


Do you want a taxi?

Yes,please.To the Anhui Hotel.

I can take you there.

Thank you.


(1) taxi 出租车;

(2) hotel 饭店,宾馆;

(3) apple 苹果;

(4) book 书;

(5) tea 茶;

(6) I 我;

(7) can 能够;

(8) there 那里.


(1) Do you want ……?你想要……?

(2) I can ……. 我能够……?

(3) take you there . 带你去那儿。

Class 2:Ask passenger for destination: Where do you want to go?


Last time we learned how to greet a passenger , and we practiced the magic sentence “Do you want a taxi?”Today, we are going to learn how to ask the passenger where he wants to go. So , today’s magic sentence is“Where do you want to go?”(上次课我们学习了怎样招呼客人,我们练习的魔术句子是“你要出租车吗?”。今天,我们要学习如何问客人的目的地,我们要联系“你想要去哪里?”)

First of all , let’s check whether you still remember la st class , listen to the dialogue we learned last time , see if you can repeat with us , ready?(首先,让我们来检查一下你是不是还记得上次课的对话,试着和我们一起说,准备好了吗?)


D : Do you want a taxi ?P : Yes , please. To Anhui Hotel.D : I can take you there.P : Thank you.

Now , listen to the dialogue for today.(现在,听听今天的对话吧。)

P : Hi , taxi ! D : Yes ,madam , where do you want to go ? P : Please take me to Xinhua bookstore. D : Please get in.

今天的这位乘客不用我们招呼,自己来找出租车:“Hi , taxi !”意思是说:“I want a taxi.”(我要出租车)。这是叫出租车,如果叫公交车,就得说:“Hi ,bus(公交车).”不过一般公交车是不理人的哦。客人要车,我们当然得热情点,说:“Yes , madam.”(是的,太太。),热情完了,得知道客人想上哪去呀,这时我们就用上我们今天的魔术句子“Where do you want to go?”,也可以简单的说成“Yes ,madam , where to?”,也就是“Where do you want to go?”的意思。那么,客人今天想上哪儿去呢?她说:“Please take me to Xinhua bookstore. ”(请带我去新华书店。)也可以简单的说成“To Xinhua bookstore.”,还可以说成“I want to go to Xinhua bookstore.”,这样说比较正式。客人说了目的地了,那么赶紧请客人上车吧,我们应该说:“Please get in.”(请上车。),那么下车怎么说呢?如果客人很不客气,我们就可以对她说:“Please get off.”(请下车。)。唉,公交车站那儿有一个提公文包打领带的,开过去问问吧:D : Taxi ? (要出租车吗?) P : No , thank you. (不,谢谢你。)D : But where are you going ? (但是你要去哪呢?)P : I can take bus. (我可以做公共汽车。)

Class 3:How are you today?


Last time we learned how to ask a passenger about where he wants to go , and we practiced the magic sentence “Where do you want to go ? ”. T oday , we are going to learn how to start a conversation with a passenger. So , today’s magic sentence is“How are you ?”(上次课我们学习了怎样招呼客人,我们的魔术句子是“你想要去那里?”。今天,我们要学习如何和客人进行交流,我们要练习的魔术句子是“你好吗?”) First of all , let’s check whether you still remember last clas s , listen to the dialogue we learned last time , see if you can repeat with us ,ready?(首先,让我们来检查一下你是不是还记得上次课的对话,试着和我们一起说,准备好了吗?)

P : Hi , taxi ! (出租车!)D : Yes ,madam , where do you want to go ? (是的,太太,你想要去哪呢?)P : Please take me to Xinhua bookstore. (请送我去新华书店。)D : Please get in. (请上车吧。)

Now , listen to the dialogue for today.(现在,听听今天的对话吧。)

D:Taxi ?P:Yes , I want to go Peace Hotel.D:Sure,please get on.P:Thank you.(afert getting on)D:How are you?P:I’m fine , and you.D:Great.

前四句的对话是我们在招呼乘客,首先我们问乘客要出租车吗,说:“Taxi?”意思是说:你要出租车吗?客人回答说:“Yes , I want to go Peace Hotel.”(是的,我要去和平饭店。)客人说了目的地了,那么赶紧请客人上车吧,我们应该说:“Sure,please get on.”(好的,请上车。)客人回答:“Thank you.”也就是对我们表示感谢。等客人上车坐定之后,我们可以试着和客人交流交流,就可以说“How are you?”,意思是:“你好吗?(或者你怎么样?)”。客人回答说:“I’m fine , and you ?”,意思是:“我很好,你呢?”,我们可以回答:“Great!”,意思是:“好极了。”。

Class 4 :When can we arrive ?


Last time we learned how to greet a passenger so as to start a conversation , and we practiced the magic sentence “How are you”. Today , we are going to learn how to talk with a passenger on traveling time . So , today’s magic sentence is “When can we arrive ?”.


D :Do you want a taxi ?

P :Yes , please take me to the train station .

D :Of course.

P :How are you ?

D :Fine , and you ?

P ;Couldn’t feel better ? By the way , when can we arrive there ?

D :About 20 minutes , if the traffic is good .

P :OK , not bad , let’s go .

首先,我们问客人是不是要出租车:“Do you want a taxi ?”,这句话在之前的课程中已经遇到过好几次了,意思是“你要出租车吗?”。客人是这样回答我们的:“Yes , please take me to the train station .”,意思是说“是的,我要出租车,请送我到火车站。”。客人说了目的地了,我们应该说:“Of course.”(“当然可以”),意思是我当然可以送你去那儿。客人上车了,聊聊天吧,他问司机今天感觉怎么样,说:“How are you ?”。那么,我们应该回答:“Fine , and you ?”(我满好的,你呢?)。客人是怎么回答的呢?他说:“Couldn’t fee l better ?”,意思是“难道不能更好一点吗?”。这个回答满有意思的吧?我们的客人虽然感觉还不错,但是却希望能够再好一点。然后,他还问了一句:“By the way , when can we arrive there ?”,意思是“顺便问一下,我们多久可以到那儿?”。那么我们应该怎么回答呢?我们可以说:“About 20 minutes , if the traffic is good .”,意思是“如果交通顺畅的话,大概要20分钟。”。客人知道行车时间了,就会说:“OK , not bad , l et’s go .”(好的,还不错,我们走吧!)。

Class 5: How much is the fare?


