





Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. He was very 1 . No matter how hard he tried, the fox could not find any food. 2 he went to the side

of the forest and looked for food there. He found a big tree 3 a hole in it.

Inside the hole was a package. The hungry fox thought that there 4 be food in it, and

he became very happy. He jumped into the hole and when he 5 the package, he saw there 6 lot of food in it!

The fox happily began to eat. After the fox had finished 7 , he felt thirsty and decided to leave the hole 8 drink some water. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. Do you know 9 ? Yes, the fox had eaten so much food that he became 10 big to go through the hole.

1. A. happy B. excited C. hungry D. glad

2. A. Finally B. Before C. While D. After

3. A. from B. over C. with D. of

4. A. shall B. will C. can D. might

5. A. open B. opened C. opens D. opening

6. A. is B. are C. was D. were

7. A. eat B. ate C. to eat D. eating

8. A. and B. but C. then D. or

9. A. what B. why C. who D. how

10. A. very B. too C. so D. also





兴的”,根据 Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. 这







(5)考查动词。句意:他跳进了洞中,当他打开包裹的时候,他看到了许多食物。open 为动词原形,意为“打开”,opened是open的过去式和过去分词,opens是open的三单形式,opening是open的现在分词,结合文章可知,整个故事采用的是一般过去时态,故动词open应变为过去式opened,故选B。

(6)考查be动词。句意:当他打开包裹,他看到包裹里面有很多的食物。选项中,is是be动词的单数形式,are是be动词的复数形式,was是be动词过去式的单数形式,were 是be动词过去式的复数形式,本文通篇用的一般过去时,故be动词应采用过去式was或者were,而there be结构中,be动词的单复数取决于其后的名词,题干中,there be后面的名词为 a lot of food,意为“许多的食物”,是不可数名词,视为单数,故be动词选用was,故选C。

(7)考查固定搭配。句意:在狐狸吃完之后他感到很渴,决定离开洞去喝一些水。eat为动词原形,意为“吃”,ate为eat的过去式,to eat为动词不定时,eating为eat的动名词形式,finish后接名词、代词或动名词,finish doing sth.完成做某事,故选D。


(9)考查特殊疑问词。句意:然而,不论他怎样尝试,他都不能够从洞中出去,你知道为什么吗?what意为“什么”;why意为“为什么”;who意为“谁”;how意为“怎样”,根据the fox had eaten so much food ,此处解释他出不去的原因,所以此处问为什么,故选B。(10)考查副词。句意:是的,这只狐狸吃得太多以至于他太胖了而不能出洞。very意为“非常”;too意为“太”;so意为“如此”;also意为“同样,也”,此题考查固定结构too…to…,意为“太……而不能……”,故选B。



Shirley Temple was born in 1928 in California. She was a very lovely little girl 1 blonds curly hair (金色卷发). She was also a good actress.

At the age of three, Shirley was 2 films and soon became a famous film star. When she was six years old, she made some successful films. 3 the time she was eight years old, she was making $500,000 a year. The people who made the films 4 her "Little Miss Miracle".

In the 1930s, life was 5 in the USA. Many people didn't have jobs, but 6 of poor people paid money to go to the cinemas to 7 Shirley Temple. People felt happy 8 she sang and danced. Mothers wanted their daughters to have curly hair like Shirley Temple. Little girls played with Shirley Temple dolls.

9 loved little Shirley. People sent her presents. On her eighth birthday, she got 1,000 cakes. Her fans sent her 5,000 10 a week. But her mother didn't spoil(溺爱) her. Little Shirley only got $4.25 a week and had to eat the spinach(菠菜).

1. A. like B. with C. of D. about

2. A. teaching B. studying C. making D. watching

3. A. By B. With C. Before D. Since

4. A. said B. called C. told D. spoke

5. A. difficult B. happy C. easy D. popular

6. A. million B. hundred C. billion D. thousands

7. A. visit B. learn C. watch D. call

8. A. when B. though C. because D. so that

9. A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Everybody D. Nobody

10. A. letters B. e-mails C. messages D. phones





(1)句意:她是一个非常可爱的留有一头金色的卷发小女孩。A.像;B.和……一起;C.……的;D.关于。根据blonds curly hair可知,她是一个留有金色卷发的女孩,with带有,留有,介词,故选B。

(2)句意:在三岁的时候,秀兰就开始拍电影,并很快成为一名著名的电影明星。A.教;B.学习;C.制造;D.观看。make films拍电影,固定搭配,故选C。


一起;C.在……之前;D.自从……以来。by the time到……时候,在……之前,固定搭配,故选A。

(4)句意:拍电影的人称她为“奇迹小姐”。A.说;B.称;C.告诉;D.说。call sb+名词,称某人为……,四个选项,只有call接双宾,故选B。

(5)句意:20世纪30年代,美国的生活很艰难。A.困难的;B.高兴的;C.容易的;D.流行的。根据 Many people didn't have jobs可知很多人没有工作,生活很艰难,故选A。(6)句意:但成千上万的穷人花钱去电影院看秀兰·邓波儿的电影。A.百万;B.百;C.十亿;D.千。thousands of成千上万,固定搭配,故选D。



(9)句意:每个人都喜欢小秀兰。人们给她送礼物。A.任何人;B.某人;C.每个人;D.没人。根据 People sent her presents.可知大家应该是喜欢秀兰,才给她送礼,故选C。(10)句意:她的粉丝每周给她寄去5000封信。A.信;B.电子邮件;C.信息;D.电话。根据she got 1,000 cakes.可知她的粉丝应该是通过快递给她的蛋糕,推出她粉丝也应该是通过快递给她寄信,故选A。



Dear teacher,

I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. I'm 1 this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me.

I know I 2 be very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big 3 in my life. You see, all through my first year in schools, I hated to read. Books were just words that had 4 to do with me, and I felt bored while reading them. I'll never 5 the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. It 6 that your voice changed with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read 7 . Since that day, I always waited for the time that you read to the class. You 8 us all kinds of wonderful stories.

During the summer after my year in your class, I 9 the stories you read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all by myself. I found out that I could make the words 10 , too. Now, I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.



