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剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 -‐ 09 T est T hree-‐Section O ne
W: Sarah, I've heard that you want to move into a home-‐stay family, is that correct?
S: Y es, t hat's r ight. I've b een s taying w ith m y a unt a nd n ow m y c ousin i s a rriving from S ingapore a nd m y a unt n eed s erve a r oom f or h im.
W: Oh, that's bad luck. Well, I'll need to get some particulars first. Err, Sarah, what's y our f ull n ame?
S: S arah L him, a nd t hat's S arah w ith a h a t t he e nd.
W: Sarah, I've heard that you want to move into a home-‐stay family, is that correct?
S: Y es, t hat's r ight. I've b een s taying w ith m y a unt a nd n ow m y c ousin i s a rriving from S ingapore a nd m y a unt n eed s erve a r oom f or h im.
W: Oh, that's bad luck. Well I'll need to get some particulars first. Err, Sarah, what's y our f ull n ame?
S: S arah L him, a nd t hat's S arah w ith a h a t t he e nd.
W: E n, h ow o ld a re y ou S arah?
S: 23, o nly j ust. I t w as m y b irthday o n t he 21st o f A ugust.
W: A h, h appy b irthday f or y esterday. H ow l ong h ave y ou b een i n A ustralia?
S: A year in Adelaide and 6 months in Sydney. I prefer Sydney. I've got more friends h ere.
W: W hat's y our a ddress, y our a unt's h ouse?
S: F lat 1,539 F orest R d. C anterbury a nd t he p ost c ode i s 2036.
W: O kay. W hat y ou s tudy n ow?
S: I was studying general English in Adelaide. And now I'm doing academic English b ecause I'm t rying t o g et i nto m edicine n ext y ear.
W: T hat s ounds g ood, b ut i t'll t ake y ou a l ong t ime. W hen w ould y ou l ike t o m ove out f rom y our a unt's?
S: M y c ousin a rrives o n F riday m orning. S o I'd b etter t o b e o ut o n T hursday. W: W hat...the 7th o f S eptember. -‐S: Y es, t hat's r ight.
W: T hat d oesn't l eave u s m uch t ime. R ight, o kay.
I need to know what kind of accommodation you'd like, so I can get you something s uitable.
S: C an I s hare r oom w ith s omeone e lse.
I've been alone in my room of my aunt's and I've always shared with my sister and I l ike t hat.
W: Y es. F ine. T hat'll s ave y ou m oney t oo.
Would y ou l ike t o l ive w ith t he f amily o r d o y ou t hink t hat a s ingle p erson w ill b e
better f or y ou.
I h ave l ots o f v ery n ice s ingle p eople o n m y b ooks.
S: D o y ou h ave a ny w omen l iving a lone, r etired w omen?
W: Y es, I've q uite a f ew w hose c hildren h ave g rown u p a nd l eft h ome.
In f act, I h ave s ome r eally l ovely r etired l adies l iving b y t hemselves w ho j ust l ove the a ccompany o f s tudents.
Most o f t hem l iving i n f lats b ut t hat's n ot a p roblem f or y ou, i sn't i t?
S: N ot a t a ll. I'm u sed t o t hat. M y a unt l ives i n a f lat t oo, r emember?
I'm n ot u sed t o a b ig h ouse w ith a g olden s wimming p ool, p ets a nd s o o n t hat. W: O kay f ine. I k now q uite a b it a bout w hat y ou w ant n ow.
I s hould l et y ou k now t hat y our r ent w ill b e 160 d ollars p er w eek.
You'll h ave t o p ay m e 320 d ollars a s a d eposit b efore y ou m ove i n.
The d eposit i s a s i nsurance i n c ase y ou b reak s omething.
You n eed t o p ay m onthly t o m e b y c ash o r c heque, I d on't m ind.
You don't need to pay for gas, like electricity or water. But you'll need to pay your p roportion o f t he p hone b ill.
Most f amilies d o t hat o n t heir o wn s ystem b ut y ou h ave t o w ait a nd s ee.
(En) , H ave y ou g ot a ny m ore q uestions f or m e?
S: W hen w ill y ou k now w here I c an g o?
W: I'll work on it now. So come and see me tomorrow and I should have some news f or y ou t hen. -‐S: T hanks a l ot.
W: Goodbye, see you tomorrow. After lunch will be better for me. -‐S: Okay, see you t hen. B ye.
W: 萨拉,我听说你想搬进住宿家庭,是吗?