Last time we learned how to talk with a passenger on traveling time, and we practiced the magic sentence “When can we arrive”. Today, we are going to learn how to talk with a passenger on fare/money. So, today’s magic sentence is “How much is the fare?”上次课我们学习了怎样与客人谈论行车时间,我们练习的魔术句子是“我们什么时候可以到呢?”。今天,我们将要学习如何与客人讨论车费,我们要练习的魔术句子是“这次车费是多少?”

Now, listen to the dialogue for today:现在,让我们听听今天的对话:(Getting to the destination)(到达目的地后) P: Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare?/What is the fare?/How much should I pay you?D: 18

yuan, please.P: Sorry I don’t have change. I only have a100 yuan bill.D: How about this? you give me the 100 yuan bill, I return you 82.P: It’s very nice of you.D: Sure.P: Here you are.D: OK, here is the balance.P: Goodbye.D: Bye.

今天的对话是在到达目的地后,我们和客人之间展开的。到达后,客人和我们说:“Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare?”,他先是感谢我们送他到想到的地方,然后呢,是问要多少钱啊。那么我们就按照价格告诉他:“18 yuan, please.”(18元)。知道了车费后,客人是怎么说的呢?他说:“Sorry I don’t have change. I only have a100 yuan bill.”,意思是“对不起,我没有零钱,只有一张一百的。”遇到这样的情况我们要怎么回答呢?我们可以说:“How about this? you give me the 100 yuan bill, I return you 82.”,是说“是这样吗?那你给我一百的吧,我找你八十二。”客人回答我们“It’s very nice of you.”,这是在夸奖我们呢,意思是“你真好。”然后,我们该怎么说呢?我们可以说“Sure.”(应该的/当然了。)说完这些,客人就该把钱给我们了,他说“Here you are.”,这句话通常是在给别人东西的时候说的,意思是“给你。”收了钱之后,我们就该找零了,我们可以说“OK, here is the balance.”,意思是“好的,这是找你的钱。”然后,这笔生意就算是结束了,我们就可以和客人说再见了。

生词:(1)balance余额;(2)bill纸币;钞票;(3) change零钱;(4)fare车费

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Class 6: How much is the fare?

Last time we learned how to talk with a passenger on fare, and we pr acticed the magic sentence “How much is the fare”. Today, we will go on learning how to talk with a passenger on fare/money. And, today’s magic sentence is “It’s too expensive”上次课我们学习了怎样与客人谈车费,我们的魔术句子是“How much is the fare?”。今天,我们要继续学习如何与客人讨论车费,我们要练习“It’s too expensive.”,也就是说这个车费太贵了。

Now, listen to the dialogue for today:(现在,来听听今天的对话)

(Getting to the destination)(到达目的地后)P: Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare?D: 28 yuan, please.P: It’s too expensive, can I pay less?D: Sorry, I’m afraid not, the me ter tells you, not I.P: But why? I have been in your car only for 2 hours, the fare is too much..D: Well ,the petro is expensive, too.P: OK, OK, here is your money, I will never take a taxi.D: Sorry, bye.

到达目的地之后,客人开始是非常客气,说:“Thank you for the trip, how much is the fare?”,这个我们应该比较熟悉,因为在上次课我们已经学过,首先感谢我们送他到达,然后问问车费是多少。上次课中我们说到的车费是18元,那么,今天是多少钱呢?“28 yuan, please.”,今天的车费是28元,所以我们对客人说“请付我28块钱。”那么今天客人怎么说的呢?有点不爽快哦,他说“It’s too expensive, can I pay less?”,这是我们今天的魔术句。“too”的意思是“太”,“expensive”是“贵”,客人是嫌车费贵了,要求少付一点,所以他说“can I pay less?”那么我们能不能少收点呢?来看看我们应该怎么说,我们说“Sorry, I’m afraid not, the meter tells you, not I.”,意思是“对不住了,恐怕你不能少付,不是我找你要这么多钱,是计价器显示的。”,“meter”的原意是“米”,是长度的计量单位,在这里是指出租车上的计价器。客人听了呢,挺生气,为什么呢?听听他怎么说,“But why? I have been in your car only for 2 hours, the fare is too much..”,他是在问我们“可是为什么呢?我坐你的车才两个小时,要这么多车费实在是太贵了。”看来我们今天遇上的这位客人是够抠门的啊,坐出租车坐了两小时,让他付28块他还嫌贵。那么我们总得给他解释一下,我们说“Well ,the petro is expensive, too.”,“petro”就是汽油,我们是告诉他,油价也很贵啊。客人似乎有些不高兴了,看看他说的“OK, OK, here is your money, will never take a taxi.”,意思是“好的,给你钱,我以后再也不坐出租车了。”

单词:(1) destination目的地;(2) expensive仰贵的;费钱的;


A: I want to go to the airport?我想去机场。

B: Yes, get in, please!行,上车吧。

A: Could you speak English?您会说英语吗?

B: I can speak a little English.我会讲一点点。

A: Could you understand me?您明白我说的意思吗?

B: Sorry, I don’t understand you, will you speak slowly?不好意思,我还不明白,请您说慢一点。A: What’s the time now?请问几点了?

B: It’s nine o’clock.九点了。

A: How long are you going to stay in Wuhan?您在武汉呆多久?

B: I will stay in Wuhan for six days.我在武汉要停留六天。

A: What day is it today?今天星期几?

B: It’s Monday.( Tuesday\ Wednesday\ Thursday\ Friday\ Saturday\ Sunday)今天星期一。

A: I want to go to the QinChuan Hotel?我要去晴川阁饭店。

B: Sorry, I don’t know the way to that place.对不起,我不知道那个地方怎么走。

A: Please wait for me. I want to go somewhere else.请等我一下。我还要去其它的地方。

B: Sure.行。

A: How much shall I pay?我要付多少钱?

B: You should pay 50 Yuan6jiao, Sir.五十块六角,先生。

A: Could you drive faster?您能再开快一点吗?

B: Sorry, I can’t.不好意思,不行。

P: Hi! Taxi!喂!出租车!

