Odour of Chrysanthemums” and “Daughters of the Vic ar” (collected in The Prussian Officer, and Other Stories, 1914), use earlyexperience as a departure point. Sons and Lovers carries this process to the point quasi-autobiography. The book depicts Eastwood and the Haggs Farm, the twin poles of Lawrence’s early life, with vivid realism. The central character, Paul Morel, is naturally identified as Lawrence; the miner-father who drinks and the powerful mother who resists him are clearly modeled on his parents; and the painful devotion of Miriam Leivers resembles that of Jessie Chambers. An older brother, William, who dies young, parallels his’s brother Ernest, who met an early death. In the novel, the mother turns to her elder son William for emotional fulfillment in place of his father. This section of the original manuscript was much reduced by Garnett before publication. Garnett’s editing not only eliminated some passages of sexual outspokenness but also removed as repetitive structural elements that constitute the establish ment of a pattern in the mother’s behaviour and that explain the plural nouns of the title. When William dies, his younger brother Paul becomes the mother’s mission an d, ultimately, her victim. Paul’s adolescent love for Miriam is undermined by his mother’s dominance; though fatally attracted to Miriam, Paul cannot be sexually involved with anyone so like his mother, and the sexual relationship he forces on her proves a disaster. He then, in reaction, has a passionate affair with a married woman, Clara Dawes, in what is the only purely imaginary part of the novel. Clara's husband is a drunken workingman whom she has undermined by her social and intellectual superiority, so their situation mirrors that of the Morels. Though Clara wants more from him, Paul can manage sexual passion only when it is split off from commitment; their affair ends after Paul and Dawes have a murderous fight, and Clara returns to her husband. Paul, for all his intelligence, cannot fully grasp his own unconscious motivations, but Lawrence silently conveys them in the pattern of the plot. Paul can only be released b y his mother’s death, and at the end of the book, he is at last free to take up his own life, though it remains uncertain whether he can finally overcome her influence. The whole narrative can be seen as Lawre nce’s psychoanalytic study of his own case, a y oung man’s struggle to gain detachment from his mother.The first draft of Lawrence’s novel is now lost and was never completed, which seems t o be directly due to his mother’s illness. He did not return to the novel for three months, at which point it was titled “Paul Morel”. The penultimate draft of the novel coincided with a remarkable change in Lawrence’s life, as his health was thrown into tumult and he resigned his teaching job in order to spend time in Germany. This plan was never followed, however, as he met and married the German minor aristocrat, Frie da Weekley. According to Frieda’s account of their first meeting, she and Lawrence talked about oedipus and the effects of early childhood on later life within twenty minutes of meeting.The third draft of “Paul Morel”was sent to the publishing house heinemann, which was repulsively responded to by William Heinemann himself. His reaction captures th e shock and newness of Lawrence’s novel, “the degradation of the mother [as explored in this novel], supposed to be ofgentler birth, is almost inconceivable”, and encouraged Lawrence to redraft the novel one more time. In addition to altering the title to a more thematic “Sons and Lovers”.Heinemann’s response had reinvigorated Lawrence into vehemently defending his novel and its themes as a coherent work of art. In order to justify its form Lawrence explains, in le tters to Garnett, that it is a “great tragedy”and a “great book”, one that mirrors the “tragedy of th ousands of young men in England”.Sons and Lovers contains many autobiograp hical details. Many of Lawrence’s novels were very controversial because of their frank treatment of sex, and both The Rainbow and Lady Chatterley’s Lover were banned during his lifetime. This controversial treatment of sex is ev ident as well in Sons and Lovers; Lawrence’s fear of negative public opinion may have been one reason for his vague use of language and the obscure treatment of sex i n the novePerhaps Sigmund Freud’s most celebrated theory of sexuality, the Oedipus complex takes its name from the title character of the Greek play Oedipus Rex. In the story, Oedipus is prophesied to murder his father and have sex with his mother (and he does, though unwittingly). Freud argued that these repressed desires are present in most young boys. (The female version is called the Electra complex.) Sons and Lovers tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist, this autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community.The refined da ughter of a “good old burgher family” Gertrude Coppard meets a rough-hewn miner at a Christmas dance and falls into a whirlwind romance. But soon after her marriage to Walter Morel, she realizes the difficulties of living off his meager salary in a rented house. The couple fight and drift apart and Walter retreats to the pub after work each day. Gradually, Mrs. Morel’s affections shift to her sons, beginning with the oldest, William.As a boy, William is so attached to his mother that he doesn’t enjoy the fair without her. As he grows older, he defends her against his father’s occasional violence. Eventually, he leaves home for a job in London, where he begins to rise up into the middle class. He is engaged, b ut he detests the girl’s superficiality. He dies, and Mrs. Morel is heartbroken, but when Paul catchpneumonia, she rediscovers her love for her second son. Both repulsed by and drawn to his mother, Paul is afraid to leave her but wants to go out on his own, and needs to experience love. Gradually, he falls into a relationship with Miriam, a farm girl who attends his church. The two take long walks and have intellectual conversations about books, but Paul resists, in part because his mother looks down on her. At work, Paul meets Clara Dawes, who has separated from her husband, Baxter.Paul leaves Miriam behind as he grows more intimate with Clara, but even she cannot hold him, and he returns to his mother. When his mother dies soon after, he is wrence summarised the plotin a letter to Edward Garnett on 12 November 1912:It follows this idea: a woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life. She has had a passion for her husband, so her children are born of passion, and have heaps of vitality. But as her sons grow up she selects them as lovers — first the eldest, then the second. These sons are urgedinto life by their reciprocal love of their mother — urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, t hey can’t love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives, and holds them. It’s rather like Goethe and his mother and Frau von Stein and Christiana — As soon as the young men come into contact with women, there’s a split. William gives his sex to a fribble, and his mother holds his soul. But the split kills him, because he doesn’t know where he is. The next son gets a woman who fights for his soul — fights his mother. The son loves his mother — all the sons hate and are jealous of the father. The battle