




1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


1.()A. computer B.camera C.car

2.()A. copybook B.storybook C.knife

3.()A. father B.mother C. brother

4.()A.cake B.three C.desk

5.()A. basketball B.bike C. book


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


( ) 1. A. It’s a crayon . B. Yes , it is .

( ) 2. A. Thank you . B. Come in , please . ( ) 3. A. Yes , she is . B. No , he isn’t .

( ) 4. A. It’s three . B. It’s thirteen .

( ) 5. A. It’s five o’clock . B. Let’s go home now . ( ) 6. A. How nice ! B. No , it isn’t .


1. 2.




1 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.


()1. A . three B.chair C. one

()2. A . mother B. sister C. man

()3. A . computer B. knife C. stapler

()4. A . car B. park C. cinema

()5. A . pear B.that C. this

()6. A.sandwich B.rice C.coffee


()1. Can I have a look ? A. It’s a toy train .

()2. Is this your English book ? B. He’s my grandfather .

()3. What’s that on the desk? C. No , it isn’t .

()4. Who’s that man ? D. I’d like a pie.

()5. What would you like? E. No,I’d like a cake.

()6.What about some juice? F. Sure. Here you are .


()1. 当你上课迟到,进教室时说:

A. Can I have a look ?

B. May I come in ?

C. Thank you .

()2. 现在已时晚上9:30 了,爸爸对你说:

A. It’s time to get up .

B. Time to have lunch .

C. It’s time to go to bed .

()3. 你想知道手里的东西用英语怎么表达,问:

A. What’s this in the box ?

B. What’s that in English?

C. What’s this in English ?

()4. 你有问题想请教别人,有礼貌地说:

A. Excuse me .

B. Oh , I see .

C. Sorry , you’re wrong .

()5. 你想问别人“他是不是你的爷爷”:

A.He’s your grandfather.

B.Is she your grandmother?

C.Is he your grandfather ?

( ) 6. 你想知道在那边的女人是谁,问:

A.Who’s that man ?

B. Who’s this woman ?

C.Who’s that woman ?

( )7.你如果想询问一个东西的价钱,你可以说:

A. How much is it?

B. How is it?

C.How many is it?

( )8.你的同学把题目做错了,你可以说:

A. You’re right.

B. You’re wrong.

C.Th at’s right.


( )1.It’s time________ have lunch.

A. to

B. for

C. at

( )2.What’s one ________ two? Three.

A. plus

B. minus


( )3.---How _____ is the apple?

--- It’s one yuan.

A. many

B. much

C. what

( )4.---What _______ some juice?

--- No, I’d like a soft drink.

A. at

B. to

C. about

()5.---What would you like ?

--- _____ books,please.

A. Some

B. An

C. A

()6. Nancy is English girl.

A. a

B. an

C. the

( ) 7. Excuse ,is this a camera?

A. you

B. my

C. me

( ) 8. my grandfather.

A. He

B. She’s

C. He’s

( ) 9. ---Shall we TV? ---OK.

A. look

B. watch

C. look at

( )10. Sorry, I know.

A. am not

B. don’t

C. isn’t


Hello! My name is Liu Tao .I am a Chinese boy .I am ten .I have(有) a nice jacket. It is white. It’s not dear(贵). It’s twenty yuan .But I like it very much.(很喜欢)

()1、Liu Tao is a Chinese boy .

()2、Liu Tao is nine .

()3、The jacket is ten yuan .

()4、The jacket is white.


小学三年级英语竞赛试题 一、笔试部分 1、connect the following (20分) ① giraffe 短裙② one 9 camel 礼帽five 2 cat 长颈鹿eight 4 shoes 草莓nine 10 hat 苹果two 5 watermelon 鞋seven 1 strawberry 骆驼ten 8 peach 猫three 6 skirt 西瓜four 3 apple 桃子six 7 2、Choose the ritht answer (20分) ①How are you ? ____________ A: How do you do. B: Good morning! C: Fine ,thank you. ②What’s this? It’s ___ elephant. A: a B: an C: 不填 ③Q__STUV A: r B: Y C: R ④英国:_____ A: PRC B: KFC C: UK