D: Good morning! Welcome to Wuhan. Where’re you going?早上好!欢迎来到武汉。您去哪儿?P: The Yellow Crane Tower.黄鹤楼。

D: Ok, get in, please!好。请上车!

D: Excuse me. Are you Wang Ling?对不起,您是不是王玲?

P: Yes, I’m.是,我是。

D: Your car is waiting at the gate. Follow me, please!您要的车已在门口等。请跟我来。

P: Just a moment, please. I have two suitcases with me over there.请等一下。那边还有我的两只箱子。D: Can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?

P: Yes, please. Can I put my luggage in the trunk?好的,请帮我一下。我可以把行李放在车后厢吗?D: Of course.当然可以。

P: Thank you.谢谢!

D: I’m afraid we are in a traffic jam.恐怕我们堵车了。

P: How long will we be held up?我们大概要堵多长时间。

D: I’m not sure.我不能肯定。

P: How long will it take to walk there?步行去那儿有多远?

D: It’s too far to walk. Shall we take another road?步行去太远了。我们改道走行吗?

P: Good!太好了!

D: Hold the belt, please. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了。

D: Here we are.我们到了。

P: How much is it?多少钱?

D: That’s seventy Yuan.七十块。

P: Here is a hundred Yuan and keep the change.这是一百元,不用找了。

D: We are not allowed to accept tips. Take your change and receipt, please! 我们不收小费。请您拿好找零和发票。D: What a nice day! Do you want some music?今天天气真好!您要听音乐吗?

P: That’s great! But do you mind closing the air conditioning?好极了。不过,你是否介意把空调关了?D: Of course not.当然不。

P: Excuse me. I’d like to wash my hands. Could you stop at the nearest toilet?


D: Ok. \ All right!可以。


My friend met me at the airport.


A: Hi! Welcome back. How was your trip to Shanghai?


B: It was good, but I'm glad to be back. I got back late last night.


A: What time? When was your flight?


B: I got back to Beijing around 9.30 last night. I was quite tired.


A: How did you get Home? A taxi?


B: No. Luckily my friend picked me up at the airport and gave me a lift Home.



1、Remember the word back / back when you are talking about trips and journeys, e.g.: Welcome back / Welcome back: I got back late last night / I got back late last night; I came back from Shanghai yesterday / I came back from Shanghai yesterday.

记住当你谈论旅程或者旅行时用back /回来这个词。例如:Welcome back /欢迎回来;I got back late last night /我昨晚很晚回来的; I came back from Shanghai yesterday /我昨天从上海回来。

2、If you talk about someone meeting you and giving you a lift in their car, you can use phrases like: He picked me up at the airport / He picked me up at the airport; He gave me a lift home / He gave me a lift Home.

如果你想说某人用车接你,你可以用这样的短语:He picked me up at the airport /他开车到机场去接我;He gave me a lift Home /他把我送回家。


If you go early, it will be less busy./如果你走得早,就不会那么拥挤。

A: I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow to get a visa.


B: Oh, you usually have to wait a long time.


A: I know. There's always a long queue with lots of people.


B: But if you go early, it will be less busy.


A: You're right. If I go when the embassy opens, it won't be so busy.


B: That's what you should do. Go early!



1、I've got to . . . / I've got to . . . is the same as I have to . . / I have to . . . or I must . . . / I must . . .eg I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow / I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow: You usually have to wait a long time / You usually have to wait a long time.

I've got to . . . /我得. . .和I have to . . /我不得不. . .或者I must . . . /我必须. . .是一个意思。例如:I've got to go to the embassy tomorrow /我明天得去大使馆办签证。: You usually have to wait a long time /通常情况下你要等很长时间。

2. Remember the way of giving advice using If . . . / If . . . eg: If you go early, it will be less busy / If you go early, it will be less busy.记住用If . . . /如果. . .来提出建议。例如:If you go early, it will be less busy /如果你去得早,就不会那么拥挤。


Do you take credit cards?/你们接受信用卡吗?

A: Thank you, sir. That'll be 350 RMB altogether.


B: Do you take credit cards? I'd like to pay by credit card if I can.


A: Yes, sir. We accept all the major credit cards.


B: Excellent. Here's my card.


A: Thank you sir. Could you sign here, please?


B: Certainly. Thank you very much. And can I have a receipt, please?



1. You may wish to pay by credit card / credit card. You can ask: Do you take credit cards? / Do you take credit cards? and: I'd like to pay by credit card if I can. / I'd like to pay by credit card if I can.你可能希望用credit card /信誉卡付费。你可以问:Do you take credit cards? / Do you take credit cards?你们接受信誉卡吗?还有:I'd like to pay by credit card if I can. /如果可以的话我想刷卡。

2. Many shops nowadays accept the major credit cards: We accept all the major credit cards. / We accept all the major credit cards. When signing, you'll be asked: Could you sign here, please? / Could you sign here, please?现在很多商店都接受主要的信誉卡:We accept all the major credit cards. /我们接受所有的主要的信誉卡。当签字的时候,售货员会问你:Could you sign here, please? /你能在这里签名吗?

谈论工作Talking about Work

01. A: What do you do for a living?


B: I'm a Taxi drivers.


02. A: Do you enjoy your work?


B: Yes, it's interesting and challenging. I meet a lot of different people.



You can have a check-up.


A: Here's the taxi. Let me help you in.


B: Thanks. It was stupid of me to go out in the sun.


A: Do you still feel faint?


B: Yes, and my headache is worse.


A: Well, you can have a check-up at he hospital. Don't worry. You'll be fine.


B: This is all my own fault.



1. Reassurance is very important when someone is unwell. For example: You can have a check-up at the hospital. / You can have a check-up at the hospital. : Don't worry. / Don't worry. : You'll be fine. / You'll be fine.

当某人生病时,安慰他是非常重要的。例如:You can have a check-up at the hospital. /你可以在医院做检查。Don't worry. /不要担心。You'll be fine. /你会好的。

2. Sometimes we have to acknowledge that we have created a problem, it's our fault: fault / fault: This is all my own fault. / This is all my own fault.