goes on between the mother and the girl, with the son as object. The mother gradually proves stronger, because of the ties of blood. The son decides to leave his soul in his mother's hands, and, like his elder brother go for passion. He gets passion. Then the split begins to tell again. But, almostunconsciously, the mother realises what is the matter, and begins to die. The son casts off his mistress, attends to his mother dying. He is left in the end naked of everything, with the drift towards death. This is the most autobiographical of all Lawrence’s works as the author himself had a similar relationship with his own mother. The use of this oedipal theme is one of a number of Freudian concepts he used throughout his books. Like many of his works, Sons and Lovers was criticized when first published for obscenity and one publisher called it “the dirtiest book he had ever read” but compared to his later works it is quite constrained.and Lovers is divided into three parts. The hero of the book, Paul Morel is the second son of a miner family. His mother, a woman of character and refinement goes into the lower class, and has no satisfaction in her own life. She has had a passion for her husband, her children are born of passion, and have heaps of vitality. But because of the differences in family background and education, a shadow is soon cast upon the married life of Mrs. Morel. And the shadow is darked by Mr. Morel’s laziness and alcoholism. As her sons grow up she selects them as lovers-first the eldest, then the second. These sons are urged into life by their reciprocal love of their mother-urged on and on. But when they come to manhood, they can’t love, because their mother is the strongest power in their lives, and holds them. It’s rather like Goethe and his mother and Frau Von stein and Christi ana-as soon as the young men come into contact with women, there’s a split. William gives his sex to a fribble, and his mother holds his soul. But the split kills him, because he doesn’t know where he is. The next son gets a woman who fights for his soul-fights his mother. The son loves his mother-all the sons hate and are jealous of the father. The battle goes on between the mother and the girl, with the son as object. The mother gradually proves stronger, because of the ties of blood. The son decides to leave his soul in his mother’s hands, and like this elder brother go for passion. After the deathof her first son, William, because of the hard work and pneumonia, Mrs. Morel divided attention and love is poured completely upon Paul. The mother’s abnormal love robs Paul of his normal love for his girl friend, the split begins to tell again. But almost unconsciously the mother realizes what is the matter, and begins to die. The son casts off his mistress, attends to his mother dying. He is left in the end naked of everything, with the drift towards death.Paul assuages his guilty, incestuous feelingsby transferring them elsewhere, and the greatest receivers are Miriam and Clara (note that transference is another Freudian term). However, Paul cannot love either woman nearly as much as he does his mother, though he does not always realize that this is an impediment to his romantic life. The older, independent Clara, especially, is a failed maternal substitute for Paul. In this setup, Baxter Dawes can be seen as an imposing father figure; his savage beating of Pa ul, then, can be viewed as Paul’s unconsciously desired punishment for his guilt. Paul’s eagerness to befriend Dawes once he is ill (which makes him something like the murdered father) further reveals his guilt over the situation. This is the most autobiographical of all Lawrence’s works as the author himself had a similar relationship with his own mother. The use of this oedipal theme is one of a number of Freudian concepts he used throughout his books. Like many of his works, Sons and Lovers was criticized when first published for obscenity and one publisher called it “the dirtiest book he had ever read” but compared to his later works it is quite constrained.Sons and Lover s was D.H. Lawrence’s first major novel. His only major novel, some would say; but even readers who are out of sympathy with him, or who feel that his gifts were not really those of a novelist, have usually been happy to make a wholehearted exeception in this one case.It is a book that goes straight to the point, at the outset and at almost every subsequent stage. Between them his two methods leave us in no doubt where the heart of his story is to be located.Gertrude Morel is a woman of high priciples, of character and refinement. Her husband is a miner who can barely read and write. Marrying him for passion, she is bitterly disappointed by his rough manners, his drinking, what she can only see as his weakness and irresponsibility. When the book opens, the marriage has already turned into a battlefield, and the love she has withdrawn from Morel is being redirected toward the first of her children. Such is the world into which Paul Morel is born.“Never trust the artist, trust the tale.”---here, as so often,his own maxim seems sound advice. There is no reason to suppose that Sons and Lovers would have been a better book if Lawrence had made Paul an aspiring author, but it would no doubt have been a more literary one. We might have seen more evidence,for example, of the remarkable couse of reading that Lawrence undertook together with Jessie Chambers. We might even have learned something of how he developed his style.Lawrence adds a twist to the Oedipus complex: Mrs. Morel is saddled with it as well. She desires both William and Paul in near-romantic ways, and she despises all their girlfriends. She, too, engages in transference, projecting her dissatisfaction with her marriage onto her smothering love for her sons. At the end of the novel, Paul takes a major step in releasing himself from his Oedipus complex. He intentionally overdoses his dying mother with morphia, an act that reduces her suffering but also subverts his Oedipal fate, since he does not kill his father, but his mother. l Initially, I was not sure that I would like this book, but with each page that I read, I became more and more involved in the story. It was an excellent read and shows how manipulative a mother can be in controlling her children. The psychological hold that she had onher sons was something that they were not able to break. It also shows how influenced we can be by the interaction between our own parents.D.H. Lawrence was aware of Freud’s theory, and Sons and Lovers famously uses the Oedipus complex as its base for exploring Paul’s relationship with his mother. Paul is hopelessly devoted to his mother, and that love often borders on romantic desire. Lawrence writes many scenes between the two that go beyond the bounds of conventional mother-son love. Completing the Oedipal equation, Paul murderously hates his father and often fantasizes about his death.At first,I was not sure that I would like this book, but with each page that I read, I became more and more involved in the story. It was an excellent read and shows how manipulative a mother can be in controlling her children. The psychological hold that she had on her sons was something that they were not able to break. It also shows how influenced we can be by the interaction between our own parents.。



