D: USA ⑤我是一名司机:___ A: I’m a doctor. B: I’m a police. C: I’m a bird. D: I’m a driver. ⑥Hello, Betty! ______,Andy! A: Good-bye. B: Good night. C: Hi. ⑦Betty, this is Andy. Andy,_________Betty Hi, Andy. Hi, Betty. A: You are…… B: I am C: this is …… ⑧Hello, Peter, This is Lucy. Lucy, nice to meet you. _________ A: Good morning. B: How do you do. C: Nice to meet you, too. ⑨What’s this ? It’s a skirt. Oh, no, I’m a _____ A: boy B: girl C: Peter ⑩Hello! My name is Bobby. _________ I’m Kitty. A: I’m Bobby B: Your name, please? C: Really? 二、按字母表的顺序,默写26个字母的大小写。(26分)


........................ 优质文档.......................... 小学六年级英语竞赛试题及答案 一、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。(每题0.5分,共5分) 1.hobby(复数) 2.knife(复数) 3.meet(同音词) 4.miss(第三人称单数) 5.study(同义词) 6.always(对应词) 7.stop(过去式) 8.their(同音词) 9.Japan(形容词) 10.dance(动名词) 二、翻译短语。(每题0.5分,共5分) 1.当然可以 2.八千万人 3.许多中国的商店和饭馆 4.一些来自中国的玩具娃娃 5.元宵节 6.用英语写电子邮件和故事 7.中国历史 8.一本有趣的书 9.给你看他的照片 10.玩电脑游戏 三、选出不同类的单词。(每题0.5分,共2.5分) ( ) 1. A. knife B. bamboo C. fork ( ) 2. A. thousand B. kilometre C. million ( ) 3. A. stamp B. bicycle C. pleased

( ) 4. A. snake B. flute C. violin ( ) 5. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. China 四、选出画线读音与其他不同的选项。(每题0.5分,共2.5分)( ) 1. A. clean B. read C. really ( ) 2. A. knife B. miss C. line ( ) 3. A. pet B. special C. believe ( ) 4. A. some B. hobby C. copy ( ) 5. A. stamp B. dance C. apple 五、选择(每题0.5分,共5分) ( ) 1. There a desk and two chairs in my room. A. be B. is C. are ( ) 2.Daming is visiting America his cousin. A. at B. with C. in ( ) 3. The girl often with her English teacher. A. talks B. talk C. talked ( ) 4.He’s got an email in English he can’t read it. and B. or C. but ( ) 5. is her hobby. A. Reading B. read C. reading ( ) 6.Our city ________ got about two million people. A. is B. has C. does ( ) 7. ________ Anna often ________ games after school?


小学三年级英语竞赛试卷 Class________Name__________Mark__________第一部分:听力(40%) 一、听录音,根据录音内容排序。(听两遍)(6%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、根据根据所听的单词,选择合适的答案。(听两遍)(10%) 1.()A. computer B.camera C.car 2.()A. copybook B.storybook C.knife 3.()A. father B.mother C. brother 4.()A.cake B.three C.desk 5.()A. basketball B.bike C. book 三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。(听两遍)(12%) 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 四、根据所听问句,选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(6%) ( ) 1. A. It’s a crayon . B. Yes , it is . ( ) 2. A. Thank you . B. Come in , please . ( ) 3. A. Yes , she is . B. No , he isn’t . ( ) 4. A. It’s three . B. It’s thirteen . ( ) 5. A. It’s five o’clock . B. Let’s go home now . ( ) 6. A. How nice ! B. No , it isn’t . 五、把你所听到的电话号码写下来。(写数字)(听两遍)(6%) 1. 2. 3. 第二部分:笔试(60%) 一、根据图画写单词(12%) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我 小学三年级英语单词竞赛试卷Class:No.:Name:Mark: 一、写出下列单词所缺的字母(1 分/ 题,共 42) (一)器官类单词: 1)_ y_2)_ _r3) n_ s_4) h_ _ _ (二)文具、用品类 1) d_ s _2) b_ d3) p_ _cil 4) t_ b_ _5)ch _ _ _6)b _ x (三)交通工具类 1) b _k _ 2) pl _ n_3) sh _ p4)c _ r 5) b _ s 6)t_ _ck7)tr _in