1. A. watching B. reading C. writing D. getting

2. A. used B. used to C. was used D. was used to

3. A. difference B. mistake C. decision D. progress

4. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

5. A. remember B. know C. forget D. understand

6. A. liked B. looked C. looked like D. seemed

7. A. loudly B. quiet C. aloud D. quietly

8. A. told B. read C. borrowed D. taught

9. A. finished B. practiced C. missed D. kept

10. A. boring B. patient C. interesting D. necessary



(1)句意:我写这封信是因为我想让你知道……。watching观看;reading读;writing 写; getting收到。结合语境可知琳达是在写信。故选C。

(2)句意:我知道我过去在你的课上很安静,你从来不说我。used用;used to过去常常;was used被使用;was used to被用来做。根据并列成分 and you never said much to me.可推知我过去常常做某事,故选B。

(3)句意:但是你所做的让我在生活中有很大的不同。 difference不同;mistake错误;decision决定;progress进步。联系后文内容可知我的生活变得不一样,故选A。

(4)句意:书中的话与我无关,我觉得无聊。nothing没有事;everything每件事;something某事;anything任何事。根据上句I hated to read结合下句and I felt bored while reading them可知与我无关,故选A。

(5)句意:我永远不会忘记六年级的第天。 remenber记得;know知道;forget忘记;understand理解。根据后文Since that day, I always waited for the timethat you read to the class.可推知说明作者不会忘记老师第一次给他们读故事。故选C。

(6)句意:在你朗读的时候,似乎你的声音随着故事中的人物改变,画在我的脑海中。 liked喜欢; looked看; looked like看起来像;seemed似乎。 It seemed that是一个固定句型,故选D。

(7)句意:在你朗读的时候,似乎你的声音随着故事中的人物改变,画在我的脑海中。 loudly adv.高声地;quiet安静的;aloud大声地;quietly安静地。 read aloud,朗读,固定短语,故选C。


(9)句意:我错过了聆听你读的故事。finished完成; practiced练习; missed错过;kept 保持。根据后文 So one day i picked up a book and read it all bymyself.可推知说明她很想念史密斯夫人读故事。故选C。

(10)句意:我发现我也可以说出有趣的话。boring无聊的;patient有耐心的;interesting有趣的necessary必要的。根据最后的句子Nou, I love to read!与Thank you for opening the world of books for me.可推知我现在也可以让单词变得很有趣。故选C。






Serena was the oldest child in the family, and her housework was to mow(修剪)their yard. Mrs. Martin, their elderly neighbor, was not 1 to take care of her yard, so Serena's dad promised 2 that Serena would do this job. "Why didn't you ask me first?" Serena asked 3 . "Did you ask me first when you got me to be in the school festival last autumn?" asked her dad. "No, I didn't ask you first, 4 you're always ready to help others." "I try when I can," her dad answered. "Serena, we have know Mrs. Martin for a very long time. She has always 5 our family. Now we should do something for her in return. What's more, the 6 you get from helping others makes you wonder who is really helping whom." "I don't know, Dad," said Serena. "I only feel 7 after mowing our yard." "I know it's hard work for you," said her dad. "Just wait and see." After 8 at 7:30 a. m. Serena made her way to Mrs. Martin's yard. She was 9 her job and soon Mrs. Martin's yard looked much tidier. Mrs. Martin 10 with a big glass of orange juice and 11 it to her. Serena stopped her work and enjoyed the 12 , while Mrs. Martin was talking to her about all of the flowers in her yard. Seeing

the joy in Mrs. Martin's eyes, Serena began to 13 how much the yard meant to Mrs. Martin. After 14 her drink, Serena returned to 15 in the yard, feeling warm in her heart and thinking about what her father said. Her dad was right. It was hard to tell who was helping whom!

1. A. glad B. able C. afraid D. sorry

2. A. you B. him C. her D. me

3. A. unhappily B. gladly C. warmly D. patiently

4. A. and B. or C. so D. but

5. A. helped B. Met C. visited D. troubled

6. A. reason B. rule C. feeling D. excuse

7. A. excited B. tired C. sad D. happy

8. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner

9. A. surprised at B. good at C. angry about D. worried about

10. A. ran away B. turned over C. set off D. came out

11. A. lent B. threw C. handed D. sold

12. A. fruit B. drink C. meat D. vegetables

13. A. plan B. discuss C. understand D. choose

14. A. refusing B. eating C. preparing D. finishing

15. A. work B. study C. relax D. play




(1)句意:他们的老邻居,马丁夫人,不能照顾她的院子,因此塞雷娜的爸爸答应她塞雷娜将做这个工作。A.高兴的;B.能够,能;C.害怕的;D.对不起。由于上了年纪,做不了,be able to 能够,固定搭配,故选B。

(2)句意:他们的老邻居,马丁夫人,不能照顾她的院子,因此塞雷娜的爸爸答应她塞雷娜将做这个工作。A.你;B.他;C.她;D.我。此处用her代替 Mrs. Martin,故选C。(3)句意:塞雷娜不高兴地问,“为什么不先问问我”。A.不高兴地;B.愉快地;C.热情地;D.有耐心地。根据下文hard work,可知塞雷娜不愿意照顾马丁夫人的院子,因此心情不高兴,故选A。


(5)句意:她总是帮助我们家。A.帮助;B.遇见;C.参观;D.麻烦。根据in return.可知马丁夫人帮助过他们,故选A。



(8)句意:吃了7点半的早餐后,塞雷娜前去马丁的院子。A.早餐;B.午餐;C.晚餐;D.晚餐,正餐。根据at 7:30 a. m.可知应该是早餐时间,故选A。





(13)句意:塞雷娜开始明白这个院子对马丁夫人是多么重要。A.计划;B.讨论;C.明白;D.选择。根据was talking to her about,可知塞雷娜从马丁太太的谈话中明白院子对她的重要性,故选C。

(14)句意:喝完饮料,塞雷娜回去继续在院子里工作,心里很暖和而且想着她爸爸说的话。A.拒绝;B.吃;C.准备;D.完成。根据return to可知,喝完才去继续工作,故选D。(15)句意:喝完饮料,塞雷娜回去继续在院子里工作,心里很暖和而且想着她爸爸说的话。A.工作;B.学习;C.放松,休息;D.玩。由于喝橙汁,停下了工作,喝完继续工作,故选A。






At the age of 16, Einstein failed in several exams because he often played with some bad kids. One weekend morning, Einstein carried a fishing net and prepared to go fishing with those

1 , his father stopped him and said to him calmly," Einstein, you were spending too much time

2 , so you failed in the exams. I'm

3 about your future with your mother."

