
第27卷第1期 2018年1月

中 国 矿 业


Vol .27,No .1

Jan . 2018


崔荣国1,2,郭 娟1,2,林博磊1,2,徐桂芬1,2,孙春强1,2,尹丽文1,2



摘 要:2017年,全球经济的进一步好转带动了矿产品市场的活跃,有色金属和贵金属勘查投入预算在连续4年下降后转为增长,矿产品价格大幅上扬,矿业公司市值大幅增加,矿业发展向好。国内采矿业固定资产投资降幅收窄,利润增长明显,矿产品生产回暖,大宗矿产品进口持续增加,矿产品需求不断增长,中国矿业度过了最艰难的时期。预计未来五年,全球经济将继续向好,但印度和东南亚替代中国拉动全球经济发展的迹象还不十分明显,对全球矿产品需求的拉动作用还未显现,矿产品价格将会波动缓慢上扬,因此矿业转好将不是一个快速发展的过程,而是一个渐进的过程。 关键词:矿产资源;形势;回顾;展望

中图分类号:F 407.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4051(2018)01-0015-05

Outlook and overview of mineral resources situation in 2017

CUI Rongguo 1,2,GUO Juan 1,2,LIN Bolei 1,2,XU Guifen 1,2,SUN Chunqiang 1,2

,YIN Liwen 1,2

(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b614601291.html,rmation Center ,Ministry of Land and Resources ,Beijing 100812,China ;

2.Key Laboratory of Strategic Studies ,Ministry of Land and Resources ,Beijing 100812,China ) Abstract :In 2017,the further improvement of the global economy has led to the active market of mineral products .The budget of non -ferrous metals exploration has turned to grow th after the fall of 4y ears ,

and the price of mineral products has risen substantially .The market value of mineral company has increased significantly ,and the development of mining industry has been improving .In China ,the fixed assets investment in mining industry has narrowed down more slowly ,the profit grow th has been obvious ,the p roduction of mineral products has obviously recovered ,

the import of bulk mineral products has continued to g row ,

and the demand for mineral products has been increasing ,so the most difficult period of China 's mining has passed .In the next 5y ears ,The global economy will continue to improve ,but India and Southeast Asia instead of global economic development is not very obvious ,stimulating effect on the global demand for mineral products has not yet appeared ,the price of mineral products will fluctuate slowly rise ,so mining improvement will be a gradual process .

Keywords :mineral resources ;situation ;overview ;outlook

收稿日期:2018-01-05 责任编辑:宋菲

第一作者简介:崔荣国,男,副研究员,主要从事国土资源形势分析工作,E -mail :cuirg 02@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b614601291.html, 。



1 全球经济发展乐观

进入2017年以来,全球经济逐渐摆脱2008年金融危机以来的疲软和乏力状态,经济延续复苏态势,经济持续扩张,通胀总体温和[1]。美国经济表现强劲,连续两个季度GDP 增速超过3%;税改最终方案已在两院通过,未来两年美国经济增长在大幅减税的刺激下预期会有一定程度的加速。制造业就业增加,截至2017年11月底,工厂就业增加了近19万个。欧元区经济增长主要受到内部需求的支持,比较稳定。2017年8月,日本制造商信心指数上升至27,为多年来的最高水平,这进一步表明日

