



In Barcelona the Catalonians call them castells, but these arent stereotypical castles in Spain. These castles are made up of human beings, not stone. The people who perform this agile feat of acrobatics are called castellers, and to see their towers take shape is to observe a marvel of human cooperation.

First the castellers form what looks like a gigantic rugby scrummage. They are the foundation blocks of the castle. Behind them, other people press together, forming outward-radiating ramparts of inward-pushing muscle: flying buttresses for the castle. Then sturdy but lighter castellers scramble over the backs of those at the bottom and stand, barefoot, on their shoulders—then still others, each time adding a higher “story”.

These human towers can rise higher than small apartment buildings: nine “stories”, 35 feet into the air. Then, just When it seems this tower of humanity cant defy gravity any longer, a little kid emerges from the crowd and climbs straight up to the top.

Arms extended, the child grins while waving to the cheering crowd far below.

Dressed in their traditional costumes, the castellers seem to epitomize an easier time, before Barcelona became a world metropolis arid the Mediterraneans most dynamic city. But when you observe-them tip close,

in their street clothes, at practice, you see theres nothing easy about what the castellers do - and that they are not merely reenacting an ancient ritual.

None of the castellers can-give a logical answer as to why they love doing this. But Victor Luna, 16, touches me on the shoulder and says in English: “We do it because its beautiful. We do it because we are Catalan.”

Barcelona’s mother tongue is Catalan, and to understand Barcelona, you must understand two words of Catalan: seny and rauxa. Seny pretty much translates as common sense, or the ability to make money, arrange things, and get things done. Rauxa is reminiscent of our words “raucous” and “ruckus”.

What makes the castellers revealing of the city is that they embody rauxa and seny. The idea of a human castle is rauxa—it defies common sense—but to watch one going up is to see seny in action. Success is based on everyone working together to achieve a shared goal.

The success of Carlos Tusquets bank, Fibanc, shows seny at work in everyday life. The bank started as a family concern and now employs hundreds. Tusquets said it exemplifies how the economy in Barcelona is different.

Entrepreneurial seny demonstrates why Barcelona and Catalonia—the ancient region of which Barcelona is the capital—are distinct from the

rest of Spain yet essential to Spains emergence, after centuries of repression, as a prosperous, democratic European country. Catalonia, with Barcelona as its dynamo, has turned into an economic powerhouse. Making up 6 percent of Spain’s territory, with a sixth of its people, it accounts for nearly a quarter of Spains production—everything from textiles to computers—even though the rest of Spain has been enjoying its own economic miracle.

Hand in hand with seny goes rauxa, and theres no better place to see rauxa in action than on the Ramblas, the venerable, tree-shaded boulevard that, in gentle stages, leads you from the centre of Barcelona down to the port. There are two narrow lanes each way for cars and motorbikes, but it’s the wide centre walkway that makes the Ramblas a front-row seat for Barcelonas longest running theatrical event. Plastic armchairs are set out on the sidewalk. Sit in one of them, and an attendant will come and charge you a small fee. Performance artists throng the Ramblas—stilt walkers, witches caked in charcoal dust, Elvis impersonators. But the real stars are the old women and happily playing children, millionaires on motorbikes, and pimps and women who, upon closer inspection, prove not to be.

Aficionados (Fans)of Barcelona love to compare notes: “Last night there was a man standing on the balcony of his hotel room,” Mariana Bertagnolli, an Italian photographer, told me. “The balcony was on the

second floo r. He was naked, and he was talking into a cell phone.”

There you have it, Barcelonas essence. The man is naked (rauxa), but he is talking into a cell phone (seny).

21. From the description in the passage, we learn that

A. all Catalonians can perform castells.

B. castells require performers to stand on each other.

C. people perform castells in different formations.

D. in castells people have to push and pull each other.

22. According to the passage, the4mplication of the performance is that

A. the Catalonians are insensible and noisy people.

B. the Catalonians show more sense than is expected.

C. the Catalonians display paradoxical characteristics.

D. the Catalonians think highly of team work.

23. The passage cites the following examples EXCEPT __________ to show seny at work.

A. development of a bank

B. dynamic role in economy

C. contribution to national economy

D. comparison with other regions

24. In the last but two paragraph, the Rambla s is described as “a front-row seat for Barcelona’s longest running theatrical event”. What

does it mean?

