

Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands while watching Hello Dolly. The rest of the movie, of course, is breathtaking on just about every level, especially the tactile quality of all the characters and textures and the completely realized weather effects and action scenes. With no "new" technical milestones (fur in Monsters, Inc., water in Finding Nemo, realistic camera effects in Wall- E), the design is the main focus, from the hilariously stylized characters to the amazing setting of the tepui.

I know----that's a interesting trip!


最多是一个稍偏左的中心杰作。在低音注意,共鸣通过整部影片,并至少为现场WALL - E的影响时,他认为自己手中,而看你好多莉“的美丽,卡尔的生活打开电影无言的总和情绪影响。影片的其余部分,当然

,几乎所有的水平,特别是触觉质量的所有字符,纹理和完全实现的天气效果和动作场面令人叹为观止。与没有“新”(皮毛怪物公司,海底总动员WALL - E 的实际摄像效果),设计为主,从欢快的程式化字符,以惊人的特普伊山设置的水技术的里程碑。



A story about dream UP is a film from Pixar Animation Studios which you can’t miss.The “Up” is directed by Peter Doctor and dubbed by many famous actors.As the first three-dimension cartoon in Pixar Studio,UP enjoyed a high reputation when it was on.The UP is an animal which illustrates an old man Cane Frederiskson and a little boy Russelflying to South America in a floating house. However it is so ridiculous but impressive that the house is attached to a large amount of helium balloons.And the funny plot will make all of you burst into laughter .All in all the UP is a story about dream. As far as I am concerned,the first 15 minutes of the movie is the best part of the movie.The rhythm of the beginning of the movie is perfect. In just 15 minutes the movie covers over 60 years and shows what the dream really is.What I learned from it is that there are always a lot of things prevent you from realizing you dream but if you don’t care anything only your dream and then you will achieve.As the movie shows our characters Carl and Ellie both impressed by an adventurer Charles Muntz, little Carl seems “Adventure is out there” as his motto,they even have a adventure diary which records their dream of having an adventure in South America. But because of the burden of life, till the death of Ellie that failed to have a adventure in South America together.So the moment the old Carl brought his previous house flying to the sky achieving their dream ,I was on the verge of tears.what’s more the relaxing back ground music and a lot of fantastic details make this part even the better. As a word the movie is really worth seeing ,although the second part of this movie is too naive to satisfied the generation of our age.Because the plot of the movie is interesting and meaningful. the movie tell us what the really life is but meanwhile show the hope and unlimited possibility to us.Second the movie’s CG is really beautiful and the background music is dulcet and suitable to the plot. According to all this advantages, I strongly recommend this movie to all of you.because all of us have a floating house in our heart. by 刘逸铭 3150103697


《飞屋环游记》的英文影评 Flying is not the house is lonely Used a vulgar phrase is used to describe the film characters. Compared to Carl, a fight that and Tang Monk scarf and some even liked a little overweightchildren. But as the plot slowly started, the audience found that the glossy surface of the egg alsohas numerous splice below the scars left by the lack of fatherly desire to use all kinds of juvenilebehavior to attract the attention of his father. Russell has been hanging in the chest of people felt asadMedalofHonor,arowofheavymedalsnotforfourpointsofbeauty,notforthetoptenou tstanding, just to be able to see his father side. Flying is the ancient ideal of the human. From the earliest of the birds flight feathers stains whoexpect the power to use firecrackers tied to the whim of the chair, to the Wright brothers that godowninhistoryin12seconds.Flyingthefilmisachievedthroughnumerousballoons,whic hmore or less, and also when the best ideas about our childhood, I believe many viewers see theballoon will be pulling up the moment the house knowing smile - "It kinds of things, I also fanciedthe ah. " Balloon will not only pull the house, they take with initiator Carl, hiding away under theeavesofRussell,outofthecity'snoiseandthefettersofthisworld,intothedreamof"Shan gri-La." Sunlight through the colorful balloon shed the shadow of a dream, yet also seemedtoweavemagicscene.Atthismoment,whetherfortherealizationofadreamtobee xtremelyexcited about Carl, or for grasping sand cone birds and the sky somehow be brought Russell, havegained a new life. The other side of the cloud, where agreement Drawing attention to a finishing touch, the latter part of the film is the crowning touch to theseries of tragedies. If Karl simply flew to heaven falls settled side, the movie can at best be quitecreative, and not worthy of a place sublimation.


