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Some interesting expreesion
Some other things!
Rowan Atkinson was born on 6 January 1955 . The y were considered middle working class. Rowan ha d two older brothers . These two brothers were goi ng to go into careers in finance, therefore leaving t he farm to be inherited by Rowan.
罗温.艾金森于1955年1月出生,他们被认为是中产阶 级。这个家庭在STOCKFIELD拥有一个农场。罗温有两 个哥哥。他们都进入了金融业,所以把农场留给了 ROWAN。
Some other things!
Rowan was an active member of school. He was in charge of running the school's film all mirror his interest for unusual an d physical comedy.
在1990年新年第一天,MR .BEAN的第一集就有了 估计1300万的观众。MR.BEAN迅速成功并且在所 有国家受到欢迎,因为ROWAN尽可能不用语言。
Some funny picture!
Some funny piture!
Although Mr Bean's IQ is only known as "007", but Atkinson himself have a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Oxford. Britons think the most important in recent years he has created the comic role, and found he was born on eat this bowl of rice. 55-year-old, he also features as "rubber"-like flexibility, and funny look fine when really it combined with Mr Bean. After ten years, Mr Bean return to screen with the new movie " Johnny EnglandⅡ".
虽然憨豆先生的智商号称只有“007”,但 艾金森本人可是拥有牛津大学的电机工程 学位。英国人认为他创造了近年来最重要 的喜剧角色,而且认定他天生就该吃这碗 饭。 现年55岁的他,五官还能犹如“橡皮 ”般伸缩自如,搞笑时表情细腻,真是与 憨豆先生合二为一了。时隔十年,憨豆先 生带着新作重返银幕,让我们拭目以待。
Mr Bean is a "a little clumsy, a little naive, a little way thinking, a little shy, but also a little short guy,His sense of comedy comes from you and I are likely to occur in daily life.". He was dressed normally very typical middle-class British conservative dress.He play very little dialogue, almost all rely on "the rich body movements" and "changing the face" to show to the audience.
That all ,tank you!
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
憨豆先生是个“有一点 笨拙、有一点幼稚、有 一点单向思维、有一点 腼腆、又有一点短路的 家伙,他的喜剧感来自 你我都有可能会发生的 日常生活中”。他平日 的穿着则是非常典型的 英国保守中产阶级的装 扮。剧中他的对白极少, 几乎都是靠“丰富的肢 体动作”和“变化多端 的表情”来呈现给观众。
I like him..
ROWAN在学校是个很活跃的人。他负责主持学 校的电影协会,反映出他对用身体表达幽默 的与众不同的喜剧的兴趣。
Some other things!
On New Year's Day of 1990, the first episode of Mr. Bean brought an estimate 13 million to the television to watch. Mr. Bean was an im mediate success and appealed to all countri es because Rowan used as little language as possible