



八年级下册期末试卷英语一、知识运用(共20小题, 计20分)第一节语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空(共10小题, 计10分)1.—With everybody’s hard work, more Chinese people understand the importance of sortingwaste.—An.the.ar.bette.a.i.now._______.hug.th.progres.is!A.Ho.B.Wha..C.What2.________ Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year.A.Sprea.B.T.sprea.C.Spreading3.—I think that man must be Bob.—I._______.b.him.H.ha._______.t.Australia.A.can’t.gon.B.mustn’t.bee.C.can’t.been4.After the new high-speed railway started, the time on the trip from Lianyungang to Qingdao ismuch less than ________ in the past.A.on.B.thi.C.that5.________ I came into this room, I found him ________ on the bed asleep.A.While.li.B.When.lyin.C.When.t.lie6.Th.populatio.o.Chin._______.large.Fou.fifth.o.th.populatio._______.farmers.A.is.i.B.is.ar.C.are.is7.—Tom hardly depends on his parents.—________.Bot.o.yo.ar.s.independent.A.Neithe.d.yo.B.Neithe.ar.yo.C.S.d.you8.______they left early for the airport, they nearly missed the flight.A.A.soo.a.B.Althoug.C.If9.—Have you _______ that 5G network is on the way?—Yes, our teacher ______ us about it three months ago.A.hear.ha.tol.B.heard.tol.C.heard.ha.told10.—I wondered ________.—They did it by working with a group.A.ho.h.ha.finishe.th.bookin.examC.ho.the.wil.leav.fo.Paris二、语言运用(满分15分)第一节(共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 计15分)阅读下面的短文, 从短文后各题所给的A.B.C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白的最佳答案。

【初中英语】人教版八年级下册Unit 4 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版八年级下册Unit 4 随堂小测(练习题)

人教版八年级下册Unit 4 随堂小测(982)1.my o p in io n,we s ho u ldn't c h o o s e h im a s o u r mo n ito r be c au s e h e is to o la z y.()A.Fo rB.InC.WithD.O ve r2.—T he r e la tio n s b e twe e n my p a r e n ts ha ve b e co me d iff ic u lt.W h a t s h ou ld I d o?—Yo u co u ld d o mo r e jo b s a r ou nd th e ho u s e so tha t th e y h a ve mo r e time f o r p r op e r .()A.in s tr u me n tB.co mmu n ic a tio nC.co mmu n it yD.a rg u me n t3.I a lwa ys f e e l be f o r e th e e x a ms.M y mo th e r o f ten te lls me to c a lm do wn.()A.b o r ingB.ne r vo u sC.r e la x edD.h a pp y4.Th e g ir l ha s to h e r g r an d ma be c au s e h e r p a r en ts a re wo rk in g in a no th e r c i t y.()A.lo o k a tB.loo k in toC.loo k th r ou g hD.lo o k a f te r5.It's n e c e s s a r y f o r u s mo r e ab o u t f o od s a f e ty.()A.lea r nB.to le a rnC.lea r n ingD.lea r ne d s t we e k I to h e lp my mo th e r with h o u se wo r k,bu t sh e said s h e d idn't n e e d myh e lp.()A.o ff e r e dB.pr o vid e dC.min d edD.re f u s ed7.M y p a r e n ts d on't a ll o w me T V o n s c ho o l n ig h ts.()A.to wa tchB.wa tc hC.wa tc h e sD.wa tc h ing8.Yo u s h ou ld wa lk in s n o wy we a t h e r s o th a t yo u will n o t fa ll o ve r.()A.h a pp ilyB.s lo wlyC.sa d lyD.q u ick ly9.So me p e op le wo n't r e a liz e th e imp o r tan c e o f time it's g o n e.()A.a sB.s inc eC.whe nD.u n til10.—M y c o u s in a lwa ys ta k e s my th in g s witho u t a sk in g.—, I th in k.Yo u s h o u ld n't c a r e too mu c h ab ou t th a t.()A.It's r ig h tB.It's n o t a b ig d e a lC.It's d a n ge r ou sD.It's n o t a g oo d id e a11.A r e yo u s h y? If yo u a r e, yo u a r e n o t a lo ne.In f a c t, n ea r ly 50% o f p e op le a re s h y, a n da lmo s t 80%fe e l sh y a t s o me p o in t in the ir li ve s.W h y a r e pe o p le?It is f o un d tha t fa mil y s iz e mig h t p eo p le to b e s h y.Child r e n with n o b ro th er s a n d s is te r s ma y b e sh y.G ro wing up , th e y o f te n p lay b y th e ms e lve s.T he y a r e no t ab le to d e ve lop th e s a me s oc ia l s k ills a s ch ild r en f r o m b ig.An o the r c au s e o f s h yn e s s c o u ld b e.As mo r e an d mo r e p eo p le u s e th e In te r net,th e y le s s time o u ts id e, ta lk ing to pe o p le.A s a re s u lt, th e y lo s e p ra c tice a t c o n ve r s a tion.to n e w p e op le f a c e to f ac e ca n ma ke th e m f e e l ne r vo u s.Fo r s h y p e o p le, it ca n b e to ma ke f r ie n ds, s pe a k in c las s, a nd e ve n g e t a g o od jo b.B u t s c ien tis ts sa y yo u c a n yo u r s h yn e s s.T he y s u g g e s ttr yin g th in g s a n d p r ac tic in g c on ve r s a tio n.An ywa y,d o n't b e a f r a id o f s h yn e s s—yo u ar e va lu e d f o r wh a t yo u a r e!(1)A.e x c itedB.sh yC.ha pp yD.b r a ve(2)A.re min dB.tea c hC.gu ideD.c a u se(3)A.q u ick lyB.ha pp ilyC.a lo n eD.a b r oa d(4)A.c o un tr ie sB.c itie sC.tea msD.fa milie s(5)A.d u tyB.sa f e tyC.tec h no log yD.e d uc a tion(6)A.d e s ignB.sp e ndC.co lle c tD.sa ve(7)A.No d d in gB.R un n ingC.J u mp in gD.S p ea k ing(8)A.d iff ic u ltB.sa f eC.ha r mf u lD.su r p r is ing(9)A.ru n in toB.loo k fo rC.ge t o ve rD.d e pe nd on(10)A.n e wB.pr iva teC.a wfu lD.h e a vy(1)W ha t is M a r y's p r o b le m?()A.S h e is so wo r r ied an d ca n't s le e p.B.S h e c an't p a s s th e ex a m.C.S h e c an't c o mmu n ic a te with o th e r s.D.S he ca n't s tu d y E n g lis h we ll.(2)Do nn a th in k s M a r y's p r o b le m is.()A.g r e a tB.co mmo nC.won de r f u lD.se r io us(3)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“r ed uc e”in the pa s sa g e p r ob a b ly me a n s“” in Ch in e se.()A.减少B.排除C.加强D.增加(4)Do nn a th in k s th a t ca n h e lp M a r y th in k mo r e c le a r ly.()A.e a tin g a lo t o f s u garB.s tud yin g s ix ho u r s eve r y d a yC.dr in k in g a lo t o f coff e eD.e a tin g f oo d h ig h in Vita min B(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to D o nn a's le tte r?()A.T he be s t time to s tud y is f r o m 10p.m.to 1a.m.B.Wa lk in g o u ts ide ca n ma k e yo u r e me mb e r mo r e.C.It's g o o d to te ll a s tu d y p a r tn e r a b ou t y o u r f e e ling.D.It's n e c e s s a r y to h ave a r e s t fo r15to 20 min u te s a n h ou r.Li Ta o h a te s h is mo m.He th in k s s h e 26.h im s o ha r d.To ma k e h im g e t go odg r a de s,s he do e sn't 27.h im to s e e f r ie nd s o n wee k en d s.Sh e sen d s h im to a ll k in d s o f a f te r-s c h o o l c la s s es.Sh e a lwa ys28.him with h is c la s s ma tes.Sh e h a r d lyc o mmu n ic a te s with h im.Ye s te rd a y s he 29.with h im ag a in.T h a t ma d e h im c ra z y.Li Ta o r an do wn the s tr e e t.A f te r ru nn in g fo r 30 min u te s,h e fe lt tir e d.He d e c ide d n o t to r u n 30..He s ta r ted to wa lk.Th e r e we r e fe we r a n d fe we r pe o p le on thes tr e e ts.H e wa lke d on31.he ha d o n ly th e s tr ee t lig h ts to kee p h im c o mp an y(陪伴他).W h en he f ina lly r e a c h e d h is bu ild in g,he s aw a ll th e lig h ts we r e o ff e x ce p t(除了)h is mo m's.Li Ta o s a id to 32., “Is M o m wa itin g f or me?” With th e k e y in h is h a nd, h e wa s ve r y 33..A t la s t, h e op en e d the d oo r.H e s a w h is mo th e r 34.h is be d, an d te a r s r a n d o wn h is f a ce.He sa id q u ie tl y, “M o m, I'm 35..I…” H is mo m s a id no th ing.Sh e ju s t h e ld h im in he r a rms.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)14.亲爱的同学,你生活中有烦恼,学习有压力吗?那我们应该如何正确面对烦恼,有效缓解心理压力呢请根据提示,以“H o w to R e l i e v e O u r S t r e s s”为题写一篇英语短文。