《飞屋环游记》精讲之一 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命 运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。 不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客---小探险家 拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗? 本片段剧情:气球销售员弗雷德里克不甘被送入养老院的命运,决心搭乘“飞屋”去南美的“天堂瀑布”,完成妻子的遗愿。不料飞屋升空后,却发现同行的还有一位不速之客---小探险家拉塞尔。这个小胖墩喋喋不休的叫嚷让弗雷德里克真想把他从飞屋扔下去。但此时爷俩却遇到了暴风雨。他们的飞屋能抵御风暴,平安到达“天堂瀑布”吗? 影片对白: Fredricksen: Good morning, gentlemen. Man: Good morning, mr. Fredricksen. You're ready to go? Fredricksen: Ready as I'll ever be. Would you do me the favour and take this? I'll m eet you in the van in just a minute. I... wanna say one last goodbye to the old place. Man: Sure. Take all the time you need, sir. That's typical. He's probably going to the bathroom for the 80th time. You'd think he'd take better care of his house. Fredricksen: So long, boys! I'll send you a postcard from Paradise Falls! We are on our way, Ellie. Russell: Hi, mr. Fredricksen. It's me, Russell. Fredricksen: What are you doing out here, kid?


飞屋环游记观后感(4篇) 飞屋环游记观后感(4篇) 篇一: 78岁的卡尔老先生,为了信守对爱妻的承诺,决心带着他与妻子艾利共同打造的房屋一飞冲天的动人故事。 故事开始时,小男孩卡尔·费迪逊(carl Fredrickson)正聚精会神地看着新闻影片,著名探险家查尔斯·蒙兹(charles muntz)和他的爱狗们刚刚乘坐热气球从南美探险归来,蒙兹宣布发现了新物种,但科学家们不信,称他是个骗子,蒙兹名誉扫地。不过小卡尔对蒙兹的经历深信不疑,对他的话句句在心,尤其是他那句“探险就在前方”(Adventure is out there)更被小卡尔当作至理名言,他也想像蒙兹一样成为伟大的探险家。

小卡尔牵着气球走在回家的路上,当他路过一个无人居住的房子前时,传来了另一个孩子的声音,这是个假小子性格的女孩,叫艾丽(Ellie) ,她也同样迷恋蒙兹的探险故事,喋喋不休的艾丽拿屋子顶上的风向标当操纵杆,把整个屋子当成一艘大飞船,竭力说服不知所措的卡尔加入她的计划,坐着“飞屋”冒险。当然两个孩子并没能飞起来,而是摔了下来。不过卡尔和艾丽就此结识。随后的时间,镜头为我们展现了他们俩长大、结婚、在一起生活的蒙太奇片段,艾丽做了动物园管理员,卡尔则弄了个车专门卖氦气球。 两人一辈子都梦想着到蒙兹提到的南美洲“仙境瀑布”(Paradise Falls)去探险,但他们始终都疲于为生活而奔波。直到艾丽病逝,这个愿望也没能实现。 艾丽去世以后,卡尔变得孤僻起来,不愿与人接触。但更糟糕的是,他的屋子正好处在政府计划开发的地皮上,这里即将建造一幢摩天大楼。不愿搬离这

里的卡尔成了一个“钉子户”,政府派人来准备将他送到养老院,不过就在那些人来之前,卡尔作出决定,带着屋子一起离开这里,前往南美,去实现妻子和他共同的梦想! 于是就展开了一段充满惊喜的历险. 卡尔与罗素展现的是两个完全不一样的人,但最后却能彼此感动,完成了各自的梦想. 最令我感动的是卡尔老先生对妻子艾丽的爱,既长久又深刻,就是因为这份爱,才能让卡尔有去实现梦想的勇气与执着. 罗素是一个华裔男孩,他参加了野外探险者协会,为了成为高级会员,正需要集齐最后一枚徽章——帮助老人徽章。而他挑选的帮助目标是脾气古怪的卡尔,卡尔讨厌这个老跟着自己的小胖墩。 过最后卡尔还是被罗素感动了,他愿意丢掉他一直视如宝贝的家具,甚至是他的房子...去救罗素.