"What are you worrying about? Jack and Robert also 4 , but they went fishing as usual."

"My boy, you can't think so," Looking at Einstein, his father said lovingly, "There is a 5 in our hometown. I hope you can listen to it carefully."

"There were two cats playing on the roof. 6 , they fell into the chimney(烟囱).When they climbed out of the chimney, one cat's face was dirty 7 the other's face was clean. Seeing the dirty—faced cat, the clean—faced one thought its own face was also dirty, so it quickly ran to the riverside and washed its 8 . The dirty—faced cat saw the clean—faced one, thinking its own face was clean as well, so it walked happily in the street."

"Einstein, 9 can be your mirror(镜子). Only you are your own mirror. Some of the kids are not strict with themselves. If you take them to be your mirror, even a 10 person may become stupid." Hearing this, Einstein was ashamed and lay down his fishing rod and returned to his small room. Since then, Einstein's face turned red. He put down his fishing net and returned to his small room.

After that, Einstein often took himself as a mirror to be 11 with himself and kept telling himself." I am special, so I needn't be as common as others." This was why Einstein 12 in

his career.

1,000 people have 1,000 kinds of wishes in life. Different wishes will produce different 13 about life. You can learn from other people, but you can 14 follow others completely.

You must see yourself clearly, and know what you want to get. Your future doesn't 15 how others act, but on what you are going to act.

1. A. adults B. kids C. teachers D. artists

2. A. playing B. working C. reading D. studying

3. A. excited B. curious C. worried D. crazy

4. A. checked B. passed C. dreamed D. failed

5. A. song B. story C. speech D. saying

6. A. Luckily B. Hopefully C. Suddenly D. Naturally

7. A. while B. or C. so D. for

8. A. mouth B. tail C. nose D. face

9. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

10. A. poor B. rich C. lazy D. clever

11. A. tired B. angry C. strict D. satisfied

12. A. regretted B. graduated C. succeeded D. survived

13. A. ideas B. reasons C. mistakes D. secrets

14. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. never

15. A. try on B. depend on C. live on D. insist on



(1)句意:一个周末的早晨,他拿着渔网准备跟那些孩子去打鱼。A.成人;B.孩子;C.老师;D.艺术家,根据 he often played with some bad kids. 可知爱因斯坦打算跟那些坏孩子去打鱼,故答案是B。

(2)句意:爱因斯坦,你花费了太多的时间玩。A.玩;B.工作;C.读书;D.学习,根据so you failed in the exams. 可知爱因斯坦考试不及格,可能的原因就是玩的时间太多,故答案是A。

(3)句意:我跟你的妈妈担心你的未来。A.激动的;B.好奇的;C.担心的;D.疯狂的,根据 so you failed in the exams. 可知他他考试不及格,这样的话就不会有好的未来,所以父母就担心他的未来,故答案是C。

(4)句意:你担心什么,但是杰克和罗伯特也不及格啊。A.检查;B.通过;C.梦想;D.失败,根据 so you failed in the exams 可知在这里爱伊斯坦拿杰克和罗伯特的不及格为自己辩解,故答案是D。





(9)句意:爱因斯坦,没有人能成为你的镜子。A.某人;B.没有人;C.任何人;D.每一个人,根据 Only you are your own mirror. 可知只有你自己才能够做你的镜子,所以没有人能成为你的镜子,故答案是B。


(11)句意:之后,爱因斯坦经常拿自己做镜子严格要求自己。A.累的;B.生气的;C.严厉的;D.满意的,be strict with sb.对某人要求严格,固定短语,故答案是C。


D.生存,根据 I am special, so I needn't be as common as others. 可知,爱因斯坦认为自己是一个特殊的人,严格要求自己,因此就会取得成功,故答案是C。


(14)句意:但是你不能完全模仿别人。A.有时;B.经常;C.总是;D.从不,根据You can learn from other people, 可知你可以向别人学习,根据but这一个转折词可知,绝对不要完全效仿,故答案是D。

(15)句意:你的未来不取决于别人的行动。A.试穿;B.依靠;C.以……谋生;D.坚持,根据 but on what you are going to act. 可知你的未来取决于你想做什么,所以你的未来不取决于别人的行动。故答案是B。



Alan and Jack are friends. They wanted to make sure that the birds outside on the ice were ducks or geese(鹅). So 1 a cold January evening last year, the two boys walked onto the frozen(结冰的)river near their homes to get a better look. They 2 a rock onto the ice to test it. They thought the ice could hold their 3 . Then they stepped(踩;踏)on it. But when Jack took 4 steps, he fell through the frozen surface suddenly.

Alan ran to help his friend. He tried to 5 Jack out from the cold water and onto the frozen land. But the ice didn't hold, and he fell in, too.

Jack's elder sister saw the boys falling through the ice and started shouting for help John, a neighbor 6 nearby on his way to the store, quickly stopped the car 7 he heard the shout. Seeing the boys, he caught a nearby life ring(救生圈), 8 his shoes and jumped into the water. John swam towards Alan and Jack, and took 9 back to land. They were taken to the hospital at once. 10 , they were saved. They were really thankful to their brave neighbor.

1. A. at B. in C. on D. of

2. A. threw B. grave C. collected D. took

3. A. shoes B. feet C. height D. weight

4. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few

5. A. pull B. pus C. pick D. protect

6. A. singing B. running C. walking D. driving

7. A. before B. while C. after D. unless

8. A. put on B. took off C. cleaned up D. turned off

9. A. their B. Theirs C. themselves D. them

10. A. Secondly B. Actually C. Finally D. Especially



(1)考查介词。意思是:所以这两个孩子在去年一月的一个寒冷的晚上到家附近一条结冰的河上去更好的看看。at在……点;in在……年;on在……天;of……的,根据"a cold January evening last year"因此可知这是一个具体的一天,所以要用介词on,故选C。

(2)考查动词。句意:他们向冰上扔了一块石头进行了测试。threw扔;grave雕刻,铭记;collected收集;took拿走,根据 a rock onto the ice to test it,可知是向冰上扔了石头,故选A。

(3)考查名词。句意:他们认为冰能撑住他们的体重。shoes鞋;feet脚;height高度;weight重量,根据"They threw a a rock onto the ice to test it "可知他们认为冰可以承载他们的体重,故选D。