其中,他的小说《儿子与情人》(Sons and Lovers)尤为著名,深入剖析了家庭与性欲之间的复杂关系。





















1 2
情人作为儿子的爱情对象,她的出现打破了母子 之间的情感平衡,促使儿子对爱情和亲情进行深 刻反思。
其他家庭成员的存在丰富了故事的情感层次,他 们的行为和态度对儿子的情感选择产生了影响。
社会环境作为故事背景,为角色塑造提供了依据 ,同时也对角色的行为和选择产生了影响。

小说中人物在追求自由和幸福的过程中,往往受到社会道 德观念的束缚和压迫,反映了当时社会道德观念的僵化和
小说中展现了家庭关系的复杂性和扭曲现象,如父母对子 女的过度控制、子女对父母的依赖等,反映了当时社会家
小说中人物的爱情和婚姻往往受到社会地位、金钱等功利 因素的影响,揭示了当时社会对爱情和婚姻的功利化倾向
小说通过对家庭、社会环境的细致描绘,展现了当时英国工业小镇 的生活风貌。
作品中的人物形象鲜明,具有代表性,如母亲莫瑞尔太太的溺爱、 儿子保罗的挣扎等,都反映了现实生活中人们的真实情感和困境。
作品揭示了家庭、婚姻、爱情等社会问题,对人性进行了深刻的探讨 。


2.1.1 Origin of“Oedipus Complex”








































毕业论文题目 On the Theme of Sons and Lovers 院系外国语学院专业英语年级 2008级学生姓名学号指导教师On the Theme of Sons and Lovers论《儿子与情人》的主题学生指导教师摘要:《儿子与情人》是劳伦斯早期作品中最著名的一部,也是他的成名作。