(四)动物类 1)sh_ _p 2) b_ _d 3) g_ _se4)h_ _se 5)c_t6) g_ _t 7) c_w8)d_g 9) f_sh 10) p_g 11) r_bb_t 12) ch_ck_n 13)m_us_14)d_ ck15) m_c e ( 五 ) 亲属类 1) gr_ndm_th_r 2)gr_ndf_th_r 3)d_ught_ _ 4) f_ther 5) m_ther 6) s_ster 7)br_ther 8) _ncle 9) _unt 10) c_us_n 二、看图连线。(1 分/ 题,共 16 分)

Japan German China American France British Britain Canadian Canada Australian America French Australia Chinese Germany Japanese 三、写出下列单词的中文意思( 2 分/ 题,共 30 分) 1) slim 2)turtle 3) frog 4) guinea pig 5) postcard 6 )old 7)beautiful 8 )woman 9 )man 10)tall 11 )short 12 )long 13)strong 14 )cute 15 )small


小学三年级英语知识竞 赛题 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

上水腰小学三年级英语知识竞赛 一、写一写,根据大小写规律写出下面字母的“邻居”。(10分) 2. b 4. G 5. _U 6. C 7. X 8. i 9. F 10. Q 二、改一改,把下面的单词改写成它的大写或小写形式。(8分) _____________________ 8. WINDOW_______ 三.看图,补全单词。(18分) f_sh _nt e_g mi_k ele_hant _iger _eep pea_ 冰 _ce _irl b_g _ump 四.英译汉.(18分) crayon________ brown________ head_______ school_______ panda_______ rice________ rice_______ seven________ I have a . Colour it . What’s this ___________________. I’d like some juice, please. ___________________. Here you are. __________________. 五、找一找,找出相应的答句。(10分) 1. Do you like apples ( ) A. Yes,I do. B. Thanks. C. No,I do.

2. How are you ( ) A. Fine, thanks. B. I’m ten. C. I like grapes. 3. How old are you ( ) A. I’m fine, thank yo u. B. I can see 11. C. I’m 7. 4. What would you like A. Very well, thanks. B. I’d like some bread. C. Cool! I like it. 5. Let’s make a puppet. ( ) A. Thank you. B. Great. C. Yes, I do. 6. I’m sorry. ( ) A. Sure. B. It’s OK. C. It’s a dog. 7. What’s your name ( ) A. I’m 12. B. My n ame’s Jack. C. Very well, thanks. 8. Have some fruits. ( ) A. Thank you. B. Certainly. C. Goodbye. 9. How many apples ( ) A. six. B. I’m 9. C. I can see 15. 10. Who’s that woman ( ) A. He’s my mother. B. She’s my grandpa. C. She’s my mom. 六、情景对话。 (18分) 1、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候 A. Who are you B. How are you C. Here you are. 2、当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说:() A. This is John. B. Nice to meet you. 3、老师请你拍手,用英语该这样说: A Clap your hands. B. Clap my hands. C. Snap your fingers


尽供参考与学习用 全国中小学生英语综合能力竞赛小学六年级初赛试题 (满分100分,时间60分钟) 赛区__________________ 学校__________________ 姓名__________________ 考号__________________ 得分__________________ 全国中小学生英语综合能力竞赛组委会印制

Listening Part (50%) I.Listen and choose. (15%) A). Listen and choose the word you hear. (5%) ( ) 1. A. boring B. bring C. spring D. interesting ( ) 2. A. peach B. reach C. teach D. each ( ) 3. A. cheap B. ship C. tip D. pop ( ) 4. A. vest B. best C. least D. test ( ) 5. A. sun B. sing C. sea D. saw B). Listen and choose the different one.(5%) ( ) 1. A. soup B. group C. mouth D. tourist ( ) 2. A. book B. cool C. pool D. goose ( ) 3. A. ear B. dear C. bear D. near ( ) 4. A. grow B. row C. snow D. cow ( ) 5. A. says B. play C. today D. Monday C). Listen, look and choose. (5%) ( ) 1. What time did he arrive at school this morning? A B C ( ) 2.What is Lucy’s mother wearing today? ( ) 3. What can’t Tom do?