S: 没错。
W: 真不走运。
S: 萨拉·林穆,萨拉的结尾有一个h。
W: 萨拉,我听说你想搬进住宿家庭,是吗?
S: 没错。
W: 真不走运。
S: 萨拉·林穆,萨拉的结尾有一个h。
W: 萨拉,你多大了?
S: 刚23岁。
W: 祝你昨天生日快乐。
S: 我在阿德莱德待了一年,悉尼待了六个月。
W: 你姑姑家的地址是什么?
S: 坎特伯雷,福雷斯特路539号,1号公寓,邮编是2036.
W: 好的,你现在学什么?
S: 我曾经在阿德莱德学习通用英语。
W: 听起来不错,但是这会花费你很长时间。
你想什么时候从你姑姑家搬走? S: 我表弟周五早上回来。
W: 9月7日。
-‐S: 是的,没错。
W: 没剩下多少时间了。
S: 我能和别人合住吗?
W: 当然好。
S: 你那里有单独居住的退休女士吗?
W: 有,我这里有几个,她们的孩子都长大成人离家了。
S: 没关系。
W: 好的,我现在差不多知道你想要什么样的了。
S: 什么时候你知道我能搬去哪儿?
W: 我现在就开始找。
-‐S: 非常感谢。
W: 再见,明天见。
-‐S: 好的,到时候见。
剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 -‐ 10 T est T hree-‐Section T wo
GEOFFREY: Good evening, and in this week's edition of 'Focus on the Arts', Jane Hemmington is going to fill us in on what's in store for us at this year's Summer Festival. O ver t o y ou, J ane.
Jane: Thank you, Geoffrey. This year, the Summer Festival is the biggest we've ever s een, s o t here s hould b e s omething f or e verybody.
This i s t he t hird y ear t hey've r un i t a nd t he t iming's s lightly d ifferent: f or t he l ast couple of years it's been around the fifth to seventeenth, but this year they wanted to allow everyone enough time to recover from the first of January celebrations a nd t hey've p ut i t a t t he e nd o f t he m onth.
The p rogram h as s ensational t heatre, d ance a nd l arge n umber o f a rt e xhibitions, but t he t hing t he F estival i s m ost f amous f or i s i ts g reat s treet m usic.
For t oday's r eport t hough, G eoffrey, I'm l ooking a t s ome o f t heatrical e vents t hat you m ight l ike t o s ee; i n p articular, a t t his y ear's t heme -‐-‐ c ircuses.
I'm going to tell you about two circus performance, but there're plenty of others in t he p rogramme.
I've chosen these because they represent distinct movements within circus performance.
The f irst i s t he C ircus R omano f rom I taly.
As this is a travelling circus, it follows a long tradition by performing in a marquee, w hich i s r eally l ike a c anvas p ortable b uilding, u sually p ut u p i n a g reen space o r c ar p ark, r ather t han i n a t heatre o r s tadium.
In spite of this, Circus Romano isn't at all like the traditional circuses I grew up with.
There a re n o a nimals, j ust v ery t alented c lowning a nd a crobatic r outines.
The show has a lot of very funny moments, especially at the beginning, but the best p art i s t he m usic a nd l ighting. T hey're m agical.
At f orty-‐five d ollars i t's v ery e xpensive a nyway. I t's r eally f or a dult t astes.
In fact, much of it would be wasted on children, so I suggest you leave them at home.
The s econd c ircus p erformance i s C ircus E lectrica a t t he S tudio T heatre.
The p urists a re s uggesting t hat t his i sn't a c ircus a t a ll.
It's a showcase for skills in dance and magic, rather than the usual one you expect i n a c ircus.
With only six performers, it's a small production, which suits the venue well -‐-‐ the S tudio o nly s eats a bout t wo h undred p eople.
For my money it's the aerial displays which are outstanding as well as the magical t ricks -‐-‐ f eatures w hich a re m issing f rom C ircus R omano.
An i nteresting f eature o f t he s how i s t he p erformers a re s o y oung -‐-‐ t he y oungest
is o nly f ourteen.
But i t's s till w ell w orth s eeing, a g ood o ne f or t he w hole f amily.
And finally, as it's summer, you may wish to see some of the Festival performances t hat a re b eing p resented o utdoors.
Like the famous Mekong Water Puppet Troupe, performing in the City Garden this w eek.
Now w ater p uppetry i s a mazing.
It's l arge p uppets o n l ong s ticks, c ontrolled b y p uppeteers s tanding w aist d eep i n the l ake.
