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Pay attention to the following instructions when writing.
1.要点齐全 2.语言正确 3.表达生动 4.行文流畅 5.适当发挥
如何使句子优美 如何使文章流畅
Sample 1
Sample 2
2.Too many people to the zoo will cause traffic jam .
Too many people to the zoo will _le_a_d_ __t_o__ traffic jam .
Too many people to the zoo will _r_e_s_u_lt __i_n__ traffic jam .
However, those who think differently belΒιβλιοθήκη Baidueve that the environment is important to one’s development and that graduates from leading universities are often
The students like
Some students prefer
to choose majors . They can to choose majors so that
learn interesting things . They they can learn what they
will have good jobs in the
They graduate from universities .They can
find good jobs. They can get much money.
I think students should go to a good university . We like it and we study hard at it.
likely to find a good job.
Sample 2
Some students prefer to choose majors so that they can learn wwhhaatttthheeyyaarreeiinntteerreesstteeddiinn. It will also
1)_T_h_i_s_b_o_o_k__w_a_s_s_o_i_n_t_er_e_s_t_in_g__th_a_t_I_r_e_a_d it again and again.
Elegance (语 言优美)
Coherence (行文连贯)
句式多变化 作文更优美
怎样使句式多变语言优美呢? 怎样用不同的表达方式表示相同的意义
怎样通过对句子结构的变化,使文章显得 更加丰富多彩
1.What surprised me most was that he didn't know me at all. → = It surprised me that he didn't know me at all. =To my great surprise , he didn't know me at all.
3.The man didn't know what he should do next.
=The man didn't know _w_h_a_t_ ____to __d_o___ next.
4.Hurry up, or you'll miss the train. =You won't catch the train __if___ you
are interested in . It will also
make it possible for them
The students believe that the to have their favorite jobs
environment is important to us . in the future.
mmaakkeeiittppoossssiibblleeffoorrtthheemmttoohhaavvee their favorite jobs in the future.
However, tthhoossee wwhhoo tthhiinnkk ddiiffffeerreennttllyy bbeelliieevvee tthhaatt the environment is important to one’s development and that graduates from leading universities are often likely to find a good job. In my opinion, the best choice is a good major at a good university. If we can’t obtain both, the first thing to consider is a good major, because nnoommaattteerrwwhheerree we study , we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.
___d_o_n_’_t _ hurry. =You will miss the train _u__n_le_s_s__ you
1) _A_lt_h_o_u_g_h_/__T_h_o_u_g_h__h_e__is__a__c_h_il_d_,__h_e_k_nows ___a_l_o_t_. ___________________________ 2)_C_h_i_ld__a_s_(_t_h_o_u_g_h_)__h_e__is__, _h_e__k_n_o_w_s__a__lot.