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本 文 以 边 扫 描 边 跟 踪 雷 达 作 为 研 究 对 象 ,主 要 研 究 雷 达 数 据 预 处 理 问题、单目标跟踪及预测的滤波算法。前两章介绍了论文的研究意义 及雷达航迹跟踪及预测的基本知识,包括几种常用的目标运动模型和 常用的跟踪算法。第三章提出了一种基于神经网络和灰色模型的组合 预测算法,用于预测直升机的航迹,可在数据量较少的情况下快速的 建立可靠航迹。第四章首先介绍了雷达数据的预处理技术,包括常用 坐标系,野值剔除,数据压缩等,然后在第二章研究和讨论卡尔曼滤 波 及 其 衍 生 算 法 的 基 础 上 ,提 出 了 球 坐 标 系 下 自 适 应 修 正 α-β-γ 滤 波 的 改进算法。这种算法避免了坐标系的转换,其自适应的参数获取可用 于 机 动 目 标 跟 踪 ;同 时 加 入 了 修 正 项 ,相 对 α-β-γ 滤 波 算 法 来 说 提 高 了 预测精度,适于实时运算。第五章是第二章介绍的三种常用滤波算法 及第四 章球 坐标 系 下自适 应修 正 α-β-γ 滤 波的改 进算 法 的算法 仿真 部 分 ,主 要 包 括 MATLAB 仿 真 和 DSP 仿 真 。作 者 对 研 究 和 提 出 的 算 法 都 进行了仿真分析,仿真结果都较好的验证了结论。
2.2.1 CV模型 ..................................................................... 6 2.2.2 CA模型 ..................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Singer模型 ................................................................ 9 2.2.4 当 前 统 计 模 型 ......................................................... 11 2.3 直升机航迹预测算法——灰色模型法 ............................... 12 2.4 常用跟踪及预测的滤波算法 ............................................ 13 2.4.1 卡尔曼滤波算法 ..................................................... 14 2.4.2 α-β滤波算法 ............................................................ 16 2.4.3 α-β-γ滤波算法 ......................................................... 17 2.5 本章小结 ......................................................................... 20 第三章 用于直升机航迹预测的组合算法 ...................................... 21 3.1 灰色模型预测 .................................................................. 22
Finally, a summary of the full text is presented. Keywords: target tracking and prediction; Kalman filter algorithm; Track While Scan Radar System
Harbin Institute of Technology
雷 达 具 有 十 分 重 要 的 军 事 意 义 和 民 用 价 值 。目 标 跟 踪 及 预 测 是 雷 达 必须具备的一项功能,雷达系统用传感器测量目标的距离、方位角、 仰角和目标的运动速度,通过这些参数来预测它们的未来值。这使得 雷 达 在 任 何 交 战 状 态 下 都 能 稳 定 的 锁 住 目 标 ,能 在 复 杂 的 环 境 背 景 下 , 从 大 量 杂 波 及 固 定 目 标 中 将 运 动 目 标 检 测 出 来 。边 扫 描 边 跟 踪( TWS ) 雷达是一种典型的多目标跟踪系统,是人们最早熟悉的一种用等速旋 转的天线机械扫描,实现波束搜索和目标跟踪的雷达。
授 予 学 位 单 位: 哈尔滨工业大学
Classified Index: TN953 U.D.C: 621.3
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering
Candidate: Supervisor: Academic Degree Applied for: Speciality: Affiliation: Date of Defence: Degree-Conferring-Institution:
Huiyuan Yao Prof. Guo Wei Master of Engineering Instrument Science and Technology School of Automatic Test and Control June, 2011
coordinate conversion, and can be used on the maneuvering target tracking with adaptive parameters. It improves the prediction accuracy while adding the correction term, comparing with the relative α-β-γ filter algorithm. Also it is suitable for real-time computing. The fifth chapter is about simulation of the algorithm that is proposed in chapter two and four, including both MATLAB and DSP software. The author studies and simulates all the algorithms and the proposed improved algorithms for analysis, simulation results verify the conclusions very much.
国内图书分类号:TN953 国际图书分类号:621.3
学校代码:10213 密级:公开
TWS 雷达目标航迹跟踪及预测算法研究
硕 士 研 究 生:姚惠元
Biblioteka Baidu
师: 魏国教授
申 请 学 位:工学硕士
科: 仪器科学与技术
所 在 单 位:电气工程及自动化学院
答 辩 日 期:2011 年 6 月
最后对全文进行了总结。 关键词:目标跟踪及预测;卡尔曼滤波算法;边扫描边跟踪雷达系统
Radar has been playing a very important role in both military and civilian. Target tracking and prediction is one of its must-have features. Radar system measures distance, azimuth elevation and velocity of targets by sensors, using these parameters to predict their future values. These allow radar to lock on the targets stability in any state of war, and detect targets from a large number of clutters and fixed objects in complex environments. TWS radar is a typical kind of multi-target tracking radar system, which scans with a constant rotation of mechanical antenna to realize beam research and targets tracking and is earliest known to people.
