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7>2013年 5月




本文主要介绍基于单片机的数字气压计设计。核心是气压传感器BMP085的精密数字气压计系统的软、硬件实现方法。本文围绕气压计,着重介绍了MCS51单片机、气压传感器BMP085、液晶显示模块LCD1602还有蜂鸣器等的功能结构和用处并对其组成的一个数字气压传感器系统进行了详细的分析。本文介绍通过气压传感器BMP085获得与大气压相对的模拟电压值,用V/F转换器则可把气压传感器输出的电压信号转换成具有一定频率的脉冲信号;以便用单片机接收该脉冲信号,并根据单位时间内得到的脉冲数,并经过单片机中的A/D 转换模块转换为数字脉冲,通过单片机对此脉冲序列的计数等处理后获得实际的气压值,并通过数码管显示电路显示这一系统。本文具体阐述了系统的软件设计和硬件的搭建,以C语言为开发工具,进行了详细设计和编码。总体目标是实现系统的可靠性、稳定性、安全性和经济性。



The barometer sensitive element test pressure will be directly converted into easily detected, and the transmission of current or voltage signal, and then through the subsequent processing circuitry, and a real-time display of a device. The core component is the air pressure sensor, which monitors the pressure in size, control pressure changes as well as the measurement of physical parameters play an important role.

Used in barometer pressure sensors are basically relying on the pressure change when different heights to get the pressure value.

This paper describes the design of microcontroller-based digital barometer. The core of the pressure sensor BMP085 Precision Digital Barometer system software and hardware implementation. Around the barometer, highlighting the MCS51 microcontroller, air pressure sensor BMP085 LCD module LCD1602 buzzer functional structure and usefulness of digital pressure sensor system consisting of a detailed analysis. This article describes the pressure sensor BMP085 atmospheric pressure relative to the analog voltage value V / F converter can put pressure sensor output voltage signal into a pulse signal of a certain frequency; order to use microcontroller receives the pulse signal based on the unit the number of pulses in the time, and after the microcontroller's A / D converter module is converted into a digital pulse through the microcontroller of this pulse sequence count obtained after processing the actual pressure value and the system through the digital display circuit. The paper describes the design of the system software and hardware to build, C language development tools, a detailed design and coding. The overall objective is to achieve system reliability, stability, security and economic.


Key words: SCM; digital barometer; pressure sensor;


第 1 章绪论1

1.1 选题背景1

1.2 研究意义1

1.3 国内外相关技术概况 2

1.3.1 气压计技术概况 2

1.3.2 国内外相关技术 3

1.4 本课题的重点及难点 3

1.5 本课题相关理论及西安地区大气压 4 第 2 章系统总体设计 6

2.1 气压计结构 6

2.2 设计方案7

2.2.1 方案一7

2.2.2 方案二7

2.3 系统总体结构8

2.4 系统各功能模块8

2.4.1 初始化模块8

2.4.2 数据处理模块10

2.4.3 数码显示模块10

2.4.4 警报电路模块10

2.5 各功能模块的选择10

2.5.1 单片机的选择10