相信你是最棒的!人教版八年级下册英语期末模拟检测卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. Jack is _______ rich man. He has given away much money to _________ poor.A. a;/B. a; theC./; theD. the; a( )2. Cindy was very happy that all the windows of the room face ________the sea, so she can see the sea at any time.A. forB. fromC. towardsD. against( )3.---Which program would you like to watch, Singer or Trump Card?---_________ I have to prepare for my English exam.A. NeitherB. NoneC. BothD. All( )4.---This is ________wonderful town I have ever visited.---Yes. I've never seen a ________ one.A. the worst; biggerB. the most; betterC. the better; bestD. the worse; good( )5. ---Could you please __Linda to take her medicine at noon? She often forgets it.---Of course. Don’t worry. I’m sure she will be better soon.A. allowB. remindC. adviseD. cause( )6.---How_________ Mary was to volunteer to help people in danger!---So she was. She said she didn't feel scared at all when she was busy working there.A. braveB. cleverC. friendlyD. unusual( )7.--- Last night, I went to a concert. Erquan Yingyue was so moving that I felt a strong sadness under the beauty.---So it was. The musician who played it last night _______ to play the erhu since _______he very young.A. learned; wasB. learned; has beenC. has learned; wasD. has learned; is( )8. It is difficult for some old teachers to give online classes ________they have been taught how to use the computer.A. becauseB. afterC. unlessD. since( )9. Many people wear face masks in order to ________ themselves against COVID-19.A. protectB. fightC. cheatD. progress( )10.---I’ve finished my homework. How about you, Gina?---I haven't started________.A. alreadyB. beforeC. soonD. yet( )11.---Miss Best, I have trouble _________ the text.---Remember _______ it at least three times. Then you can get its main idea.A. understanding; readingB. to understand; to readC. to understand; readingD. understanding; to read( )12. How can you just turn a ___ear to their cries for food and shelter (庇护)? You should help them as much as possible. Helping others is helping yourself.A. deafB. blindC. longD. good( )13. Let's ________your old clothes and give them to a children’s home.A. clear outB. find outC. check outD. try out( )14. Doctors say that good health____ healthy food, right sports and enough sleep.A. makes upB. depends onC. looks afterD. waits for( )15.--- What about going for a picnic this Saturday?---________. We can take some delicious food with us then.A. Good luckB. Never mindC. That sounds funD. You're welcome二、完形填空(每空1分,共15分)Venkat is 17 years old. She has done more to help homeless people than many adults who arethree or four times her _____1_____.The _____2_____she founded (成立) has helped over 12,000 homeless people by ____3______ food, clothes and other necessary things. Venkat's passion(热情) for helping others started _____4_____ she could walk. Her parents were active volunteers and they took her to many voluntary activities. By fifth grade, she'd_____5_____ her love for volunteering. Later, she set up her own voluntary organization NEST4US. "I like doing good things_____6_____ they bring me so much happiness and joy," she says."There was a homeless man holding a sign saying '_____7_____. Need Food'," she remembers." When I gave him my lunch, he was so _____8_____.It only took me thirty _____9_____, but it really helped him a lot." This small act let her find a way to give food to the people _____10_____It's easy for people living on the margins(边缘)of the society to feel like they are not important and no one _____11_____ them. Venkat knew what they needed was not ____12______ food. She wanted to show her love.So she asked all the NEST4US volunteers to write warm-hearted_____13_____ and give them away with the food. A homeless man, who has kept every note he’d _____14_____, says, "They really help me _____15_____ up and they let me know I'm important too."( )1. A. dream B. height C. age D. weight( )2. A. experience B. childhood C. university D. organization ( )3. A. repairing B. providing C. checking D. searching( )4. A.as soon as B.as long as C.as far as D. as well as ( )5. A. counted B. invented C. developed D. recorded ( )6. A. though B. because C. unless D. while( )7. A. Hungry B. Angry C. Cold D. Tired( )8. A. silly B. crazy C. brave D. happy( )9. A. days B. seconds C. nights D. months( )10. A. in turn B. in danger C. in need D. in fact( )11. A. cares about B. depends on C. takes after D. runs into ( )12. A. heavily B. especially C. actually D. simply( )13. A. reports B. notes C. books D. guesses ( )14. A. gotten B. written C. hidden D. made( )15. A. pick B. cheer C. break D. wake三、阅读理解London Transport MuseumLondon Transport Museum was set up in 1980.It brings to life the history of London's public transport network---its buses, trains, tubes and taxis, from the 19thcentury to the present day.The museum has two sites in London. The main site in Covent Garden is open to the public every day.It reopened in 2007 after a two﹣year repair. The other site, located in Acton, is known as the London Transport Museum Depot and is open on visitor days throughout the year.Opening times (the main site):◆Museum galleries (展览馆)Open daily 10:00 ﹣ 18:00 (Last entry 17:15)◆Museum shopSunday﹣Tuesday 10:00 ﹣ 18:30Wednesday﹣ Saturday 10:00 ﹣ 19:00Museum tickets ( the main site):◆Adult:$17.50◆Children and young people aged 18 and under:free( Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. ) You can save by booking your ticket online at $16.For more information, visit https:// .( )1. What can we know about the main site of Landon Transport Museum?A. It's in Acton.B. It's closed on Mondays.C. A two﹣year repair will be done there.D. Visitors can't enter its galleries at 17:20.( )2. Who can enter the museum alone and without paying?A. 8-year-old Tony.B. 12-year-old Joanna.C. 18-year-old Peter.D. 20-year-old Mike.( )3. If you buy three tickets online, you can save .A.$1.5B.$4.5C.$16D.$17.5BMy grandfather Jack is 96 years old, and he has had an interesting life. He has travelled a lot in his life in the Far East. He visited the Taj Mahal in India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He hunted(狩猎)lions in Africa, and rode a camel in the SaharaDesert. He says the most beautiful place he has travelled to is Kathmandu in Nepal. Jack has married twice. His first wife died when she was 32. He met his second wife Maria while he was cycling round France. They have been married for 50 years, and they have lived happily in a small village since they got married.Jack says that he has never been ill in his life. The secret of good health, according to my grandfather, is exercise. He goes swimming every morning. He has done this since he was a boy. He also has a glass of wine every night!Perhaps that is his secret!( )4. What kind of life has Jack lived?A. A short life.B. An interesting life.C. A lonely life.D. A poor life. ( )5. Which of the following does Jack think is the most beautiful place?A. Kathmandu.B. The Pyramids.C. The Sahara Desert.D. Taj Mahal. ( )6. Where did Jack meet Maria?A. In India.B. In Nepal.C. In France.D. In Egypt. ( )7. What does Jack do every night?A. He has a glass of wine.B. He goes swimming.C. He hunts lions.D. He rides a camel.CThe Happy Prince is the main character from Oscar Wilde's famous story The Happy Prince.The prince was not a real prince. He was in fact a statue(雕像). People covered his body with gold and expensive stones. They called him the Happy Prince because there was a smile on his face. However, day after day, the prince could not smile any more.The prince stood in a small town. Most people in the town were so poor that they couldn't even feed themselves. The prince was very sad and decided to help them. A little bird helped him give away his gold and stones to the poor.The bird was on his way back to his home when the prince asked him for help. He chose to stay because of the prince's kindness He still wished to go home but now it was too late. The cold weather killed him. The bird lost his life in helping the poor. His death broke the prince's heart into two halves.However, their death was not the end When spring came, an angel (天使)visited the town and chose them as the two most valuable things on earth. God agreed and letthem live in his garden of gold for long.From the story we can learn the importance of love and kindness. God loves those who love and help others.( )8. Oscar Wild might be a(n) .A. statueB. writerC. angelD. prince( )9. What made the Happy Prince stop smiling?A. The hard life of the poor.B. The bird's death.C. The gold and stones he had.D. The small town he lived in. ( )10. The bird decided to stay in the town because .A. he wanted to help the people thereB. he liked the gold and stonesC. he wanted to make the people happyD. he thought the prince was a good person( )11. Which column (专栏) can we see this passage?A. TravelB. Science.C. Story.D. History.DCamilla Chomp was a strange little girl. She hardly had any friends because she thought it was much more fun to spend her time alone eating chocolate.Camilla left the house to look for some chocolate. She found a small house full of glasses. Among all the glasses, a blue glass caught Camilla's attention. It was full of chocolate. There was also a card in it, saying "Change tears into chocolate. "Camilla was very excited. She ran out of the house to look for someone crying.First, she met a little boy crying hard, and collected his tears. The tears were quickly changed into chocolate. While Camilla was collecting the tears, she comforted the boy. Finally, the boy stopped crying and they had a fun time together.Later, Camilla met a woman who had broken some plates and an old man who couldn't find his dog. Camilla collected their tears and made them happy again.Soon, Camilla realized that making people happy was even more important than finding chocolate. So she stopped collecting tears and began to help sad people. At last, she made friends with them and had a much happier life than before.( )12. What did Camilla Chomp enjoy at the beginning of the story?A. She enjoyed spending her time alone eating chocolate.B. She liked to have a lot of friends.C. She was interested in some strange friends.D. She liked to take all the chocolate away.( )13. Why did Camilla Chomp leave her house?A. Because she wanted to look for her friends.B. Because she was angry with her parents.C. Because she was excited.D. Because she wanted to look for some chocolate.( )14. Why did the woman cry in the passage?A. Because she could not comfort the little boy.B. Because she had broken some plates.C. Because she could not find her dog.D. Because she could not look for any chocolate.( )15. What can we learn from the passage?A. We can't collect tears.B. We can't eat any chocolate.C. If we learn to comfort and help others, we can make many friends.D. We shouldn't cry when we meet difficulties.四、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)1. Henry is the ___________ (smart) boy in our class. He always gets good marks.2. --- I don't know where to go this summer vacation.---Why not consider __________ (visit) Beijing? There are many places of interest.3. High-speed trains are regarded as one of the new Four Great ___(achieve) of China.4. Li Ziqi made some videos of her village life by ______(her), which are very popular now.5. Many people don't know the__________ (important) of health until they get ill.6.--- It's said that Beethoven was__________ (talent) at music.---He was also hard-working. He spent much time playing the piano when he was very young.7.---Did you get WeChat red envelopes(微信红包)during the Spring Festival?---Yes. It’s _____ (actual) the most popular way of sending holiday presents now.8. There are all kinds of _________ (scarf) in my shop. Which one would you like for your friend?9.---As soon as she _____(arrive) at the hotel, she will send a message to her parents. --- Then her parents will not worry about her.10.---The 5G technology can help doctors treat patients who are hundreds of kilometers away.---Fantastic! It's really__________ (amaze).五、阅读填空阅读下面短文,从方框中选出适合的选项填入文中。



人教版八年级Unit6周练试卷Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. You don’t need to worry about your little kids. I’m sure that they can look after ______ well.A. yourselfB. themselvesC. myself2. This event (重大事件) is so important that it has ______ to everyone.A. nothingB. differencesC. meaning3. We need to pay attention to our ______ health or we’ll get sick when we’re old.A. mindB. physicalC. heart4. People prefer making ______ at the start of a year for the reason that they think it’s easier for them to keep.A. resolutionsB. friendsC. notes5. With the development of the economy (经济),Chinese people’s lives ______ a lot.A. meanB. dropC. improve6. He dreams to be a/an ______ because he enjoys flying in the sky.A. pilotB. engineerC. scientist7. When you meet difficulties, don’t ______ yourself. What you should is sum up lessons and learn from failure.A. relaxB. questionC. enjoy8. Old people nowadays always ______ a hobby when they get retired (退休) to enrich their lives.A. take upB. make upC. put up9. You can know he’s ______ the result from his confident (自信的) look on his face.A. sure aboutB. careful aboutC. serious about10. —Could you please clean your room?—Sure. ______A. You’re right.B. I’m afraid I can’t.C. I promise.Ⅱ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。












( )1. What was wrong with the speaker yesterday evening?( )2. What should we protect?( )3. Who is the speaker talking about?八年级英语期末——1(共8页)( )4. Where did the speaker's family go last weekend?( )5. Where did Tim go?B.听对话(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据所听内容,回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。



( )6. What's the matter with Nancy?A. She has a toothache.B. She has a sore throat.C. She has a fever.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