小学三年级英语竞赛试卷 班级姓名 一、选出例外类的一项。(10分) ()1、A. red B. eye C. ear D. mouth()2、A. bag B. ruler C.white D. pen ()3、A. cat B. monkey C.dog D.family()4、A. Beth B. boy C.Sandy D.Jia Ming()5、A.insect B. yellow C.black D.blue 二、找出正确的中文意思。(10分) ()1、pencil A.钢笔B.铅笔 ()2、eye A.眼睛B.耳朵 ()3、hand A.手B.头 ()4、big A.猪B.大的 ()5、mouth A.嘴巴B.老鼠 三、找出拼写正确的单词,将其编号写在前面的括号里。(10分)() 1、A. epn B. pen C. nep ()2、A. blue B. bule C. eubl ()3、A. boko B. koob C. book ()4、A. yellow B. yollew C. yellew()5、A. uelrr B. reulr C. ruler 四、将英文和相对应的中文意思用线连起来。(15分) 1、Touch the eyes. A.把书收起来。 2、I like blue. B.让我们走吧。

3、put away your book. C.摸眼睛。 4、Look at me. D.我喜欢蓝色。 5、Let’s go. E.看着我。 五、选择正确的答语。(15分) ()Are you ready? A. She’s my mother.()Sorry. B. See you later.()Who’s she? C. Here you are. ()Goodbye! D. That’s OK ()Chicken, please? E. Yes, I am. 六、情景对话。(20分) 1、有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候?A. Who are you? B. How are you? C. Here you are. 2、当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,他应该对你说:()A. This is John. B. Nice to meet you. 3、老师请你打开书,用英语该这样说: A Clap your hands. B. Open your book. C. Snap your fingers 4、人家问Where is your book?你指着书说:() A. This is my book. B. Here it is. 5、教师节到了,你对老师说:() A. Happy birthday! B. Happy Teacher’s Day!6、男老师和女老师的称呼前分别用() A. Mr Miss B. Miss Mr 7、你的好朋友想看你的玩具熊,你给他的时候会说:


小学三年级英语上册知识竞赛 (如果分数相同,选取字迹清楚漂亮者) 一、写出下列单词的中文意思(40分) 1.crayon____ 2. goodbye_______ 3.bread____ 4.bear____ 5.leg____ 6.school____ 7.bag____ 8. this_______ 9.ear____10. bye____11.kite____12.dog____13. hand ____14. great_______ 15. red_______16.yellow ___17.blue ____18.arm____19.pencil box___20. zoo___21. fish________ 22. eraser _______ 23. head____24.brown__25.cat____26.body____27. mouth____28.panda__ 29.book____30.on___31. water____32.elephant ____33. thanks_______ 34.cake____35.ruler____36.green___37.juice____https://www.360docs.net/doc/b610391898.html,k____39.white____40. funny_______ 二、把下列句子翻译成中文(10分) 1.Colour it brown. _______ 2. Close your book. _______ 3. Act like a tiger. _______ 4. Stamp your foot. _______ 5. Clap your hands. _______ 6. What’s your name? ______ 7. Drink some milk. _______ 8. I’m hungry! _________ 9. Cut the cake. ________10. Have some bread. _______


A . B . A .an B .en A .Yes,I do. B .No,I don't A . B .