有时我们不得不承认我们自己造成了麻烦,是我们自己的过错。fault /过错。This is all my own fault. /这都是我自己的错。

谈论语言/Talking about Language

01. A: I wish I could speak English better.


B: I think you speak very well.


02. A: I'm working on my English.


B: Good for you!


03. A: Please excuse my English.


B: Don't worry about it.


04. A: I'm sorry. Could you speak slowly? 对不起,你能说慢点儿吗?

B: Sure, no problem.


05. A: Do you speak any Chinese?


B: Sorry, just a little.


06. A: English is so important in China now. 今天英语在中国十分重要。

B: I think so too.


07. A: Practice makes perfect.


B: You're exactly right.



01. A: Hello! What's your name?


B: My name is Stone Lee.


02. A: Here is my business card.


B: Thank you. Here is mine.


03. A: What should I call you?


B: Please just call me Stone.


04. A: I'd like you to meet my colleague.


B: I'd love to.


05. A: Here's a picture of my family.


B: They are lovely!


06. A: I work in the travel and tourism business. 我从事旅游业。

B: How interesting!


07. A: I was born and raised in Beijing.


B: Really?


08. A: This is my hometown.


B: Oh, it's beautiful!


09. A: I have been living in Beijing for 20 years. 我已经在北京生活了二十年了。

B: You're really lucky!



01. A: Do you need any help?


B: No, thank you. I'm fine.


02. A: Here, let me help you!


B: Oh, thanks a lot!


03. A: Is there anything I can do for you?


B: Yes, could you help me get a train ticket? 有,你能帮我买一张火车票吗?

04. A: Do you have any questions about Beijing? 你对北京有什么要问的吗?

B: Yes, a lot.


05. A: Could you do me a favor?


B: Sure, I'd be glad to.


谈论食物/Talking about Food

01. A: I'd like to invite you to dinner.


B: Thank you, I'd love to come.


02. A: Do you like Chinese food?


B: Sure, I'm crazy about it!


03. A: Would you mind if I order?


B: No, go ahead. I trust you!


04. A: What would you like to drink?


B: Tea is fine.


05. A: What would you like to eat? Have you tried any special foods in Beijing?


B: No, I haven't. What do you suggest?


06. A: What's Beijing famous for?


B: Beijing is known for its Roast Duck!


07. A: Do you like it?


B: Yes! It tastes great!


08. A: I hope you like the food.


B: It is delicious!


09. A: Please try this.


B: Thank you. Just a little, please.


10. A: Help yourself.


B: OK, thanks.


11. A: Let's have a toast to our guests. Cheers!


B: Cheers!




1. Can (May) I help you?我能帮您什么吗?

Yes, please.好的。

2. What can I do for you?我能为您做点什么?

3. Is there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的吗?

4. Just a moment, please.请稍等一下。

5. May I use your phone?我能借用您的电话吗?


6. Excuse me. Where is the washroom (restroom, elevator)?对不起。请问盥洗室(休息室、电梯)在哪儿?

7. It's on the second (third) floor.在二(三)楼。

8. This way, please.请这边走。

9. Turn left /right.往左转/右转。

10. It's in the lobby near the main entrance.在大厅靠近大门的地方。

11. It's in the basement at the end of the corridor.在走廊尽头的地下室。


谢谢!—— Thank you.

多谢!-- Thanks a lot.

对不起,麻烦你。—— Excuse me.

抱歉。—— Excuse the mess.

需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you.

谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me.

无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.

您好。--How are you!

初次见面问好。—— How do you do!

很高兴见到你。—— (It's) nice to meet you.

请问您从哪来。--Where are you from?

请问贵姓。--Can I have your name?

我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...)

很高兴认识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you.

很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you.

希望再见到你。—— Hope to see you again.

这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again? 玩得快乐--Have a good time.

祝你好运。—— Good luck.

我希望没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong.

怎么了?—— What's the matter?

糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious?

我真为你难过。—— I'm sorry for you.

一路平安,走好。—— Have a safe trip home.



2、Good morning!早上好!

3、Good afternoon!下午好!

4、Good evening!晚上好!


6、Thank you!( Thanks!)谢谢!


8、You’re welcome!没关系\不客气。

9、Good Luck!祝你好运!

10、Enjoy yourself!玩的愉快!

11、Do you want a taxi?用出租车吗?

12、Where are you going?您去哪?

13、My name is Wang Ling.我的名字叫王玲。

14、I'm glad to serve you.很高兴为您服务。

15、Welcome to Wuhan!欢迎您来武汉!

16、Sorry, please wait a moment.对不起,请稍候。

17、Please put my baggage in the trunk!请把我的行李放到后备箱里,行吗?

18、Could you take me to the hospital\bank\restaurant\hotel.请送我去医院\银行\餐馆\酒店。.

19、Please get out of the car from the right side.请从右边下车。

20、Could you take the luggage for me?您能帮我拿行李吗?

21、Could you mind not smoking?请不要吸烟。

22、This road is jammed, let’s take that one.这条街拥挤,我们走那条街。

23、Hold the belt, please. I’m making a turn now.请系好安全带,我要拐弯了。

24、Where are you from?您是从哪里来的?

25、Is this your first time to come to China( Wuhan ).这是您第一次来中国(武汉)吗?

26、Do you want air-conditioning?您要开空调吗?

27、May I open the window?我可以开窗户吗?

28、Please drive slowly.请开慢一点。

29、Are there any other places you want to go ?您还要去别的地方吗?

30、Please pay by the number on the meter.请按计价器显示金额付费。

31、Don’t forget to take your luggage, please!请别忘了拿您的行李!