人教版英语八年级下册试题初二Unit6周清试卷 3月4日

人教版英语八年级下册试题初二Unit6周清试卷 3月4日

初二英语Unit6周清试卷2017年3月4日一.单选(共20小题,计40分)1. Jane Zhang is going to hold a concert here in July. ---Really ? ______exciting news!A. HowB. What anC. WhatD. How an2. It’s ____ cold outside. You’d better wear warm clothes when you go out.A. bitB. littleC. a little bitD. a bit little3. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city.A. returnedB. returnsC. was returningD. will return4.—When did she________him?—In 2008.A. get married withB.get married toC.marry withD.marry to5.—It’s said that Mo Yan’s speech was wonderful.—That’s true.We clapped our hands________many times during his speech yesterday.A. excitedB.excitedlyC.excitingD.excitingly6. Beihai Park is a beautiful place that many people come to visit it every day.A.such; so B.so; such C.such; such D.so; so7. — I had a pleasant weekend by working on the farm. —_________.A.Oh, that’s very nice of youB. It’s a pleasureC. CongratulationsD. I’m glad to hear that8. His mother leaves him to clean ______.A day all B. whole the day C. the whole day D. the all day9. It was such a funny show that people couldn’t stop ____ again and again.A. laughB. to laughC. laughingD. laughed10.---I think I’m right. He is wrong. ---____of you is wrong. There are two sides to everything.A. NeitherB. NoneC. EitherD. Both11.Learning to write is learning to think. You don’t know things clearly ____you can write them down.A. unlessB. ifC. sinceD. whether12. You should spend more time staying with your mother _____ only giving her money.A. insteadB. instead ofC. becauseD. because of13. ---Does this kind of suit ______ you well? ---I don’t think so. Could you please get me another one?A. fitB. hideC. leadD. shoot14. —Why do you like the book? —Because it ________ me of my childhood.A.reminds B.remembers C.returns D.introduces15. We found ________ very interesting to learn about Chinese culture.A. it isB. thatC. itD. that is16. Though his bike is lost, he is not _____ worried.A. a littleB. a bitC. a fewD. a bit of17.---_____tall the red building is ! ---Yes, it’s our new library.A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a18. Alice and her classmates plan to raise money for ___ poor this Sunday.A. aB.anC. theD./19. Aunt Lucy will tell us something about her trip to Australia when she ____ back.A. cameB. comesC. would comeD. will come20. Don’t make any _____. The baby is sleeping in the ne xt room.A. shoutB. soundC. voiceD. noise二.完形填空(共10小题,计10分)The youngest daughter of Emperor Yan loved watching the sunrise. She once asked her father where the sun rose. Her father said it was in the Eastern Sea. She got very excited and she __21__ her father to take her there,but he thought she was too __22__ to go there.One day,the little princess went to the Eastern Sea alone without __23__ anyone. She jumped into the sea and planned to swim there. __24__,there was a strong wind in the sea and she died because of it. After her death,she __25__ a beautiful bird and people called her “Jing Wei”.Jing Wei hated the sea very much because it took away her life. The small bird __26__ to fill up the sea in order to keep others from falling into it.From then on,Jing Wei flew across the mountain and the Eastern Sea,carrying twigs(细枝) and pebbles(卵石) and dropping them into the __27__.Day after day,she never stopped.The sea __28__ Jing Wei and said,“Stop doing that,poor little bird. It is __29__ for you to fill me up.”“I'll fill you up no matter how hard it is,”replied Jing Wei. The brave little bird _30__ on doing this without taking a rest.Now we often use the story to describe people who will not give up until they realize their dreams.()21. A. promised B.asked C.allowed D.repaired()22. A. young B.angry C.excited D.busy()23. A. making B.putting C.telling D.sharing()24. A. Unluckily B.Usually C.Recently D.Completely()25. A. got into B.turned into C.walked into D.ran into()26. A. decided B.cheated C.refused D.added()27. A. river B.sea C.boat D.mountain()28. A. looked like B.laughed at C.looked after D.helped with()29. A. satisfied B.nervous C.impossible D.important()30. A. began B.finished C.imagined D.kept三.阅读理解(共5小题,计10分)One day, a raven(乌鸦) happened to fly past a lake. Looking at the lake, he saw the most beautiful animal he had ever seen. She was a swan(天鹅) and her feathers(羽毛)were as white as snow. The swan was playing with other birds happily , talking and dancing. And it seemed that the other birds all liked to stay with her . When he looked at his own feathers they were as black as coal. The raven was very angry with the swan. “How can the swan have such wonderful feathers?’ said the raven. What should he do with his feathers? He thought it over and over.Then, the raven decided that he also wanted to have white feathers like the swan . From that day on,, the raven began to live like the swan. He moved his home from the woods to the lake. He also started to eat water plants like the swan. He tried his best to talk and dance with the other birds. The most important thing for the raven was to wash his feathers, hoping that they would turn white. He even went to the nearby rivers and ponds to wash his feathers because he thought the water in the lakes was not enough for him to wash them. But no matter how hard he washed his feathers, they remained black.As he ate only water plants, he soon grew thinner and thinner. Not many days later, the raven died.31.The underlined word “her” in Paragraph 1 refers to ____.A. the ravenB. the swanC. the featherD. the water32.Why was the raven angry with the swan?A. His own feathers were as white as snow.B. The swan did not have black feathers like him.C. The swan had beautiful white feathers.D. The swan lived in the lake with other birds.33. Where wa s the raven’s natural home?A. The lakesB. The pondsC. The woodsD. the water34. Why did the raven want to live like the swan?A. He wanted to make friends with the swanB. He wanted to see the swan’s white feathers.C. He wanted to eat water plants.D. He wanted to become a swan.35. Why did the raven wash his feathers every day?A. He thought his feathers would turn white.B. He wanted to drive the other birds away.C. He thought his feathers were dirty.D. He wanted to keep his weathers white五. 任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分)阅读回答问题阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

2020-2021学年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 6 周末培优特训六(含答案)

2020-2021学年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 6 周末培优特训六(含答案)

2021人教版八年级下册英语Unit 6 周末培优特训六(含答案)一、语法选择。

It is no longer as easy as it once was to choose what1.Our eating habits 2,so has our way of life,and what we need for our bodies is also different.Traditional diets often have 3 fat.So we had better 4to make the right choices about what and how we eat.5we choose what to buy and eat,we had better think whether the food will give us the nutrients(营养)we need.Some nutrients help build our bodies and make them 6.We eat fish,meat and beans because the nutrient in them is good 7our muscles.We chooseeggs,milk and other dairy products(奶制品),which are good for our bones and 8.We eat bread,rice and noodles to get carbohydrates(糖类)from them.We choose vegetables and fruits to get Vitamins,fiber and minerals.But the choices we make are not just about nutrition.Many people today choose what to eat according to their beliefs.Some people become vegetarians(素食者)because they believe 9is healthier not to eat meat or they think we 10kill animals for food.What the vegetarians do is to help them be healthy and protect the animals.( )1.A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.to eating ( )2.A.changed B.have changed C.are changing D.will change ( )3.A.much too B.too many C.too much D.many too ( )4.A.to learn B.learning C.learnt D.learn( )5.A.When B.After C.While D.Since( )6.A.strong B.the stronger C.strongest D.the strongest ( )7.A.to B.for C.with D.of( )8.A.tooth B.teeth C.noses D.nose( )9.A.it B.this C.that D.one( )10.A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.may not D.mustn’t二、完形填空。

八年级英语(人教版新目标 下)第12周周考试卷(Unit6-Unit7)

八年级英语(人教版新目标 下)第12周周考试卷(Unit6-Unit7)

八年级英语(人教版新目标下)第12周周考试卷(Unit6-Unit7)(总分100分考试时间60分钟)I请根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文单词或短语.(20分1-10单词每空1分,11-15短语每空2分)1.虚弱的adj.2.有魔力的adj.3.欺骗v. 骗子n.4.亚洲n.5. 竹子n.6.微笑v.&n.7.疾病n. 8.包含,包括v.9.人口,人口数量n. 10.成就,成绩n.11.从前12.据我所知13.一……就…… 14.在将来15.实现某人的梦想II单项选择.(每小题2分,共20分)()1.Many years ago,there lived emperor in a foreign country,emperor liked new clothes.A.an; AnB.the; theC.an;theD.the; An()2.Betty has a sweet .Listen,she is singing in the next room!A.lookB.voiceC. soundD.noise()3.These pictures him of his old days.A.thinkB.hearC.missD.remind()4.There are no man-made objects as as the Great Wall.A. biggerB.bigC.much biggerD.the biggest()5.As soon as Tom home, he will play computer games.A.getsB.getC.will getD.got()6.We’ll miss the bus we walk more quickly.A.becauseB.althoughC.whenD.unless()7. you give up smoking, it will be.A. The quicker;the bestB. The sooner;the betterC. Faster;the betterD. The sooner;better()8. Our classroom is larger than theirs.A. moreB. quiteC. veryD. much()9.We asked Lucy and Lily some easy questions,but of them could answer them.A.neitherB.eitherC.bothD.all()10.Which city has population, Beijing,Guiyang,Kaili?—Kaili,of course.A. the leastB.the mostC.the smallestD.the largestIII完形填空(每空2分,共20分)IV.阅读理解(每小题4分,共20分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出最佳选项填入空白处.Imagine pioneers(开发者,拓荒者)traveling west in the 1800s. In those days, it was hard to find running water and shops where to buy things. As time went by, most pioneers had to make their homes near a river so that they could get water easily.How did rivers help people live in the past?Back in the pioneer days, people grew their own food, caught their own fish, and collected their own water. 1.________ People also used rivers as roads, traveling on boats. Traders shipped goods(货物) to people from other areas.2.________When building many factories right next to rivers for the water's power to make machines work, some people choose to live near a river for working. They use the river to ship large goods, and some of them work at these factories where power factories provide electricity(电)to homesand businesses. 3.________Who wouldn't want to live near a river?Some people are nervous about living near rivers because rivers can cause floods(洪水). Every once in a while, floodwaters rise higher than a house, ruining(泡坏) many things in the house. 4.________ Such waste causes water to smell bad and pollutes the crops(庄稼) we eat. Water and crops in polluted areas can make people very sick.How do people decide where to live?5.________ Rivers can provide jobs and fun activities in a beautiful place. However, thoseV.阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容和,提示在短文空格处填入适当的单词,每个空只能写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词(每空2分,共20分)。



B. She '�1 B.though 1
B. popular它 0 __J
B.needn'tt g
C. They C. unless C. dangerous C. mustn't
D.We D. because D. strange D. couldn't
)24. A.fun )25. A.story
C. Two three;have raised
D. Two thirds;have raised
)14.-Have you ever seen the new movie?
-Of course. I
1t last weekend.
A. have seen
B. see
C. saw
D. will see
lot of people were waiting to get on._Eut some of them 23 stand up after
getting off the roller coaster!
We had a 24 day and I woul吐love to visit the amusement park again.
)10. -
have you been married, Mr. Zhang?
—For twenty years.
A. How far
B. How often
C. How long
D.How soon
)11. There are
children here, but only two
like this
)26. Old Orchard Beach doesn't have