(4)考查代词。句意:因此可知杰克往前走了没几步,就突然掉到冰层下面去了。a little 有点儿,修饰不可数名词;a few有点儿,修饰可数名词;little一点儿,修饰不可数名词;few一点儿,修饰可数名词,根据but,可知他没走几步就掉下去了,故选D。

(5)考查动词。句意:他尽量把杰克从冷水中拉出来。pull拉;push推;pick捡起;protect保护,根据"Alan ran to help his friend,可知他尽力把杰克从冰水里往外拉,故选A。

(6)考查动词。句意:杰克的姐姐看到男孩们掉到冰里,开始想约翰求救,一个邻居开车去商店的路上。singing唱歌;running跑;walking走;driving开车,根据"quickly stopped the car "因此可知一个邻居正开车去商店购物。故选D。

(7)考查介词。句意:当他听到大喊很快他把车停下来。before在……之前;while当……的时候;after在…之后;unless除非,根据"he heard the shout"因此可知听到呼喊之后就立刻停下了车。故选C。

(8)考查动词短语。句意:put on穿上;took off脱下;cleaned up打扫;turned off关闭,根据"his shoes and jumped into the water,"因此可知他脱掉鞋子,跳进了水里。故选B。



(10)考查副词。句意:最后,他们得救了。Secondly第二;Actually事实上;Finally最后;Especially特别是,根据"they were saved,"因此可知最后他们得救了。故选C。









We began our hunt for the treasure. At the top of the hill, we sat down to rest. Suddenly, a 1 from trees started singing: "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"

The pirates were 2 . Their faces turned white, and some of them jumped up.

"It's Flint!" cried one.

"Someone is playing the 3 on us," said Silver.

The men started to feel better at these words. 4 the voice called out again.

"Darby McGraw," it called out several times. "Fetch the rum, Darby!"

The pirates 5 where they were, looking around in fear.

"Those were Flint's last words before he died," whispered one.

" 6 here except us knows about Darby," said Silver. "I'm here to get the treasure. I was never afraid of Flint when he was 7 , and I'm not afraid of him now. There's 700,000 pounds a quarter of a mile from here. I'm not going to 8 ."

"You're right, John," said one of the pirates. "And that voice 9 like Flint's voice. It was more like…"

"Ben Gunn!!" shouted Silver.

"Yes!" cried another 10 . "It was Ben Gunn! And nobody is afraid of Ben Gunn, dead or alive."

With this, the men's spirit returned. They picked up their things and we carried 11 walking.

We were now close to the tall trees. I was worried about Silver. I was sure he could easily kill everyone to keep the treasure for 12 .

"Hooray!" shouted one of the pirates and they all started running. Suddenly they stopped. When Silver and I reached them we saw 13 .

In front of us there was a very big hole. At the 14 of the hole there was a broken wooden box. On one of the sides I saw the word Walrus—the 15 of Flint's ship.

It was clear that the treasure was not there.

1. A. woman B. voice C. bird D. child

2. A. angry B. frightened C. happy D. excited

3. A. joke B. music C. piano D. toy

4. A. If B. Or C. And D. But

5. A. remained B. received C. rested D. relaxed

6. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody

7. A. dead B. young C. alive D. live

8. A. pick it up B. give it up C. put it up D. open it up

9. A. was B. sounded C. wasn't D. didn't

10. A. softly B. sadly C. quietly D. loudly

11. A. out B. with C. on D. to

12. A. himself B. myself C. themselves D. ourselves

13. A. what B. why C. where D. which

14. A. end B. front C. top D. bottom

15. A. weight B. colour C. name D. size



(1)考查名词辨析。句意:一个来自树上的声音开始唱歌。A. woman女人,B. voice声音,C. bird鸟,D. child孩子,根据the voice called out again可知是声音,故选B。

(2)考查形容词辨析。句意:海盗们非常害怕。A. angry生气的,B. frightened害怕的,C. happy高兴的,D. excited激动的,根据Their faces turned white, and some of them jumped up,可知是害怕,故选B。

(3)考查名词辨析。句意:有人在给我们开玩笑。A. joke玩笑,B. music音乐,C. piano 钢琴,D. toy玩具,根据The men started to feel better at these words.可知认为在开玩笑和play a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑,固定短语,故选A。

(4)考查连词。句意:但是那个声音又开始喊起来。A. If如果,B. Or否则,C. And和,D. But但是,根据The men started to feel better at these words.和 the voice called out again之间的关系,可知是转折,故选D。

(5)考查动词辨析。句意:海盗们停在他们在的地方。A. remained停下,逗留,B. received收到,C. rested休息,D. relaxed放松,根据where they were, looking around in fear 害怕的四周查看,可知是停留在它们所在的地方,故选A。

(6)考查不定代词。句意:除了我们这儿没有人知道Darby。A. Nobody没有人,B. Somebody某人,C. Anybody任何人,D. Everybody每个人,根据except us knows about Darby和句意,可知是除了我们没有人知道,故选A。

(7)考查形容词辨析句意:当Flint活着的时候,我从来不害怕他。A. dead死的,B. young年轻的,C. alive活着的,D. live活着的,根据I'm here to get the treasure. I was never afraid of Flint when he was ___7___, and I'm not afraid of him now根据 Those were Flint's last

words before he died," whispered one. 船长死了,所以此处是可知是当他活着的时候我就不

害怕他,alive活着的,作表语, live活着的,通常作定语,这里是作表语,故选C。

(8)考查动词短语。句意:我将不会放弃。A. pick it up 捡起,B. give it up放弃,C. put it

up举起,D. open it up开发,根据I'm not afraid of him now. There's 700,000 pounds a quarter

of a mile from here.可知是不放弃,故选B。

(9)考查系动词。句意:那个声音像Flint的。A. was是,B. sounded听起来,C. wasn't

不是,D. didn't没,根据It was more like 它更像是……,可知这个声音步行Flints的声音,


(10)考查副词辨析。句意:另一个声音大声喊叫"是的"。A. softly软地,B. sadly伤心地,C. quietly安静地,D. loudly大声地,根据"Ben Gunn!!" shouted Silver.和"Yes!" cried another___10___.可知大声的喊叫,故选D。

(11)考查副词。句意:我们搬着继续走。A. out外面,B. with和,带有,C. on在……上,(继续)下去,D. to到,根据With this, the men's spirit returned. They picked up their things可知继续走,故选C。