32、Here is the change and receipt.请您拿好找零和发票。

33、Here we are, Sir\Madam.到了,先生\太太。

34、Please drive me to this address.请把我开到这个地方。

35、May I know your name? \ What’s your name?你叫什么名字。


出租车驾驶员常用英语 一、问候 1.Good morning!早上好! 2. Good afternoon`!下午好! 3. Good evening!晚上好! 4. How are you?你好吗? Fine, thanks.很好,谢谢! 5.Thank you.谢谢! 6. See you later.再见! 7. Welcome to changsha.欢迎来长沙。 8.Good luck.祝你好运。 9.Have a good trip.旅途愉快。 二、要车与提供服务 1. Do you need a taxi?需要出租车吗? Yes, I do.是的,我要。 Get in, please.请上车。 Get off,please.请下车。 3. Where are you going?你要去哪里? I want to go to the yuelushan. 我要去岳麓山。 Yes, I see.好的,明白。 4. can I help you?我能帮助你吗? I want a taxi tomorrow. 我明天想用一辆车。 5. What time do you want the taxi? 您几点用车? 6、At nine oclock tomorrow morning.明早九点。 7、Please close the door.请关好车门。 8、Please fasten your seat belt. 请系好安全带。 9、Can you drive faster/slower? 你能开快/慢点吗? 三、目的地 Hotel 酒店 Bus station 车站 Airport 机场 Hospital 医院


关于品管部常用英文代码的解释QC quality control 品质管理人员 QE quality engineering 品质工程人员 QA quality assurance 质量保证人员 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制 LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限 Materials 物料 Rework 返工 Scrap 报废 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制 TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC小组 OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员 FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查 FAA first article assurance 首件确认 S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小 ACC Accept 允收 REE Reject 拒收 CR Critical 极严重的 MAJ Major 主要的 MIN Minor 轻微的 P/N Part Number 料号 L/N Lot Number 批号 FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告 PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一


打出租车的常用句子 据360教育集团介绍:乘出租车常用的句子: Taxi! 出租车! Yo! texi 嗨!出租车 Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗? Would you like any help? 需要帮忙吗? Do you know how much it will cost to Central Park? 你知道到中央公园要花多少钱吗? How much do you think the fare will be to Central Park? 你认为到中央公园的费用是多少钱? What is the approximate fare to Central Park from here? 从这里去中央公园大概要多少钱? No more than thirty dollars. 不超过30美元。 Could you help me load this luggage in the trunk? 能帮我把这些行李拿到后车厢吗? Put this baggage into the trunk, please 请吧这件行李放进后备箱 Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您拿行李。 Get in,please 请上车 Get on,please 请上车 Please hop in 请上来 You are welcome to take my taxi! 欢迎搭乘我的出租车! Put on your seat belt, please. 请系好安全带。 Where to? 去哪? Where‘re you going? 你去哪里? Where do you want to go? 你到哪里? Where would you like to go? 您想去哪儿? Could you drive me to the museum? 能载我去博物馆吗?


1.办公室人员基础英语50 应答 一般友好应答 1.Good morning / afternoon / evening. 古的猫宁/ 阿福特怒/ 衣服宁。 早上好/ 下午好/ 晚上好。 参考答案: Good morning / afternoon / evening. 古的猫宁/ 阿福特怒/ 衣服宁。 早上好/ 下午好/ 晚上好。2.Good night. 古的奈特。 晚上好。 参考答案: Good night. 古的奈特。 晚上好。 3.Do you speak English? 赌油死必克英格历史? 你会说英语吗? 参考答案: Yes, can I help you ? 叶斯,砍爱号朴油? 是的,您需要帮忙吗?

4.Thank you very much. 三克又外瑞骂吃。 非常感谢。 参考答案: You are welcome. 又啊外偶抗亩。 别客气。 5.How are you today? 豪啊又特得。 您好吗? 参考答案: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you? 爱慕范。三克又。豪啊又? 我很好,谢谢。您呢? 6.I’m sorry. 按姆骚瑞。 对不起。 参考答案: That’s all right. 在四欧r’u’爱t. 没关系。 7.Excuse me. 伊克斯q兹密。

打扰一下。 参考答案: How may I help you? 豪美爱号朴又? 您需要帮助吗? 8.Where is the toilet, please? 味儿意思泽偷累特,普里斯? 请问卫生间在哪里? 参考答案: It’s straight ahead on the left. 意思死追特阿害的昂责来福特。 请您一直向前走左侧。 It’s across the lobby on your right. 意思额可绕斯泽老比昂幼儿r’u’爱t. 请您穿过大厅在右侧。 This way, please. 离斯为,普里斯。 请您这边走。 9.It’s a nice day today. 意思哦奈斯逮(dei)特得。 今天是个好天。 参考答案: Yes, it is a beautiful day. 叶斯,伊特意思哦比尤特佛逮(dei)


出租车司机常用英语 第一部分常识 授课目的:掌握基础的英文字母及数字的说法,学会百位以内数字及钱数、时间及日期的表达。 授课重难点:数字、时间及日期的表达。 授课时间:10学时 一、26字母 1. 大写字母:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2.小写字母:a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 二、常见的数字的说法 (一)基数词 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: A.从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen. 这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。

C.从 21——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six D.百位数 个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and. 101 a hundred and one 320 three hundred and twenty 648 six hundred and forty-eight (二)序数词 A.从1——10 first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,nineth,tenth. B.从 11——19 eleventh,twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteenth, nineteenth. 这里除 twelfth为特殊形式外,其他的都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-th 构成。 C.从 21——99 整数几十twentieth,thirtieth, fortieth,fiftieth,sixtieth,seventieth,eightieth ,ninetieth,都是级数形式后添加后缀-ieth构成。


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Taxi Driver’s Day Secene 1 旁白:This story talks about a poor taxi driver, Tommy, who meets many strange things in one day. Tommy: Hello, my name is Tommy. Serving you is my honor. Where would you like to go? girl: Hi! T ommy. I’m going to Xiaoshan West Road, please. Tommy: Ok. girl: Oh! Not here. I remember there aren’t so many tall buildings on Xiaoshan road. Tommy: What? Didn’t you live in Sanmenxia ? girl: Y es, I live in Shandong, but I have been here 10 years ago.I visit my friends for this time. Tommy: I see. Sanmenxia has changed a lot for these years. Look! This is the gym ,It’s new ,too. girl: Oh! It’s here. I have to get off. How much is it? Tommy: Great! The total is 15yuan. girl: Take it! Thanks. Tommy: Oh ,What’s happened?(回头向后座上看)a phone.It must be that girl’s.I must find her.(开车回去,发现女孩再着急的找电话)Hi ,Is this your phone ?