八年级英语周末试卷姓名一、单项选择〔满分是20分〕( ) 1. --Is there ________ African elephant in _______ zoo? - Maybe there is.A. a; theB. an; theC./; theD. an; a( ) 2. Look! What a clean room! Who _______ it ?A. has cleanedB. is cleaningC. will cleanD. cleaned ( ) 3. --Would you mind closing the window, Millie? -- ______.A. Of courseB. That’s all rightC. You’re welcomeD. Of course not( ) 4. -- ________did your uncle leave his hometown?--He ________ for nearly twenty years.A. When, has leftB. When, has been awayC. How long, has leftD. How long, has been away( ) 5. One of the students __________ Hawaii before in our class.A. have been toB. has been toC. have gone toD. has gone to ( ) 6. There __________ great changes in our hometown in the past fifteen years.A. has beenB. have beenC. wasD. were( ) 7 . He arrived here _______ in the afternoon, but he was not _______ for the importantmeeting.A. late, lateB. late, laterC. later, lateD. later, later( ) 8. The Greens used to live in London and now they _________ in Beijing.A. used to liveB. are used to liveC. are used to livingD. are used for living( ) 9. The man is famous a doctor.A. forB. asC. toD. about( ) 10. hard work he is doing! And he is working really hard.A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a( ) 11. -- Is your mother at home? --No, she ______ for an hour.A. went outB. has gone outC. was outD. has been out ( ) 12. --How far is it from your home to our school? -- ______.A.Three kilometers farB. Three kilometers’ awayC.Three days walkD. Three hours’ bus ride( ) 13. I walked ______ the square after supper every day, so I know very well every small shop there.A. aroundB. intoC. acrossD. through( ) 14. --Would you please _________ some more beef? --No, thanks. I _________ enough.A. have, have hadB. to have, have hadC. have, hadD. to have, had( ) 15. My father ______ my mother when they were both 26 years old, and they have ______ for 15 years.A. married to; been marriedB. married with; been marriedC. was married; been marriedD. married; been married( ) 16. It ______ two years since we ______ this school, we really like it.A.was; enteredB. is; entered intoC. has been; enteredD. B &C( ) 17. The reporter’s already back from Malaysia safely, ______he?A. isB. isn’tC. has D hasn’t( ) 18. -- How did you find the trip to Hong Kong? --______.A. The guide took us there.B. First by train and then by bus.C. Very fantastic.D. It was not far from our hotel. ( ) 19. Mr Li _____ Kunming. He _____ the city three times. This time he _____ Kunming forthree days.A. has been to, has gone to, have been inB. has gone to, has been to,has been inC. has been in, has been to, have gone toD. has gone to, has been in, has been to( ) 20. --______ does Tom usually use his computer ______?--He usually uses it ______ a game.A. What; to; playB. What; for; to playC. How; for; playD. How; for; to play二、完型填空〔一共15小题;每一小题1分,满分是15分〕When I was nine years old, I used to go to the post office with my mother, sendinggreeting cards to my aunt in Singapore. To me, these trips were really 1 memories. And receiving mail through a mailbox outside our gate was just as exciting. My small hands could 2 get the mail without using a key! I always couldn’t wait to see how much I was 3 . Oh, a letter! From Singapore! I would run back home and show it to my 4 . When there was a letter for me, I wouldn’t run—I would open it right there.After my family moved back to Singapore, I 5 going to the post office. Years later, my company sent me to Shanghai, and the post office found me again. Two years ago I celebrated my 6 with five friends on top of the mountain in Longsheng, China. At sunrise we 7 up to a beautiful view from the mountain top. Later in the afternoon, as we were going 8 the mountain and returning from the sunrise viewing place, a 9 shop caught our attention. It only sold noodles, coffee and had a China 10 sign.We asked the owner if she could really send mail. She happily said yes. It seemed hard to believe, 11 we were at the highest top of the mountain. I picked one postcard out and asked my friends to write 12 a birthday note. We bought a stamp, wrote some notes and gave the shop owner the postcard.Three weeks later, I arrived home and 13 my mailbox: Hello, postcard! I broke into a big smile.That birthday postcard attracted me again to the post office and all its delights.I had 14 the post office all these years. Today I 15 send postcards to friends. And every time I am at the post office buying stamps, I cannot help butsmile—how one postcard will make its way across the world and brighten up someone’s day.( ) 1. A. bad B. poor C. good D. short ( ) 2. A. easily B. simply C. hardly D. specially( ) 3. A. weighing B. getting C. selecting D. accepting( ) 4. A. friend B. aunt C. mother D. owner ( ) 5. A. enjoyed B. stopped C. hated D. considered( ) 6. A. wedding B. return C.success D. birthday ( ) 7. A. broke B. woke C. grew D. stood ( ) 8. A. around B. over C. up D. down ( ) 9. A. cold B. dirty C. small D. modern ( ) 10. A. Traffic B. Life C. Police D. Post ( ) 11. A. because B. though C. while D. when ( ) 12. A. him B. me C. her D. them ( ) 13. A. bought B. repaired C. painted D. opened ( ) 14. A. missed B. influenced C. studied D. visited ( ) 15. A. just B. seldom C. still D. never 三、阅读理解〔满分是10分〕Mr. Harris used to work in Dover, but then he changed his work, and he and hiswife moved to another town. They did not have many friends there, but they soon met a lot of interesting people. After a few weeks, they often went to dinner or to parties at other people’s houses.Then Mrs. Harris said to her husband, “We’ve been to a lot of other people’s houses, and now we must invite them to our house, mustn’t we?〞“Yes, certainly,〞answered her husband, “A big party will be the easiest thing, won’t it? Then we can start to invite people to dinner in small numbers next month.〞So Mrs. Harris said, “Yes, I’ll invite all our friends here to a big party on 5th December.〞“How many will that be?〞Mr. Harris asked. “Don’t invite too many.〞Mrs. Harris was beginning to write the invitations when her husband saw that she was writing, “Party: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.〞“That isn’t very nice, is it?〞he said. “You’re telling our guests that they must go at 8:30.〞So Mrs. Harris just wrote “Party: 6:30 p.m.〞A lot of guests came, and they all had a good time, so they did not go home at 8:30. In fact they were still there at mid-night when the door bell rang and a policeman arrived. He said, “You must s top making a noise, because someone has complained(抱怨).〞Mr. Harris said he did not want to quarrel with the policeman, so everyone went home. They were sorry to have to go.When Mr. and Mrs. Harris were alone again, she said to him. “That was a surprise,wasn’t it? Who complained about the noise?〞“I did,〞 Mr Harris answered in a tired voice.( ) 1. Why did Mr. Harris and his wife move to another town?A. They wanted to make some new friends.B. Mr. Harris changed his work.C. They wanted to meet a lot of interesting people.D. They enjoyed going to parties and visiting other people’s houses.( ) 2. What made Mr. and Mrs. Harris hold a party at their house?A. It was easy to hold a big party at home.B. They could ask people to dinner in small numbers.C. They had gone to other people’s parties many times.D. They liked making friends with others.( ) 3. How long would Mrs. Harris like the party to last?A. From the morning till night.B. About fourteen hours.C. About two hours.D. Till midnight( ) 4. When did the party end that evening?A. At about 8:30.B. When the policeman talked with Mr. Harris on the phone.C. At a bout twelve o’clock.D. When someone telephoned the police station. ( ) 5. Why did Mr. Harris telephone the policeman about the noise?A. Because someone rang his door bell many times at mid-night.B. He did not want his friends to stay late that night.C. His friends had a good time that night and also felt tired.D. Because he hated the noise.四、词汇〔满分是30分〕A. 根据中英文提示或者句意填写上单词。



2021-2021学年下期城东中学八年级英语第六周周考试卷一.单词:(30分)二.词组练习:(14分)请认真书写1. I was busy preparing for my exams while Kangkang was_______________________(在度假) .2.Diana is helping Lily __________________________(算出)the cost carefully.3.He ______________________________(迫不急待) see the sound of music.4. Tian’anmen Square is _________________________________(在--HY) Beijing City5.His parents _______________________________(对----感到惊奇) his words.6.The crowd was pushing me _________________________________(朝四面八方)7.The girls was so beautiful and we__________________________(忍不住看)them all the time.三. 单项选择。

〔10分〕( )1. —Where is Japan, do you know? —It lies ____ the east of China.A. inB. onC. to( )2. —Would you help me plan my vacation? —_____A. All right.B. No, let’s not.C. Thank you.( )3. —Mary can’t help ____ the house. Why?—Because she is busy ____ a hotel reservation.A. to clean; makingB. cleaning; makingC. cleaning; to make( )4. My father was watching TV ______ my mother was cooking.A. whenB. untilC. while( )5. Mr. Green ____ go to bed ____ he finished his work last night.A. does; untilB. don’t; untilC. didn’t; until( )6. The official was looking at a postcard sadly ____ his workmate came in.A. whileB. whenC. after( )7. —I’m sorry that John is out. —Please ask him to call me as soon as he ____.A. returnedB. returnsC. will return( )8. The ____ of the People’s Republic of China is beginning of new China.A. foundingB. foundC. founded( )9. —____ is it from here to the Summer Palace?—About twenty minutes’ walk.A. How longB. How farC. How soon( )10. It took us ____ to finish the new research report.A. one hour and a halfB. one and a half hourC. one and a half hours四.情景交际。



一、单项选择(共10分)()1. —What’s the matter ________ you?—I didn’t sleep well last night.A. atB. withC. forD. on()2. I have a ________, so I have to go to see a dentist.A. feverB. coldC. stomachacheD. toothache()3. —I can’t go to school because I have a bad cold.—________.A. Glad to hear thatB. I’m sorry to hear thatC. I don’t think soD. I’m afraid not()4. We couldn’t finish our work so early ________ your help.A. withoutB. withC. forD. by()5. Mary is used to ________ a T-shirt and jeans.A. wearB. put onC. wearingD. putting on()6. Don’t ________ the bus until it has stopped. Safety is first.A. get alongB. get ofC. get offD. get up()7. —Diaoyu Island belongs to China.—Surely it does! We Chinese will never ________ it up.A. cutB. fixC. giveD. set()8. What ________ to Tom yesterday?A. happenB. happensC. will happenD. happened ()9. You shouldn’t drink ________ coffee, because it’s not good for your health.A. too muchB. much tooC. too manyD. many too ()10. —I feel really tired today.—So you ________ study late tonight.A. canB. mustC. shouldD. shouldn’t二、用方框内单词的正确形式完成句子(共5分)26. I’m thirsty. I ________ to drink some water.27. Mary ________ tired after a long walk this afternoon.28. She is too ________. She should lie down and rest.29. Eating vegetables can help you ________ healthy.30. Last night his grandfather hardly ________ because his uncle didn’t get home.三、句型转换(共10分)31. Jim has a stomachache.(对画线部分提问)________ the matter ________ Jim?32. You should eat something.(改为否定句)You ________ eat ________.33. Judy has a sore throat.(改为一般疑问句)________ Judy ________ a sore throat?34. It seems that he is happy.(改为同义句)He ________ ________ be happy.35. I think you should lie down and rest.(改为否定句)I ________ ________ you should lie down and rest.四、根据汉语意思完成句子(共20分)36.我牙疼。




I XXX't。

Are you sure it's true?A。







/8.Tom is a good student。

He always pays n。








on9.—How long have you been learning English?I started learning it when I was six years old.A。

For two years。


Since two years ago。


For eight years。


Since eight years ago10.—What do you think of the movie we watched yesterday?It's really。

I enjoyed it very much.A。







terrible11.—Do you know the girl。

the red dress over there?Yes。

she is my classmate.A。







with12.—What did the teacher say just now?Sorry。

I didn't catch。

he said.A。







whether13.—I'm afraid I can't come to your party tonight.Maybe next time.A。

That's all right。


What a pity。


Not at all。


It doesn't matter14.—XXX?I think it's very XXX.A。

人教版八年级下册Unit 2周末作业(含答案)

人教版八年级下册Unit 2周末作业(含答案)