10. 选择正确的应答语。⑴Have some bananas.______A.Here you are.⑵I don't like pears.______B.Thank you.⑶Do you like grapes?______C.Me,neither.⑷Can I have an orange?______ D.Sorry,I don't like bananas.⑸Here you are.______ E.No,I don't. 11. Have some _______, please. A .fruit B .grape 12. 阅读理解 This is Mike's bedroom. You can see a desk and a bed in the room. On the desk, there is a backpack and three books. One is a Chinese book, the other two are English books. There is a clock on the desk, too. You can see a baseball under the desk. On the bed there is a box. Can you guess what's in the box? Ah, it's a new computer game. It's the present(礼物) for Mike's seventh birthday. 1.(1)Whose room is this? A .May's. B .Mike's. C .Simon's D .Mark's 2.(2)How many Chinese books are there on the desk? A .One. B .Two. C .Three. D .Four. 3.(3)What's that under the desk? A .A clock. B .A bed. C .A baseball. D .A notebook. 4.(4)What can't you see on the desk? A .A book. B .A backpack. C .A computer. D .A clock 5.(5)How old is Mike? A .4. B .5. C .6. D .7. 13. 选出不同类的一项() A .milk B .full C .juice 14. Lots of children like ______(play)football. 15. Chicken ______(be)very delicious. 三、提升练习(30分) 16. Amy 想吃一根香蕉,她可以说:________ A .Do you like bananas? B .Can I have a banana? 17. 我姐姐星期六去上学。 A .My sister goes to school on Saturdays. B .My sister goes to school on Mondays. 18. 汉译英 1.(1)在星期天______ 2.(2)踢足球______ 2 / 3


三年级英语知识竞赛 Class: ___________ Name:__________ Mark:_________ 一、默写26个字母,分四行,每行10分。(40分) 二、写出以下单词的所缺的字母,每小题1分。(45分) __ish __nt __oose __amburger __est __oy 冰 __ot dog __ilk __ce __eep __uck __pple _offee _og __gg __irl_l_phant __ag

__ump __angaroo __ion _ock __ather __oke _ear _nake _iger _quirrel _ainbowl _iolin __ouse __ight __ce-cream _each _mbrella _ey _range _ebra _indow _axi _o-yo bo_ _est fo_ _oo 三、读一读,算一算,把答案的编号填在括号里。(10分) A.eleven B.ten C.fifteen D.nine E.seven F.eight G.twelve H.six I.thirteen J.fourteen 1. 7+6=( ) 2. 9+2=( ) 3. 10-1=( ) 4. 16-8=( ) 5. 20-8=( ) 6. 8+7=( ) 7. 5+2= ( ) 8. 18-4=( ) 9. 12-6=( ) 10.20-10=( )

四、你能认出以下英文单词吗?请写出它们的中文解释,对一个得一分。(142分)boy girl woman man he she student woman mother mom teacher boy girl man grandpa father dad grandfather grandma sister grandmother brother fish goose one three twenty-five five six seven fifteen nine how many eight ten eleven twelve four sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen thirteen twenty twenty-one two pear orange watemelon apple banana grape strawberry fourteen peach quiet bus bike taxi jeep boat plane car walkman desk chair lamp pencil pencil-case bag crayon eraser book ruler pen school


小学六年级英语竞赛试题 (附听力材料和答案) 听力部分(共四大题 30分) I. 听辨单词 (Words )(共5 小题,计5 分) 听音,选出你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. hat B. bat C. cat 2. A. dear B. bear C. pear 3. A. lesson B. listen C. light 4. A. black B. like C. back 5. A. their B. these C. those II. 句子理解 (Sentences )(共10 小题, 计10 分) A )听音,选出与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. 7. A. B. C. A. B. C.

8. 9. 10 B )听音,判断所听句子是( Y )否(N )与下列句子意思相符。每个句子读两遍.(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. She ’s called Mary. 12. I have two cats and a dog. 13. Peter likes blue. 14. It s hot. Andy will take off his coat. 15. I get up early every day. III. 对话理解(Dialogues )(共10 小题,计10 分) A )听音,看图,选出符合所听对话内容的图片。每组对话读两遍。(答 A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C.

案涂在答题纸上) 16. 17. 18. 19 A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C. A. B. C.


A)写出所给字母左右相邻的字母的大小写形式。 B)根据所给单词,把能使句意完整通顺的单词的序号填到括号里。()6. What color your bag? A.are B.is ()7. I have eraser. A.a B.an ()8. What’s this English? A.on B.in ()9. Show me book. A.your B.you ()10. I’m from . A. Chinese B. China C)根据图片选择正确的英语单词。 ( )11.( )12. ( )13. A.panda A.bus A.ping-pong B.bear B.car B.basketball C.pig C.plane C.football ( )14.( )15. A.peach A.desk B.banana B.ruler C.orange C.box