英语配音台词 小孩:I thought you were dead. 老人:What happened? 小孩:I steered us. I did it! I steered the house. Steered us? 小孩:After you tied your stuff down, you took a nap. So I went ahead and steered us down here. 老人:Yeah, sure. ....I can't tell where we are. 小孩:Oh, we're in South Amerca all right. It was a cinch with my Wilderness Explorer GPS. 老人:GP What? 小孩:- My dad gave it to Me.It shows exacty where we are on the planet. With this baby, we'll never be lost!(......) 老人:Well get you down, find a bus stop, You just tell the man you wanna go back to your mother. 小孩:Sure, but I don't think they have buses in Paradise Falls. 老人:There. That ought to do it. Here, I'll give you some change for the bus fare. 小孩:No, I'll just use my city bus pass. That's gonna be Iike a billion on transfer to get back to my house. 小孩:Mr. Fredricksen, how much longer? 老人:Well, we're up pretty high. Could take hours to get down.(wu !) That thing was.... Building or something.(wu wa!) 小孩:What was that, Mr. Fredricksen?


【飞屋环游记观后感500】飞屋环游 记英文观后感 【--个人简历制作】 《飞屋环游记》是由彼特·道格特执导,皮克斯动画工作室制作的第十部动画电影、首部3D电影,下面就是飞屋环游记英文观后感。 飞屋环游记英文观后感【1】Up is a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carl's life that opens the movie is the bass note that resonates through the whole film and is at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds his own hands while watching Hello Dolly. The rest of the movie, of course, is breathtaking on just about every level, especially the tactile quality of all the characters and textures and the completely realized weather effects and action scenes. With no "new" technical milestones (fur in Monsters, Inc., water in Finding Nemo, realistic camera effects in Wall- E), the design is the main focus, from the hilariously stylized characters to the amazing setting of the tepui.


《飞屋环游记》观后感5篇 影片《飞屋环游记》讲述了一个老人曾经与老伴约定去一座坐落在遥远南美洲的瀑布旅行,却因为生活奔波一直未能成行,直到政府要强拆自己的老屋时才决定带着屋子一起飞向瀑布,路上与结识的小胖子罗素一起冒险的经历。以下是xx为大家整理的关于这部影片的观后感,欢迎大家阅读! 《飞屋环游记》观后感 平时很少看动画片,觉得动画片的故事情节一般都很简单,结局都很美满,一切都很理想化,所以就不是很喜欢看了…… 但是这天早晨看了飞屋环游记,还是被感动了…… 其实最能打动人的,不是多么浩瀚的场景,多么富有想象力的传奇,而是源于生活的那些十分微小的细节。就像飞屋环游中小罗说的“最无聊的事情记得却最清楚”。因为这些无聊,就是在一瞬间打动了你我,然后就被永远的铭记。 比如费迪逊先生一向铭记妻子艾莉儿童时的梦想,比如小罗为了在毕业礼上见到爸爸一向想拿到帮忙老人徽章,还有童年时期艾莉的画叉起誓导致之后费迪逊先生放下了最初的想法而跑去营救小罗,还有艾莉在生命的弥留之际在