Unit2I’ll help to clean up the city parks.(周末作业)班级___________姓名___________学号____________分数____________(考试时间:30分钟试卷满分:50分)一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每小题1分,共10分)1.After her husband’s d________,she felt more lonely.2.People are only w_________about getting good jobs to make lots of money.3.After a whole day’s hard work,Doctor Martin l_____in bed without supper that night. 4.It’s helpful to r________money for the sick boy.15.When I stay at home a_______,I feel lonely.6.You can help stop h________,there are so many hungry people in the world.7.They are going on a different j________with each book.8.He gives up s________(几个)hours a week to work in the old people’s home.9.A friend in n______is a friend indeed.10.The deaf are u_________to hear things.二、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)11.Do they have any good ideas to help the___________(home)people?12.She is very__________(luck)to get the good job.13.It is one of our after-school_____________(program).14.They are____________(raise)money for the poor village.15.Most students today are only worried about___________(get)good grades.16.ler gave up his job__________(look)after his sick daughter.17.Kate would like_________(be)a teacher when she grows up.18.Mrs.Hand didn't let me_____(give)out the newspapers.19.Every weekend Alice works in the club_________(help)kids read and write. 20.Mom asks me not________(spend)too much time on computer games.三、单项选择(每小题1分,共5分)21.Sandy’s mother tells her________with the light on,because it is bad for her health. A.doesn’t sleep B.not sleep C.not to sleep D.to not sleep 22.It’s________own business.Please do it by yourself.A.you B.your C.yours D.his23.Bill wants________soccer with his classmates in the afternoon.A.playing B.plays C.to play D.play24.We decided________the books again.A.to count B.count C.counted D.counting 25.—Lucy,why are you staying at home________?—Oh,my parents went to my grandparents’home.A.lonely B.clearly C.already D.alone四、短文选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。

人教版八年级下英语Unit 1周末作业(含答案)

人教版八年级下英语Unit 1周末作业(含答案)

Unit1What’s the matter?周末作业班级___________姓名___________分数____________(考试时间:30分钟试卷满分:50分)一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(每小题1分,共10分)1.She had a f______all the night and didn’t sleep well.2.Lily has a t_____.She has to see a dentist right now.3.There is something wrong with my s____,so I can’t eat anything. 4.Mum asked me to l______the table for dinner.5.A giraffe usually has a long neck and four big f_____.6.The d______of his pet cat made the boy very sad.7.I went home before the end of the meeting.What was the finald______?8.There are some k______on the table.You can use any of them to cut the apple.9.Let’s stop to have a rest.We’d better not make o_____too tired. 10.When I was I Grade Three,I realized the i______of English.二、用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)11.It’s important_________(sleep)nine hours a night.12.I'm worried because my mother is_________(health). 13.Doctor,I’not feeling_________(good).14.If you have trouble,I can give you some_________(advice) 15.I’m feeling terrible,I have a__________(stomach).16.He hurt himself____________(play)soccer.17.Mr.Chen is often___________(stress)out.18.Children should_________(help)their parents with the house. 19.Just now Mrs.Smith left here without_________(say)goodbye to us.20.As a student,I should try to finish my homework by________(I).三、选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)选词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。




I used to be a shy girl.But this term, I decided to do a brave thing.When our teacher asked1would like to be the physics monitor (物理课代表), I put up my hand and got the role.But it was not as easy as I thought.At 2beginning, when I checked the homework list, I found that many students 3in their homework.I was a little worried.I felt the job for me at that time was to push these students.And I spoke 4loudly that my face turned red.It made my classmates angry, too.One girl asked, “Why are you shouting5me? You’re making it seem like my fault.” Then I suddenly realized it was actually 6fault.I should talk to my classmates in a kind way and not get so angry.After this, I changed the way of 7.“Excuse me.Co uld you please hand in your homework?” I said.To my surprise, many students understood me much8and finished their homework quickly.I found the best way to communicate, 9it helped me solve problems.Now, I am getting along well with all my classmates.I also realized that a good monitor 10be responsible and patient.I really cherish (珍惜) this experience.It makes me grow up like a young tree day by day. ( )1.A.what B.how C.who D.why( )2.A.the B.a C.an D./( )3.A.not hand B.don’t hand C.didn’t hand D.aren’t handing( )4.A.such B.so C.very D.much( )5.A.for B.in C.on D.at( )6.A.I B.me C.mine D.my( )7.A.speak B.speaking C.to speak D.spoken( )8.A.well B.good C.better D.best( )9.A.but B.so C.and D.or( )10.A.may B.might C.could D.should二、阅读理解。

八年级英语下学期第6周周末作业试题 试题

八年级英语下学期第6周周末作业试题  试题

大丰万盈二中2021-2021学年八年级英语下学期第6周周末作业试题〔无答案〕牛版姓名_________________班级______________学号_________家长签字___________一、词汇(每空1分,一共15分 11-15题为动词填空)1. In April, there are usually more_____________〔病例〕of colds in hospitals.2. By _____________ (训练〕local doctors and nurses, we can help more people.3. It’s difficult for a common worker to ____________ 〔买得起〕 to buy a flat in modern cities.4. The students in our school are often_____________ (对待) with kindness.5. We have done much____________(调查、研究) on the topic so far.6. It's said that playing computer games too much can sometimes cause_____________ (blind).7. All the countries reached an_____________ (agree) at the meeting.8. With the _____________ (develop) of the modern medicine, many cases can be cured or prevented.9. I think _____________ (educate) is very important.10. Tomas Edison was one of the greatest _____________ (invent) in the word..11. Don't worry. There is still a little time_____________ (leave).12. The heavy work ________________(affect) his health, so he looks much older.13. Sick people can ____________(cure)by the voluntary doctors.14. UNICEF is part of the United Nations. It _____________ (set) up in 1946.15. More action ought to _____________(take)to prevent the pollution.二、单项选择〔20〕( )1.The books you donated is used to _____ children in need.A. helpB. helpedC. helpingD.helps( )2.Do you have _____ to say for your mistakes?A. special anythingB. special somethingC. anything specialD. something special( )3. The patients are quite_____________ to the nurses for their special care.A. kindB. helpfulC. impoliteD.grateful( )4. She uses her car _____________ for driving to work.A. the mostB. mostlyC. almostD.main( )5. My parents are ____________ me because of my good grades in all subjects.A. proud ofB. take a pride ofC. proud fromD. take prides from( )6. After a three-hour walk, Mr. Wu walked _________slow _________catch up withus.A. so…th atB. such…thatC. too…toD.enough…to( )7. Little Ben has had _______ falls on the ice that he is black and blue allover during his stay in Beijing.A. so muchB. so manyC. too muchD. toomany( )8. Bamboo can _______paper.A. used to makeB. be used makeC. be used to makeD. be used to making( )9. When you don't know a word, you can_______ in the dictionary.A. look it upB. set it upC. give it upD. pick it up( )10. .He makes a living driving a taxi.A. forB. with C .inD. by( )11. It was _______ beautiful weather that we went on a ride trip.A. soB. suchC. so aD.such a( )12. We should try our best _______ the poor children _______ clean water andfood.A. provide, withB. to provide, withC. provide, forD. to provide, for( )14. My father _________ in a shoe factory .A. used to workingB. used to worksC. used to workD.is used to work( )15. Dr Lin was not _________ on so many patients every day .A. used to workingB. used to worksC. used to workD. used to worked( )16 . – Did Jack come to our party yesterday? --No, he _________.A. wasn’t invitedB. didn’t inviteC. isn’t invitedD. hasn’t invited( )17. Dr Zhang is a famous doctor , he operates _______ about four people a day .A. onB. withC. ofD./ ( )18. I decided to take a raincoat _______ I won’t get wet in the rain.A. because ofB. only ifC. so thatD. make sure( )19. Many people______ eye problems visit the ORBIS plane.A. onB. withC. haveD. has( )20. ______ hard work it is to plant so many trees around the lake!A. What aB. WhatC. What anD. How三、完形填空〔15分〕Jessie ___1__ home happily when a truck went past her car. The driver was moving much too fast. When Jessie neared her exit〔出口〕, she __2___ something and stopped her car to the right of the highway〔高速公路〕. An accident had happened on the left side. The truck had ___3__ a car, but the driver was gone. Jessie thought that the people inside must be badly ___4__ and she should help them as____5___ as shecould.Not thinking of the ___6___, Jessie hurried to the other side of the road, though few people dared〔敢〕cross such a busy road. Looking into the car, she saw five people —two women and three children. Jessie was ___7___ to see all of them moving. Jessie pulled one of the car doors. It wouldn’t open. She went to the next door. ___8___, she couldn’t move it. She almost thought that all was lost before she go t one of the doors to open a little. “Please get the children ___9___,〞 one of the women called. Jessie ___10__ a little boy from the car and moved him to a __11__ place. Then she went to bring the other children to safety.After the last child was out of the car, Jessie thought of the box in ___12__ car. She had something in it that could help get that door open. So she got the box quickly. As Jessie was ___13__ on the door, the driver said, “Not many people would do what you’re doing.〞“Your just take it easy, and I’ll have you ___14__ soon,〞 said Jessie. She was as good as her word. As soon as she helped the women___15__the car, it caught fire.〔〕1. A. drove B. was driving C. was driven D. driven〔〕2. A. did B. saw C. made D. forgot〔〕3. A. hit B. met C. passed D. followed〔〕4. A. beaten B. treated C. neededD. hurt〔〕5. A. many B. more C. less D. much 〔〕6. A. matter B. trouble C. dangerD. accident〔〕7. A. proud B. happy C. nervous D. worried〔〕8. A. Again B. Clearly C. Perhaps D. Once 〔〕9. A. off B. in C. out D. ready〔〕10. A. picked B. dropped C. collected D. pulled〔〕11. A. quiet B. cool C. safe D. clean〔〕12. A. their B. her C. another D. this 〔〕13. A. working B. turning C. knocking D. setting 〔〕14. A. back B. past C. over D. out〔〕15. A. out B. left C. out of D. leaving四、阅读理解〔20分〕(A) Sarah left school at eighteen, went to college and then worked at a computer company. Four years later, she got a new job as a manager in British Airways (英国航空公司). This is what she told us about her job:“My office is at Heathrow Airport, but I spend 60% of my time in the air. I teach air–hostesses〔空姐〕and help them with any problems I also go to lots of meetings.My hours are usually from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. but sometimes I work from 1 p.m. to9 p.m. At work, the first thing I do is check plane times on my computer and thenI speak with some of the air-hostesses.Sometimes I go on long flights (飞行) to check how the air-hostesses are doing. That’s my favourite part of the job, but I like office work, too. Travelling can be hard work. When I get back from a long trip, all I can do is eat something and then go to bed! I don’t make much money, but I’m happy with British Airways and want to stay there and continue to travel.〞〔〕1. S arah’s first job was ______.A. at a collegeB. at a computer companyC. in British AirwaysD. at Heathrow Airport〔〕2. Sarah does most of her work ______.A. in meetingsB. in the computer roomC. in the officeD. in airplanes〔〕3. Most days, Sarah starts work at ______.A. 8 a.m.B. 1 p.m.C. 4 p.m.D. 9 p. m.〔〕4. The first thing Sarah does after a long trip is ______.A. go to bedB. have a mealC. go to a meetingD. go to the office〔〕5. Sarah would like to ______.A. make more moneyB. stop travelingC. go to college againD. stay in the same job(B)My grandfather was a fine man. I loved him very much. But one day I told him a lie. I cannot tell you what the lie was. I was only seven years old then. Grandfather was not cross with me.“Ask Jim to get a long ladder,〞 he said, “My boy now jumps from tops of houses, up to the roof .〞Jim brought the big ladder. Then Grandfather said, “My boy now jumps from tops of houses. The ladder is for him.〞I knew at once what he was telling me. I had often heard the old saying, “ A lie is a jump from the top of a house.〞I said nothing. But I felt like crying.The minutes went by. What would people think abut the ladder ? It stood by the front door. I was afraid it might be there a long time. I had to do something .At last I went to my grandfather. He was reading a book. I went up to him and put my face on his arm.“Grandfather,〞 I said, “I will not tall a lie again. We don’t need the ladder now.〞 Grandfather seemed very happy once again. He called Jin, “ Take the ladder away.〞 He said, “ My boy does not jump from the tops of houses.〞His words made me very happy.( ) 6.From the reading we cannot know ___________________.A. whether the boy told a lieB. what the lie wasC. what grandfather did with the boyD. how the story ended( ) 7. The word “cross〞 in the reading means _____________.A. angryB. surprisedC. happyD. kind( ) 8. Grandfather asked Jim to get a ladder to _____________.A.see whether the boy could jump from the top of the houseB.help the boy to climb to the top of the houseC.let the boy know it was wrong to tell a lieD. D. make the boy cry.( ) 9. “What would people think about the ladder?〞 shows the boy was afraid people would ___________.A. know what had happenedB. take the ladder awayC. come to end of the roofD. come to take care of grandfather ( ) 10. At the end of the story the result is _________.A. enjoyableB. sadC. not clearD. untrue阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。