()17. School is over. We can go now. A. to class B. home C. to bed D. to home ()18.—Can you spell name, please?—Y es, can. A. you; you B. your; you C. you; I D. your; I ()19.Point to the letter D, please. A. big B. small C. long D. good ()20.—What’s seven and eight?—It’s . A. fifteen B. five C. four D. twelve ( )21. What class are you in? A.I am ten. B.I am in Class One, Grade Three. C.I’m fine, thank you. ( )22. Who’s she? A.He’s my father. B.His name’s Tom. C.She’s my mother. ( )23. Is it a knife? A.Y es, it is. B.No, I’m not. C.Y es, I am. ( )24. Where is the driver? A.He can’t drive. B.In the car. C.His name is Bill. ( )25. Do you like coffee? A.No, I don’t. B.No, it isn’t. C.Y es, it is. C)在B栏中找出A栏各句的正确译文,并连线。 A B ()26.Let’s go to school. a.多可爱呀! ()27.How lovely! b.我能看一看吗? ()28.Look at my kite. c.它有(长着)红色的眼睛。


2017年下学期三年级上册英语单词竞赛 (满分100分,时间40分钟) 班级姓名考号成绩 认真答题,预祝你取得好成绩哦! 一、写出下列单词所缺的字母(10分,每小题1分) 1)_y_2)__r3)n_s_4)m_u_h 5)d_s_6)ch___7)p__cil 8)a_p_e9)or_n_e10)p_a_ 二、写出下列单词的中文意思。(15分,每小题1分) 1、chair________ 2、tall________ 3、eye________ 4、fat________ 5、orange________ 6、face________ 7、mother________8、boy________9、hello________ 10、schoolbag________11、ruler________12、mouth________ 13、closethedoor________________14、openthewindow________________ 15、Goodbye________________ 三、写出下列单词的英语。(15分,每小题1分) 1、耳朵________ 2、瘦的________ 3、妈妈________ 4、女孩________ 5、门________ 6、钢笔________ 7、铅笔________8、书________9、矮的________ 10、他________11、我________12、妹妹________ 13、头发________14、鼻子________15、脸________ 四、请写出大小写字母.(10分,每空0.5分) _____Ii__________Nn__________Tt__________Ff__________Rr______________ _Qq _____Yy__________Kk__________Hh_____ _____Vv_____


六年级英语竞赛试题 一、词趣俱乐部(共30分) (一)选出不同类的单词 ()1.A.singer B.dancer C.factory D.cleaner ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/b610391898.html,ually B.after C.often D.sometimes ( ) 3.A.morning B.afternoon C.weekend D.evening ()4.A.magazine B.maths C.newspaper D.dictionary ( ) 5.A.English B.Australia C.China D. Canada (二)根据中文写单词,首字母已给出。 1、画家 a 2、作家 w 3、工程师 e 4、跳水 d 5、医院 h 6、图书馆 l 7、转弯 t 8、书店 b 9、云彩 c 10、火车 t (三)请用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子. 1、My friend sometimes_______ (watch) TV in the morning. 2、I’m _______ (go) to play the computer games this afternoon. 3、What_______ (be) you going to do? 4、Mary_______ (have)a pen pal. 5、What’s _______ (he) favourite food? (四)选择恰当的词补全句子. ()1、Tell me something _______ your family. A.on B. about C. of D. to

()2、My sister likes _______ pictures. A.draw B. draws C. drawing D. to draw ()3、There are many_______ . A. butterfly B. butterflies C. butterflys D. a butterfly ()4、She is an_______ . A. singer B. doctor C. actor D.actress ()5、I’m going to buy _______shoes. A.a B. an C. a pair of D.a pair ()6、Are you going to Beijing the National Holiday? A.in B. on C. at D.for ()7、--- he to work by bus? ---Yes,he does. A.Does, go B. Does,goes C. Is,going D.Do,goes ()8、The man teaches English. A.our B.we https://www.360docs.net/doc/b610391898.html, D.ours ()9、Helen’s mother young in the photo. A.looks B.look C.see D.sees ( )10、hobby is collecting leaves. A.He B.His C.He’s 二、短语集锦 (共20分) (一)短语互译 1、集邮 6、TV show 2、到达 7、by motor cycle 3、制作风筝 8、watch cartoons 4、去看电影 9、theme park