“我的冒险日记”的最后一页写给费迪逊的短短几句话,都是生活中十分十分微小的一瞬间发生的事情,但它却在善良的人们的心里、在对爱的期盼里被越来越放大,当这些被放大到能指导我们行动的时候——飞屋环游这样的奇迹就真的在一个平凡老人和一个孩子的身上成为了现实…… 虽然是动画片,整个故事也纯属想象虚构,但其中很多环节却十分接近现实,让我看到差点流泪。比如相伴一生的妻子逝世后,费迪逊先生一个人孤独地生活在小屋,经常叫着艾莉的名字自言自语,性情越来越孤僻,老人院的强行接收也让他十分难过,因为他不想离开自我的小屋;刚开始飞屋环游的时候,费迪逊还是个很顽固又有点自私的老人,但历经艰险最后把小屋搬到仙境瀑布的时候,却因为小罗的离开让他明白了探险的真正含义,他毅然扔掉了小屋里的所有东西,让小屋重新起飞,飞离了仙境瀑布去救自我的朋友。 而下一幕个性感人,小屋虽然没能留下,但却永远留下了费迪逊和艾莉坐过的那对老式沙发,到这一刻,他们的爱和理想才真正被升华了;还有最后小罗的爸爸仍然没有能参加他的毕业典礼,但费迪逊先生来了,并且颁给他比帮忙老人徽章更加有好处的一个瓶盖徽章——艾莉徽章,这是童年时艾莉和费迪逊第一次见面时赠送给费迪逊的冒险家徽章,一枚小小的汽水瓶盖,但就是这个瓶盖徽章,陪伴着费迪逊


飞屋环游记观后感800字五篇 《飞屋环游记》是由彼特·道格特执导,皮克斯动画工作室制作的第十部动画电影、首部3D电影。以下是小编给大家整理的飞屋环游记观后感800字,希望可以帮到大 家 飞屋环游记观后感800字<一> 时很少看动画片,觉得动画片的故事情节一般都很简单,结局都很美满,一切都 很理想化,所以就不是很喜欢看了…… 但是今天早晨看了飞屋环游记,还是被感动了…… 其实最能打动人的,不是多么浩瀚的场景,多么富有想象力的传奇,而是源于生 活的那些非常微小的细节。就像飞屋环游中小罗说的“最无聊的事情记得却最清楚”。 因为这些无聊,就是在一瞬间打动了你我,然后就被永远的铭记。 比如费迪逊先生一直铭记妻子艾莉儿童时的梦想,比如小罗为了在毕业礼上见到 爸爸一直想拿到帮助老人徽章,还有童年时期艾莉的画叉起誓导致后来费迪逊先生放 弃了最初的想法而跑去营救小罗,还有艾莉在生命的弥留之际在“我的冒险日记”的最 后一页写给费迪逊的短短几句话,都是生活中非常非常微小的一瞬间发生的事情,但 它却在善良的人们的心里、在对爱的期待里被越来越放大,当这些被放大到能指导我 们行动的时候——飞屋环游这样的奇迹就真的在一个平凡老人和一个孩子的身上成为 了现实…… 虽然是动画片,整个故事也纯属想象虚构,但其中很多环节却非常接近现实,让 我看到差点流泪。比如相伴一生的妻子逝世后,费迪逊先生一个人孤独地生活在小屋,经常叫着艾莉的名字自言自语,性情越来越孤僻,老人院的强行接收也让他非常难过,因为他不想离开自己的小屋;刚开始飞屋环游的时候,费迪逊还是个很顽固又有点自私 的老人,但历经艰险终于把小屋搬到仙境瀑布的时候,却因为小罗的离开让他明白了 探险的真正含义,他毅然扔掉了小屋里的所有东西,让小屋重新起飞,飞离了仙境瀑 布去救自己的朋友。 而下一幕特别感人,小屋虽然没能留下,但却永远留下了费迪逊和艾莉坐过的那 对老式沙发,到这一刻,他们的爱和理想才真正被升华了;还有最后小罗的爸爸仍然没 有能参加他的毕业典礼,但费迪逊先生来了,并且颁给他比帮助老人徽章更加有意义 的一个瓶盖徽章——艾莉徽章,这是童年时艾莉和费迪逊第一次见面时赠送给费迪逊


