





( ) 1、short A 、clever B 、tall C 、 big ( ) 2、small A 、 big B 、 short C 、 beautiful ( ) 3、long A 、 short B 、big C 、 small 二、把不是同一类的单词填入括号中。(15分)

( ) 1 、 A 、dad B、 look C 、 mom

( ) 2 、 A 、 she B、 he C 、 love

( ) 3 、 A 、clever B、 body C 、 eye

( ) 4 、 A 、 tall B 、short C 、 crayon

( ) 5、 A 、 nice B、 play C 、 beautiful 三、单项选择。(30分)

() 1、 She big eyes .

A 、 have B、 she’s

( ) 2、 my dad.

A 、 He’s

B 、 She’s

( ) 3、Are you Number six? .

A、 Yes , I’m not . B 、 Yes,I am.

( ) 4、 I’m six and you five.

A 、 is

B 、 are

( ) 5、Two and Three is .



( ) 6、Are you in Class 2 ?

A 、Yes , I am. B、OK

( ) 7、is beautiful .

A 、He

B 、She

C 、Look

( ) 8 、Here ’s book.

A 、 you

B 、your

C 、 I

( ) 9、I have a big nose .a big mouth and small .

A、a eye B 、eyes C 、ear

( ) 10 、 are you ? I’m five.

A 、How

B 、 How many

C 、How old




( ) Here’s your ruler . 1、No,I’m not , I’m in Class 3. ( ) Let’s go to school . 2、Nice to meet you . ( ) Who are you ? 3、I’m Linda .

( ) Nice to meet you . 4、OK,Let’s go.

( ) Are you in Class 2? 5、Thank you .

( ) Let’s be friends. 6、My name is xiaohui. ( ) What’s your name ? 7、Nice to meet you , too.


1、① your ②number ③ what’s ( ? )

2、① you ②Here ③ are ( . )

3、① is ② linda ③ seven ④ Number ( . )

4、① your ② knees ③ Bend

5、① have ② big ③ a ④ I ⑤ mouth

六、阅读。(在正确的括号里填上“T”,错误的填上“F”,15分)Bear: Look at me ﹗ I’m big Bear .I have a big head , a big body and a short tail .

Mouse: I’m small .I have two small eyes ,

a small nose and a long tail .

Bear: Who are you ?

Mouse: I’m Mouse .

( ) 1、Bear has(有)a big head .

( ) 2 、Bear is big .

( ) 3 、Mouse is big .

( ) 4、Mouse has a short tail .

( ) 5 、Mouse has a small nose .


(一)翰林英语第一届英语能力竞赛(四年级试题) Ⅰ.语音:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)下列单词拼写均不完整,请从A、B、C、D中选择适当的字母或字母组合使之完整、正确。 1.hap y A.i B.p C.y D.e 2.m ning A.ar B.er C.or D.ir 3.m th A.oa B.ao C.ou D.uo 4.n e A.ai B.ci C.ic D.ia 5.plan A.a B.e C.y D.n B)根据音标,填写单词,使句子意思完整。 1.I have a[sist ],her name is Joan. 2.My [igli ]teacher is very kind. 3.I am in Class One,[greid]Five. 4.Let's go[h m]. 5.There are[meni]pens in the box. Ⅱ.单词和短语:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)请将括号内单词的字母重新排列顺序,组成新单词,填在横线上,使句子能完整达意。 1.There are(net)books on the table. 2.We are(ton)in Class 4. 3.Nice to(teem)you! 4.Tom and Mary are in the(eams)class. 5.Good morning, Mum. Good morning,(add). B)英汉互译,请将答案写在题后的横线上。 1.上学 2.在课桌上 3.一只棕色的狗 https://www.360docs.net/doc/4416660035.html,e in 5.a beautiful girl Ⅲ.句型:(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 单项选择。把正确答案的标号写在题前括号中。 ()1.—Who's duty today?—It's me. A. on B. in C. at D. to ()2.—are you?—Ten. A. How B. Where C. What D. How old ()3.—is this bag?—It's red. A. What B. Whose C. Where D. What colour ()4.—Good morning,!—Good morning, Miss Liu. A. classes B. class C. Classes D. my Class ()5. is a girl,name is Alice. A. Her;She B. She;Her C. He;His D. His;He ()6.This is classroom.like it. A. us;Our B. your;Us C. our;We D. we;Our ()7.—This is John, my friend.— A. How you are? B. What's your name? C. Nice to meet you! D. Good. ()8.—Whose book is it?—It's. A.I B. me C. my D. mine ()9.—Is he a teacher or a doctor?— A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. A teacher. D. A nurse. ()10.—Can you spell name, please?—Yes,can. A. you;you B. your;you C. you;I D. your;I Ⅳ.情景会话:(共10小题,A部分每小题2分,B部分每小题1分,计15分) A)根据下列情景,选择一个最佳答案,补全对话。 ()1.——Fine, thank you. And you?—I'm fine, too. A. How old are you? B. How is the day? C. How nice it is? D. How are you? ()2.What color is this dress? A. It's green. B. It's a green. C. It's Green. D. It's greens. ()3.—What's the name of his cat?—. A. It's a Chinese cat. B. It's an English cat. C. Mimi is one. D. Its name is Mimi. ()4.你想借朋友的自行车,你会说 A. May I use your bike? B. Is this your bike? C. What's this in English? D. What colour is it? ()5.你想询问对方是做什么工作的,你会说 A. What class are you in? B. Where are you? C. Where are you from? D. What are you? B)根据下列每题所设情景,选出最佳答案。 ()1.如果你不会用英语说某物,你该怎样问老师: A. Do you know English? B. What's this in English? C. Can you spell it, please? D. Can you speak English? ()2.有一位外国人问你去飞机场的路,你告诉他后,他对你说:“Thank you.”你应说: A. Don't thank me. B. That's all right. C. Very good. D. All right. ()3.你的好朋友Ann今天过生日,你应该对她说:


