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主持人:大家好,此次辩论赛的题目是:大学生应不应该兼职。让我们欢迎来自。。的正方。(鼓掌),欢迎来自。。。。的反方选手。现在比赛正式开始,首先是正方一辩发言。Host: Good evening everyone,the theme of this debate is .let’s welcome Square player from group 5, and Opposition players from group 6.Now the competition is beginning, first the welcome the number 1 of square.
正方一辩:首先,我方认为大学生应该兼职,何谓兼职?兼职就是在不影响学习的情况下的工作,作为一个大学生,我们人生大部分时间都在读书,everybody,I’I’m Thank you for the host ,hello everybody,I’m xu meng ting ,the number 1 square . We think that college students should be have part-time . What is a part-time?Part-time is do some work to earn money in spare time。Why we advocate 。college student part-time .the one reason is: College students through the part-time can earn a living expenses, reduce the economic burden of home, and to make money can feel easy, cultivate good economic concept .the another reason is College students to the purpose of university also include adapt to society, and promote the university students' function to adapt to society. In general, part time job can help us to learn a lot of staff which we can't know just by books. Host : thank you for the speaking of the square .the next let we welcome the number 1 of opposition .
反方一辩:大家好我是反方一辩娄振刚,Hello!I am the leader of the opposition Lou Zhengang 诚如对方辩友所言兼职是有一定益处的,但我方坚决认为大学生兼职弊大于利。理由有以下两点:As the other party debate said there is a part-time the benefits of a certain, but we firmly think that college students part-time do more harm than good. Reason to have the following two points: 首先。大学生兼职不外乎两个理由,其一是为了获得一定的物质财富来支持自己的学习和生活。但是我们知道,教育作为一种长期性的投资,它需要大量的金钱和时间来维持,靠做兼职来缓解经济压力只能是杯水车薪,兼职使我们过度劳累而导致精力分散,无心学习,致使学习不扎实,甚至很多同学挂科,这样本末倒置的方法我们是绝对不赞同的。兼职使我们过度劳累而导致精力分散,无心学习,致使学习不扎实,甚至很多同学红灯挂起,这样本末倒置的方法我们是绝对不赞同的, First of all. College students part-time is nothing more than two reasons, one is to get some material wealth to support their own learning and life. But we know, education as a long-term investment, it need a lot of money and time to maintain, by doing part-time to ease economic pressure is only a drop in the bucket, part-time, make we overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students is hanged division, so that put the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agree. Part-time make us overwork and cause the energy to disperse, difficult to learn, cause learning not solid, and even many students red light hung, so putting the cart before the horse is absolutely not the way we agree 再次大学生兼职是为锻炼经验而来,是的,大学生兼职可以获得一定的经验,可是并不是所有兼职工作都能起到锻炼实践能力的作用,当前大学生兼职所从事的主要是中小学家教以及简单的体力劳动,在这个过程中,他们又能得到哪方面的经验?The second,College students are part-time for exercise experiences, yes, college students part-time can gain some experience, but not all part-time job can play the role of exercise practice ability, the current college students part-time in the primary and secondary schools is mainly the physical labor of family education, and the simple, in the process, which aspect are they gain? 其次,从法律方面来看。大学生打工维权很难。令人难以置信的是,在社会上打工兼职的在校大学生一旦合法权益被侵害,劳动监察部门一般情