A. On the Ramblas people can see a greater variety of performances.

B. The Ramblas provides many front seats for the performances.

C. The Ramblas is preferred as an important venue for the events.

D. Theatrical performers like to perform on the Ramblas.

25. What is the main impression of the scenes on the Ramblas?

A. It is bizarre and Outlandish.

B. It is of average quality.

C. It is conventional and quiet.

D. It is of professional standard.


历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 历年专业八级考试真题:翻译 Opera is expensive: that much is inevitable. But expensive things are inevitably the province(范围)of the rich unless we abdicate(退位、放弃)society’s power of choice. We can choose to make opera and other expensive forms of culture, accessible(易接近的,可达到的)to those who cannot individually pay for it. The question is: why should we? No body denies the imperatives(必要的)of food, shelter, defence, health and education. But even in a prehistoric cave, man-kind stretched out a hand of not just to eat, drink or fight, but also to draw. The impulse(冲动)towards culture, the desire to express and explore the world through imagination and representation(表述、陈述)is fundamental. In Europe, this desire has found fulfillment(完成、成就)in the masterpieces of our music, art, literature and theatre. These masterpieces are the touchstones (标准、试金石)for all our efforts; they are the touchstones for the possibilities to which human thought and imagination may aspire(立志、追求目标、渴望); they carry the most profound (深厚的、深刻的)messages that can be sent from one human to another. 参考译文: 欣赏歌剧是一种奢侈:你必须为此支付昂贵的票价。然而,享用昂贵的东西并不完全是富人的特权,除非我们放弃社会选择的权利。我们有权利使歌剧和其他昂贵的文化形式面向大众,面向那些个人没有支


英语专业八级阅读理解长难句解析 2018英语专业八级阅读理解长难句解析 英语专业八级阅读理解难点为词汇及长难句的理解,希望大家通过一段时间的坚持提升拆分解读长难句的能力,争取攻克专八阅读30分。 Ifambitionistobewellregarded,therewardsofambition—wealth,distinction,controloverone'sdestiny—mustbedeemedworthyofthesacrificesmadeonambition'sbehalf. 译文:如果雄心壮志得到人们足够重视的话,那么它的回报——财富、声誉、对命运的掌握——则都使人们认为是值得去为之付出代价的。 分析:此句包含一个if引导的条件状语从句Ifambitionistobewellregarded,主句的主语是therewardsofambition,谓语是mustbedeemed,而 wealth,distinction,controloverone'sdestiny既是插入语,又是therewards的同位语。madeonambition'sbehalf是thesacrifices 的补语。 【词汇指南】 well[wel](adv.)很好地;相当地,很(n.)水井()(该词与汉语“完好”发音极其接近——即“很好地;相当地”。而该词之所以还表示“水井”,是因为“水”就是最好的东西、乃生命之源。因此从某种程度上来说,“well-水井”演变自“water-水”。) 考点搭配: aswell也 wellregarded受欢迎的,受好评的

lesswelleducated未受过良好教育的. well-orchestrated精心策划 reward[ri'w?:d](n.)报酬,奖金(vt.)报偿,酬谢;奖励(re-回,ward=award-奖品→企业为“回”报工人而“奖给”的东西——即 “报酬,奖金”,引申为“报偿,酬谢;奖励”。) 1个派生词: ●rewarding[ri'w?:di?](adj.)有报酬的,有益的(inɡ-形容词后缀) 4个扩展词: ●award[?'w?:d](vt.)授予,给予(n.)奖品;奖状(a-加强语气,表 示“一”,ward-保护→奖励那些在战场中“保护”领袖、一直坚守 作战的勇士——即“授予,给予”,引申为“奖品;奖状”。) ●steward['stju:?d](n.)(轮船、飞机等的)服务员,乘务员;管 家(高考词汇)(2005年-阅读2)(ste=sta-词根,站立,ward-守卫→ 站立、守卫在客人身边的人——即“服务员,乘务员”,引申为“管家”。) ●wardrobe['w?:dr?ub](n.)衣柜;行头;剧装(ward-保护;收容所,robe-长袍→最初“衣柜”就是用来“收容”和存储长袍的。) ●ward[w?:d](n.)保护,看护;病房;收容所(wa=wall-围墙, rd=round-围绕→“城墙”围绕——即“保护,看护”,引申为“病房;收容所”。) deem[di:m](v.)深信,认为(有学者认为,“deem-深信、认为” 由“doom-劫数、命定”演变而来(oo-ee元音变化)→源于古人看到 天体陨落、于是“深信”将有惨祸发生;后来,根据“深信”引申为“认为”。) 1个形近词:


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际得颜色混合一起,分不清哪就是流云哪就是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂得图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,瞧一眼这美丽得黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家得最后一刻再次咀嚼。这就是黄河滩上得一幕。牧羊人不见了,她不知在何处歇息.只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚得,像些胖娃娃.如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱得神情,洁白得牙齿,那丰富而单纯得表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限得怜悯。 Beside this picturewithprofusionsof colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads,eating by the river bank、Hardly none ofthemwouldspare some timeto raise their eyes tohave a glanceat the beautifuldusk、Theyare, perhaps,takinguse ofevery minuteto enjoy their lastchew before being driven home、This is a picture ofthe Yellow River bank,inwhich the shepherd disappears,andno oneknows where he is resting himself、Only the sheep,however,as free creatures,are joyfullyappreciating thedusk、The exuberant wate rplants have nutritedthesheep, making them


专八翻译 第一部分汉译英 1.2000年试题 中国科技馆的诞生来之不易。与国际著名科技馆和其他博物馆相比,它先天有些不足,后天也常缺乏营养,但是它成长的步伐却是坚实而有力的。它在国际上已被公认为后起之秀。 世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果。这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。 世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己去动手操作,自己细心体察。这样,他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥妙。 中国科技馆正是这样的博物馆。它汲取了国际上一些著名博物馆的长处,设计制作了力学、光学、电学、热学、声学、生物学等展品,展示了科学的原理和先进的科技成果。 The first generation museums of sciences are those devoted to natural history, which show through fossils and specimens the evolutionary changes of the earth and organisms. Those of the second generation are museums of industrial technology exhibiting achievements made in various periods of the industrial age. These two types of museums, while functioning as disseminators of scientific knowledge, treat their visitors as mere viewers. Science museums of the third generation are entirely different from their predecessors. They stress visitor participation, encouraging those interested to make detailed study of the exhibits on their own by trying their hands on them. The experience so gained will enable them to understand advanced technologies better and help them in their quest for what is still unknown in science (陶文好李孚声,《2000年英语专业八级汉译英词汇误译心理认知分析》,《上海科技翻译》,2001年第1期第36-41页) 2.2001年试题 乔羽的歌大家都熟悉。但他另外两大爱好却鲜为人知,那就是钓鱼和喝酒。 晚年的乔羽喜爱垂钓,他说:“有水有鱼的地方大都是有好环境的,好环境便会给人好心情。我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其有吸引力的大自然野外天成的场所。”钓鱼是一项能够陶冶性情的运动,有益于身心健康。乔羽说:“钓鱼可分三个阶段:第一阶段是吃鱼;第二阶段是吃鱼和情趣兼而有之;第三阶段主要是钓趣,面对一池碧水,将忧心烦恼全都抛在一边,使自己的身心得到充分休息。” 译文 1 In his later years (Late in his life), Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing (developed a penchant / special fondness for fishing). He asserts: “Mostly speaking, a place with water and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting, which in return keeps people in good mood. I believe that the optimum fishing places are not those commercial fishing centers which provide the fishermen with all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready capture, but those naturally-formed places in the wilderness w hich exert a special appeal.” According to him, fishing can constitute an activity conducive to the cultivation of one’s


2003年英语专业八级真题试卷 [真题] 120 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. while listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but yon will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. when the lecture is over, yon will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 第1题: Which of the following statements about offices is NOT true according to the talk? A.Offices throughout the world are basically alike. B.There are primarily two kinds of office layout. C.Office surroundings used to depend on company size. D.Office atmosphere influences workers' performance. 第2题: We can infer from the talk that harmonious work relations may have a direct impact on your A.promotion. B.colleagues. C.management. D.union. 第3题: Supposing you were working in a small firm, which of the following would you do when you had some grievances? A.Request a formal special meeting with the boss. B.Draft a formal agenda for a special meeting. C.Contact a consultative committee first. D.Ask to see the boss for a talk immediately. 第4题: According to the talk, the union plays the following roles EXCEPT A.mediation.