(12)考查反身代词。句意:我确信他能很容易的杀死每个人,他自己拥有宝藏。A. himself他自己,B. myself我自己,C. themselves他们自己,D. ourselves我们自己,根据I was sure he could easily kill everyone可知是他自己拥有宝藏,故选A。

(13)考查副词。句意:我们看见了为什么。A. what什么,B. why为什么,C. where哪里,D. which哪一个,根据Suddenly they stopped. When Silver and I reached them可知是看


(14)考查名词辨析。句意:在洞的底部有一个破的木头盒子。A. end结尾,B. front 前面,C. top顶部,D. bottom底部,根据In front of us there was a very big hole.可知是在洞的


(15)考查名词辨析。句意:Flint的船的名字。A. weight重量,B. colour颜色,C. name

名字,D. size尺码,号,根据 I saw the word Walrus—the___15___ of Flint's ship可知是船的










A truck is running across the Steel Bridge. David Fisher and Anna, his 3-year-old dog, are sitting quietly in the truck. This evening's work has been 1 . They collected two bags of garbage.

Since three years ago, Fisher has been doing the 2 thing. Every evening after work he drives back home to meet Anna and then to the Willamette River. The thing they want to get is

3 instead of fish.

"Collecting is always good," Fisher always says with a big smile when he 4 garbage on a beach. At the same time, Anna plays nearby. Sometimes Anna brings Fisher some old cans or bottles, 5 its owner's high praise.

"I can work with Anna on a beach for many hours at weekends. It's very 6 !" Fisher says happily.

Fisher thinks small changes can make a big 7 . Since he started picking up garbage, he has been more careful to put empty bottles into his pocket, collect the cans that others throw away 8 recycle everything he can.

Fisher has 9 not only himself but also others. Once, a family with two little girls were playing on the beach where Fisher was collecting garbage. After seeing what Fisher was doing, the two girl 10 to help him pick up garbage. Fisher has actually done a lot to protect the environment.

1. A. started B. shown C. left D. finished

2. A. same B. common C. boring D. terrible

3. A. money B. fish C. garbage D. clothes

4. A. gives up B. picks up C. puts up D. sets up

5. A. winning B. remembering C. refusing D. keeping

6. A. tired B. annoying C. relaxing D. sad

7. A. problem B. trouble C. invention D. difference

8. A. but B. and C. however D. so

9. A. hurt B. trained C. bothered D. changed

10. A. stopped B. forgot C. dreamed D. continued



(1)句意:今天晚上的工作结束了。A.开始;B.展示;C.离开;D.结束。根据They collected two bags of garbage. 可知,今天的活干完了。故答案是D。


(3)句意:他们想要的是垃圾而不是鱼。A.钱;B.鱼;C.垃圾;D.衣服,根据前面的句子They collected two bags of garbage. 可知他们去河边捡垃圾了,故答案是C。






D.保持。根据语境可知,狗帮了主人的忙,因此会得到主人的奖励,故答案是A。(6)句意:这非常令人放松。A.疲劳的;B.是使生气的;C.放松的;D.伤心的。根据 Fisher

says happily. 可知费希尔认为这样做是令人放松的,故答案是C。









忘记;C.做梦;D.继续。stop to do sth.固定搭配,停下来做某事,原来小女孩在玩,现在跟





In the new sci-fi film. The Wandering Earth《流浪地球》, humans save the Earth without leaving it. In many-even most-space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster(灾难), the 1 is always running away from the planet in spaceships.

But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a different and more ambitious idea. In the film, based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. In reply, humans around the world work 2 to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun. 3 giving up Earth-again-this time we're taking it with us.

This "ambition" didn't come from nowhere. For thousands of years," homeland" has had a soft point in 4 of Chinese people. One old idiom is "luoyeguigen", which means returning to one's homeland at the old age, like 5 leaves return to the roots of their trees. Or there is

an ancient poem, "The season called the White Dew begins tonight: Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright". These 6 show the tight link that Chinese people have had with their homeland.

This special cultural background is probably the key 7 separates The Wandering Earth from Hollywood-style space films.

"What is Chinese sci-fi?"Guo Fan, the film's director, said in an interview. "A movie that can really 8 our cultural and spiritual view can be called Chinese sci-fi. Or, we're just copying others and telling the same American stories."

And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5th, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the 9 journey back to their hometowns.

So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story. Earth 10 wherever humans go, because it's our home forever.

1. A. question B. solution C. problem D. difficulty

2. A. together B. along C. with D. nearly

3. A. Instead B. Instead of C. Rather than D. Rather

4. A. body B. bodies C. mind D. minds

5. A. falling B. fallen C. fell D. falls

6. A. either B. none C. neither D. both

7. A. that B. where C. what D. how

8. A. express B. know C. tell D. report

9. A. sadly B. sad C. hard D. hardly

10. A. went B. go C. going D. goes



(1)句意:每当地球面临灾难是,解决方案总是乘坐宇宙飞船逃离地球。A疑问,B解决方案,C问题,D困难,根据build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun建造一个巨大的引擎系统,将地球从垂死的太阳上推开可知是决绝方案,故选B。

(2)句意:作为回应,世界各地的人类一起致力于建造一个巨大的引擎系统,将地球从垂死的太阳上推开。A一起,B沿着,C有,D几乎,根据build a huge engine system可知是需要人类一起建筑这个系统,故选A。

(3)句意:而不是再次放弃地球——这次我们要带着它。A代替,连接句子,B代替,连接词,C而不是,接动词原形,D相当,根据giveing是动名词故用instead of,介词后是动名词,故选B。


(5)句意:一个古老的成语是"落叶归根",意思是年老时回到故乡,就像落叶回到树根。根据return to the roots of their trees可知回到树根的是落下的树叶,fallen leaves,leaves是名词其前是形容词,falling表示正在空中飞舞的叶子,故选B。

(6)句意:这都表明了中国人民与祖国的紧密联系。根据Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright在我们的家乡,月亮是最明亮的和luoyeguigen落叶归根是两句谚语,此处表示肯定故用both,指代两者,故选D。




形容词,C艰难的,形容词,D几乎不,副词,根据journey是名词可知此处是形容词,back to their hometowns回家不能用伤心描述,故选C。







There are many ways for us to reduce waste. For 1 , we can reuse paper and plastic bags. We can also recycle newspapers, glass, and cans to 2 new things. Here are some 3 ways to reduce waste.