人教版初中英语八年级下册期末试卷(本试卷含答案解析) 姓名: 考号:班级: 学校: 考号:一.单项选择.(1×20=20 分)1.(1 分)His father the computer for two years.()A.has bought B.has had C.bought D.have had been to a water park.2.(1 分)﹣We've ﹣Me neither.()A.already B.ever C.never D.yet 3.(1 分) you ever there before?﹣Yes,but only once.()A.Have,gone to B.Have,been C.Have,been to D.Have,gone  two years ago.()4.(1 分)My brother has been in the school team A.for B.before C.a er D.since 5.(1 分)﹣Look!Some people are running the red lights.﹣We should wait others are breaking the rule.()A.if B.unless C.although D.because 6 .(1 分)While my Mom was doing the dishes ,I her in the kitchen.()A.was helping B.were helping C.helped D.help 7.(1 分)﹣Jackie Chan has donated dollars to charity..()﹣He is an example to us allA.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of 8.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣How long have you been like this?﹣﹣﹣ .()A.Since last month B.Last month ago C.Last month before D.Last month 9.(1 分)September is the best me flowers here.()A.watch B.watches C.watching D.to watch 10.(1 分)Will there be pollu on and people in 100years than now?()A.fewer,less B.much,less C.less,fewer D.much,fewer 11.(1 分)﹣ ﹣you your dic onary yet?﹣Yes,I it five minutes ago.()found B B.Have;A.Did;find;found found;found C.Have;found;have found D.Did;find;have found 12.(1 分)She this book for nearly three weeks.()A.has borrowed B.has lent C.has bought D.has kept 13.(1 分)He was very when he heard the news.()A.exci ng;exci ng B.exci ng;excited C.excited;exci ng D.excited;excited 14 .(1).,he went to the Internet 分) A er school he didn't go homecafé.()A.But B.While C.Instead D.Instead of 15.(1 分)Tom is one of in his class.()A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest 16.(1 分)﹣﹣﹣ ?﹣﹣﹣I have a sore throat.()A.What's the ma er B.What's the wrong C.What's trouble D.How are you 17.(1 分)His uncle for more than 9years.()A.has come here B.has started to work C.has lived there D.has le the university 18.(1 分)﹣﹣Did you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Fes val (桃花节)?﹣﹣Yes.The flowers were beau ful.Bees were flying them.()A.in B.among C.between D.through  to 19.(1 分) has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he China?(?( )A.How soon,comes B.How o en,got C.How long,came D.How far,arrived child he or she 20 .(1 分)It is generally considered unwise to give a a child wants.()A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 二.完形填空.(1.5×10=15 分)21.(15 分)One night,a doctor was sleeping at home when his doorbell began to ring.When he opened the door he saw a man(21)outside."Excuse me,Doctor,"said the man."Can you come to a place out of town?It's quite far but you have a car and I can(22)you the way.""Certainly,"said the doctor."I'm ready.I'll come soon."(23)a few minutes,the car came.The man got into the car and they(24)off.They drove for a(25) me,and then the man said,"Here we are.This is my home.Now I can pay you and you can go(26)to town.""But I must(27) the pa ent(病人),"the doctor said."Where's the pa ent?""There's(28)pa ent,"answered the man."Nobody is ill.I live here,you see,and I must(29 )home from the town.There are no taxis at this me of the night.Here's the money for you.Thank you,doctor.Good(30).21.A.listening B.standing C.si ng D.watching 22.A.take B.pass C.see D.show 23.A.A er B.For C.In D.With 24.A.drove 25.A.short 26.A.away 27.A.watch B.le B.long B.quickly B.look for C.got C.hard C.back C.see D.went D.late D.slowly D.know 28.A.my B.no C.a D.your 29.A.go B.lose C.find D.ask 30.A.evening B.night C.idea D.for you.三、填空题(共3 小题,每小题10 分,满分30 分)22.(10 分)When Mr.David re red(退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea.He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.But to his surprise,many visitors came to see his house in summer holidays ,for it was the most interes ng building in the village.From morning to night,there were visitors outside the house.They kept looking into the rooms through the windows and many of them even went into the house.He decided to drive the visitors away.So he put a no ce on the window.The no ce said,"If you want to sa sfy your curiosity(好奇心),come in and look around.Price:twenty dollars."Mr.David was sure that the visitors would stop coming,but he was wrong.More and more visitors came and Mr.David had to spend every day showing them around his house."I came here to re re,not to work as a guide",he said angrily.In the end,he sold the house and moved away.(1)Mr.David's house was that many visitors came to see it.A.so small B.so quiet C.so interes ng D.such interes ng (2)Mr.David put a no ce on the window in order .A.to drive the visitors away B.to sa sfy the visitors'curiosity C. to let visitors come in and look around D. to get some money out of the visitors (3)The no ce made the visitors . A .more interested in his house B. lost interest in his house C. angry at the unfair price D. feel happy about the price (4)A er Mr .David put up the no ce . A .the visitors didn't come any more B. fewer and fewer visitors came to see his house C. more and more visitors came for a visit D. no visitor would pay the money for a visit (5)At last he had to sell his house and move a way because A .he did not like it at all B. he could not work as a guide C. he made enough money and wanted to buy a new expensive house D. he could not live a quiet life in it .23.(10 分)All around the world ,people drink tea .But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone .In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea .In China ,for example ,tea is always served when people get together .The Chinese drink it at any me of the day at homes or in teahouses . They prefer their tea plain with nothing else in it .Tea is also important in Japan .The Japanese have a special special way way way of of of serving serving serving tea tea tea called called called a a a tea tea tea ceremony ceremony . It It is is is very very very old old old and and and full full full of of meaning .Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony .There is even a special room for it in Japanese homes . Another tea drinking country is England .In England ,the late a ernoon is"tea me". Almost everyone has a cup of tea then . The English usually make tea in teapot and drink it with cream and sugar . They also eat cakes , cookies and li le sandwiches at tea me.In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or a er meals.Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea.Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots.In summer,many Americans drink cold tea﹣﹣﹣"iced tea".Some mes they drink iced tea from cans,like soda.31.The passage is mainly talking about .A.Chinese tea B.why tea is important C.the tea me in England D.different ways of tea drinking 32.The passage mainly talks about countries A.three B.four C.five D.Six 33.The Chinese drink tea A.for breakfast B.in a special way C.when they get together D.only in teahouses 34.Iced tea is popular .A.in winter B.in England C.for lunch D.in America 35.The English like to .A.eat something with their tea B.drink their tea plain C.have tea with dinner D.drink their tea in teahouses.24.(10 分)It was Jimmy's birthday and he was five years old.He got a lot of nice birthday presents from his family,and one of them was a beau ful drum."Who gave him that thing?"Jimmy's father asked when he saw it."His grandfather did,"answered Jimmy's mother."Oh,"said his father.Of course Jimmy liked his drum very much.He made a terrible noise with it,but his father didn't mind.He was working during the day and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening ,so he couldn't hear the noise.But one of the neighbors didn't like the noise at all,so a few days later,she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hi ng his drum.She said to him,"Hello,Jimmy,do you know,there is something nice inside your drum?Here is a knife.Open the drum and let's find it." 41.Jimmy got a lot of nice presents from his .A.classmates B.friends C.teachers D.family 42.Who gave Jimmy the drum? A.His father B.His mother C.His neighbor D.His grandfather 43.Why did Jimmy's father not stop(阻止)him from making noise with the drum?Because .A.he liked Jimmy very much.B.he didn't mind.A .It's very kind of you .B .It's at my home . C .You really should read it .D .I'm afraid I haven't .E .I forgot where I had put it .F .They are all out C .Jimmy was in bed D .Jimmy only played in the evening 44.One of the neighbors .A .liked Jimmy very much .B. enjoyed listening to the sound of the drum C. wanted to show Jimmy a sharp knife .D. didn't like the noise at all 45.What did Jimmy's neighbor really want him to do ?To .A stop him making noises B make a noise on his drum with a knife C show him how to hit the drum D find something nice in his drum .四.情景交际.(有两项是多余的)(1×5=5 分) 25.(5 分)A :Have you ever read the novel Hometown ? B :(46) A :What a pity!It's a wonderful book ,you know .B :Well ,I've been wai ng to read it for a long me ,but I can't get a copy .The library has only three copies . (47) A :Well ,(48) If you like ,I can lend it to you .B :Thank you . (49) By the way ,when can I get it ? A :(50) Will you please come to my house a er school ?B :OK .I'll go with you to your home a er school .五.单词拼写,每空一词.(1×15=15 分)26.(1 分)The li le boy is (永远)(永远) asking ques ons.27.(1 分)Are you going (到国外)(到国外) for your holiday?28.(1 分)What do you think of (当代的)(当代的) art ? 29.(1 分)He had finally achieved (成功). 30.(1 分)The Bri sh and Dutch (归属)(归属) to the same race . 31.(1 分)It's (难以置信的)(难以置信的)that technology has progressed in such a way! 32.(1 分)I've recently been to a very (不同寻常的)(不同寻常的) museum in India . 33.(1 分)It also (鼓励)governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future .34.(1 分)Linda (当成,看做)(当成,看做) you as my best friend . 35.(1 分)I was (仔细思考)(仔细思考) going to Beijing on vaca on .36.(1 分)His hometown is s ll the place that holds all his childhood (记忆).37.