关键词:劳伦斯;《儿子与情人》;畸形母爱;恋母情结;工业文明ABSTRACTSons and Lovers is the one of the most significant works of David Herbert Lawrence as well as his first big success. Although this book once suffered being prohibited, it drew readers' attentions and gained recognitions in literature rapid ly in a few decades after being rescind the prohibition. In this book, Lawrence realistically reproduces a British miner's family life in the twentieth century with realistic technique, and exposes that in order to strive for higher economic and social sta tus, people needs to pay a heavy price under the influence of industrial civilization. The novel mainly depicts the deep and intense emotion in people's inner world, and focuses on the love and hatred between people which they cannot control under that social circumstance, with the protagonist's family itself and his love life as its center. Therefore, this thesis attempts to analyze the theme of Sons and Lovers in detail from the Morels' misfortunes, such as the failed marriage results in Mrs Morel's shift in sentiment; the death of William who is always the hope of his mother brings about a huge blow to Mrs. Morel; Paul becomes the whole of his mother's life instead of William; Mrs.Morel's devotions to her sons and controls of their minds result that they fail to possess normal and successful love lives and so on. While, the roots of the series of tragedies are the social problems and disharmonious relations brought about by the industrial civilization , which is also the theme of Sons and Lovers.Key W ords: wrence; Sons and Lovers; deformed Love; Oedipus complex; industrial civilizationContentsIntroduction (1)Part I A Failure in Marriage (4)1.1 Mrs. Morel's Dream of Marriage (4)1.2 A Marriage of Love and Hatred (4)1.3 Mrs Morel's Changed Attitude to Her Husband (5)Part II Mrs Morel, William and His Girl Friend (7)2.1 William's Social Success (7)2.2 William and His Girl Friend (7)2.3 Mrs. Morel's View of William's Death (8)Part III Mrs. Morel, Paul and Miriam (10)3.1 Mrs. Morel's Expectation of Paul (10)3.2 Miriam's Influence on Paul (11)3.3 Mrs. Morel's Dislike of Miriam (12)Conclusion (14)Bibliography (16)Acknowledgments (17)四川大学锦江学院本科毕业论文论《儿子与情人》的主题IntroductionDavid Herbert Lawrence is one of the most unique and controversial English writer s in the twentieth century, whose masterpieces are Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, Women in Love, and Lady Chatterley's Lovers. He was born in a miner family without notable reputation and high diploma. What makes him so distinctive is his talent. His creations are deeply influenced by family background and Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, which result in the fact that his works are mostly exploring family, marriage and sex. What is more, Lawrence’s bold descriptions of sex in his books once triggered off a tremendous splash and were forbidden for a long time. Therefore, he complained that nobody could understand his writings in three hundred years (wrence). For Lawrence, he insisted that the fade of sex led to spiritual barrenness and un-civilization of English, and Britain would not come back to life until letting sex return to its natural condition (毕冰宾). After the prohibition against his works was rescinded, he soon became popular and welcomed by general public.Sons and Lovers is one of Lawrence's most important novels, which is regarded as an autobiographical novel and breaks the writing conventions of the former writers. He depicts the protagonists' complicated inner world from his special view, lyrical style, vivid details, and bold idea s. It is not only a novel presenting the author's real life, revealing the ugliest aspect s of society in nineteenth and twentieth centuries, of all round dirty mines and miners' miserable conditions, but also exposing various contradictions and problems arising with the development of capitalistic industrial civilization, of distorted human relationships and negative physical and mental influence on human beings (张文静). Therefore, this novel is a masterwork in English literary history and world literature that is worth exploring.Some scholars focus on Mrs. Morel's deformed love for Paul. Mrs. Morel is a well-educated woman from a middle class family, so her marriage with Mr. Morel – a miner with coarse speech and bad temper –dooms to be a failure. After her disappointment of her husband and desperation of her marriage, Mrs. Morel devotes1all her love to her children. Therefore, Paul becomes her only hope and emotional trust after William's death. She not only continuously encourages and supervises Paul to edge into the middle classes and polite society, but also controls him in spirit and interferes with his courtship. Because in her eyes that Paul is her lover, and is part and parcel of her life, which satisfies her emotional need of not just being a mother, but also a wife and a woman. However, both of them are suffering from this kind of possessive love (甄桂英;尹树文;杨琳).Some scholars focus on Paul's Oedipus complex. As a psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud, Oedipal Complex means a boy's desire to possess his mother sexually and oppose to his father in an unconscious way. Oedipus Complex derives from a Greek mythology in the fifth century B. C.. It tells that the king of Thebes, Oedipus, unwittingly kills his father and marries his mother, then brings disaster on his city and family (Oedipus). While, in Sons and Lovers, it mainly depicts the lingering feeling of love between the mother and the son. Paul’s emotional attachment to his mother is generally regarded as Oedipus complex. Mrs. Morel's control of Paul's soul and feelings, and her abnormal mother love accepted by Paul result in that he is largely dependent on his mother. On one hand, he is a boy who is sensitive to mother's troubles and likes staying even sleeping with her. He is also full of responsibility to her. Because of this, he often curses his father to die. On the other hand, he indulges in the Oedipus complex too deep to get rid of his mother's fatal influences when he dates with his girl friend. And he cannot really fall in love with anyone. Therefore, he gradually realizes that he is unable to get married only if his mother is alive (刘国英;李晋瑜;程明静, 卓杨;王毅).Some scholars focus on the root of family tragedy of the industrial civilization. The early twentieth century of Britain was a period of industrial revolutio n. At that time, the majority of people were happy for the huge profits and economy growth. D.H. Lawrence, however, realized the destructiveness. He believed that industrial civilization improved the human beings' material civilization, but at the same time seriously destroyed the original harmonious relation between people,suppressed the human nature, ruined the person's physical and mental health. In Sons and Lovers, allkinds of distorted human relationships are resulted from those unharmonious elements of modern civilization. And a series of tragedies are produced like the "domino effect". The industrial civilization puts Mr. Morel, a miner, in a tough living