Write on 4 sides of paper.

Many people write on only one side of their paper. Why not stop 5 the other side? Some students only use half the pages of their notebooks before getting new ones. Try to use up

all the paper. People often give cards on birthdays or festivals. How about trying to 6 e-cards instead?

Don't throw away your old batteries (电池).

Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth dirty. This is 7 they have poisonous parts in them. So, don't throw away batteries. Keep them together. Try to use rechargeable (充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.

Give off all your unwanted clothes.

There are many poor families in China. You may ask your mother to 8 your unwanted (多余的) 9 . Then you can pass them on to those poor children. You will feel 10 that you are helping someone else. Also, you can understand if your friends or relatives (亲戚)want them before throwing them away.

1. A. reason B. example C. use D. people

2. A. buy B. make C. sell D. begin

3. A. use B. useless C. useful D. helpless

4. A. every B. both C. all D. one

5. A. waste B. to waste C. wasting D. to wasting

6. A. send B. buy C. receive D. waste

7. A. why B. because C. so D. since

8. A. like B. sell C. throw D. collect

9. A. money B. books C. clothes D. batteries

10. A. angry B. tired C. moved D. happy




(1)句意:例如,我们可以重复使用纸和塑料袋。A.理由;B.例子;C.使用;D.人,人们。此处用来举例说明减少减少浪费的方法,for example例如,介词短语,故选B。




(5)句意:为什么不停止浪费另一边呢。A.浪费,动词原形;B.浪费,动词不定式;C.浪费,现在分词;D.表达错误。stop doing sth停止做某事,故选C。

(6)句意:试着发电子贺卡怎么样?A.寄,送;B.买;C.收到;D.浪费。根据People often give cards,这里应该发电子贺卡的方式代替送生日卡片,故选A。

(7)句意:这是因为它们有有毒的部分。A.为什么;B.因为;C.因此;D.自从。根据they have poisonous parts in them.用来解释使地球变脏的原因,用this is because,故选B。

(8)句意:你可能会叫你母亲收集多余的的衣服。A.喜欢;B.卖;C.扔;D.收集。根据pass them,可知应该收集不需要的衣服,然后在给那些穷孩子,故选D。

(9)句意:你可能会叫你母亲收集多余的的衣服。A.钱;B.书;C.衣服;D.电池。根据your unwanted clothes.可知应是收集不要的衣服,故选C。







There have been many great inventions that change the way we live. The first great 1 was one that is still very important today-the wheel. This made it easy for man 2 heavy things and to travel long distances. For hundreds of years after that, there were 3 inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800's the world started to change 4 . There was little unknown land left in the world. People did not have to explore much anymore. In the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. 5 them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These have all become

a big part of our life today.

The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909. Movies 6 sound in 1926. The computer in 1928. And jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new 7 was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.

Of course new inventions continued to be made. Man began looking 8 ways to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took another. Since then other

countries,including China and Japan, 9 their steps into space. In 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. 10 first walked on the moon. This was certainly just a beginning. New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.

1. A. scientist B. artist C. musician D. invention

2. A. carry B. carrying C. to carry D. carried

3. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

4. A. largely B. differently C. greatly D. freely

5. A. Between B. Among C. Before D. After

6. A. in B. of C. on D. with

7. A. mistake B. product C. world D. material

8. A. for B. out C. after D. around

9. A. made B. were made C. have made D. hade made

10. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Americans D. Russians






(2)句意:这使得人们很容易携带重物和长途旅行。make it+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.对于某人来说让做某事怎样,固定搭配,故选C。

(3)句意:在那之后的几百年里,几乎没有什么发明能像轮子那样产生如此大的效果。A.几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数;B.一些,几个,修饰可数名词复数;C.几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;D.一点,修饰不可数名词。根据后句Then in the early 1800's the world started to change可知19世纪才改变,所以之前几乎没有发明,inventions是可数名词复数,所以用few,故选A。


(5)句意:其中包括照相机、电灯和收音机。A.在......和......之间,指的是两者间;B.在......其中,指的是三者或者三者以上;C.在......之前;D.在......之后。根据the camera, the electric light and the radio可知数量是三者,所以用among,故选B。


(7)句意:这也是一个新材料诞生的时代。A.错误;B.产品;C.世界;D.物质,材料。根据后句Nylon came out in 1935.可知发明了尼龙,是一种材料,故选D。

(8)句意:人们开始寻找进入太空的方式。look for寻找;look out小心;look after照顾;look around环顾四周。寻找方式,故选A。

(9)句意:从那时起,包括中国和日本在内的其他国家已经踏上了太空之旅。since then 表明时态是现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词过去分词,主语countries是复数,所以用have,make的过去分词是made,故选C。


中考英语完形填空专项练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I will never forget May 15, 2011. That night, my car crashed 1 a tree and everything has changed ever since. I lost most of my right 2 , and I was left bleeding with several broken bones. At the hospital, my body was 3 , but my mind was still very clear. I just kept 4 myself to hold on. Life must go on since I was still 5 . Two weeks later, I was allowed to go home. 6 I left the hospital, the fight was far from over. My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well, as a result, I had to receive different 7 during the next few years. And soon, more of my right leg had to be cut off. This made it harder to wear my artificial leg (假肢), so I donated it to another girl who couldn't 8 one. The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was 9 than the happiness I felt on any day I could wear it myself. People often tell me they are 10 of me for staying strong. But in my mind, being strong has always been my only 11 . On the day I left the hospital, I made a promise to 12 to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest. I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me. In 2017, I 13 started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say, "Wow, she only has one leg but she is beautiful 14 confidence and bravery" My dream is simple: to 15 every man, woman and child to know and believe that they are. 1. A. toward B. over C. upon D. into 2. A. arm B. ear C. eye D. leg 3. A. calm B. strong C. weak D. ill 4. A. teaching B. telling C. leading D. advising 5. A. alive B. lively C. live D. lovely 6. A. Since B. So C. Because D. Although 7. A. operations B. gifts C. prizes D. thoughts 8. A. offer B. afford C. borrow D. accept 9. A. greater B. smaller C. less D. fewer 10. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. guilty