小学三年级英语竞赛试题 一、笔试部分 1、connect the following (20分) ① giraffe 短裙② one 9 camel 礼帽five 2 cat 长颈鹿eight 4 shoes 草莓nine 10 hat 苹果two 5 watermelon 鞋seven 1 strawberry 骆驼ten 8 peach 猫three 6 skirt 西瓜four 3 apple 桃子six 7 2、Choose the ritht answer (20分) ①How are you ? ____________ A: How do you do. B: Good morning! C: Fine ,thank you. ②What’s this? It’s ___ elephant. A: a B: an C: 不填 ③Q__STUV A: r B: Y C: R ④英国:_____ A: PRC B: KFC C: UK

D: USA ⑤我是一名司机:___ A: I’m a doctor. B: I’m a police. C: I’m a bird. D: I’m a driver. ⑥Hello, Betty! ______,Andy! A: Good-bye. B: Good night. C: Hi. ⑦Betty, this is Andy. Andy,_________Betty Hi, Andy. Hi, Betty. A: You are…… B: I am C: this is …… ⑧Hello, Peter, This is Lucy. Lucy, nice to meet you. _________ A: Good morning. B: How do you do. C: Nice to meet you, too. ⑨What’s this ? It’s a skirt. Oh, no, I’m a _____ A: boy B: girl C: Peter ⑩Hello! My name is Bobby. _________ I’m Kitty. A: I’m Bobby B: Your name, please? C: Really? 二、按字母表的顺序,默写26个字母的大小写。(26分)


2018年秋五年级英语趣味知识竞赛题目 分数:一.选择题。(每题3分,共60分) ()1.小码衣服的标志是: A. S ()2.麦当劳的英语是: A. 's B. ()3.中码衣服的标志是: ()4.鲁迅有一本书叫做《阿正传》 ()5.护士手上的是:光片。 ()6. 选出既能表示水果,又是颜色的单词: A. B. C. D. ()7.肯德基的英语是: ()8. 字母组合可表示长度单位“厘米”: 2 ()9. 英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是和。 , N , I , F , X ()10. 的意思是: A.贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C.人民币 D.英国 ()11. (字母) a ? A.B B. V ()11. (动物)? A.B B. V ()12. a (问题)? A.B B. Q ()13. A 与 C 谁高: A.A B. B ()14. “,”翻译成中文的意思是: A.爱屋及乌 B.爱我就爱我的小狗 C.爱我就更爱我的小狗 D.爱我,爱小狗 ()15. 许多同学都有自己的电子邮箱,如123456等。请问其中的 @表示什么意思,该怎么读? A. @ 的意思是“电脑”,读作“a 外一个圈”。