英语专业八级阅读理解高分特训100篇【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(第3章 英语专业八级标准阅读篇

社会生活类(Passage63~70) Passage63 题材:社会生活类字数:686建议用时:6分钟 From a hillside,Kamal Saadat looked forlornly at hundreds of potential customers,knowing he could not take them for trips in his boat to enjoy a spring weekend on picturesque Oroumieh Lake,the third largest saltwater lake on earth, which now lay encased by solidifying salt.Saadat lamented that he could not understand why the lake was fading away. The long popular lake,home to migrating flamingos,pelicans and gulls,has shrunken by60percent and could disappear entirely in just a few years—drained by drought,misguided irrigation policies,development and the damming of rivers that feed it. Until two years ago,Saadat supplemented his income from almond-and grape-growing by taking tourists on boat tours.But as the lake receded and its salinity rose,he found he had to stop the boat every10minutes to unfoul the propeller—and finally,he had to give up this second job that he'd used to support a five-member family.The visitors were not enjoying such a boring trip,for they had to cross hundreds of meters of salty lakebed just to reach the boat from the wharf. Other boatmen,too,have parked their vessels by their houses,where they stand as sad reminders of the deep-water days.And the lake's ebbing affects an ever-widening circle.


2007年英语专业八级考试翻译原题及参考答案 C-E:暮色中,河湾里落满云霞,与天际的颜色混合一起,分不清哪是流云哪是水湾。也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。它们几乎没有一个顾得上抬起头来,看一眼这美丽的黄昏。也许它们要抓紧时间,在即将回家的最后一刻再次咀嚼。这是黄河滩上的一幕。牧羊人不见了,他不知在何处歇息。只有这些美生灵自由自在地享受着这个黄昏。这儿水草肥美,让它们长得肥滚滚的,像些胖娃娃。如果走近了,会发现它们那可爱的神情,洁白的牙齿,那丰富而单纯的表情。如果稍稍长久一点端详这张张面庞,还会生出无限的怜悯。 Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of sheep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hardly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps, taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew before being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow River bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exuberant water plants have nutrited the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find their lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressions.


英语专业八级考试翻译历年真题汇总 1998年E-C: I agree to some extent with my imaginary English reader. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness. They do over-phrase their own literature, or certainly its minor figures. And Americans do swing from aggressive over phrase of their literature to an equally unfortunate, imitative deference. But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals. Moreover, in fields where they are not pre-eminent — e. g. in painting and music —they too alternate between boasting of native products and copying those of the Continent. How many English paintings try to look as though they were done in Paris; how many times have we read in articles that they really represent an “English tradition” after all. To speak of American literature, then, is not to assert(断言、声称)that it is completely unlike that of Europe. Broadly speaking, America and Europe have kept step(同步). At any given moment(在任何时候) the traveler could find examples in both of the same architecture, the same styles in dress, the same books on the shelves. Ideas have crossed the Atlantic as freely as men and merchandise, though sometimes more slowly. When I refer to American habit, thoughts, etc., I intend some sort of qualification(限制、限定、资格) to precede(领先、超前) the word, for frequently the difference between America and Europe (especially England) will be one of degree(唯一只是在程度上), sometimes only of a small degree. The amount of divergence(分歧、差异) is a subtle (微妙的)affair, liable(有可能的) to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America. He is looking at a country which in important senses (重要的感觉)grew out of his own, which in several ways still resembles his own — and which is yet a foreign country. There are odd overlappings and abrupt unfamiliarities; kinship(亲缘关系) yields to a sudden alienation(疏远关系), as when we hail(打招呼) a person across the street, only to discover from his blank(没有表情的) response that we have mistaken a stranger for a friend. 参考译文(翻译第二段): 因此,我们在说“美国”文学,并不表明我们认为美国文学与欧洲文学截然不同。一般来说,美国和欧洲一直在同步发展。无论何时,旅游者在两地都能看到同一式的建筑,见到


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及解析一 The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed intuition to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise;and to integrate action into the process of thinking. Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality; others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. Isenberg's recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers' intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an Aha!experience. Fourth, some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis. Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course of action. Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution. Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns. One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that thinking is inseparable from acting. Since managers often know what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain later. Analysis is inextricably tied to action in thinking/acting cycles, in which managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation and then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert. Given the great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue. They then use the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issue. One implication of thinking/acting cycles is that action is often part of defining the problem, not just of implementing the solution. 1. According to the text, senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT to [A] Speed up of the creation of a solution to a problem. [B] Identify a problem. [C] Bring together disparate facts. [D] Stipulate clear goals. 2. The text suggests which of the following about the writers on management mentioned in line 1, paragraph 2?