The p uppets d o c omedy r outines a nd t here i s s ome t errific f ormation d ancing. This is a fantastic show and the best one comes at the end -‐-‐ seeing the puppeteers.
When t he t roupe w alks u p o ut o f w ater, y ou g et t his a mazing f eeling.
It's r eally h ard t o b elieve i t w hat y ou've b een w atching i s l ifeless w ood a nd c loth. As an adult, I had a great time, but I did note that other older people in the audience w eren't q uite a s t aken w ith a s I w as.
It's a m ust f or y oung c hildren t hough, a nd t hat's t he a udience i t's r eally a imed a t. Well, that's all I've time for today, but I'll be back next week with more news of what's w orth s eeing a nd w hat i t's b est t o m iss.
剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 -‐ 11 T est T hree-‐Section T hree
Officer: H ello. E r, I'm D awn M atthews.
Student: Yes, hello. I've been referred to you because I'm enquiring about the refresher c ourses t hat y ou r un. I'd l ike t o f ind o ut a b it m ore a bout t hem. Officer: O K. W ell, w e r un q uite a f ew d ifferent s hort c ourses f or s tudents w ho a re either r eturning t o s tudy o r s tudying p art-‐time. U m, t ell m e a bout y our s ituation. Student: Well, I think I really need some help in preparing for the coming semester, e specially t o b uild u p m y c onfidence a b it a nd h elp m e s tudy e ffectively because y ou s ee, I've b een o ut i n t he w ork-‐force f or n early t wenty y ears n ow, s o it r eally i s a l ong t ime s ince I w as l ast a s tudent.
Officer: Y es, i t c an s eem l ike a l ong t ime, c an't i t?
Um, w ell, l et m e s tart b y t elling y ou w hat c ourses w e h ave t hat m ight s uit y ou. Are y ou a n u ndergraduate o r p ostgraduate? A rts o r S ciences?
Student: U ndergraduate, a nd I'm i n t he B usiness f aculty.
Officer: Right then. First of all, there's our intensive "Study for Success" seminar on t he f irst a nd s econd o f F ebruary.
It's a imed a t s tudents l ike y ou w ho a re u ncertain a bout w hat t o e xpect a t c ollege, and l ooks a t a f airly w ide r ange o f a pproaches t o u niversity l earning, t o m otivate you t o b egin y our s tudy a nd b uild o n y our o wn l earning s trategies.
Student: Mm, that sounds good. What're some of the strategies that are presented.
Officer: W ell, w e t ry t o c over a ll a spects o f s tudy.
Some o f t he s trategies i n w riting, f or e xample, w ould b e i mproving y our p lanning for writing, organising your thinking and building some techniques to help you write m ore c learly.
With reading, there will be sessions aimed at getting into the habit of analysing material as you read it, and tips help you record and remember what you have read.
It r eally i s v ery i mportant t o b egin r eading c onfidently r ight f rom t he b eginning. Officer: There's also advice on how to get the most from your lectures and practice i n g iving c onfident p resentations a s w ell a s h ow t o p repare f or e xams. Student: W hat a bout t he m otivational s ide o f t hings?
Officer: Ar, well, there's a range of motivational exercises that we do to help student f eel p ositive a nd e nthusiastic a bout t heir s tudy.
The process of learning and exploring a subject can lead to a whole new way of looking at the world and the study skills and techniques you build up can be applied i n a ll s orts o f d ifferent w ays.
Student: Actually, I... I'm very excited about the whole thing of taking up study again but, you know, I'm a little nervous about whether I'll manage to get everything d one.
I s uppose i t's t he s ame f or a ll m ature s tudents?
Officer: Of course, it is. Two of the key components of the course are time management a nd o vercoming p rocrastination.
People discover that, once they learn to plan their days, all the work can be accomplished a nd t here'll s till t ime b e f or l eisure.
Student:Is t here a n e nrolment f ee?
Officer: Well, er, oh, just a minute, let's see... Ah, the cost is 30 pounds, which includes a ll c ost m aterials a nd m orning t ea. Y ou h ave t o a rrange y our o wn l unch. Student: That won't be a problem. Er, I already make sandwiches for my three kids a nd m y w ife a nd m yself e very d ay. I w on't h ave t o c hange m y r outine. Officer: No. Now, I need to tell you that this is a very popular course and it's essential t hat y ou b ook w ell a head o f t ime.
In f act, t he C ourse C onvenor t ells m e t hat t here're o nly f ive p laces l eft.