第一组 achievement n.完成,成就,成绩 act v.行动,表演 affect vt.影响,感动 agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n.目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 application n.请求,申请,施用 aquarium n.水族馆 Arctic a.北极的 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 assume vt.假定,承担,呈现 astronaut n.宇航员 at least 至少,最低限度 athletic a.运动的;竞技的 average n.平均数a.平均的 battery n.电池 battle n.战役,斗争vi.作战 blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 bloodshed n. 流血事件 bomb v.轰炸n. 炸弹 bother v.打扰 breathe v.呼吸 bully n. / v.欺负 第二组 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 calculation n.计算 camera n.照相机,摄影机 cancel v.取消 cancer n.癌,癌症 captive / caged adj.俘虏的,捕获的captivity n. 囚禁,被关 cause n.原因,理由 celebration n.庆祝,祝贺 chain n.链,链条,项圈challenge n.挑战

cheer v.欢呼 chest n.胸腔,胸膛,箱子 claim v. 认领 close adj.亲密的 comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的command vt.命令,指挥,控制common a.普通的,共同的community n.社区 compare vt.比较,对照 complain v.抱怨,投诉complaint n.抱怨,控告 complete v. 完成adj.完整的connect vt.连接,联系 continue vt.继续 control vt.控制,克制n.控制counter n.柜台,计数器countless a.无数的 courage n.勇气,胆量 course n. 课程 crash vi.碰撞,坠落n.碰撞creature n.生物,创造物 crossing n. 十字路口 cube-shaped adj. 立方体形状的culture n. 文化 第三组 dairy n.牛奶场,乳制品dangerous a.危险的 dare vt.aux.v.敢,竟敢 deaf a.聋的 degree n.程度,度,学位 diet n.饮食,食物 direction n.方向,指导 directly ad.直接地,立即disappoint v.使……失望disastrous a.灾难性的,悲惨的discover vt.发现,暴露,显示discuss vt.讨论 disorder n.混乱,骚乱 distance n.距离,远处 distract v. 分散注意力documentary a.有文件的;有证件的double a.两倍的,双的


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空专题 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Finally, after nearly half a month, the Christmas letter was here in my hand. Yes, writing letters is how my friend in the U.S. and I 1 our greetings every Christmas. People ask why not send our greetings on Facebook, or on WeChat 2 , and by the way, it'll save money. For me, writing letters is more of a 3 habit than a quirk (怪癖) in modern times I, an experienced letter writer. can tell you that writing letters brings me more emotional(情感的)communication. In fact, only parts of our emotions can be found. Some 4 in California State University found that electronic devices, like smart phones, can greatly influence people in many ways. Such devices prevent people from 5 their inner (内心的) feelings. Compared with modern communication, writing letters has more advantages. 6 we write, our brain is given the chance to discover connections between things we didn't see before. And we are 7 to show our emotions fully. If I am here to tell you why I love writing letters, one of the 8 would be its sense of touch-feeling of my hand running through the pages, feeling of pen sliding across the paper, and feeling of the 9 of ink (墨水) in the air. It 10 that both your words and the letter itself can help you express your feelings. Letters build a bridge between the writer and receiver. People experience more when they receive messages in the: form of a letter, rather than any other media. 1. A. introduce B. exchange C. describe D. repeat 2. A. completely B. recently C. simply D. exactly 3. A. natural B. boring C. crazy D. national 4. A. composers B. visitors C. inventors D. professors 5. A. discovering B. shaking C. spreading D. refusing 6. A. When B. Before C. Till D. Though 7. A. recommended B. encouraged C. invited D. forced 8. A. customs B. reasons C. challenges D. achievements 9. A. colour B. quality C. smell D. price 10. A. gives out B. breaks out C. comes out D. turns out 【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;(9)C;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是在现代社会作者喜欢写信和朋友交流而不使用电子设备,他认为电子设备在很多方面会影响人们,它们会阻止人们表达内心的感情。而写信有更多的优点。我们能把我们所有的情绪充分表达出来。当人们收到书信形式的信息而不是其它媒体的信息时,会体验更多。 (1)句意:是的,写信是我和美国的朋友每年圣诞节交换问候的方式。根据前文的the

中考英语英语 完形填空试题(含答案)

中考英语英语完形填空试题(含答案) 一、英语完形填空 1.完形填空 Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of 1 . They feel stressed because they have 2 homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams 3 .And parents usually send them 4 different classes at weekends. As a result, so many of them almost become bookworms(书虫). During the holidays, they could hardly have 5 time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers 6 short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep 7 for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some 8 too much time watching TV. 9 serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much junk food, but they take little exercise. I think teenagers should think of ways to 10 the problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible. 1. A. adult B. adults C. teenagers 2. A. too many B. too much C. much too 3. A. join B. to be taken C. to take 4. A. to B. for C. of 5. A. our own B. their own C. his own 6. A. is getting B. are getting C. got 7. A. red B. read C. reading 8. A. pay B. cost C. spend 9. A. Another B. Other C. Others 10. A. doing with B. do with C. deal with 【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)C;(9)A;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了青少年主要问题的调查结果及作者认为解决的方法。 (1)句意:这是表明青少年主要问题的一项调查。A.成年人;B.成年人;C.青少年。根据 后文可知主要讲了青少年的问题,故选C。 (2)句意:他们感觉有压力的,因为他们在家里和在学校有太多的作业要做。A.太多, 修饰可数名词复数;B.太多,修饰不可数名词;C.太,修饰形容词或者副词。homework是 不可数名词,所以用too much修饰,故选B。 (3)句意:他们参加许多考试。A.加入;B.被参加;C.参加。take exams参加考试,to take做exams的定语,故选C。 (4)句意:父母通常在周末送他们去上不同的课。send sb. to+地点名词,把某人送到……,故选A。 (5)句意:在假期期间,他们几乎不能有他们自己的时间做他们感兴趣的事情。A.我们