conditions. Under the great pressure of life, his marriage is at risk. Facing the massive differences between the before-marriage and the after-marriage, as well as the ideal and the reality, Mrs. Morel estranges her husband but gets close to her sons, which leads to excessive intimate mother-child relationships. Then the intricate family ties deprive the sons of abilities to fall in love with other girls normally. Therefore, the tragedy of last generation extends to the next generation. That's why we can say industrial civilization is the evil root (刘国英;张文静;武瑞).In my opinion, the theme of Sons and Lovers is involved in the abnormal interrelationships and their main causes.Part I A Failure in Marriage1.1 Mrs. Morel's Dream of MarriageMrs. Morel is a well-educated lady with pious faith. In a Christmas ball, she falls in love with the handsome and humorous Walter Morel, and then they get married. Because of different family and educational backgrounds, they are also different in outlook on life (覃艳容)."Mrs. Morel came of a good old burgher family, famous independentswho had fought with Colonel Hutchinson, and who remained scoutCongregationalist...Gertrude resembled her mother in a small build. Buther temper, proud and unyielding, she had from the Coppards "(Lawrence6).What's more, Mrs. Morel's ideal type husband should like her father who is a cultured gentleman with masculinity and belief. "Her father was to her the type of all men "(Lawrence 8). Therefore, she is fascinated when she meets the "well set-up, erect, and very smart"(Lawrence 7). Walter Morel. And she expects to marry a miner who is full of charm and vigor, with independent economy, own house and bank savings. But at the seventh month after marriage, she finds that her husband is a poor and indebted man. This accidental discovery shatters her dream (覃艳容).1.2 A Marriage of Love and HatredIt seems that the marriage between Mr. Morel and Mrs Morel is a tragedy, because both of them are suffering from it. On one hand, Mrs. Morel is disappointed with her husband who reconciles to ordinary life, wallows in enjoying life and makes no efforts to improve the living conditions and gain respects. She also hates him for drinking heavily, and being rude to her as well as the children."The pity was, she was too much his opposite. She could not be contentwith the little he might be; she would have him the much that he ought tobe. So, in seeking to make him nobler than he could be, she destroyedhim"(Lawrence 12).On the other hand, Mr. Morel can't withstand the request, arrogance and aggressiveness of his wife. He is just an ordinary miner who wants to live freely without too much luxury."She fought to make him undertake his responsibilities, to make himfulfill his obligations. But he was too different from her. His nature waspurely sensuous, and she strove to make him moral, religious. She tried toforce him to face things. He could not endure it-it drove him out of hismind"(Lawrence 11).However, we can still find couple's warmth and affection between them. For example, she defends for him before neighbors; she feels silly after quarreling with him for cutting William's hair; she experiences warmth and peace on the bed hearing the sound he made in the garden; she wants a kiss from him when she is giving birth; she still speaks highly of his nice figure even he is already a middle-aged man; she is so grieved for his illness."...she was almost a fanatic with him, because she loved him, or had loved him"(Lawrence 12). As for Mr. Morel, he is attracted by his wife all the time. Most times, he is afraid of her, and follows her directions. He feels sorry for scolding and beating her, sympathizes with her laborious business."During his illness his wife had spoilt him a little. Now he wanted her tocontinue. He often put his band to his head, pulled down the comers ofhis mouth, and shamed pains he did not feel"(Lawrence 32).For theses reasons, there are not only fights and contradictions, but also pleasant memories in this relationship. And just because love and hatred both exist in the marriage, their emotions are complex and agonizing.1.3 Mrs Morel's Changed Attitude to Her HusbandAfter marriage, the cruel reality shatters Mrs. Morel's dream as a young girl. She maintains the essential family living and raises her children up in a dreadful condition. At the same time, Mr. Morel is not a gentle and thoughtful man any more.With heavy manual work and burden of family life, he begins to drink heavily, be rude and unreasonable, and vents his anger on his wife and children. This triggers of a discordant and hostile relationship. Mrs. Morel gradually changes her attitudes to her husband along with the birth of children and the broken love.The first time she starts to change her attitude is that she sees through her husband's lies and knows what they live in now is a rented house. "She said very little to her husband, but her manner had changed towards him. Something in her proud, honorable soul had crystallized out hard as rock" (Lawrence 10). She is extremely lonely and sad for the disillusioned dream. So she despises her husband, and turns from him to the child. She cares very little that he does. Only, she scathes him with her satire on his return . And then they become emotionally estranged from each other.With the birth of their second child, Mrs. Morel doesn't crate trouble for herself by not fighting with him like before and not thinking of his hateful behaviors. Therefore, "there was a state of peace in the house for some time. Mrs. Morel was more tolerate of him, … Neither knew that she was more tolerate because she loved him less"(Lawrence 32). At this moment, Mrs. Morel's calm attitude is not yielding to her husband or marriage, but giving up, because love is ebbing in an unspectacular way.The last change is the end of their love and marriage. Mrs. Morel no longer spends time in arguing uselessly with him. She shows him completely indifference and unconcern which drives out him from her world, then devotes to two sons with her life. As one proverb says that the opposite of love is not hatred, but unconcern. This time, Mr. Morel has a feeling of being abandoned, and realizes that "it was really over between them"(Lawrence 33).Part II Mrs Morel, William and His Girl Friend2.1 William's Social SuccessWilliam is the eldest son in the Morel family who is brilliant and excellent. He is always the proud of his parents from childhood, and gains social success by tirelessly pursuing his ideal life. At the age of thirteen, he begins his first job. Then he becomes one of the best stenographers and bookkeepers. In his nineteen, he gets a job in Nottingham for thirty shillings a week which is admired by neighbors,but he still studies till very late. Finally he finds a job in London with one hundred and twenty pounds per year which is a huge amount of income."In London he found that he could associate with men far above hisBestwood friends in station...so he began to fancy himself as a great gun.He was, indeed, rather supervised at the ease with which he became agentleman"(Lawrence 