(1 分) (当今,现在)(当今,现在) people like pop music a lot more than before . 38.(1 分)For (几百年),the sun gives us heat and light .39.(1 分)Last year David (介绍)(介绍) me to his best friend. 40.(1 分)The police have (搜查)(搜查) for the criminal since 3days ago .六.书面表达.(15 分)41.(15 分)在你的生命中一定有一些自己爱不释手的物品,请写一篇关于它的作文,必须包含以下要点,运用多种时态,字数不少于 70 词(1) 你已经拥有它多长时间你已经拥有它多长时间(2) 你是如何获得它的你是如何获得它的(3) 你为什么珍视它你为什么珍视它(4) 它已经给你留下的回忆它已经给你留下的回忆 70 词.词. .参考答案与试题解析一.单项选择.(1×20=20 分) 1.【分析】他的爸爸给他买了电脑他的爸爸给他买了电脑 2 年了.年了. 【解答】正确答案:B .for for two two two years years 是现在完成时的时间状语,则本句应用现在完成时,其结构是主语在完成时,其结构是主语++have/has +done .其次当现在完成时和表示一段的时间状语连用,谓语应用延续性动词,buy 是短暂性动词,其对应的延续性动词是 have ,故选择,故选择 B .2. 【分析】﹣﹣我们从未去过水上公园.﹣﹣我们从未去过水上公园.﹣﹣我也没.﹣﹣我也没.【解答】答案:C .考查频率副词.句意"﹣﹣我们从未去过水上公园.﹣﹣我也没.".A 已经.B 曾经.C 从未.D 已经,用于否定句,且放在句尾.neither 这里是"也不"的意思.用于否定形式,因此答案是 C .3. 【分析】﹣你曾经去过那里吗?﹣是的,但只去过一次.【解答】正确答案:B .have have gone to gone to 表示去了某地,或者在去某地的路上,have been to 则表示曾经去过某地.根据则表示曾经去过某地.根据 Yes ,but only once .可知说话人询问对方.可知说话人询问对方是否曾经去过那里,且是否曾经去过那里,且 there 是副词,其前不用是副词,其前不用 to ,故选择,故选择 B .4. 【分析】我哥哥自从两年前就加入了校队.我哥哥自从两年前就加入了校队.【解答】答案:D 考查连词词义辨析.for 后加一段时间;before 意为在…之前,之前, a er 意为在…之后,since 意为自从,根据句中的意为自从,根据句中的 ago ,故排除,故排除 A 、B 、C .选择 D .5. 【分析】﹣看,一些人正在闯红灯.﹣看,一些人正在闯红灯.﹣虽然其他人在违反规则,但我们应该等.【解答】答案:C ;if 如果;unless 除非;although 虽然;because 因为;对比"We should wait 我们应该等我们应该等"和"others are breaking the rule 其他人在违反规则"可知二者是转折关系;意为"尽管别人违反规则但我们应该等",although 后引导让步状语从句,意为"尽管,虽然".故选.故选 C .6.【分析】当我的妈妈正在洗碗的时候,我正在厨房帮她. 【解答】答案:A .结合.结合 While my Mom was doing the dishes,可知两个动作发生在过去,同时进行,故用过去进行时 was/were +doing ,主语,主语 I ,故,故 was ,故答案是案是 A .7.【分析】﹣﹣成龙给慈善机构捐献了成千上万美元.﹣﹣对我们所有人来说,他是一个榜样.他是一个榜样.【解答】答案:D 在英语中,thousand 译为千,是一个可数名词,当译为千,是一个可数名词,当 thousand 的前面有具体的数字时,thousand 要用原形,但是在固定短语要用原形,但是在固定短语 thousands thousands of of 成千上万中,thousand 必须用复数形式,根据句中的必须用复数形式,根据句中的 Jackie Chan has donated 和 dollars ,可知是捐献了成千上万美元,故选择:D .8. 【分析】﹣﹣你这样有多久了?﹣﹣你这样有多久了?﹣﹣自从上个月.﹣﹣自从上个月.【解答】答案:A .考查介词短语.句意"﹣﹣你这样有多久了?﹣﹣自从上个月.". A 自从上个月.B 上个月以前.C 上个月之前.D 上个月.how long 多久,对since +过去时间提问,因此答案是过去时间提问,因此答案是 A .9. 【分析】九月是观赏花的最好时间.九月是观赏花的最好时间.【解答】答案:D 考查非谓语动词.根据句子结构,考查固定句型:it's me to do sth ,故答案是故答案是 D .10 【分析】100 年后,污染和人们会比现在更少吗?年后,污染和人们会比现在更少吗?【解答】正确答案:C .few/li le 都表示几乎没有,few 修饰可数名词复数,li le 修饰不可数名词.句中修饰不可数名词.句中 than 是比较级的标志,则本句应用比较级,其中pollu on 是不可数名词,people 是集体名词,则根据句意第一空应填写是集体名词,则根据句意第一空应填写 li le 比较级比较级 less ,第二空填写,第二空填写 few 的比较级的比较级 fewer ,故选择,故选择 C .1. 【分析】﹣你找到字典了吗?﹣找到了.我五分钟前找到了.【解答】正确答案:B .yet 是现在完成时常用的时间副词,则本句应用现在完成时,其结构是主语时,其结构是主语++have/has +done ,则第一句应用现在完成时,则可先排除AD 选项.five minutes ago 是表示过去的时间状语,则应用一般过去时(主语+动词过去式),则第二空应填写,则第二空应填写 found ,故选择,故选择B . 12.【分析】她借了这本书接近三周了.她借了这本书接近三周了. 【解答】答案:D 根据根据 for for nearly nearly three three weeks weeks 得知,句子中的动作应该是延续性动词;A 、B 、C 动词都为短暂性动词,它们不能和时间段连用;现在完成时态中延续性动词才能和时间段连用.故选 D .13. 【分析】他是非常激动的,当他听到这个令人兴奋的消息.【解答】答案:C .考查形容词.句意"他是非常激动的,当他听到这个令人兴奋的消息.".excited 表示"兴奋的",指人对…感到兴奋,主语是人.exci ng 表示"令人兴奋的",指事物本身让人兴奋、激动,修饰的是物.第一个空,主语是 he ,因此用,因此用 excited .第二个空,修饰.第二个空,修饰 news ,用,用 exci ng .答案.答案 C .14. 【分析】放学之后他没有回家而是去了网吧.放学之后他没有回家而是去了网吧.【解答】答案:B 考查连词词义辨析.Instead 副词表示不是,代替副词表示不是,代替 A .But 但是;但是; While 表示当…时候;时候; Instead of 代替,而不是,后加名词代词动名词,根据代替,而不是,后加名词代词动名词,根据语境放学之后他没有回家而是去了网吧,中间用逗号与后句隔开,故用instead .故选.故选 C .15 【分析】汤姆是他班上个子最高的人之一汤姆是他班上个子最高的人之一 【解答】答案:D .考查最高级.句意"汤姆是他班上个子最高的人之一".A 原级.B 比较级.C 最高级(前面通常加最高级(前面通常加 the ).D 最高级.根据最高级.根据 one of…"……"…之一",及 in his class 在他班里,可知应该用最高级形式且前面要加 the .答案是.答案是 D . 16. 【分析】﹣﹣怎么了?﹣﹣怎么了?﹣﹣我喉咙很痛.﹣﹣我喉咙很痛.【解答】答案:A .考查交际用语.句意"﹣﹣怎么了?﹣﹣我喉咙很痛.".表示"怎么了",可以是,可以是 what's what's the the the ma er ma er ?或?或 what's what's wrong wrong ?,因此答案是?,因此答案是 A .其它不正确.它不正确.17. 【分析】他叔叔在这里住了他叔叔在这里住了 9 年多了.年多了.【解答】正确答案:C .for more than 9 years 是现在完成时的时间状语,则本句应用现在完成时,其结构是主语+have/has +done .其次当现在完成时和表示一段的时间状语连用,谓语应用延续性动词,ABD 中的中的 come ,started ,le 都是短暂性动词,故选择是短暂性动词,故选择 C .18. 【分析】﹣在桃花节期间你去﹣在桃花节期间你去 Kenli 了吗?了吗?﹣是的,这些花太漂亮了.蜜蜂在花间翩翩起舞.【解答】答案:B ;in 在里面;among 在多个中间;between 在两者之间;through 从内部通过.根据句中描述 Bees were flyingthem 可知此处指的是在多个中间,可知此处指的是在多个中间, 故选故选 B .19. 【分析】自从怀特先生来到中国他已经成为绿色中国的一员多久了?【解答】答案:C .考查疑问词.句意"怀特先生已经成为绿色中国的一员多久了,自从他来到中国?".how soon"多快/多久以后",其后用 in 加一段时间来回答.答. how o en 多久一次,对频率提问.多久一次,对频率提问.how long 多久,对段时间提问,通常多久,对段时间提问,通常用现在完成时态.how far 多远,对距离提问.根据 has been 现在完成时态,及现在完成时态,及现在完成时态,及 since 自从…,可知表示时间段,用 how long .第二个空.第二个空 since 引导的时间状语从句,句, 主句用现在完成时态,从句用一般过去时态,came to 来到.不应该用到来到.不应该用到达.答案是达.答案是 C .20. 【分析】给孩子他们想要的任何东西,通常被认为是不明智的.【解答】答案:B .however"无论怎样",whatever"无论什么",whichever"无论哪一个",whenever"无论什么时候".根据题干可知,本空在句中作 want 的宾语,的宾语,故应用故应用 whatever 或 whichever ;whichever 是指在前面提到的事物中进行选择,根据题干,前面并没有选择范围,故应排除.故选 B .二.完形填空.(1.5×10=15 分)21.【分析】文章大意:这是一篇记叙文,短文中的这个男人因为晚上没有出租车回家,就谎称自己家有病人,骗一个医生送他回家.短文反映了医生的敬业,这个男人的狡诈.这个男人虽然机智,但是人性可耻.【解答】21﹣25 BDCDB 26﹣30 CCBAB .21. 答案:B .考查动名词.当他打开门时,他看见一个男人 外面.只有只有 standing 站在,可以解释的通.答案是站在,可以解释的通.答案是 B .2. 答案:D . 考查动词.show one's way 指的是给某人指路.因此用 show . 答案是案是 D .23. 答案:C .考查介词.in a few minutes 几分钟之内.几分钟之内,车就来了.a er 后跟时间点,因此用后跟时间点,因此用 in .答案是.答案是 C .24. 答案:D . 考查搭配.男人钻进小汽车,然后 了.表示离开的可以是了.表示离开的可以是了.表示离开的可以是 drive sb sb offoff(驾车送某人离开)或 go go offoff(离开).此因此用用 go 的过去式went .went went offoff离开,更合适,答案是离开,更合适,答案是 D .25. 答案:B . 考查形容词.本题从第二段的 far 远的,可知,应该用远的,可知,应该用long 长的.答案是案是 B .26. 答案:C . 考查搭配.根据考查搭配.根据 town 城市,可知应该是城市,可知应该是 go go back back back to to 回(某地),因此用因此用 back .答案是.答案是 C .27. 答案:C . 考查动词.watch 常用于观看的意思,look look for for 是寻找的意思,know 是知道的意思,只有是知道的意思,只有 see 看见是符合意思的,指看病人.答案是 C . 28. 答案:B . 考查否定形式.从下文考查否定形式.从下文 nobody nobody is is is ill ill 没人生病,可知这里用没人生病,可知这里用 no , 表示没有病人.答案是表示没有病人.答案是 B .29. 答案:A . 考查搭配.go home 回家,固定搭配.我必须从小镇回家.答案回家,固定搭配.我必须从小镇回家.答案 A .30. 答案:B . 考查搭配.good night 与 good evening 的区别,的区别,night 应该是在非常晚的时候说的,比如说快到睡觉时.Good Good evening evening 是指一般的晚上,比如说从晚上六点到睡觉前.本题发生的时间已经很晚了,应该用 good good night night 更合适.答案合适.答案 B .三、填空题(共 3 小题,每小题 10 分,满分 30 分)2. 【分析】本文讲述了本文讲述了 Mr .David 退休以后来到海边买了一个小房子,想安静地度过自己的退休生活,却没有想到,很多游客对他买的这个小屋很感兴趣, 不断的有人来参观,最后他不得不把这个房子卖掉了.【解答】1:C 细节题.根据文章第三行细节题.根据文章第三行 for it was the most interes ng building in the village .说明他的这个小房子非常有趣.so 修饰形容词修饰形容词 interes ng ,故,故 C 正确.正确. 2:A 细节题.根据文章细节题.根据文章 5,6,7 行 He decided to drive the visitors away .So he put a no ce on the window .The no ce said ,"If you want to sa sfy your curiosity (好奇心),come in and look around .Price :twenty dollars ."说明他写的那个告示是想把游客赶走的.故是想把游客赶走的.故 A 正确.正确.3:A 推理题.根据文章倒数 2,3,4 行 Mr .David was sure that the visitors would stop coming ,but he was wrong .More and more visitors came and Mr .David had to spend every day showing them around his house .说明这个通知并没有让那些游客离开,反而让他们对这个小房子更加感兴趣了.故 A 正确.正确.4:C 细节题.根据倒数细节题.根据倒数 2,3,4 行 Mr .David was sure that the visitors would stop coming ,but he was wrong .More and more visitors came and Mr .David had to spend every day showing them around his house .说明更多的游客来到小房子参故观,故 C 正确.正确.5:D 推理题.根据文章最后一句"I came here to re re ,not to work as a guide (导游)",he said angrily .和第一句.和第一句.和第一句 When Mr .David re red (退休),he bought a small house in a village near the sea .He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it 说明他是想来这里过安静地退休生活的,但是很多游客让他的计划落空,所以他不得不把房子卖掉了.故 D 正确.正确.23.【分析】本文叙述了各国喝茶的不同习惯,本文叙述了中国人一般喝茶时,不加其他的东西,而英国人喝茶的同时喜欢吃点东西;日本对喝茶很讲究;美国人在夏天时,喜欢喝冰茶.美国人在夏天时,喜欢喝冰茶.【解答】DBCDA 31:D 主旨大意题.根据第一段主旨大意题.根据第一段 In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea .短文主要叙述了不同的国家有不通过的喝茶的习惯, 故选故选 D .32:B 细节题.纵观全文一共提到了细节题.纵观全文一共提到了 China ,Japan ,England ,United States 四个四个国家,故选国家,故选 B .33:C 细节理解题.根据第二段细节理解题.根据第二段 In China,for example ,tea is always served when people get together .可知中国当人们在一起的时候喜欢喝茶.故选.可知中国当人们在一起的时候喜欢喝茶.故选 C . 34:D 细节理解题.根据最后 In summer ,many Americans drink cold tea ﹣﹣﹣"iced tea".故选.故选 D .35:A 细节理解题.根据第三段细节理解题.根据第三段 They also eat cakes,cookies and li le sandwiches at tea me .英国人喝茶时喜欢吃点东西,故选.英国人喝茶时喜欢吃点东西,故选 A .24.【分析】本文叙述了吉米在过生日的时候,爷爷给他一个鼓作为生日礼物, 他的爸爸不介意他敲鼓的噪音,但是他其中的一个邻居不愿意听到这种噪音, 于是当吉米敲鼓的时候,就拿着刀来到了吉米的跟前,对他说鼓里面有一个好东西,用刀拉开鼓看看吧.好东西,用刀拉开鼓看看吧.【解答】DDBDA 41:D 细节理解题.根据第一段He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family 可知他从家人那里得到了一个鼓,故选D.42 :D 细节理解题.细节理解题. 根据第一段."His 根据第一段 Jimmy's father asked when he saw it grandfather did,"answered Jimmy's mother.可知他的爷爷给她的鼓,故选.可知他的爷爷给她的鼓,故选D.43:B 细节理解题.根据第二段细节理解题.根据第二段 but his father did not mind(介意).他爸爸不介意他制造噪音,故选 B.意他制造噪音,故选44:D 细节理解题.根据第三段(邻居) did not like the 细节理解题.根据第三段 But one of the neighbors(邻居)noise at all 他的邻居不喜欢这种噪音,故选D.45:A 推理判断题.根据最后.可推理判断题.根据最后 Here"s a knife.Open the drum and let"s find it 知他想让 Jimmy 用刀把鼓拉开,这样鼓坏了,他就不能敲鼓了,故选A.知他想让四.情景交际.(有两项是多余的)(1×5=5 分):你读过小说故乡吗?25.【分析】A:你读过小说故乡吗?B:没有.:没有.A:太可惜了!这是一本很好的书,你知道吗.B:嗯,我已经等了很久了,但是我找不到一本,图书馆只有三本.都被借出去了.了.A:上个月我买了一本,如果你愿意,我可以借给你.B:谢谢.你真是太好了.顺便问一下,我什么时候能拿到?A:在我家,放学后请你到我家来好吗?:在我家,放学后请你到我家来好吗?B:好吧,放学后我和你一起去你家.:好吧,放学后我和你一起去你家.【解答】46.D 考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据上一句:你读过小说故乡吗?和下一句:太可惜了!可知此处应该是:没有.故填D.47.F 考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据下一句:上个月我买了一本,如果你愿意,我可以借给你.可知此处应该是:都被借出去了.故填F.48.G 考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据下一句:如果你愿意,我可以借给你,可知此处应该是:上个月我买了一本.故填G.49.A 考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据上一句:谢谢,可知此处应该是:你真是太好了.故填你真是太好了.故填 A .50.B 考查文章的理解和上下文的联系.根据下一句:放学后请你到我家来好吗, 可知此处应该是:书在我家.故填 B .五.单词拼写,每空一词.(1×15=15 分)26. 【分析】这个小男孩有问不完的问题.这个小男孩有问不完的问题.【解答】答案:forever 永远:forever ;题干中;题干中 forever 修饰动词修饰动词 asking ,作时间状语,用副词形式即可.状语,用副词形式即可.27. 【分析】你将要到国外度假吗?你将要到国外度假吗?【解答】答案:abroad .根据题干根据题干 Are Are you you you going going ﹣﹣(到国外)﹣﹣(到国外) for for your your your holiday holiday .可知句意为:你将要到国外度假吗.句子考查到国外度假吗.句子考查 go go abroad abroad 去国外,abroad ,副词,到国外.故填:,副词,到国外.故填:abroad .28. 【分析】你认为当代艺术怎么样?你认为当代艺术怎么样?【解答】答案:modern 当代的:modern ;题干中;题干中 modern 形式名词形式名词 art ,用形容词形式即可.词形式即可.29 【分析】他终于获得了成功.他终于获得了成功. 【解答】答案:success .根据题干根据题干 He had had finally finally finally achieved achieved ﹣﹣(成功).可知句意为:他终于获得了成功成功.achieve 是个及物动词,后面应该跟名词作宾语,success ,名词,成功.故填:s c u ccc s e ss s . 30 【分析】英国人和荷兰人是同一种族.英国人和荷兰人是同一种族.【解答】答案:belong .根据题干根据题干 The Bri sh and Dutch ﹣﹣(归属)﹣﹣(归属) to the same race.可知句意为:英国人和荷兰人是同一种族.句子叙述一件事实,时态应该是一般现在时的, 主语是主语是 The Bri sh and Dutch 是两个人,所以谓语动词用复数形式,这里用原形.故填:belong .31. 【分析】科技以如此的方式进步,真令人难以置信.【解答】答案:unbelievable .根据题干根据题干 It's ﹣﹣(难以置信的)﹣﹣(难以置信的) that technology has progressed in such a way .可.可。

