

人教新起点版英语四年级上册Unit4 Lesson2(课件)

人教新起点版英语四年级上册Unit4 Lesson2(课件)

Presentation Look, answer and guess.
Who are they? They’re Andy and Bill.
Who are they doing? They’re making a kite.
Listen and fill in the blanks.
Bill: Hi, Andy. Can I use your glue stick, please?
Andy: Sorry. I'm using it. Bill: That's OK. Hi, Lucky. Can I use your glue stick?
Lucky: Sure. Here you are.
Read together.
两人一组,先朗 读再表演这个有 趣的故事吧。
Unit4 Asking for help Lesson 2
Make a shopping list
If you want to make a kite ,what do you need?
I need … .
Let’s ask for help
Welcome to Xinxin ’s shop
Andy: Sorry. I'm using it. Bill: That's OK. Hi, Lucky. Can I use your glue stick?
Lucky: Sure. Here you are.
Listen and repeat.
Bill: Hi, Andy. Can I use your glue stick, please?



set up an account.
_I_c_a_n_h__el_p__y_o_u with
Focus on function: asking for and offering help
Talk buAildesrking for help
Offering help
3. I haven’t received the 3. _H_o_w__m__a_y_I_ help you?
Activate and Share
Internet and technology bring much convenience to our real life.
Let’s recall some of our life situations. What apps do you often use?
to find what people need to use the latest technology VR (Virtual Reality) AR (Augmented Reality) MR (Mixed Reality)
Listen for Understanding Before listening: read and answer the questions. 1. Why are apps so popular?
2. I can’t figure out how to … 2. How may I help you?
3. Can you do me a favour? 3. Can I assist you with …
4. Would you be able to…
4. Let me …
5. Could I bother you to …? 5. I can help you …



summer cool autumn cold spring hot winter warm
sweaters T-shirts coats jackets
Enjoy a video about Gaoqing’s seasons.
spring/summer autumn/winter
How is the weather in winter?(冬天天气怎么样?) It’s cold in winter.
We often wear coats.
After winter, what season is it?
What colour is it? It’s green.
How is the weather in spring?(春天的天气怎么
It’s hot in summer.
We often wear T-shirts .
T-shirts blue/red
Listen and imitate(听音跟读)
Work in pairs.
A: What season iபைடு நூலகம் it?
B: It’s
we often wear
We often wear jackets in autumn.
We often wear jackets in autumn.
We often wear jackets in autumn.
What aseraestohneyisdito?ing?(他们在干什么?)
snowman It’s winter.



Offering help
1D. o you need my helpdownloading
I can help you
2. ____________set up an Caacncyoouundt?o me a favour
2. NHoowwomrariyesI . tLheatt.me
She hasn’t received her order.
P13 Ex.6 Listen and imitate. Complete the talk builder.
Asking for and Offering Help
Asking for help
Can you help me out
1. ________________with sI ocamne’tthfiignugr?e out how to
Listening for Key Words Listening for key words helps you understand the conversation better and find the answers to questions more quickly. Before listening, read the questions carefully. While listening, pay attention to the words related to the questions, e.g. popular, difficulties, latest technologies. Listen for words that are stressed.
What do you use them for? Use the phrases below to help you make notes.

【词汇课件】Unit 4 Humour Lesson 2 What’s So Funny词汇课件2

【词汇课件】Unit 4 Humour Lesson 2 What’s So Funny词汇课件2

14. accidentally
accident + -al + -ly 词族:accident, accidental, accidentally
15. expense
ex- (out 向外) + pens (to pay 支付) + -e (名词后缀) → 向 外支付的费用 → 费用 词块:at sb’s expense, living expenses, at the expense of
1. comedian 来自 comedy
2. nationality national (adj 国家的) + -ity 词族:nation, national, nationality, international
3. reputation 词块:have a reputation for, earn / gain / acquire a good
常用义:(电视剧中的)一集 美剧中的 season(季)和 episode(集)
10. astonished 词族:astonish, astonishing (分词形容词), astonishment, astonished (分词形容词)
11. steak
medium / medium-rare / rare / well-done steak
29. unfortunate un- + fortunate (adj 幸运的) 同义词 unlucky;反义词 fortunate / lucky 词族:fortune, fortunate, fortunately, unfortunate, unfortunately
Hale Waihona Puke 30. agent 31. demand