英语专业八级阅读真题分类解析 类别:阅读来源:美联英语学习网 专八真题测试中如果碰到阅读理解的话,大家会怎么办呢?难不成就是一口气的读下去,哪怕头脑发晕也要继续下去?这里就为大家介绍一些阅读理解习题的小技巧。 虽然考生的阅读能力明显高于其他的能力,但也存在一定的问题,主要是: (1) 部分考生的单词、词组以及语法的基本功还不过关,对阅读理解做成不应该的影响;(2) 考生的衔接能力不强; (3) 没有足够的推理和判断能力; (4) 阅读技能掌握不够,运用上下文解决问题能力不强,整体理解力有待提高。为了解决这些问题我们有必要了解一下阅读的一些基本层面。目前比较公认的将阅读理解的过程分为四个层次: (1) 字面理解(literal comprehension) ,主要是指读者可以理解文章的单词和句型,回想文章大意、细节、事件发生的时间、地点、顺序和人物之间的关系、对比、人物特性和因果关系等等。 (2)推断性理解(inferential comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据字面意思推断出字里行间的隐含意思,包括作者的意图和观点等。 (3) 评价性理解(evaluative comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据 自己的原则和观点对文章进行分析和评价。(4) 欣赏性理解 (appreciative comprehension) ,指读者最终对文章的写作技巧、思 想水平等做出评价。 以2007年真题中的TEXT A 为例:本文主要阐释了威尔士在英联邦中的地位的逐渐改善。该篇文章第一题为细节题。 According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to A. maintain the present status among the nations.


2016年专八翻译题及答案详解 “流逝”表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫。”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用“流逝”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一种紧张感。 【参考译文1】 They have found that the flowing water,either a murmuring stream or a mighty river, passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become the old and the green grass turns yellow. People naturallyhave a sense of urgency to value every bit of time. As time goes by,no matter how slowly it elapses, people always use the word “liushi” to warn thelater generations for fear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every single minute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word. 【参考译文2】 They find that either a murmuring stream or a mighty river has gone forever and that the passage of time turns a young man into an old one, and yellows of the grass, which sends a massage of how time flies. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter how slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use “passage” to warn the later generations to rush. And the use of “passage” also infuses a sense of tension into the word. 【参考译文3】


英语专业八级考试真题及答案(5) PART V TRANSLATION (60 MIN) 提示:今年专八翻译部分的选材均出自《散文佳作108篇(汉英·英汉对照)》 作者:乔萍翟淑蓉宋洪玮,建议大家熟读此书。点击查看该书简介及文章目录 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE. 提示:本文节选自文章《生命的三分之一》作者:马南邨该文原始出处为《燕山夜话》(北京出版社1980年版)。 初中语文自读课本七年级上册第8课《短文两篇》中也有此文。 一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难;但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待劳动、工作等等的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。 古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多劳动、多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。我国历代的劳动人民及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。 部分译文:Accomplished men of all ages treat their lives very seriously. As long as they are living, they always labor, work, and study

as hard as possible, unwilling to spend time in vain, let alone waste even a single moment of their lives. SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Translate the following underlined part of the text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE. 提示:本文原文标题About Reading Books 作者:Virginia Woolf 2004年6月大学四级考前预测模拟试卷阅读理解中有此文 It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction, biography,poetry—we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us. Yet few people ask from books what books can give us. Most commonly we come to books with blurred and divided minds, asking of fiction that it shall be true, of poetry that it shall be false, of biography that it shall be flattering, of history that it shall enforce our own prejudices. If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning. Do not dictate to your author; try to become him. Be his fellow worker and accomplice.If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read. But if you open your mind as widely as possible, then signs and hints of almost imperceptible finess, from the twist and turn of the first sentences, will bring you into the presence of a human being unlike any other. Steep yourself in this, acquaint yourself with this, and soon you will find that your author is