乘出租车的英文 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《乘出租车的英文》的内容,具体内容:现在出租车在马路上是随处可见,我们很多人平时出门都有乘出租车的习惯。那么你知道是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢!1. take a taxi2.by ... 现在出租车在马路上是随处可见,我们很多人平时出门都有乘出租车的习惯。那么你知道是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢! 1. take a taxi 2.by taxi 3.take a cab take a taxi造句 1. Well take a taxi home. 我们打的回家。 2. Its easier to take a taxi. But then again you cant always get one. 打出租车要容易些,但也并不总是能打到的。 3. If it should chance to rain well take a taxi home. 万一要下雨的话,我们就乘出租车回家。 4. " Well , Ill take a taxi. Is there any landmark near your building? " 懂了, 我坐出租车去. 你公司大楼附近有没有显著的标志?

5. Well, I missed the airport shuttle and I had to take a taxi here. 嗯, 我没赶上机场班车,只得坐出租车到这儿. 6. You must be crazy! Take a taxi and get out of here. 你一定要发疯了吧! 叫个出租车从这里滚开. 7. Take a taxi. Youll be tired after a long day of cycling. 坐出租车吧. 骑了一天的自行车之后你会很累的. 8. Well, the best way to get there is to take a taxi. 我说么, 去那儿的最佳方法是坐出租车. 9. Each morning theand Mark would take a taxi back to his office.每天早晨,马克先把苏珊送到她工作的地方,然后再乘出租车赶到他自 己的办公室. 10. Could you tell me where I can take a taxi? 您能告诉我在哪里可以打出租车吗 ? take a cab常见例句 1. Shall we walk or take a cab? 我们步行还是坐出租车? 2. Shall we walk or take a cab / go by cab? 咱们走着去呢,还是坐计程车去? 3. Shall we go by bus or take a cab? 我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去? 4. Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway?


总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department 人力资源部Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 采购部Purchasing Department 工程部Engineering Department 行政部Admin. Department 人力资源部HR Department 市场部Marketing Department 技术部Technolog Department 客服部Service Department 行政部: Administration 财务部Financial Department 总经理室、Direcotor, or President 副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president 总经办、General Deparment 采购部、Purchase & Order Department 工程部、Engineering Deparment 研发部、Research Deparment 生产部、Productive Department 销售部、Sales Deparment 广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department 拓展部Business Expending Department 物供部、Supply Department B&D business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部


出租车司机的英文 出租车司机的英文 1.taxi driver 2.cab driver 3.jehu taxi driver的造句 1. if you feel a taxi driver has overcharged you, say so. 如果你觉得出租车司机敲了你的竹杠,就说出来。 2. the taxi driver revved up his engine. 出租车司机把发动机发动起来。 3. the taxi driver was being very unhelpful. 那个出租车司机不肯帮忙。 4. the taxi driver stopped to pick up a fare. 出租车司机停车让一个乘客上车. 5. please remember the taxi driver. 请别忘记给出租汽车司机小费. 6. the taxi driver was obviously in the wrong in going ahead against the red light. 这个出租车司机闯红灯显然是不对的. 7. arriving at the railway station, i put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver. 到了火车站,为了检验自己对当地的了解程度,我请教了一

个出租车司机。 8. he was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to downing street. 他被控劫持一名出租车司机并强迫他开车把一颗炸弹送到唐宁街。 9. before making a success of his writing, he worked as a taxi driver, a newspaper seller, a miner, and a railway man. 他在写作取得成就之前, 曾当过出租汽车司机、卖报人、矿工和铁路工人. 10. how can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi - driver? 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于出租车司机呢 ? cab driver的常见例句 1. the cab driver struggled with her luggage, scraping a bag against the door as they came in. 出租车司机费力地拿着她的行李,进门时把一个包剐破了。 2. the cab driver thought smugly. 那个出租司机想得很乐胃. 3. why didn't you just kill me and get another cab driver? 你干嘛不杀了我,去找另一个出租车司机? 4. would you ask the cab driver to take me to this restaurant? 你帮我告诉出租车司机开到这家餐厅好吗 ?


关于出租车的英语作文三篇 高中英语作文 一到台北的新人会惊奇地发现许多出租车运行整个城市几乎每分钟。当然,出租车有很大的贡献为解决这个岛上很多人在运输问题。你把之前在台北乘坐出租车,我想告诉你对这个城市生活的一些方面的印象。首先,在台湾的出租车司机大都可以称为世界上“最好的车轮经营者”。你很快就会发现我说的话是真实的,一旦你获得了一辆出租车,并开始一程。它不会需要很长的为你找到了,司机似乎已在做自己的路,自由和迅速地通过一个神奇的力量在路上运行的车辆经常拥挤流。在某些情况下,他将毫不犹豫地打击他的角来吓唬过路行人故意忽略或将交通灯,因为他有一个特别不喜欢他的脚后跟冷却。尽管有许多令人不安的经验,所有的方式,你将被发送到您的目的地安然无恙。什么让你更吃惊的是,票价是非常合理的,你不用给小费。第二,有大约20,000 40,000台北出租车司机。除一小部分的这些驱动程序,谁是兼职工人,大部分是面包其家庭人士。他们通常要工作十多个小时的一天。然而,其中大部分人都很诚实,勤奋,乐于助人,热心公益的绅士。在这个岛上,特别是报纸一样,谁跑的出租车已经证明,在发回损失大笔的钱给他们的业主和放弃自己的时间令人钦佩的性格,甚至冒着生命危险抢救灾民的交通意外或自然司机的故事灾害,如洪水的一个台风。此外,的士司机大部分是警察的好朋友,因