A Flying House An 78-year old man, Carl Fredrickson, wants to achieve his wife Ellie’s dream—moving their house to the Paradise Falls in South American. He starts his journey up in the sky in his house. A boy named Russell hides behind the door and explores with Carl together. Reach South American, they run into a bird Kevin and a dog Dug. They fight with Muntz who wants to catch and kill Kevin. Then what happened there? Does Carl achieve Ellie’s dream? Carl Fredricksen, a shy and quiet boy, meets an energetic and outgoing tomboy named Ellie, discovering they share the same interest in exploration as their hero, the famed explorer Charles F. Muntz. Ellie tells Carl of her desire to move her clubhouse to Paradise Falls in South America, and makes Carl promise to help. Carl and Ellie wed and grow old together in the old house where they first met. A newsreel announcer mentions that Charles F. Muntz has been accused of fraud and stripped of his membership. The newsreel also shows Charles leaving vowing to catch a rare 13-foot bird at Paradise Falls. Ellie passes away, leaving Carl alone. As the years pass, the city grows around Carl's house with construction as Carl refuses to move as stated to Construction Foreman Tom. Carl ends up in a tussle with Construction Worker Steve over Carl's broken mailbox. Afterwards, Officer Edith gives Carl a court order to move into a retirement home. Carl comes up with a scheme to keep his promise to Ellie, he creates a makeshift airship using tens of thousands of balloons that lift his house off its foundations. Russell, a Wilderness Explorer trying to earn his final merit badge for "Assisting the Elderly", has stowed away on the porch.


飞屋环游记观后感 《UP》怎么会翻译成《飞屋环游记》我是想不通的啦,不过看电影,“飞屋环游记”也还算贴切。 影片开头,我就一直在猜谁将会是影片的主人公驾驶着飞屋去旅行,小男孩?小女孩?看着看着,怎么味道变了?在不知不觉中,在一根根领带的变换中,在储蓄罐一次次的砸碎中,在高楼大厦一座座平地起中,心情时而欢喜,时而浪漫,时而忧伤,最后变得沉重,短短几分钟的影片,过完了人的一生。婚姻的忠实、浪漫;生活的平淡、挫折在简单的爱中诠释尽。锋回路转,这不是影片的结束,而是真正的开始。 由小女孩变成的老婆婆先离开由小男孩变成的小老头,从此,老头儿在充满幸福回忆的小屋里孤单地等候老去。除了回忆还是回忆,除了思念还是思念。 当四周的现代建筑物即将吞噬掉这小屋时,老头儿扞卫的不只是这小屋,更是对妻子、对以往幸福生活的思念。面对社会的强势,他选择了逃离,去追随和妻子共同的梦想——仙境瀑布。刺激的旅程开始啦—— 有了追求,人才会有精神。老态龙钟的糜糜老头在屋子由几千个气球飞起来的刹那变得精神抖擞,意气风发,充满了力量,一下子仿佛年轻了许多。 贯窜整个影片的意念是——执着。对梦想的执着追求,契而不舍,

何时行动都不算晚。小女孩的梦想是去仙境瀑布探险,夫妻俩的一生都在为这个梦想做准备。一次次的现实挫折让他们的梦想一次次无限期的延后,最后只剩下老头儿了,他依旧没有放弃他们共同的探险梦想,老头儿带着角角落落都是幸福回忆的小屋一个人上路了。 小胖子小罗,也是一个执着的家伙,从他出场自我介绍就可以看出这执着劲堪比老头的固执。为了得到一个帮助老人的徽章他意外地被带上了飞屋,跟着老头一起探险。 孤单。老头儿很孤单,小罗也很孤单。老头儿是因为没了心爱的人而显得特别孤单;小罗是因为没有父母的陪伴而孤单,得到徽章只是为了能让爸爸陪伴一会儿。两个孤单的人一起互相陪伴,互相鼓励,互相补充,世界才显得圆满、充实。一老、一少、一狗坐在街边数汽车,这是电影的结束画面,也是人类渴望的和谐。 拖了这么久,终于把《飞屋环游记》看了,也终于给出了今年暑期档大片中第一个满分。激动啊!真是部又感人又有趣,娱乐性强又内容充实的大杰作,今年我的个人TOP。10终于有冠军了!内牛满面——内牛满面啊—— 好了,擦干鼻涕眼泪哈喇子,我们切入正习题。两遍,至少两遍,像这样在仅仅90多分钟里压缩了大量内容的经典,一遍是很难过瘾的。在这短短的90分钟里,高浓度地压缩了大量内容,全片几乎处处是亮点,既有感人的情感戏,又有搞笑的幽默戏,精致的动作戏,科幻成分(比如那些很“哆啦A梦”狗项圈),密林探险,娱乐元素样样不缺,而且每一样都如同被导演施了魔法,情感戏必定催泪,幽