Student: W hat o ther c ourse m ight b e g ood f or m e?
Officer: There's one other that you can benefit from. It's simply called 'Learning Skills for University Study' and is on three consecutive mornings starting on a Monday f rom 9 t o 12 a nd c osts 25 p ounds.
This is aimed at upgrading the study skills most school-‐leavers have and help them c ope w ith t he i ncreased d emands o f u niversity s tudy.
It f ocuses m ainly o n m aking s tudent m ore r esponsible f or t heir o wn s uccess. Student: W hat s ort o f t hings a re c overed i n t his c ourse?
Officer: Well, basically, it's more advanced thinking, note taking, reading and writing s trategies b ut a lso s ome i nput a bout s tress m anagement.
Student:I think I'd better off starting from the basics and looking at all the strategies, d on't y ou?
Officer: Yes, from what you've told me, I think that's more in line with your situation.
Student: Alright then, um, can I book a place on the 'Study for success' seminar course n ow?
Officer:Yes, l et m e j ust g et o ut a r egistration f orm a nd t ake d own y our d etails.
剑桥雅思听力全真试题 4 -‐ 12 T est T hree-‐Section F our
We're very grateful that the Committee has agreed that a representative for the Students' Union can present students' suggestions about the design for the proposed n ew U nion b uilding.
We a ppreciate t hat s ome o f o ur i deas m ay n ot b e f easible i n t he c ircumstances. But we do feel that it is important that the ultimate beneficiaries of the facilities should h ave s ome s ay i n i ts d esign.
If I could start by briefly explaining what steps were taken to find out student opinion, a nd h ow w e h ave a rrived a t c onclusions.
Firstly, a m eeting w as h eld i n t he c urrent U nion f or o ur S U c ommittee t o e xplain the o ptions.
Then we invited all students to submit written suggestions for the design, placing c ards i n a s uggestion b ox.
These suggestions then provided the basis for the design of a questionnaire which was completed by approximately two thousands of the College students over a p eriod o f t hree w eeks.
Finally, t he S U C ommittee c ollected t he r esults a nd d rew u p a r eport.
If I c an j ust h and a round t he c opy o f t hat r eport.
This presentation is essentially a summary and discussion of the key points of this r eport.
So, i n b road t erms, t he c onsensus w as a s f ollows.
Firstly, regarding the crucial matter of the site, we presented the three options that y ou h ave p roposed. O ne: i n t he c ity c entre, n ear t he F aculty o f E ducation; two: on the outskirts of the city, near the park , and three: out of town, near the halls o f r esidence.
We asked students to cite reasons for and against these sites, and .... and there was r emarkable a greement o n a ll t hree.
Site O ne w as u npopular b ecause o f t raffic a nd p arking p roblems.
Site Two had a number of supporters, mainly because it was close to most lecture r ooms.
And Site Three, out of town, near the halls of residence, was clearly the most popular b ecause o f a ccess f rom l iving q uarters.
It w as c lear t hat t he U nion w as m ainly t o b e u sed a fter l ectures.
It w as a lso f elt t he l arger s ite w ould a llow m ore r oom f or a c hoice o f f acilities. Our s econd a rea o f i nterest w as o bviously t he f acilities.
There was minimal interest in having a library on the premises. But one option seemed t o b e a r eading r oom i nstead, m ore u seful.
We w ould l ike t he c urrent t able g ames r oom t o b e r eplaced w ith a s mall g ym a nd if p ossible, s mall s wimming p ool, n ot, o f c ourse, O lympic s ize.
There was a large number of respondents in favour of a travel agent's and
insurance c entre.
We also request that there be the offices of the Student Counselling Centre, moving t his f rom t he R efectory.
There w as h owever m uch d isagreement a bout w hether t o b uild a d rama t heatre. Just over forty percent of the respondents were in favour, but largish minority were s trongly a gainst i t, c laiming t hat i t i s e litist a nd a w aste o f f unds. Essentially t he j ury i s o ut o n t hat.
Finally, given a number of unfortunate incidents in the current Union over the past f ew m onths, a s trong p oint w as r epeatedly m ade a bout s ecurity.
The recommendations would be at least video surveillance and security personnel w ho w ould c heck S tudent U nion c ards o n r equest.
We d oubt i f i t w ould b e f easible t o h ave a c heck r eception o f a ll p eople c oming i n. Well, t his i s t he s ummary o f t he v iews o f s tudent p opulation.
As I say, further details are given in our report but I'm happy to take any questions i f y ou h ave t hem...