63).Although his living environment is rather poor, and family is unhappy, he enters into the gentry class all the same by his own. He can make friends everywhere for his extroverted character, and challenge authority for his sense of justice. He can do all the things that men do-the decent things (Lawrence 37). What's more, he can give dual attention on enjoyment and learning. All of these contribute to his social success.2.2 William and His Girl FriendWilliam is deeply loved by Mrs. Morel for his excellence, and wants to get rid of the trammel of motherly love. So the courtship becomes the only way to save him. He begins to pursue a Gypsy girl, Lily, who is beautiful in appearance but simple in mind, and is even engaged with her despite his mother's opposition. William should be happy at this moment, but he feels a strong sense of complications and contradictions in the love between his girl friend and him.On one hand, William is always accompanied by his mother and influenced by her complicated character, arrogance and stubbornness. In addition to that he reads alot of books, and he looks down upon the foolishness and decadence of the upper class. Lily understands nothing except for amorism and following fashion. "But often he got irritable. She had brought, for an eight-days' stay, five dresses and six blouses".(Lawrence 91) So William has a deep aversion to his fiancée with the expectation of a kindred spirit, not a noisy lover who just regards him as a machine to pay her bills. Besides, he never makes disguise of his disdain and scorn to Lily in front of his mother, and even digs at her to his mother's face. "Read a book! Why, she's never read a book in her life" (Lawrence 92). On the other hand, he inherits his father's emotional side which let him yearn for the ardent and passionate love life. He can't resist Lily's fantastic appearance and treats her tenderly (刘芳).Just because William fails to reach the balance between reason and emotion, the love between his girl friend and him is also contradictory and torturous. We can get this from the description of Lawrence."William was silent, and later he repented, kissed and comforted the girl.Y et it was true, what he had said. He hated her...All summer longWilliam's letters had a feverish tone; he seemed unnatural and intense.Sometimes he was exaggeratedly jolly, while usually he was flat andbitter in his letter"(Lawrence 94).2.3 Mrs. Morel's View of William's DeathMrs. Morel gives lives to her sons who also naturally become the spokesmen of her life. So she takes for granted that sons' successes are her triumph. It likes a guaranty that sons' lives are mortgaged to their mother for being taught and guided. Then William is accepted by London's upper class soon which brings comfort and honor to her mother who is struggling in adversity. However, fate always likes to push people into the abyss when he is full of hope. William's short life is gone with wind without blossoming. After his death, Mrs. Morel is in a trance. And her hopes come to naught."In the house she was the same-small, white, and mute. She noticednothing, she said nothing...then she relapsed into the same mute lookinginto space...Mrs. Morel could not be persuaded, after this, to talk and takeher old bright interest in life. She remained shut off"(Lawrence 97-99).Although she is extremely upset, she never realizes the real cause of her son's death. She just thinks that he dies from overwork. Because, she knows that he is a hard-working boy, "and she knew he sat up afterwards in his cold bedroom grinding away at Latin, because he intended to get on his office, and in the law as much as he could".(Lawrence 64) Even the whispered words he says when he is dying is about his work.In fact, it's Mrs. Morel's excessive demand of emotion and dominance that causes this tragedy. And she never knows that her aggressive interference and sentimental infiltration give rise to the departure. On the one hand, he has to bear his profligate fiancée in material, and doubts her loyalty of love in spirit; on the other hand, he must endure his mother's control and occupation of his mind. This kind of pressure from body and mental leads to his death (章学文).Part III Mrs. Morel, Paul and Miriam3.1 Mrs. Morel's Expectation of Paul"Paul was rather a delicate boy, subject to bronchitis. The others were all quiet strong, so this was another reason for his mother's difference in feeling for him"(Lawrence 46). Especially, after the death of William, Paul becomes the only hope of Mrs. Morel who gives him all her love. "In him was established her life now. After all, the life beyond offered very little to Mrs. Morel. She saw that our chance for doing is here, and doing counted with her"(Lawrence 158). In addition to that she has a certain degree of cultural cultivation, so she eagerly hopes that her son can gain higher economic and social status. She urges him to work hard, be free of mining areas, and encourages him to prefer niceness, such as flowers, sunset or some beautiful gadget (刘积源). Besides, Paul also turns into her target of venting the inner world's anguish. Every night, she waits for his coming, unburdens herself and tells him what occurs in the whole day. She has mind control on him to stop him from loving another people, which can make up for her regret of having a disappointing husband and unhappy marriage that only exist in name. Therefore, Paul is not just his mother's son but also a lover to satisfy her both in material and spirit. Mrs. Morel expects Paul to realize all her unfilled dreams.With regarded to Mrs. Morel's expectations, Paul gives her enthusiastic response. He is largely dependent on her and extremely sympathizes with her sufferings from childhood. As long as he stays with her, he is full of love and responsibility. "...he also could not bear to go home to his mother empty. That, he felt, would disappoint her, and he would have died rather" (Lawrence 48). For these reasons, he hates his father who is an incapable husband, irritable drunkard, and destroys the family's happiness. Sometimes, he even curses his father to die. His ambition is that living with he mother in a small house where is not far away from home after her father passing away. Mrs. Morel occupies the most important place in Paul's heart and is the one he really loves.3.2 Miriam's Influence on PaulMiriam is Paul's first love who is a beautiful girl with curly black hair. She is shy and sensitive with strong religious faith. Even the slightest vulgar behaviour is an agony for her. Although she defies men, Paul commands her respect with a brand new image and a little learning. She is fascinated by him. Hence, she wants to build up a genuine and platonic relationship with Paul.There are pure appearance and source of ideas what an artist needs upon Miriam. Paul is always eager to show her his every piece of work after getting it done on account of that she will speak highly of his works all the time, even sometimes they are unintentional. Meanwhile, he can acquire a lager imaginary space when he is discussing the works with her. And with Miriam's encouragement, Paul's desire to paint is much more intense (张慧军). Plus, he also can talk about celebrities, poems and culture, exchange ideas with her, which enhances his insight and lets him have a more profound understanding of other things. In this regard, Miriam is different from Mrs. Morel who does not care about Paul's art but himself and his achievement. Miriam pays attention to the art itself, and his personality.In the process of dating with Miriam, Paul absorbs pure sense and soul exchange from her which are needed by personal growth. We can say that her love helps him heading for maturity in spirit (张慧军). Miriam is Paul's soul mate who gives him the spiritual comforts. But about sex, her religious faith leads her to consider it dirty and stick to the concept of virginity."