《飞屋环游记》观后感最新范文 大家有没有观看过飞屋环游记,会不会写关于飞屋环游记的观后感? 以下是小编整理的观后感范文5篇,希望能够可以分享给大家进行参考和借鉴。 我看了一部动漫电影《飞屋环游记》,影片中介绍了卡尔和他的妻子艾丽的从小就有 同一个梦想——天堂瀑布之旅,但是他们一直没有一起去实现。当卡尔知道连他妻子记忆 的小屋也保不住的时候,他想起了和亡妻没有完成的探险之旅,于是他用气球升起了小屋 开始了神奇的旅行。 老卡尔和他的小搭档为了保护罕见的怪鸟,他们和要得到怪鸟的坏人斗志斗勇,还有 一只会说人语的狗也成了他们的好朋友。最后他们勇敢的战胜了坏人,结束了神奇美妙的 旅行,真是太精彩了。 飞屋环游记是一部很有趣的电影。主人公卡尔从小就喜欢科学,便开始了他的人生旅程。 这部电影是他从小到大艰难历程。卡尔是一个卖轻气球的人,他有一个梦想——去天 堂瀑布。他要搬家了,在前一个晚上,他吹了几十万个气球,连他的房子也一块儿搬走了。卡尔70多岁的时候,去天堂瀑布的梦想终于实现了。他想起了他的妻子艾利和他的幸福 生活。后来,一个狠毒的人命令几十万只狗去追杀他,他机智的躲过了追杀,最后又回到 了天堂瀑布。 这部电影讲述了他一生为了梦想,努力奋斗,最终实现了自己的梦想。同时也告诉我们,只有想不到的,没有做不到的。 在寒假里哥哥让我看了《飞屋环游记》。这部动画片讲述了老先生卡尔和自己的妻子 艾丽都想去仙境瀑布,在他妻子去世的时候,为实现他和他的妻子艾丽的共同的愿望,卡尔把好多的气球装在屋顶上,小胖墩小罗也在他的飞屋上。老卡尔一直想把小罗送回家,但是没能成功。飞屋不知不觉的到达了仙境瀑布的对面。他们背着飞屋穿过丛林去仙境瀑布。途中他们遇见了大鸟凯文和小狗逗逗并且和一心想要抓住凯文的探险家蒙兹展开了斗争。虽然,飞屋飞走了,但是凯文被成功的解救了出来。 看完了这部影片,我们要执着的追逐梦想和爱护大自然。


飞屋环游记观后感英文200字导读:《飞屋环游记》是由彼特·道格特执导,皮克斯动画工作室制作的第十部动画电影、首部3D电影。下面小编为大家带来飞屋环游记的英文观后感,希望能帮助到大家。 Today, I saw a movie called "flying house ring", mainly about an old grandfather who wanted to go to the fairyland waterfall. The smart old grandfather used a hydrogen balloon to let the house fly. On the way, he met a little boy who went through the storm, lost the direction, and so on. It was not easy to get to the immortals. The waterfall, but the house fell far away from the waterfall, and they had to walk through the house step by step, and on the way, they met a beautiful big bird and a talking dog. With the help of big birds and dogs, they finally came to the top of the beautiful fairyland waterfall. After watching this movie, I admire this boy's bravery, grandfather's firmness, big bird's agility and puppy's intelligence. The most admirable thing is the big bird and the puppy. When the old man and the