小学三年级英语知识竞 赛题 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】

上水腰小学三年级英语知识竞赛 一、写一写,根据大小写规律写出下面字母的“邻居”。(10分) 2. b 4. G 5. _U 6. C 7. X 8. i 9. F 10. Q 二、改一改,把下面的单词改写成它的大写或小写形式。(8分) _____________________ 8. WINDOW_______ 三.看图,补全单词。(18分) f_sh _nt e_g mi_k ele_hant _iger _eep pea_ 冰 _ce _irl b_g _ump 四.英译汉.(18分)

crayon________ brown________ head_______ school_______ panda_______ rice________ rice_______ seven________ I have a . Colour it . What’s this ___________________. I’d like some juice, please. ___________________. Here you are. __________________. 五、找一找,找出相应的答句。(10分) 1. Do you like apples ( ) A. Yes,I do. B. Thanks. C. No,I do. 2. How are you ( ) A. Fine, thanks. B. I’m ten. C. I like grapes. 3. How old are you ( ) A. I’m fine, thank you. B. I can see 11. C. I’m 7. 4. What would you like? A. Very well, thanks. B. I’d like some bread. C. Cool! I like it. 5. Let’s make a puppet. ( )


PEP人教版小学六年级上册英语竞赛试题 一.英汉互译。(20分) 1.乘地铁_____________ 2. go straight___________ 3. 看电影____________ 4.向左转____________ 5. in front of__________ 6.交通信号灯__________ 7.look for _______ 8. pen pal_________9.cook Chinese food_____________ 10.放风筝__________11.练武术__________12.draw cartoons___________ 13.弹琵琶____________ 14.唱英文歌________15.听音乐_________________ 7.16. play the violin_________17.write emails________18. climb mountains_____ 二.按要求写出下列词的相应形式。(10分) 1.far(反义词)________ 2.right(反义词)_________ 3.buy(同音词)_________ 4.same(反义词)________ 5.give(过去式)________ 6.do(第三人称单数形式)_____ 7.teach(第三人称单数形式)___________ 8.like(现在分词)_________________ 9.swim(现在分词)_____________ 10.have(第三人称单数形式)_______________ 三.单选(20分) ( ) 1.John _______going to the supermarket ______his mother. A: is; and B: can;with C: is;with ( ) 2.You must pay attention______the traffic lights! A: on B: at C: to ( ) 3._____your mother go to work by car? A: Does B: Do C:Can ( ) 4.I am going to ________ a magazine. A:look B:watch C:read ( ) 5.Turn right _____the bus stop. A:at B: on C: in ( ) 6.I want _______a new book. A: buy B:to buy C:buying


小学三年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,圈出听到的单词。(每题读两遍,共10分) 1 、bread chicken French fries 2 、yellow white purple 3 、arm leg face 4 、juice milk coffee 5 、mother family father 二、听录音,圈出正确的电话号码。(每题读两遍,共10分) 1、130 139 2、119 911 3、120 122 4、568 247 5、476 132 三、听录音,标序号。(每题读两遍,共10分) ()Who’s that man ? ( ) This is my friends,Amy ? ( ) Can I have some chicken ? ( ) My mom is from China . ( ) How many kites can you see ?

二、笔试部分(70分) 四、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(10分) ()1、A、car B、plane C、crayon ( )2、A、rabbit B、re d C、bear ( )3、A、seven B、mil k C、eight ( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon ( )5、A、Zoom B、ruler C、Sarah 五、写出下列单词的中文意思。(10分) 1.finger() 2 beautiful () 3.goose() 4.student() 5.America()

六、把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。(10分) 1、I like hot dogs. ________________________ ____2、Can I have some milk ?______________ ________ 3、Happy Birthday to you !______________________ _ 4、How are you ? Fine, Thank you .____________ __ 5、How old are you ?_________________________ ____ 七、读左栏的句子,从右栏中选择合适的答语,将其代号写在括号里。(10分) ()1、What’s your name ? A、Eighteen. ()2、May I have a look ? B、My name’s J ohn . ()3、Nice to meet you . C、I’m from Chi na.