B. @ 的意思是“邮箱”,读作“圈内一个a”。 C. @ 的意思是“为”,读音与介词相同。 D. @ 的意思是“在”,读音与介词相同。 ()16. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说成。 A. B. C. D. ( ) 17. 2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是 . A. , B. , C. D. , , ()18. “”是哪种动物的叫声? A. B. C. D. ()19. “”是哪种动物的叫声? A. B. C. D. ()20. 是指? A. 金星 B. 水星 C. 木星 D. 土星 二.看我七十二变:改变一个字母,使之符合题目的要求。(每题2分,共10分) 1. 变成一种饮料 2. 变成一种交通工具 3. 变成一种动物 4. 变成一种水果 5. 变成一个数字 三.看国旗,找出对应的英语,连线。(每题2分,共10分) 四.组合字母,写出正确的单词。(每题2分,共10分) i g b l i n o b u l e b a r e a b n n a n 五.写出中文意思。(每题2分,共10分)


小学英语竞赛试题五年级 五年级 笔试部分(共六大题,计60分) I. 单词和短语 (Words and phrases) (共10小题,计10分) A)根据图片写单词,首字母已给出.(答案写在答题纸上) B)看图,选出每个图片所表示的短语.(答案涂在答题纸上) A. sweep the floor B. water the flowers C. look after a baby D. play Chinese chess E. listen to music II. 句子(Sentences) (共10小题,计10分) A)请用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子.(答案写在答题纸上) 11. There are three _______ (tomato) on the plate.

12. She can _______ (drive) a car. 13. Please _______ (not open) the door. 14. There _______ (be) some milk in the glass. 15. He is _______ (dance) now. B)单项选择.(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. _______ is the first day of a week in America. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Tuesday 17. My birthday is _______ 13th of August. A. in B. on C. at D. of 18. These are _______ desks. A. Ray or Lucy's B. Ray's and Lucy C. Ray's and Lucy's D. Ray and Lucy 19. She often goes to _______ at nine, but now she is _______ .


2016---2017学年度四年级英语竞赛试题 姓名得分 一、每题写出4个与下列有关的单词。(共8题,计16分) 1、job(职业) 2、fruit(水果) __________________________________ ________________________________ 3、clothes(衣服) 4 、colour(颜色) __________________________________ _________________________________ 5、body(人体) 6、vehicle(交通工具) _________________________________ _____________________________ 7、stationery(文具) 8、animal(动物) ___________________________________ 二、选择最佳答案填空。(共14题,计14分) 1、School is over、Let's go ________ now、 A、to class B、home C、to bed 2、Mary no new pens and pencils、 A、have B、having C、has 3、Is this computer your father's or yours? 、 A、Mine、 B、Your、 C、Yes, it's my father's、 4、________ at the blackboard!Can you ________ it? A、Look; see B、Watch; see C、See; look 5、The girl is five but she can ________ pictures all by herself、 A、draw B、draws C、to draw 6、Animals are our ________ friends、 A、good B、very C、well 7、It's time ________ go to school、 A、in B、for C、to 8、The pencil is ________、 A、of Jim B、of Jim's C、Jim's 9.A: Happy birthday to you! B:______ A、OK! B、Thank you ! C、Great! 10、________ clever you are! A、How B、What C、It's 11、Look at ________ wall on the left、There is ________ old photo on it、It's ________ photo of my family、


小学三年级英语竞赛试卷 Class________Name__________Mark__________第一部分:听力(40%) 一、听录音,根据录音内容排序。(听两遍)(6%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、根据根据所听的单词,选择合适的答案。(听两遍)(10%) 1.()A. computer B.camera C.car 2.()A. copybook B.storybook C.knife 3.()A. father B.mother C. brother 4.()A.cake B.three C.desk 5.()A. basketball B.bike C. book 三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。(听两遍)(12%) 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 四、根据所听问句,选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(6%) ( ) 1. A. It’s a crayon . B. Yes , it is . ( ) 2. A. Thank you . B. Come in , please . ( ) 3. A. Yes , she is . B. No , he isn’t . ( ) 4. A. It’s three . B. It’s thirteen . ( ) 5. A. It’s five o’clock . B. Let’s go home now . ( ) 6. A. How nice ! B. No , it isn’t . 五、把你所听到的电话号码写下来。(写数字)(听两遍)(6%) 1. 2. 3. 第二部分:笔试(60%) 一、根据图画写单词(12%) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