为他们总是配合法律的执法人员在打击罪犯的战斗好。第三,出租车大多保持在良好的外部和内部条件。对出租车等一些豪华配备无线电设备,你可能会忘记你在出租车时听音乐的美丽。有一天,如果你正在驾驶自己的汽车或以每日例行的巴士累了,你可能需要乘坐出租车。你会的,我相信,有很多乐趣,享受像一些新的冒险。祝你好运! 第二篇: 我国有许多出租车,但我想讨论的是出租车行业的违规操作。有一次我从罗东回台北了一辆出租车。该机是真的是一件可怕的经验,因为司机在驾驶时使用的汽车是在蛇形佩我的道路上只有一只手。虽然他似乎漫不经心和他的驾驶风格有信心,我们的心在我们的口中,而我们能做的就是祈祷上帝为我们的安全。后面的台北车站街头停放的许多的士招徕生意,但他们不收取按米,你必须与他们讨价还价,一个骑价格。不是由官方规定的约束可以看到这样的出租车很多,如高雄,台中,平时里,你要为一个跨城市骑价格比平常高。我们不应该允许这样的的士,继续制造问题,希望我们的政府能做些什么。这是我相信,我们的交通问题的解决不能再等待。第三篇:那是一个漆黑,没有月光和雨夜。我刚刚离开我的同学的一个派对,是一个有点醉了。我发现了一个路过的出租车挥手我的手。这是一个空调之一,司机是一个沉重的家伙在他的嘴里嚼着东西。我告诉他,在那里我会去和他没有说什么笑了。我很困惑,并发现他的表情,他习惯性地望着他,而旁边开车的窗口。但我有头痛,不想问他有什么错。然后一车突然停止和制动尖叫声惊醒了我形成了我的酒引起嗜


从事品质工作以来积累的常用英语,希望对有需要的朋友有 所帮助! _:TD{ EO$ ey y&JjVs <}B]f1 z X om@` N W 品质专业英语大全零件材料类的专有名词 4(o0I~hpB? CPU: central processing unit(中央处理器) ^2Op? J IC: Integrated circuit(集成电路) 5 $N4< Lo7 Memory IC: Memory Integrated circuit(记忆集成电路) +#U ROM: Read-only Memory(只读存储器) dht1I`i "B EPROM:Electrical Programmable Read-only

Memory ;V`~'35 7% (电可抹只读存诸器) Ewu 7t q Z EEPROM: Electrical Erasbale Programmable Read-only Memory(电可抹可编程只读存储器) c\ "oj&>A CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor o^7}H{AE (互补金属氧化物半导体) pO GV

D BIOS: Basic Input Output System(基本输入输出系统) ATH 0n >) Transistor:电晶体 4|7L26,] 5 LED:发光二极体 {#0B ~ Z r Resistor:电阻 %nVnK6[sox Variator:可变电阻 y @h^ Capacitor:电容 "f3 , w Capacitor array:排容 ;x| 4 T m Diode:二极体 |#f P8OK Transistor:三极体 G2 xYa$&][ Transformer:变压器(ADP) h&; \ Oscillator:频率振荡器(0sc) T->O 5 t c Crystal:石英振荡器 ^L *:0P ~ XTAL/OSC:振荡产生器(X) adH Hn H`, Relay:延时器 MpG - Wt # Sensor:感应器e9o( hL Bead core:磁珠q7 1 Tg Filter:滤波器 ce yZ4M


旅游坐出租车英语情景对话 坐出租车情景对话1 A: Excuse me. Do you think I can get there in time to catch the 11:30 train? A:请问,我能赶上11点半的那班火车吗? B: Well, let me see. Now it s 11:00 sharp. It s a long way to go.If I take the shortest route, we may come across a traffic jam.If I take a less heavy route, it will save us 10 or more minutes, but you ll have to pay more. Which do you prefer? B:嗯,让我想想。现在正好是11点,这儿离火车站很远。如果走最近的路,可能会遇上交通堵塞。如果走不那么拥挤的路的话,可以节省10分钟甚至更多的时间,但您得多付些钱。您想走哪条路? A: Are you sure that I can get there in time if we take the less heavy route? A:如果走不那么拥挤的路,您敢肯定我能赶得上吗? B: Generally speaking, we can if we go at this speed and nothing unexpected happens. B:一般来说,如果按现在这个速度,路上又没有其他意外的事发生的话,能赶上。 A: How much more do I have to pay? A:我得多付多少钱? B: Compared to the shortest route, you may pay around 5 Euro more. B:与走最近的路相比,您可得多付大约5欧元。 A: That s acceptable. No one wants to miss a train.


公司企业常见部门名称英文翻译 总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department 促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department 公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department 产品开发部 Product Development Department

研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室 Secretarial Pool 公司部门 组装车间 Assembly Shop 总务部 General Affairs Department 总经理室 General Manager 总经办 Office of General Manager 总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 自动测试部 Division of Auto Testing 中期试验部 Division of Pilotscale Testing 质量总监 Quality Administration 质量管理部 Division of Quality Management 制造总部办公室 Office of Manufacturing Headquarter 制造总部 Department of Manufacturing