...because of the continual business of birth and of begetting which goeson upon every farm, Miriam was the more hypersensitive to the matter,and her blood was chastened almost to disgust of the faintest suggestionof such intercourse" (Lawrence 115).So, Paul follows her and restrains his desire by all means. He is always in a detached state to transform his fire of love into the subtle consciousness. He would rather suffer from it than hurt her feelings, because the sacred sentiment of his mother is offended by his father. He won't let it happen again. However, in the bottom ofPaul's heart, the true love is not only in mind, but also in body. Hence, he is tortured by their platonic love and decides to leave her.3.3 Mrs. Morel's Dislike of MiriamMrs. Morel rests her hopes and affections on her sons through her disillusion of her husband. After the death of her beloved William, she devotes all efforts in Pa ul, which develops into a deformed motherly love. She takes great care of him in life, and regards him as a love object in spirit. She attempts to possess all his emotions. And she is very pleased to go out with him after freshening up shyly, which is the happiest moment in her life. In her eyes, Paul is her lover to fill her emotional vacancy and fulfill her aspirations. As a result, she is always on the alert to prevent anybody and anything from tempting him to deviate from the goal of life which is set by her. But before long, Miriam enters into their world and falls in love with Paul. Mrs. Morel has a feeling of hurt about Paul and hatred about Miriam immediately when they are together. So "She could not bear it when he was with Miriam. William was dead. She would fight to keep Paul" (Lawrence 158).Miriam is a girl with religious and charming temperament. Her platonic love controls Paul's mind to a certain degree. He goes to her home frequently and goes back late at night. He likes to stay and chat with her which let them grow very close. Mrs. Morel is irritated by all of these. She complains to Paul that "...I am old. And therefore I may stand aside; I have nothing more to do with you. Y ou only want me to wait on you-the rest is for Miriam"(Lawrence 151). And she hates Miriam who wants to possess Paul as she does. She feels that her son's soul is taken away by this girl and "She's not like an ordinary woman, who can leave me my share in him. She wants to absorb him"(Lawrence 136). Hence, she often bad-mouths Miriam before Paul and pours out her anguish. Besides, she even tells him that she never has a real husband to profess her love bluntly. In order to defeat Miriam completely, she does not oppose strongly to the fact that Paul is dating with another girl who is a couple of years older than her, because this woman presents no threat to her.Paul becomes increasingly impatient and sullen, as he is caught in the middle between Miriam and Mrs. Morel. He is cruel to Miriam and quarrels with his mother. Both of them are hurt. However, Mrs. Morel blames these negative changes on Miriam. She hates Miriam because she believes that this vicious girl changes Paul into this and destroys their happiness.Miriam is a devote believer and has an unrealistic attitude about life, which is contradictory to Mrs. Morel again who is a practical woman. Just as on the matter of Paul's artistic development, Miriam focuses on his art itself, while Mrs. Morel pays attention to the achievement that the art brings. Gradually, Paul begins to depend solely on Miriam along with his enhanced artistic level and excludes her mother in this respect, which turns into Mrs. Morel's another reason to hate Miriam (张思武).Mrs. Morel is an arrogant woman for her family background. So she hopes that her son can marry a notable maiden who is well-matched with him to consolidate his social position in the middle class. Miriam has a humble origin which is disdained by Mrs. Morel. And at last, Paul indeed doesn't marry Miriam and breaks up with her for several reasons. But Mrs. Morel's strong dislike for Miriam and her pressure on Paul must be much harder to ignore as their separation factors.ConclusionBritain experienced an industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, and entered into the era of industrial civilization. In society at that time, people's natural living environment was damaged, while flesh and spirit were suppressed and damaged. So the relations between people, especially the gender relations lost balance. Sons and Lovers mainly depicts a series of tragedies caused by the disharmonious gender relations under the industrial civilization in nineteenth century (庞炜).Mr. Morel is a miner who is struggling for a minimal living. After a long time of hard work bay by day, he is reduced to a slavery of industrial society without dignity and happiness. He becomes rude, insolent and an alcoholic binge. However, he marries a lady who is well-bred from middle class. She is resentful about her husband's rudeness and the family condition. Then couple's conflicts and unhappy marriage distort the relations between family members.The imbalanced gender relations in the era of the industrial civilization were also represented by gender inequality. At that time, female is at the bottom of society. But they were called "angle in the house". Although they were in low position, they are priority in morality(陆伟芳). In the novel, Miriam is often humiliated by her brothers at home. So she thinks that all men are savages. She longs for a meaningful life, but there is no space to let satisfy her in reality. She only can hold unpractical imagines. Hence, she just wants to have a platonic love with Paul, and rigorously avoids everything about sex. Then conflicts come into being because Paul eventually can't bear Miriam's traditional concept of sex. He is a common people with sexuality awareness. And this is the major cause of their separation.The highly industrialized society urges more and more people to promote their economic and social status by all means. And Mrs. Morel is one of them. Her dissatisfactions about her husband's income and status make her put all hopes on her sons. William dies at a young age which is a fatal blow for her. So she devotes all her love to Paul. At last, she can't live without him for her excessive attachment. As for。