小学一年级英语基础知识竞赛试卷 班级:姓名:得分: 一、请翻译下列英文单词。(50分) 1、rabbit 2、monkey 3、deer 4、elephant 5、boy 6、man 7、girl 8、woman 9、brother 10、father 11、sister 12、mother 13、book 14、bag 15、pen 16、pencil 17、ruler 18、ball 19、doll 20、kite 二、我会翻译句子。(30分) 1、This is a rabbit . 2、Sit down please . 3、Who’s the boy ? 4、What’s this ?. 5、It’s a pen . 6、How do you do ? 7、Is this a book ? 8、No ,it isn’t . 9、Good moming . 10、Glad to see you . 三、我会画。(20分) 1、bird 2、gun 3、box 4、pig 小学一年级英语基础知识竞赛试卷班级:姓名:得分: 一、请翻译下列英文单词。(50分) 1、rabbit 2、monkey 3、deer 4、elephant 5、boy 6、man 7、girl 8、woman 9、brother 10、father 11、sister 12、mother 13、book 14、bag 15、pen 16、pencil 17、ruler 18、ball 19、doll 20、kite 二、我会翻译句子。(30分) 1、This is a rabbit . 2、Sit down please . 3、Who’s the boy ? 4、What’s this ?. 5、It’s a pen . 6、How do you do ? 7、Is this a book ? 8、No ,it isn’t . 9、Good moming . 10、Glad to see you . 三、我会画。(20分) 1、bird 2、gun


2016—2017学年度第一学期五年级竞赛试题(卷) 英语 (本套试题共100分) 卷首语:小朋友,做做这份试卷,你会发现自己真的学会了很多知识,有一种成就感,相信你今后一定更喜欢英语,会把英语学得更好。祝你顺利做完试题,取得好成绩! 一、按要求写出所给字母左邻右舍。(每小题1分,共6分) g N t U q R 二、找出下列每组单词中划线部分发音与其他单词不同的一项。(每小题1分,共5分)()1.A rainy B mountain C wait D rainbow ()2.A house B count C snow D cow ()3.A slow B about C sound D flower ( ) 4. A. May B. play C. stay D. bag ( ) 5. A. house B. count C. cow D. low 三、Think and write.(按要求写出相应的形式。10★) 1.busy(反义词) __________ 2. Thursday (缩写) __________ 3.小心(汉译英) __________ 4.healthy(反义词) __________ 5. 一盒彩笔(汉译英) __________ 6.them(主格)__________ 7.ten to three(英译汉)__________ 8. mouse (复数)__________ 9. there(同音词)__________ 10. children(单数)__________ 四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. They’re _________ (health) for me. 2. Watermelon is_________(I) favourite fruit. 3. My parents________(be)very strict. 4. There ____ (be)some water in the lake. 5. ________ (There is缩写形式) a table in the room. 五、Choose.(选择题。20★) ( ) 1. ----____________ in your living—room? ----There’s a big closet, two end tables and two desks A. Who’s B. What’s C. Where’s ( ) 2. How many ____________ do you have? A. sheep B. sheeps C. sheepes ( ) 3. Today is Tuesday, tomorrow is _______________. A. Thursday B. Wednesday C. Friday ( ) 4. Are there ______________ horses on the farm? A. any B./ C. some ( ) 5. ______________, there are some pictures over there. A. Read B. Watch C. Look ( ) 6. _____________ he helpful at home? A. Can B. Are C. Is ( ) 7. I` d like some_____________ and eggplant. A. potatos B. potatoes C. potato ( ) 8. Let ____________ clean the classroom. A. her B. she C. she`s ( ) 9. Zoom _____________ do the dishes. A. can B. cann’t C. can’t ( ) 10. ---- How _____________ is the pencil—case? ---- Twelve yuan. A. many B. much C. old ( ) 11.I often watch TV ____ Mondays. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( ) 12.What ____ you do on Saturdays? A. do B. is C. are D. does