品质系统常见英文缩写简介 1.QC : quality control 品质管制 2. IQC : incoming quality control 进料品质管制 3. OQC: output quality control 出货品质管制 4. AQL: acceptable quality level 允收标准 5.PQC: process quality control 制程品质管制也称IPQC : in process quality control . 6.CQA: customer quality assurance 客户品质保证 7. MI: minor defeat 次要缺点 8.MA : major defeat 主要缺点9. CR: critical defeat 关键缺点 10. SMT: surface mounting technology 表面粘贴技术16. BOM: bill of material 材料清单 11. SMD: surface mounting device 表面粘贴设备SMC: surface mounting component 表面粘贴元件 12. ECN: engineering change notice 工程变更通知13. DCN: design change notice 设计变更通知 14. PCB: printed circuit board 印刷电路板15. PCBA: printed circuit board assembly装配印刷电路板 17. BIOS: basically input and output system 基本输入输出系统 18. MIL-STD-105E: 美国陆军标准, 也称单次抽样计划. 19. ISO: international standard organization 国际标准化组织22 . Icicles : 锡尖20. DRAM: 内存条 21. Polarity : 电性23 . Non-wetting : 空焊24. Short circuit: 短路25. Missing component : 缺件 26 . Wrong component : 错件27. Excess component: 多件28. Insufficient solder : 锡少 29. Excessive solder: 锡多30. Solder residue: 锡渣31. Solder ball: 锡球32. Tombstone : 墓碑 33 . Sideward : 侧立34. Component damage: 零件破损35. Gold finger : 金手指 36. SOP: standard operation process 标准操作流程37. SIP : standard inspection process 标准检验流程 38. The good and not good segregation: 良品和不良品区分39. OBW: on board writer 熸录BIOS 40. Simple random sampling: 简单随机抽样41. Histogram: 直方图42. Standard deviation : 标准差 43. CIP: Continuous improvement program 44. SPC: Statistical process control 45. Sub-contractors: 分包商 46. SQE: Supplier quality engineering 47. Sampling sample: 抽样计划48. Loader: 治具 49. QTS: Quality tracking system 品质追查系统50. Debug: 调试51. Spare parts :备用品 52 . Inventory report for : 库存表53. Manpower/Tact estimation 工时预算54. Calibration : 校验55. S/N: serial number 序号56. Corrugated pad: 波纹垫57. Takeout tray : 内包装盒58 . Outer box : 外包装箱 59 . Vericode : 检验码60 . Sum of square : 平方和61 . Range : 全距62. Conductive bag: 保护袋 63. Preventive maintenance :预防性维护64 . Base unit : 基体65. Fixture: 制具 66. Probe: 探针67. Host probe : 主探针68 . Golden card : 样本卡69. Diagnostics program: 诊断程序 70. Frame : 屏面71 . Lint-free gloves : 静电手套72 .Wrist wrap : 静电手环73 . Target value : 目标值 74. Related department : 相关部门75. Lifted solder 浮焊76.plug hole孔塞 77. Wrong direction 极性反https://www.360docs.net/doc/ac623297.html,ponent damage or broken 零件破损 79.Unmeleted solder熔锡不良80.flux residue松香未拭81.wrong label or upside down label贴反 82.mixed parts机种混装83. Poor solder mask绿漆不良84. oxidize 零件氧化85.stand off height浮高 86. IC reverse IC反向87.supervisor课长88. Forman组长89. WI=work instruction作业指导非擦除状态91. Internal notification:内部联络单 92. QP: Quality policy品质政策93.QT: Quality target 品质目标94. Trend:推移图95.Pareto:柏拉图 96. UCL: Upper control limit管制上限97.LCL:Lower control limit管制下限98. CL: Center line中心线 Rolled throughout yield直通率100. PPM: Parts per million 不良率 101.DPU: Defects per unit 单位不良率102.Resistor: 电阻103.Capacitor:电容 104. Resistor array : 排阻105. Capacitor array: 排容106. DIODE: 二极管107.SOT: 三极管 108. Crystal: 震荡器109. Fuse:保险丝110.Bead: 电感111.Connector:联结器 112.ADM: Administration Department行政单位113. CE: Component Engineering零件工程 114. CSD: Customer Service Department客户服务部115. ID: Industrial Design工业设计 116.IE: Industrial Engineering工业工程117. IR: Industrial Relationship工业关系


所有交通工具的英文单词 bus 公共汽车 driver 汽车司机 double decker bus 双层公共汽车coach, motor coach, bus 大客车 taxi, taxicab 计程汽车, 出租汽车trolleybus 无轨电车 tramcar, streetcar 电车, 有轨电车underground, tube, subway 地铁 stop 停车站 taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站, 出租汽车总站 taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机conductor 售票员 inspector 检查员, 稽查员 ride 乘车 minimum fare (of a taxi) 最低车费railway 铁路(美作:railroad) track 轨道 train 火车 railway system, railway net-work 铁路系统 express train 特别快车 fast train 快车 through train 直达快车 stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车 commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车 coach, carriage 车厢 sleeping car, sleeper 卧车 dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车 sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位 up train 上行车 down train 下行车 luggage van, baggage car 行李车 mail car 邮政车 station, railway station 车站 station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员platform 月台, 站台 platform ticket 站台票 buffet 小卖部 waiting room 候车室 platform bridge 天桥 left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票门 terminal, terminus 终点站 coach, passenger train 客车 car attendant, train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长 rack, baggage rack 行李架 left-luggage office 行李房(美 作:checkroom) registration 登记 timetable 时刻表 change, transfer 换乘 connection 公铁交接处 ticket inspector 验票员 porter 搬运工人 to change trains at... 在(某地)换车the train is due at... 在(某时)到达 to break the journey 中途下车 boat, ship 船 (passenger) liner 邮轮, 客轮 sailing boat, sailing ship 帆船 yacht 游船 (ocean) liner 远洋班轮 packet boat 定期客船, 班轮 cabin 船舱 hovercraft 气垫船 life buoy 救生圈 lifeboat 救生艇 life jacket 救生衣 berth, cabin, stateroom 客舱 first-class stateroom (cabin) 头等舱second-class stateroom (cabin) 二等舱


A: I want to go to the airport?我想去机场。 B: Yes, get in, please!行,上车吧。 A: Could you speak English?您会说英语吗? B: I can speak a little English.我会讲一点点。 A: Could you understand me?您明白我说的意思吗? B: Sorry, I don’t understand you, will you speak slowly?不好意思,我不明白,请您说慢一点。A: What’s the time now?请问几点了? B: It’s nine o’clock.九点了。 A: How long are you going to stay in Wuhan?您在武汉呆多久? B: I will stay in Wuhan for six days.我在武汉要停留六天。 A: What day is it today?今天星期几? B: It’s Monday. ( Tuesday\ Wednesday\ Thursday\ Friday\ Saturday\ Sunday)今天星期一。 A: I want to go to the QinChuan Hotel?我要去晴川阁饭店。 B: Sorry, I don’t know the w ay to that place.对不起,我不知道那个地方怎么走。 A: Please wait for me. I want to go somewhere else.请等我一下。我还要去其它的地方。 B: Sure.行。 A: How much shall I pay?我要付多少钱? B: You should pay 50 Yuan6jiao, Sir.五十块六角,先生。 A: Could you drive faster?您能再开快一点吗? B: Sorry, I can’t.不好意思,不行。 P: Hi! Taxi!喂!出租车! D: Good morning! Welcome to Wuhan. Where’re you going?早上好!欢迎来到武汉。您去哪儿? P: The Yellow Crane Tower.黄鹤楼。 D: Ok, get in, please!好。请上车! D: Excuse me. Are you Wang Ling?对不起,您是不是王玲? P: Yes, I’m.是,我是。 D: Your car is waiting at the gate. Follow me, please!您要的车已在门口等。请跟我来。