Unit4 Fun with numbers Lesson 2 Speed up Fuel up课件

Unit4 Fun with numbers Lesson 2 Speed up Fuel up课件
How many babies? Twelve babies.
Watch and imatate
Look and write
首字母大写 单词间空格 标点
Look and say
Listen and answer
Where are the numbers? Numbers _a_r_o_u_n_d__u_s__ .
Watch and sing
Listen and say
Look and say
What are they in the picture?
eggs chicken
Listen and say
How many eggs?
Twelve eggs.
How many babies will she have?
Twelve babies.
Look and say
Er, I’m hungry.
Look and order

Try to retell
Only eleven eggs.
My baby!
Look and say
Oh! My babies! Let me count...
大小写 占格
Need to do: 1.有感情的朗读配图故事。有节奏地朗读韵句。 2.抄写字母O,P,Q,R,S,T和本课核心词汇。 Choose to do: 发现生活中的数字,数一数、读一读。
Look and match
Look and say
Chinese poem
license plates
Listen and order

Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 教学设计课件

Unit 4 Information Technology Lesson 2 教学设计课件

• very useful
• allow students to choose
• help us find popular
their online teachers and
restaurants, call tor
subjects according to
taxis, find directions to
on campus ✓ App-designing competition ✓ Promote your app in the school magazine
Have you used these apps? What do you use them for?
• to chat with friends • to share one’s life / information • to pay online • to entertain • to retouch photos • to book tickets / accommodation • to order food • to find direction • to learn a language • to check the weather • to look for popular restaurants • to subscribe to newspapers and magazines •…
Group 7&8: Alan (16 years old) finds understanding English grammar difficult, which results in his weaknesses of reading and writing. He is in great need of improving his grammar.



本节课我们学习的单词有: because test 本单元我们学习的句型有: —You look …? — I was … because … Eg: — You look sad. Why? — I was sad because I was ill.

1. 登录“优教同步学习网”,观看课文 动画,按照正确的语音、语调跟读课文 对话和单词。 2. 模仿课本 47 页 C 部分的句子另外写三 组句子(一问一答为一组)。 3.登录“优教同步学习网”,预习Unit4 Lesson3。 close
Unit 4 Feelings
Lesson 2

Read, listen and circle.
happy ill worried

A. Look, listen and number.
1. What do you see in the pictures?

Listen and read.
两人一组,先朗 读再表演这个有 趣的故事吧。
Read together. (齐读)
Read in roles.
Act in roles.(分角色演) >>Practice

B. Choose and talk.
get an A
be ill

Unit 4 Information technology Lesson 2 Apps知识点课件

Unit 4 Information technology Lesson 2 Apps知识点课件

5. press vt. 按,压(使启动);催促,逼迫
教材原句 The last step is to press the “Finish”button.
(1) They are pressing us to make a quick decision. press sb. to do sth/into doing sth. 催促某人做某事 (2) The book is published by Beijing Normal University Press. The local press reported the news. press n. 出版社;新闻界 (3) Some people work better under pressure. under pressure 处于压力之下
Exercises: (1) The journey leaves a _f_a_v_o_u_r_a_b_l_e (favour) impression. (2) Could you do me a__ favour,please? I can't carry this heavy box. (3) I'm all in favouro_f_ equal pay for equal work.
later adj.后来的&adv. 后来
(4) She married in her late twenties. late adj.迟的;adv. 晚
(5) Which one do you like better? The former or the latter?
latter n.后者 & adj.后者的
southerners favour a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called

六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件

六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
4.阅读课文,进行专项练习,提高学 生的口 语表达 能力, 引导其 感悟美 好的情 感。 5.学习第2自然段,在学习过程中完 成重要 词语的 理解、 运用和 拓展, 包括近 义词和 反义词 。
6.朗读指导:定准高兴的基调,语速 要根据 内容的 变化时 缓时急 7.学习曹冲平时多观察,遇事多动脑 筋的优 秀品质 。
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
What can you see ? I can see the___s_u_n.
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
What can you see ? I can see the__r_a_i_n_b_o.w
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
What can you see ? I can see the___s_ta_r.
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
六年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 The Water Journey Lesson 2|重大版 PPT课件
What can you see ? I can see the___e_a_rt_h.