四年级下册英语综合知识竞赛试题 name:_________ class:____________point: ____________ 一.找出不同类的一个单词。(5) ( )1.A.purple B.hill C.pink ( )2.A.twenty B.fifteen C.turn ( )3.A.bike B.house C.car ( )4.A.road B.run C.jump ( )5.A.far B.china C.long 二.单项选择(15) ()1.你想向别人问路,首先要说:____________ A.Excuse me Bthank you C.You’re welcome ( )2.where is the school?It’s____________the supermaket. A.next to Bthank you C.turn left ()3.Twenty and one is____________ A.twenty B three C.twenty-one ()4.Can you jump high?____________ A.Yes,I can B Yes,he can C. no,I can ()5.Do you want some vegetables?Yes___________ A.please Bso C.You’re welcome ( )6.Have you got fast food in England?Yes,____________ A.we haven’t B.we have C.we has ()7.what are you doing?____________ A.I am swim B.I am swiming C. .I am swimming ()8.姐姐今天要去参加一个运动会,你会祝福她:____________


A)写出所给字母左右相邻的字母的大小写形式。 B)根据所给单词,把能使句意完整通顺的单词的序号填到括号里。()6. What color your bag? A.are B.is ()7. I have eraser. A.a B.an ()8. What’s this English? A.on B.in ()9. Show me book. A.your B.you ()10. I’m from . A. Chinese B. China C)根据图片选择正确的英语单词。 ( )11.( )12. ( )13. A.panda A.bus A.ping-pong B.bear B.car B.basketball C.pig C.plane C.football ( )14.( )15. A.peach A.desk B.banana B.ruler C.orange C.box

()17. School is over. We can go now. A. to class B. home C. to bed D. to home ()18.—Can you spell name, please?—Y es, can. A. you; you B. your; you C. you; I D. your; I ()19.Point to the letter D, please. A. big B. small C. long D. good ()20.—What’s seven and eight?—It’s . A. fifteen B. five C. four D. twelve ( )21. What class are you in? A.I am ten. B.I am in Class One, Grade Three. C.I’m fine, thank you. ( )22. Who’s she? A.He’s my father. B.His name’s Tom. C.She’s my mother. ( )23. Is it a knife? A.Y es, it is. B.No, I’m not. C.Y es, I am. ( )24. Where is the driver? A.He can’t drive. B.In the car. C.His name is Bill. ( )25. Do you like coffee? A.No, I don’t. B.No, it isn’t. C.Y es, it is. C)在B栏中找出A栏各句的正确译文,并连线。 A B ()26.Let’s go to school. a.多可爱呀! ()27.How lovely! b.我能看一看吗? ()28.Look at my kite. c.它有(长着)红色的眼睛。


梁原中学2018年七年级英语趣味知识竞赛试题 时间:45分钟满分:500分 一、脑筋急转弯 A、有10道题,每题10分(共计100分) 1.What can't be used until it's broken? A.apple B.tofu C.egg D.tea 2. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?) A.book B.price C.age D. plane 3.中号衣服的标志是? A. S C. M B. L D. Y 4.我们每天上学,__放学。我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。 A . am, pm, USA B . am, pm, PRC C . pm, am, UK D . pm, am, PRC 5.He is a fat cat(引申义). A 它是一只肥胖的猫 B 他是一个大亨 C 他爱说大话 D 他非常懒惰 6.下列选项中哪个是音乐电视的缩写() A. MTV B.YTV C. DTV D. CTV 7.下列哪个是世界贸易组织的缩写() A.WTO https://www.360docs.net/doc/4416660035.html,TV C. HB D.BBC 8.VIP的意思是() A.贵宾 B. 不明飞行物 C. 人民币 D.英国广播公司 9.罗马数字XI ,用英语数字可表示为() A. eleven B. eight C. nineteen D. twenty 10.在商场我们经常会看到诸如“2F”、“3F”这样的标志。请问“F”代表的是哪个单词?()

A. flower B. fly C. food D. floor B、有10道题,每题5分(共计50分) ============================================================= 1.英语字母中的大写形式有三笔完成,小写形式由两笔完成的是____和 A. E, N B . F, I C . H, F D. F, X 2. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? A. Your book B. Your name C. Your pen D. Your money 3.what is the most hard(硬)part of the human body? A Tooth B nail C skull 4. She ___ a excellent girl. A. is B. are C.an D. not 5. He is the black sheep of the family. a) 害群之马b) 老黄牛 c) 黑马d) 领头羊 6. What letter(字母)is ‘you’? ------It’s ___ A. Ww B.Yy C. Vv D.Uu 7. What letter is a drink(饮料)? ------It’s ___ A.Bb B. Cc C. Tt D. Dd 8. Which word is different from others (下列哪个单词与其它不同)? A.father B.grandmother C.mother D.uncle 9.Which letter is the differnce between here and there? (here与there哪里不同?)———It’s ___ . A.Bb https://www.360docs.net/doc/4416660035.html, C.Dd D.Tt 10.My uncle has(有) a brother. He is not my uncle. Who is he? He’s my ___. A.friend B.teacher C.brother D.father C、有5道题,每题10分(共计50分) ============================================================= 1. Which day is Tree Planting Day? A. March.1 B. May. 12 C. March.12 D. May. 14 2.Dumplings are eaten at _______. A.Mid-Autumn Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival


五年级英语竞赛题 班级姓名 一、判断下列划线部分读音是(√)否(×)相同。(5分) ()1.A.young B.house C.about ()2.A.moon B.boot C.blood ()3.A.who B.what C.whose ()4.A.bear B.pear C.hear ()5.A.think B.those C.this 二、找出每组不同类单词。(5分) ()1. A. Who B. White C. Which D. When ()2. A. Jan. B. Sept. C. Dec. D. Sun. ()3. A. leaves B. mountains C. insects D. always ()4. A. first B. third C. nine D. fourth ()5. A. over there B. do sports C. drink water D. climb trees 三、词形转换。(10分) 1. write(现在分词) 2. butterfly(复数) 3. have(三单) 4. potato(复数) 5.he(宾格) 6. often(近义词) 7.young(反义词) 8. 打扫卧室(英语) 9.two(同音词) 10.can’t(完全形式) 四、选择正确答案。(30分) ()1. ________ day is it today? A. What B. How C. Which D. Who ()2. The train leaves ________ 7:55 ________ the evening. A. on; at B. in; in C. by; at D. at; in ()3. She is ________ mother. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucy's C. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily's and Lucy's


:号学:名姓线:订级装班:校学 四年级英语竞赛试卷 听力部分 (15 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两 遍) (10 分) ()1 、、、、 ::::20 ()5 、、 ()7 、、、、二、听录音,根据所听内容 选择正确的应答。(听两遍) (5 分) ()1 、, 、’、、、’sMike’笔试部分(105 分) 一、英汉互译。 (14 分) 1、看一看 2、用英语 3、在四年级一班 4、几点了 5、在八点十分 6、上床睡觉 7、给你 8、不客气 9、这边请 10、和 ....玩 11、、 Trythispairon. 13、HappyTeachers’Day!14、Don‘tworry. 二、选择填空。 (20 分) 1、() -I ’. ’、() -It ’ s4:? 、() -It ’,、() -Doyoulikethis___________?Yes,. ,,,doll 5、() -What’ sthematter?-. ,、() -thedress?-It ’ sonthebed. ’、() -youlikedolls?-. ;Yes, 、() -kitesforyou. ;;‘ s;is 9、() -Isthatyourmother ’ sbike?-Yes,it ’ s_ ______bike. 、() -Whattimeyougetup?-Igetupsixtwenty- f ive. ;;it ’;at 's________photoof myfamily. ;an;;a;;an;;the;the ,butIreallydon'tlike________. ;yours;;her;;her;;your;her ? ;;;afterD./;with . ;tomatos;;tomatoes;hands ;tomatos;;tomato;hands 'sgo________now. —Isthiscomputeryourfather'soryours? —________ 'smyfather''t. !Canyo u________it? ;;;;lookat 19. —________isMissWang? —Theoneinabluecoat. 三、选出所给句子的答句,将其字母代号 填在括号内。 (10 分) ⅠⅡ () 1、Isthisyourjacket?’ mill. ()2、What’sthetime? ’remyfather ’s. () 3、 Shallwecopyitnow? ’sintheclassroom. () 4、What’sthematter?,Ido. () 5、() 6、Whattimedoyougohome?. () 7、WhereisMissLi?. () 8、Doyoulikepuppets?. () 9、Whosejeansarethey?. () 10、Here’四、排序。(8 分) () ,what ’ sthematter? ()’ ? () !Howareyou? ()’ mtired. () ,I ’mnotill. () . () . ()’ sachairforyou. 五. 句式转换 (Sentencepatterntransformation)(共 5 小题,每空一分,计12 分 ) 按要求转换下列句型。每空一词。 .( 改为一般疑问句 ) ________________________thecatonthew all? .( 变成否定句 ) ________________________orangesinthe basket. .( 改为一般疑问句 ) ________he________thegirlinthebluetr ousers? (two)newcomputers.(对括号部分提问) ________________newcomputersdoyouhav e? .( 同义句转换 )