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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?
Section A 1a-4c
班级:__________________ 姓名:___________________
1.当……的时候 6.be busy doing sth.
2.(闹钟)发出声响7.die down
3.接电话8.at that time
3.醒来9.in the area
4.等候10.break many things apart______________ 二.根据中文意思写出句子(每句2分,共20分)

What ________________ at eight last night? I ___________________.

What _____________ at the time of the rainstorm?She _______________________.

What was he doing ______ the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library ______________________.
What was Ben doing _____ ________________________?

When it began to rain, Ben __________________________.
What was Jenny doing _____ Linda ________________?

_______________________, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.
( )1. The rain beat _______ her face as she walked through the wind and rain.
A. At
B. against
C. In
D. from
( )2. It’s _______ — I’m sure I locked the front door just now but now it’s open.
A. strange
B. useful
C. simple
D. crazy
( )3. —Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?
—Sorry, I was so busy that I _______ forgot it.
A. suddenly
B. completely
C. recently
D. quietly
( )4. Lily, please pass me that box of _______. I will make a fire to cook meals.
A. wood
B. light
C. games
D. matches
( )5. Paul _______ articles at 10:00 yesterday morning.
A. is writing
B. writes
C. was writing
D. will write
( )6. I like to sit on the beach and watch the sea water _______ and fall.
A. rise
B. travel
C. climb
D. run
( )7. _______ we came back to school, Dale was playing the violin.
A. When
B. While
C. Until
D. After
( )8. I waited for the laughter to _______ before I spoke.
A. close down
B. turn down
C. die down
D. break down
( )9. When the expert gave a talk, the meeting room was very quiet. All of us listened to him _______.
A. in a way
B. in surprise
C. in silence
D. in a mess
( )10. Why is the light on? I remember _______ it off when I left.
A. turning
B. turn
C. to turn
D. turned
A. No problem
B. Good idea
C. Have a good time
D. You’re kidding
A: What were you doing last night, Linda? I called at seven and you didn’t_____________..
B: Oh, I was in the kitchen______________..
A: I see. I called again at eight and you didn’t answer then _________..
B: What was I doing at eight? Oh, I know. When you called, I _________________.. A: But then I called again at nine.
B: Oh, I _______________________________________.
A: So early? ___________________..
B: Yeah, I was tired. Why did you call so many times?
A: I needed help with my homework. So while ____________________________,
I called Jenny and she helped me.

Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black cloud were making the sky very dark. With no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.
Everyone in the neighborhood _____(be) busy. Ben’s dad was_____( put) piece of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and_____( match) on the table.
Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain_____( begin) to beat_____( heavy) against the windows. After dinner, they tried to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm _____ ( happen) outside.
Ben could not sleep at first. He finally fell _____(sleep) when the wind was _____(die) down at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family
and found the neighborhood in a mess. _____(fall) trees,broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbor to help clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart), it brought families and neighbors ______(close) together.。
