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(四)教学指示语In class (在课堂上)

1. I can ' t hear you. 对不起,我听不见

2. Pardo n?对不起,你说什么

3. Try it again


31. Who can help him/her 32. Read after me .


33. Look at your books. 34. Do you un dersta nd? 35. Read slowly. 念慢些。 36. Read clearly.


37. Louder please./Speak louder. 大声点。

38. An swer my questio ns. 请回答我的问题。

39. All right./ That ' s right. 行/ 对。


What does it mea n? 这是什么意思?

4. All together now. 大家一起来

5. Take out your book.



看书上第二页 6. Put your book away.

7. Look at page 2 in your book.

8. Page 3, Li ne 5. 第三页,第五行

9. Turn to next page.

翻至 U 下一

10. Say it in a complete sentence. 11. C a n you say it in ano ther way? 12. Give me your no

tebook/homework. 13. Hold up your book. 14. Show me your picture.

15. Let me tell you a story.

用完整的句子说 你能换一种方式说么?


17. T ur n up the radio.. 18. Turn down the TV. 19. A re you finished? 20. Not yet. 还没有.

21. Is it correct?



给我看你的画 我来给你们讲故事

开灯/关风扇 把收音机大声点

把电视关小声点 好了么

22. Is it clear? Is that clear? 23. Any questio ns? 24. Any thi ng else? 25. Any volu nteers?

26. C an you follow me?


还有问题么? 还有什么要补充么? 有人自愿么?


27. Could you give me ano ther example? 28.

Are you sure? 你确定么

29. Are you OK?


30. I don ' t think so.


…?谁能帮他? 跟我





41.Say it in En glish. 42.Who will an swer this questio n? 43. Will you try? 你来试试好吗? 44.




45. C ome to the blackboard. 46. Go back to your seat. 47. Get ready for dictati on. 48. Now let ' s have dictation.

49、Your turn the next. 第二轮该你们。

50. I want all of you to an swer the questio n. 我希望大家一起回答这个问题。 51. That ' s all for today. 今天的课就上到这儿。 52. Take out your textbooks. 请把课本拿出来。 53. Close your books. 把书合上。 54. This way, please. 请走这边。 给你。 "student ” 55. H ere you are. 56. Spell the word 57.Is it correct? .请拼出“ student ”这个词。 对吗? 再说一遍。 58. Say it aga in. 59. Read the first paragraph. 60. T h ink it over. 考虑一下。 读第一段。 61. An swer my questi on, please. 62. Who can an swer the questio n? 63. L et me try. 让我试试。 64. Translate this sentence into English/Chinese. 把这句子翻译成英文 / 中文。 65. L et ' s have a chorus reading of the text. 现在大家一起来朗读课文。 66. A nalysis this sentence, please. 请分析这个句子。 67. Will you read the text, Jack ? 杰克,请读一下这篇课文。 68. G o on , please. 请接着读下去。 69. L et ' s start with the text.

请回答我的问题。 谁能回答这个问题? 我们先讲课文。

70.Please pay more atte nti on to your spell ing/ pronun ciatio n. 他有一个


请你纠正他的错误好吗? 71. H e made a mistake in grammar.

72. Will you lease correct his mistake? 请多注意拼写/发音。 73. We are going to have a revisi on less on today. 今天我们上复习课。 74.

What ' s the noun form of this word? 这个词的名词形式是什么? 75. Look up the word in the dictio nary. 在词典中查查这个词。 76.I am sorry. I didn ' t quite catch you. 对不起,我不太明白你的意思。 77. What part of speech is the word

"help ” ? "help ” 这个词是什么词性? 78. Is it a verb? 是动词吗? 79.11 is used as a noun here. 它在这里用作名词。 80、 Lear n someth ing new now. 现在学习新内容。 81、 Now let ' s play the dialogue out in pairs.

现在我们两人一组,练习对话。 82、 Whose go is it? You, be quick! 轮到谁了?你要快点。 组织性语言 83.Please pass these papers back. 84.Please clea n the blackboard/ the board.

只擦这一半。 86. Hand in your exercise books.

把本子交上来。 87. Put dow n your pen s. 把笔放下。


85.Just clean this half. 请把卷子传上来。 请你把黑板擦干净。 到黑板前面来。 回到你的座位上去吧。

准备听写。 现在听写。