三年英语 第1页(共4页) 三年英语 第2页(共4页) 2015~2016学年度上学期三年级英语竞赛试卷 考试时间:40分钟 卷面总分:100分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分 得分 一、读一读,选择每组中不属于同类的词。(10分) ( ) 1.A.lion B.panda C.tiger D.egg ( ) 2.A.pen B.knife C.mouth D.crayon ( ) 3.A.hand B.book C.foot D.head ( ) 4.A.cake B.bread C.water D. cookies ( ) 5.A.green B.yellow C.color D.blue 二、读一读,再把相应的词与身体连线。 (6分) 三、读句子,选答语。(12分) ( )1. How are you? A. No, I ’m not. ( )2. Who are you? B . Very well , thank you. ( )3. Which class are you in? C. Four books. ( )4. How old are you? D. I am nine. ( )5. Are you Number 5? E. I’m in Class 4. ( )6. How many books? F. I ’m Lily. 四、选择合适的答案。(12分) ( )1、Do you want some tea? A. Yes,I do . B 、No,I don ’t . C.No ,thanks. ( ) 2、What do you see ? A .two horse B. two duck C.two sheep ( ) 3、Nice ___ meet you ,_____. A . too to B. to too ( )4、A is eight. B is five ,C is one, Can you write the answer? A -B+C=( ) A.four B.six C.five ( ) 5、Do you like black(黑色)? No, I _____. A . am not B.do C.don’t ( )6.There is elephant in the zoo. A 、a B 、an C 、the 五、根据情景,选择合适的选项写在括号内。(12分) ( )1、赵阳参加学校朗读比赛,上场和老师打招呼说: A 、Good morning. B 、How are you? C.Who are you? ( )2、评委老师要做登记,问: A . What ’s your Number? B. How are you? C.Are you clever. ( )3、赵阳回答: A. I’m fine. B. I’m Number 8. C. I’m 12. ( )4、老师又想知道他的名字,问: A. Which class are you in? B. What ’s your name? C. How old are you? ( )5、赵阳表现特别棒,评委竖起大拇指说: A 、OK. B 、Good job. C.Not good. ( )6、唱完后赵阳感动地给大家鞠躬并说: A 、Thank you . B.Stand up . C. I ’m Great. 密 封 线 学 校 年 班 姓 名 考 号


英语知识竞赛题目及答案 一.必答题(20秒每题) 1.You're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿! 2.美国的全称:the United States 美利坚合众国 3.诺基亚是哪个国家的著名品牌?Germany 4.NBA湖人队位于美国的哪个城市?Los Angeles 5.Who is the writer of the Huckberry Finn ? Mark Twai 6.Which one is the endangered animals ? antelope 7.Where is the Harvard University? The USA 8.Where is the Cambridge University? England 9.Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 这部童话故事的中文名字。白雪公主和七个小矮人 10.My heart will go on comes from 11.英国的标志性建筑物?大本钟(Big Ben) 12.美国的标志性建筑物?.美国总统府白宫the white house ;或者:美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty 13.日本的国花?樱花cherry 14.中国的全称及简称?PRC =the People's Republic of China中国(中华人民共和国) 15.一寸光阴一寸金Time is money. 16.我们每天上学,放学。am pm 17.字母组合可表示长度单位厘米。.cm 18.No pain , no gain . 不劳无获。 19.Where there is a will , there is a way .有志者事竟成。 20.A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情。 21.“Love me,love my dog”翻译成中文的意思是:爱屋及乌 22.中号衣服的标志是M 23.An English woman will not glad when you ask her about ? her age 24.2008年北京奥运会的英文口号是_______. One world, One dream 25.Anything is possible. 此广告语是出自哪家中国著名品牌?李宁 26.在西方被认为不吉利的数字是______。(13) 27. First name是姓名中的_____。(名字) https://www.360docs.net/doc/4416660035.html,st name 是姓名中的______。(姓) 29.你给一个手机关机的人打电话,你在电话中听到的英语是____。(Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is powered off.) 30.在英美国家,人们通常将“体力劳动者”称为blue workers ,把“脑力劳动者”称为_______workers。(white) 二.抢答题(10秒每题) 1.black sheep 害群之马 2.圣诞老人英语表达:father Christmas Santa Claus