“飞屋环游记”英语读后感 The movie focuses on 78-year old man Carl Fredrickson's (voiced by Edward Asner) life who always had a dream of going on a journey to South American to see the wilds of it. He buys thousands of balloons just to attach it to his house to float up in the sky. So, he starts with his journey up in the sky in his house with balloons attached to it. Suddenly, he's not alone and somebody's at the door while flying, it's a boy scout kid named Russell. He invites the boy with him on his journey to South America. Just brilliant and simple story-telling, beautiful visuals as usual with Pixar, awesome voice work, funny and smart dialogue, beautiful score once again by Michael Giacchino & very, very enjoyable characters. Speaking of characters, the highlight of the film: Dug the Dog. A sort of 'robot' dog that will have you have you in a lot of stitches each scene that dog is in and that was the case with me. Simply, one of the funniest characters Pixar ever made. Pete Doctor, one of the four Pixar directors (John Lassester, Andrew Stanton, Brad Bird) who directed Monster's Inc (20xx) needs and should get nominated for his clever, genius and smart directing of this but if Stanton didn't get the nods for (Finding Nemo and WALL-E) and


飞屋环游记观后感精选800字 《飞屋环游记》电影观后感范文一 这是一部我一直很喜欢的电影。皮克斯永远不会让我们失望,3D时代正猛然而至,皮克斯更不会甘心落在两大竞争对手梦工厂动画和蓝天工作室后面。这部《飞屋环游记》,作为皮克斯的第一部3D长片,来头就相当可观。 皮克斯电影总能以情动人,这部《飞屋》也不例外。影片有两个主角,一个是78岁的退休气球零售商老卡尔,另一个是10岁的亚裔小男孩罗素。 故事的开始时这样的:小男孩卡尔·费迪逊的偶像是著名探险家查尔斯·蒙兹。他把查尔斯·蒙兹的“探险就在前方”当成座右铭,并梦想成为像蒙兹一样的人。一天,卡尔路过一个无人居住的房子,认识了同样迷恋蒙兹探险故事的假小子“艾丽”,后来他们一起长大,结婚。两人一辈子都梦想着到蒙兹提到的南美洲“仙境瀑布”去探险,但直到艾丽病逝,这个愿望也没能实现。他做了一个惊人的决定——用热气球带着整个屋子飞往南美,实现他和艾丽未完成的梦想。老卡尔没想到的是,他的飞屋搭乘了一个“偷渡客”小罗,他要积攒一枚帮助老人的徽章。卡尔不喜欢小罗跟着他,他割了几个气球准备降落,这时意外发生,飞屋撞上巨石,两个人掉到了悬崖上。在他们面前的就是“仙境瀑布”。两个人遇见了一只大鸟和一直会说话的狗,而这只大鸟就是查尔斯·蒙兹发誓要捕捉的物种。这只会说话的狗是被追踪的,更多的狗出现了,它们狂吠着巴卡尔一行追到一艘飞艇前。他