1.1 雷达航迹跟踪及预测的研究意义 ....................................... 1 1.2 航迹跟踪及预测方法的发展历史 ....................................... 1 1.3 TWS雷达系统简介 ............................................................. 2 1.4 本文主要研究内容 ............................................................. 3 1.5 论文章节安排 .................................................................... 4 第二章 航迹跟踪及预测基本知识 .................................................. 6 2.1 引言 .................................................................................. 6 2.2 目标运动模型 .................................................................... 6
摘 要 ............................................................................................I Abstract ........................................................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................. 1
Radar data preprocessing, single target tracking and prediction algorithm are mainly researched in this paper, based on TWS radar. The first two chapters present the paper’s research significance and basic knowledge of radar data processing, including several models of commonly used motional objectives and common tracking filter algorithm. A combination prediction algorithm based on neural network and gray model, which is mainly used for predicting the helicopter flight path, and can quickly establish a reliable track in the case of few amount of data is presented in Chapter III. It is first introduced in Chapter IV that the common coordinate system, wild values rejecting and data compression, then proposes the Adaptive Modified α-β-γ Filter Algorithm in spherical coordinates, based on studies and discussions of Kalman filter and its derivatives algorithm in the second chapter. This algorithm avoids the
2.2.1 CV模型 ..................................................................... 6 2.2.2 CA模型 ..................................................................... 8 2.2.3 Singer模型 ................................................................ 9 2.2.4 当 前 统 计 模 型 ......................................................... 11 2.3 直升机航迹预测算法——灰色模型法 ............................... 12 2.4 常用跟踪及预测的滤波算法 ............................................ 13 2.4.1 卡尔曼滤波算法 ..................................................... 14 2.4.2 α-β滤波算法 ............................................................ 16 2.4.3 α-β-γ滤波算法 ......................................................... 17 2.5 本章小结 ......................................................................... 20 第三章 用于直升机航迹预测的组合算法 ...................................... 21 3.1 灰色模型预测 .................................................................. 22
Finally, a summary of the full text is presented. Keywords: target tracking and prediction; Kalman filter algorithm; Track While Scan Radar System
Harbin Institute of Technology
雷 达 具 有 十 分 重 要 的 军 事 意 义 和 民 用 价 值 。目 标 跟 踪 及 预 测 是 雷 达 必须具备的一项功能,雷达系统用传感器测量目标的距离、方位角、 仰角和目标的运动速度,通过这些参数来预测它们的未来值。这使得 雷 达 在 任 何 交 战 状 态 下 都 能 稳 定 的 锁 住 目 标 ,能 在 复 杂 的 环 境 背 景 下 , 从 大 量 杂 波 及 固 定 目 标 中 将 运 动 目 标 检 测 出 来 。边 扫 描 边 跟 踪( TWS ) 雷达是一种典型的多目标跟踪系统,是人们最早熟悉的一种用等速旋 转的天线机械扫描,实现波束搜索和目标跟踪的雷达。
授 予 学 位 单 位: 哈尔滨工业大学
Classified Index: TN953 U.D.C: 621.3
Dissertation for the Master Degree in Engineering
Candidate: Supervisor: Academic Degree Applied for: Speciality: Affiliation: Date of Defence: Degree-Conferring-Institution:
Huiyuan Yao Prof. Guo Wei Master of Engineering Instrument Science and Technology School of Automatic Test and Control June, 2011
coordinate conversion, and can be used on the maneuvering target tracking with adaptive parameters. It improves the prediction accuracy while adding the correction term, comparing with the relative α-β-γ filter algorithm. Also it is suitable for real-time computing. The fifth chapter is about simulation of the algorithm that is proposed in chapter two and four, including both MATLAB and DSP software. The author studies and simulates all the algorithms and the proposed improved algorithms for analysis, simulation results verify the conclusions very much.
国内图书分类号:TN953 国际图书分类号:621.3
学校代码:10213 密级:公开
TWS 雷达目标航迹跟踪及预测算法研究
硕 士 研 究 生:姚惠元
Biblioteka Baidu
师: 魏国教授
申 请 学 位:工学硕士
科: 仪器科学与技术
所 在 单 位:电气工程及自动化学院
答 辩 日 期:2011 年 6 月
最后对全文进行了总结。 关键词:目标跟踪及预测;卡尔曼滤波算法;边扫描边跟踪雷达系统
Radar has been playing a very important role in both military and civilian. Target tracking and prediction is one of its must-have features. Radar system measures distance, azimuth elevation and velocity of targets by sensors, using these parameters to predict their future values. These allow radar to lock on the targets stability in any state of war, and detect targets from a large number of clutters and fixed objects in complex environments. TWS radar is a typical kind of multi-target tracking radar system, which scans with a constant rotation of mechanical antenna to realize beam research and targets tracking and is earliest known to people.
1.1 雷达航迹跟踪及预测的研究意义 ....................................... 1 1.2 航迹跟踪及预测方法的发展历史 ....................................... 1 1.3 TWS雷达系统简介 ............................................................. 2 1.4 本文主要研究内容 ............................................................. 3 1.5 论文章节安排 .................................................................... 4 第二章 航迹跟踪及预测基本知识 .................................................. 6 2.1 引言 .................................................................................. 6 2.2 目标运动模型 .................................................................... 6
摘 要 ............................................................................................I Abstract ........................................................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................. 1
Radar data preprocessing, single target tracking and prediction algorithm are mainly researched in this paper, based on TWS radar. The first two chapters present the paper’s research significance and basic knowledge of radar data processing, including several models of commonly used motional objectives and common tracking filter algorithm. A combination prediction algorithm based on neural network and gray model, which is mainly used for predicting the helicopter flight path, and can quickly establish a reliable track in the case of few amount of data is presented in Chapter III. It is first introduced in Chapter IV that the common coordinate system, wild values rejecting and data compression, then proposes the Adaptive Modified α-β-γ Filter Algorithm in spherical coordinates, based on studies and discussions of Kalman filter and its derivatives algorithm in the second chapter. This algorithm avoids the