鲁科版英语(五四学制)五年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 2 There is an old buliding in my school.课件

鲁科版英语(五四学制)五年级上册Unit 4 Lesson 2 There is an old buliding in my school.课件

School in the US
School in the US
School in the US
School in the US
School in the US
School in the US
School in Britain
School in Britain
School in Britain
花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Sunday, July 5, 2020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/2020 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。2时47分2时47分5-Jul-207.5.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。2020年7月5日星期日二〇二〇年七月五日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。14:4714:47:527.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020
School in Britain
School in Britain
School in Britain
School in Canada
computer room
Big school, small school. Happy school is fun.
I like singing there. I like drawing there. I like reading there. I like playing there.
Unit 4 School in Canada
• Lesson 2
School in Australia
School in Australia
School in Australia
School in Australia

Friends share unit 4 lesson 2

Friends share unit 4 lesson 2

Say and ask “how many ... do you have?”
Listen and chant “One book, two books”.
Make a short dialogue about borrowing something of your friends.
May I borrow one?
Thanks. May 可以,情态动词 May I help you?
Language point.
—How many pencils do you have? —Three.
How many ...?的用法
详解:How many 表示多少时,后接可数名词复数, How many… do you have? 你有多少…… eg. How many rulers do you have? 你有几把尺子? How many books do you have? 你有几本书?
Look, read and act.
May I borrow one?
Sure. Here you are.
Pair work.
How many books do you have?
I have three books.
Pair work.
How many pencils do you have?
Oh, no! I don’t have any pencils. How many pencils do you have, Jenny?
how many 多少 后跟可数名词复数
Look, listen and say.

Unit 4 Lesson 2.PPT

Unit 4 Lesson 2.PPT

I went to Canada. I skied.
No, it was not fun. It was scary. 引起惊慌的
That’s fun.
哈萨克族姑娘 葡萄丰收
Where did you go on your holiday? What did you do there?
(1)Where on Liu Yun go her holiday did (2)What you do did in Xinjiang (3)I a mountain climbed (4)sang and danced I (5)took many pictures in Tibet I
(1)Where on Liu Yun go her holiday did Where did Liu Yun go on her holiday? (2)What you do did in Xinjiang What did you do in Xinjiang? (3)I a mountain climbed I climbed a mountain. (4)sang and danced I I sang and danced. (5)took many pictures in Tibet I
I went to Zhangjiajie. I climbed the mountains with my cousins.
Words in a dictionary are in the alphabe-tical order. For example, the word “ap-ple ”is before the word “banana”. The word “cat” is before the word “coat”.

Unit+4 lesson 2《pets》课件

Unit+4 lesson 2《pets》课件
Unit 4 Lesson 2
朗读本课单词三遍,使用“学乐师生 ”APP录音,然后与全班同学分享。
Unit 4 lesson 2 《Pets》
What pet do you have? A dog,a goldfish. A turtle,a cat. A monkey,a parrot. A chicken,or a rabbit? I have a cute monkey. I have a smart cat. What pet do you have?
新课学习 My pet
I have a cat. Its yellow and white. Its name is circle. It has small ears,grey eyes and a long tail. It can run. It is smart. I like my cat.
It can talk and fly. It’s beautiful.
It can catch a mouse. It is smart.
It can swim. It is red. It has big eyes.
It has a long tail. It can climb a tree. It is smart.
It’s.... (颜色) It has .... (外形)
It can .... It’s smart / cute.
The En

【优质课件】Unit 4 Humour Lesson 2 What’s So Funny精品课堂2

【优质课件】Unit 4 Humour Lesson 2 What’s So Funny精品课堂2

Stories of your own
humorous things
Stories of others
Stories between your teachers
Group Work: Talk about your understanding of humour and what it can do for us.
3. What have you learnt from the interview?
➢ to relieve tension 缓解焦虑 tension n. 1.(情绪上的)紧张 a feeling of anxiety and stress
We laughed and that helped ease the tension. 我们笑了,因而使紧张的情绪缓和下来。 2. 紧张局势 a situation where people may attack each other political tension 政治紧张
Unit 4 Humour
Lesson 2 Period 1
Group Work: Share humorous things you have heard or experienced.
Stories between your friends
Stories between your parents
Listen to part 3. Complete the information about the two psychological effects of humour on our mind.
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