们发现飞艇的主人就是查尔斯·蒙兹!为了保护大鸟,卡尔和自己的偶像蒙兹开展了搏斗,他在搏斗的时候将蒙兹和飞屋推向悬崖,飞屋落到了仙境瀑布边上,蒙兹下落不明。卡尔和小罗驾驶者孟子的飞艇回到了城市,小罗也获得了由卡尔奖励的徽章,两人成了忘年交。《纽约邮报》这样评价《飞屋》:“一部电影艺术的精美之作,还是本年度迄今为止最搞笑、最动人、最激动人心、最具娱乐的影片。小孩喜欢这部电影,而大人们也能从中获得属于自己的感动。”老头儿很孤独,小罗也很孤独。老头儿是因为没了心爱的人而显得特别孤单;小罗是因为没有父母的陪伴而孤单,得到徽章只是为了能让爸爸陪伴一会儿。两个孤单的人一起互相陪伴,互相鼓励,互相补充,世界才显得圆满、充实。一老、一少、一狗坐在街边数汽车,这是电影的结束画面,也是人类渴望的和谐。 到达“仙境瀑布”是卡尔一生的梦想,他追逐的过程就是飞翔。《飞屋环游记》电影观后感范文二 这天我在网上看了一部《飞屋环游记》的电影。 这部电影讲了一个小男孩罗素和一个老爷爷卡尔的历险故事。卡尔是个不怎麽爱说话的男孩,他总是牵着气球边走路边幻想着历险,一天他遇到了活泼可爱的女孩艾丽,两个人有着共同的.兴趣爱好,之后他们结婚了,过上了幸福的生活。镜头一闪他们变老了,白发苍苍的艾丽得了重病,躺在病床上交给了卡尔老爷爷一本书,书上画着一幅她一向梦想去探险的地方“仙境瀑布”,然后就死去了。 卡尔老爷爷每一天孤单的守着他心爱的小屋。一天,坐在沙发上的卡


Up Movie town News presents Spotlight on Adventure. What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity, a lost world in South America. witness 目击civilized 文明的humanity 人类Lurking in the shadow of majestic Paradise Falls,it sports plants and animals undiscovered by science.Who would dare set foot on this inhospitable summit? 顶点Lurk潜伏Paradise天堂inhospitable偏远Why, our subject today, Charles Muntz! The beloved explorer lands his dirigible the Spirit of Adventure,in New Hampshire this week,completing a yearlong expedition to the lost world. Explorer探险家dirigible飞船expedition远征This lighter-than-air craft was designed by Muntz himself and is longer than 22 prohibition paddy wagons placed end to end. craft太空船prohibition禁止 And here comes the adventurer now. Never apart from his faithful dogs,Muntz conceived the craft for canine comfort.It's a veritable floating palace in the sky,complete with doggy bath and mechanical canine walker. faithful忠实的conceive构思canine犬类的veritable真正的mechanical机械的 And, Jiminy Cricket do the locals consider Muntz the bee's knees.And how! bee's knees 了不起的人物 Muntz:“Adventure is out there!” But what has Muntz brought back this time? Muntz:“Gentlemen, I give you the monster of Paradise Falls!” And, golly, what a swell monster this is! But what's this? Scientists cry foul.The National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the skeleton. 伪造 swell庞然大物foul不正当的accuse指控The organization strips Muntz of his membership.Humiliated, Muntz vow s a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive! Strip剥夺Humiliated羞辱的 Muntz:“I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!” And so, the explorer's off to clear his name. Bon voyage, Charles Muntz,and good luck capturing the monster of Paradise Falls! Here's Charles Muntz piloting his famous dirigible. Pilot驾驶dirigible飞船 He hurdles Pikes Peak. 跨越 He hurdles the Grand Canyon. He hurdles Mount Everest. 珠穆朗玛峰 He goes around Mount Everest. Is there nothing he cannot do? Yes, as Muntz himself says, "Adventure is..." 00:03:16 Ellie:Adventure is out there! Look out! Mount Rushmore! Hard to starboard! Must get Spirit of Adventure over Mount Rushmore!Hold together, old girl. How're my dogs doing?All engines, ahead full! Let's take her up to 26,000 feet. Rudders 18 degrees towards the south. It's a beautiful day. Winds out of the east at 10 knots. Visibility unlimited. Enter the weather in the logbook. Oh! There's something down there. I will bring it back for science. Aw! It's a puppy! Ah! No time! A storm! Lightning. Hail. Ellie:What are you doing? Carl:Ahhh! Ellie:Don't you know this is an exclusive club?Only explorers get in here,not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles.Do you think you've got what it takes? Well, do you? All right, you're in. Welcome aboard. What's wrong? Can't you talk? Hey, I don't bite.