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


历年中考真题阅读完型核心单词 achievement n.完成,成就,成绩 act v. 行动,表演 affect vt.影响,感动 agreement n.协定,协议,同意 aim n. 目标,目的 allow vt.允许,准许 amazing a.令人吃惊的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 amount n.总数,数量,总和 article n.文章,条款,物品 ashamed adj. 羞愧的 astronaut n.宇航员 at least 至少,最低限度 blame vt.责备,把…归咎于 blind a.瞎的,盲目的 breathe v. 呼吸 cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼 camera n.照相机,摄影机 cancel v. 取消 cancer n.癌,癌症

cause n.原因,理由celebration n.庆祝,祝贺challenge n.挑战 cheer v. 欢呼 close adj. 亲密的comfortable a.舒适的,安慰的common a.普通的,共同的community n.社区 compare vt.比较,对照complain v. 抱怨,投诉complete v. 完成adj. 完整的connect vt.连接,联系continue vt.继续control vt.控制,克制n.控制courage n.勇气,胆量course n. 课程 culture n. 文化 dairy n.牛奶场,乳制品dangerous a.危险的 deaf a.聋的 degree n.程度,度,学位 diet n.饮食,食物


最新英语中考英语完形填空专题 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned


中考英语完形填空专题练习 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned


人教版历年全国各地中考英语试题精选:完形填空 1.【2010广西.桂林】四、完形填空 请阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。 Smiling is the best way of making friends. When I was thirteen 46 old, my father found a job in the city. So my family moved there. I also came to a 47 school near where we live. My old school was far away. At first, I did not know anyone in my class. I was very lonely 48 I was afraid to make friends with my classmates. I 49 talk to anyone about my problem, and I didn’t want my parents to 50 me. Then one day, something good happened. I was sitting at my desk 51 as usual while my classmates were talking happily with each other. At that moment, 52 came into the classroom. I didn’t know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He looked 53 me and, without a word, smiled. Suddenly, I felt happy, lively and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other classmates and made friends. Day by day, I became 54 to everyone in my class. 55 the smile, I have moved on to a new life. Now, I believe that the world is what you think it is. So smile at the world and it will smile back. 46. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years 47. A. old B. new C. same D. easy 48. A. Because B. before C. after D. if 49. A. could n’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t 50. A. talk to B. look after C. worry about D. ask for 51. A. early B. unhappily C. quickly D. wonderfully 52. A. a girl B. a boy C. some girls D. some boys 53. A. of B. on C. at D. into 54. A. closer B. older C. cooler D. colder 55. A. Instead of B. Look forward to C. Pay attention to D. Thanks to 【主旨大意】本文主要讲述了一个小男孩一个无意的微笑对我所产生的重大的意义。 46. D 解析:据常理通常用年龄表示人的生命的长度。 47. B 解析:由全家搬到父亲工作的城市推断,我进了新的学校。 48. A 解析:我不敢与同学交朋友与我非常孤独有因果关系,用because引导原因状语从句。 49. A 解析:and连接意义并列的结构,由不想父亲担心我推断,我没有跟任何人说起。 50. C 解析:由我没有跟任何人说起推断,我不想父亲担心我。 51. B 解析:我平常孤独,由跟平时一样推断,我不高兴地坐在自己的座位上。 52. B 解析:下文用he指代,由此推断,一个男孩走进教室。 53. C 解析:表示盯着某人看的过程,用look at“看”,其他选项不符文意。 54. A 解析:由我开始同学交谈与交朋友推断,我与其他人关系亲密了。 55. D 解析:我是因为那个男孩的微笑而改变生活状态的,故“谢谢那一笑”。 2.【2010山东。泰安】第二节完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Stuart and Steve were twin brothers. Stuart loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books. One day Stuart was playing basketball 41 h e fell and broke his leg. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldn’t be able to play for six months. Steve went 42 him and brought him books on basketball. At first Stuart wasn’t going to read them. Then he began to read them and 43 that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books weren’t that 44 . When Stuart’s leg started getting better, Steve would help him by going for walks with him. 45 Stuart’s doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Stuart showed Steve how to toss (投) for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it. Then Stuart was ready to 46 the basketball games. Steve went to games and enjoyed himself. They then 47 practiced basketball and read books together. So you can see, when 48 happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Stuart about books and Stuart showed Steve about basketball. So you can also 49 showing others something that you like to do and they can show you something that they like to do. 50 you can find new things to do. 41. A. until B. when C. after D. where 42. A. on seeing B. to call C. to visit D. to look 43. A. saw B. looked C. read D. found 44. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse 45. A. But B. However C. Finally D. So 46. A. take part B. win C. lose D. join in 47. A. always B. never C. seldom D. much 48. A. anything good B. something nice C. something bad D. anything wrong 49. A. try B. practice C. enjoy D. like 50. A. On the way B. By the way C. All the way D. In this way 【主旨大意】本篇短文通过讲述一对双胞胎兄弟互相学习的故事,向人们说明了“祸兮,福之所倚”的道理。 41. B 根据题意知,在打篮球的时候摔了腿,其他选项不符合逻辑,故选B。 42. C 去做某事应是go to do sth, 看望某人用visit。 43. D根据短文内容是通过读书发现了或找到了更好的打篮球的方法。 44. B结合上句可知他认为书不是那么的不好。 45. C从两句的意思看出两句不是转折关系或因果关系,故选C。 46. B 用排除法做此题。参加“take part in” 或“join”,两词不能交叉使用,故排除A 和D。结合下句可知应是赢得了比赛,而不是输掉了比赛。 47. A 结合上下句应是总是在一起练习打球,读书。 48. C 根据内容“当坏事发生时,好事也可能在发生”,选C。 49. A根据句义“你应尽力向别人展示你喜欢的东西,别人也会展示给你他们喜欢的东西”。


一 Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had ______(1) met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading. After several months had ______(2), I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear ______(3) the dirty window. I would say to ______(4), “I wonder why that woman doesn’t wash her window. It really looks ______(5).” One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, ______(6) washing the window on the inside. Later in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a ______(7)! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window, ______(8) all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window. That was ______(9) an important lesson for me. How often had I ______(10) and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, whenever I wanted to judge someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the world about me more clearly. 1. A. ever B. before C. never D. once 2. A. gone B. gone by C. gone off D. gone away 3. A. in B. across C. through D. on 4. A. me B. myself C. I D. my 5. A. terrible B. ugly C. good D. surprising 6. A. containing B. includes C. contains D. including 7. A. shock B. excitement C. surprise D. joy 8. A. however B. but C. though D. because 9. A. so B. very C. quite D. too 10. A. looked B. looked at C. looked for D. looked into 二 Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a pond. The king then told his people that one person ______(1) each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be ______(2) of milk. After ______(3) the order, everyone went home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bringing milk, he would just ______(4) a
