北京课改版英语六年级上册 答案

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3.I finished the piano lessons this afternoon. 4.Did you go to see your grandparents this summer? 5.Will you help me, please? 答案:1.climbed;mountains 2.swam 3.finished the piano 4.see your grandparents 5.please
参考答案 UNIT 1
听力部分 一、听力材料 1.Mike went back to Canada this summer. 2.We both had a great time. 3.I wrote a story this morning. 4.It took only two hours by bus. 5.My father went to the airport at 2:00 in the afternoon. 答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 二、听力材料 1.I didn’t return the books. 2.Did they win the football match? 3.I bought a pair of glasses for my grandma. 4.They want to enjoy the best food in Beijing. 5.I let them go back into the river again. 答案:3 5 2 1 4 三、听力材料 1.I climbed the mountains last Thursday. 2.He swam in the river last Monday.
UN来自百度文库T 3
听力部分 一、听力材料 1.I saw Jim in school on Monday. 2.We got up late and missed the flight. 3.They took the train to Tianjin. 4.We visited many bridges there. 5.I went to Beijing by air. 答案:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 二、听力材料 1.My father was angry, because I broke his glasses. 2.They drove to Qingdao last weekend. 3.Mr Bell invented the telephone. 4.We saw green hills there. 5.I go to school on foot. 答案:4 2 5 3 1 三、听力材料 1.We flew to Hangzhou last week. 2.I missed my passport in the hotel. 3.We went to the West Lake by bike. 4.They went around the lake on foot.
3.You hurt yourself again! 4.Be careful when you play. 5.The doctor gave me some pills. 答案:1.lucky; break 2.X-ray 3.hurt yourself 4.careful 5.pills
四、1.C 2.B 3.E 4.A 5.D 五、1.young 2.crying 3.chocolate 4.supper 5.neck 六、1.You hurt yourself again! 2.We had a lot of fun at the camp. 3.It’s only a scratch. 4.I drank a big bowl of soup. 5.Can you give me some pills? 七、1.wrong with 2.interested in 3.hospital because 4.afraid; too much 5.should; more 八、1.C 2.D 3.A 4.E 5.B 九、1.D 2.B 3.A 4.E 5.C 十、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
笔试部分 四、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 五、1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.A 六、1.had a great time/had a lot of fun 2.went to the airport 3.played with 4.climbed the mountains 5.learned to play the piano 七、1.Where did they go? 2.No, I didn’t./No, we didn’t. 3.What did you buy for her? 4.When did they go to school? 5.Wang Hong and I both had an interesting vacation. 八、1.C 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.B 九、1. during 2. farm 3. worked 4. interesting 5. swam 6. with 7. played 8. race 9. Who 10. next
十、1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T
听力部分 一、听力材料 1.Oh, Doctor. My ear aches terribly. 2.I thought kung fu is easy but it wasn’t. 3.Mum, we had a football match, but I hurt my leg. 4.Don’t be upset, Mum. 5.I said you should stop eating too much. 答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 二、听力材料 1.I had a piece of chocolate cake for breakfast. 2.Please do not have supper. 3.I broke my left arm. 4.What happened to your neck? 5.I cried because I fell down. 答案:1.✕ 2. 3.✕ 4.✕ 5.✕ 三、听力材料 1.You are lucky you didn’t break your neck. 2.We’ll have to take an X-ray first.