1. 劳伦斯小说中的自然主题:分析劳伦斯四部小说中的自然描写和自然意象,探究小说中自然主题的体现和功能。

2. 人类与自然环境之间的关系:分析劳伦斯小说中人类与自然环境之间的关系,并探究人类对自然环境的影响及其后果。

3. 生态批评视角下的文化价值:从生态批评的角度出发,分析劳伦斯小说在文化价值上的体现,探究小说对于生态保护的积极意义和启示。





儿子与情人:戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯的禁欲与情欲主题分析1. 引言在戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯的小说《儿子与情人》中,禁欲与情欲是重要的主题。


2. 禁欲主题分析禁欲在《儿子与情人》中体现在多个层面上。





3. 情欲主题分析情欲在《儿子与情人》中扮演着重要角色。




4. 禁欲与情欲之间的对比在《儿子与情人》中,禁欲与情欲形成鲜明对比。



5. 结论通过分析《儿子与情人》这部小说中禁欲与情欲主题,我们可以看到戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯在文学中对于个体自由、社会规范以及道德观念进行了深入探讨。





























儿子与情人现实意义和启示【原创版】目录1.引言:介绍《儿子与情人》这本书的背景和作者2.主题一:儿子与父亲的关系3.主题二:情人与现实生活的关系4.主题三:自我救赎与成长5.结论:书籍的现实意义和启示正文《儿子与情人》是英国作家 wrence 的一部半自传体小说,通过描绘主人公保罗与母亲、父亲、情人之间的微妙关系,剖析了家庭、爱情、成长等主题。















































儿子与情人的开题报告1. 研究背景随着社会的不断发展,家庭关系也出现了新的变化。





2. 研究目的本研究旨在探讨儿子与情人之间的关系对家庭稳定性和个体幸福感的影响,并分析情人关系在家庭关系中的角色演变。





3. 研究内容为了达到上述研究目标,本研究将采取以下步骤:3.1 文献综述对先前的相关研究进行综述,了解儿子与情人关系的研究现状和不足之处,为本研究提供理论和方法支持。

3.2 研究设计•样本选择:选择具备儿子与情人关系的家庭作为研究对象,保证样本的代表性和多样性。



3.3 研究结果基于对收集的数据进行分析,本研究将得出以下结论:1.儿子与情人之间的关系形式多样,包括依赖性、亲密性、冲突性等。



3.4 讨论与展望本研究的研究结果将呼应儿子与情人关系对家庭稳定性和个体幸福感的重要性。


4. 研究意义本研究的主要意义在于:1.丰富了家庭关系研究领域,拓宽了家庭关系的研究视角。






























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[6]谭焕新.Character Analysis on Paul Morel in Son and Lovers[J].Overseas English,2011,(7):243-245.
Title:An Analysis of Paul's Tragedy in Sons and Lovers
Thesis Statement:The main cause ofPaul's Tragedy inSons and LoversisPaul's“Oedipus Complex”. There are many complex reasons for it and it hadaffectedPaulin many aspects.
2.2.2 The Influence ofPaul'sFamily
2.2.3 The Influence ofPaul'sOwn Weakness
3TheConsequenceofPaul'sOedipus Complex
3.1 The Influence onPaul'sLife
3.1.1 The Influence onPaul'sIndividual Life
5. Conclusion
20世纪50年代以来,西方学者从很多不同角度研究劳伦斯的《儿子与情人》。肖勒在初评《儿子与情人》时就从这一方面分析了小说中两个主要主题的冲突:强烈母爱产生压抑的影响,和保罗在两次的两性关系中显示的灵肉之爱的分裂。肖勒认为劳伦斯在小说中暴露了他的弱点,就是没有使写作技巧发挥探讨小说内涵的作用。1951年肖勒改变了他的看法,他认为劳伦斯试图在小说中包含更多、更新更有重大道德意义的材料,比别的作家的作品都更能贴近读者。评论家多萝西·范·根特(Dorothy Van Ghent)也用形式与小说结构分析的方式对《儿子与情人》做了分析。
1. Introduction
1.1. Brief Introduction on Lawrence andSons and Lovers
1.2.Literature Review
t is“Oedipus Complex”?
An Analysis of Paul's Tragedy in Sons and Lovers
2.1.1 Origin of“Oedipus Complex”
2.1.2 Freud’s Theory of“Oedipus Complex”
2.2. Reasons forPaul's“Oedipus Complex”
2.2.1 The Influence of Social Background