
为此, 就必须先得创造一个能象征电影成就的奖座. 当 时, MGM(米高梅电影公司)的艺术总监塞德里克•吉邦 斯(Cedric Gibbons)负责设计了这个现在在全世界都知 名的小雕像---一个手持宝剑站立在电影卷轴上的骑士!
而来自洛杉矶的雕塑家乔治•斯坦利(George Stanley)有 幸的成为了这个小雕像的制作者. 这个高13.5英寸(早 斯为10.25英寸), 重11磅(早期为6.75磅)的小雕像起 初是由青铜做成的. 二战期间,由于资源匮乏, 改为用石 膏制成. 而今天我们看到的小金人是由锡、铵合金磨光 后,敷10K金箔,经过精磨,外面再敷24K金箔,最外 层涂上发光漆而制成的.
Oral English Course
Lesson 6
Oscar 奥斯卡奖的来历
说起奥斯卡奖, 就不能不先提到美国电影艺术与科学 学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences). 该 机构成立于1927年, 致力于推动电影制造业向更高水 平、更高质量、更高技术方面发展, 而为了表彰在这 些领域做出杰出贡献的优秀人才, 将向他(她)们授予 代表着电影业至高荣誉的Academy Awards(学院奖). 该学会的第一次颁奖会于1929年5月16日在好莱坞罗 斯福(Roosevelt)酒店举行.
my watch with you. A: It’s 2 o’clock./ It’s 10 sharp. My watch says it’s five. It’s a few minutes before 6 o’clock. I can’t tell you the correct time. My watch is fast/
Weighing 8.5 pounds and standing 13.5 inches tall, the statuette was designed by MGM's chief art director Cedric Gibbons. Frederic Hope, Gibbons' assistant, created the original Belgian black marble base; artist George Stanley sculpted the design; and the California Bronze Foundry hand cast the first statuette in bronze plated with 24-karat gold.
而来自洛杉矶的雕塑家乔治•斯坦利(George Stanley)有 幸的成为了这个小雕像的制作者. 这个高13.5英寸(早 斯为10.25英寸), 重11磅(早期为6.75磅)的小雕像起 初是由青铜做成的. 二战期间,由于资源匮乏, 改为用石 膏制成. 而今天我们看到的小金人是由锡、铵合金磨光 后,敷10K金箔,经过精磨,外面再敷24K金箔,最外 层涂上发光漆而制成的.
Oral English Course
Lesson 6
Oscar 奥斯卡奖的来历
说起奥斯卡奖, 就不能不先提到美国电影艺术与科学 学会(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences). 该 机构成立于1927年, 致力于推动电影制造业向更高水 平、更高质量、更高技术方面发展, 而为了表彰在这 些领域做出杰出贡献的优秀人才, 将向他(她)们授予 代表着电影业至高荣誉的Academy Awards(学院奖). 该学会的第一次颁奖会于1929年5月16日在好莱坞罗 斯福(Roosevelt)酒店举行.
my watch with you. A: It’s 2 o’clock./ It’s 10 sharp. My watch says it’s five. It’s a few minutes before 6 o’clock. I can’t tell you the correct time. My watch is fast/
Weighing 8.5 pounds and standing 13.5 inches tall, the statuette was designed by MGM's chief art director Cedric Gibbons. Frederic Hope, Gibbons' assistant, created the original Belgian black marble base; artist George Stanley sculpted the design; and the California Bronze Foundry hand cast the first statuette in bronze plated with 24-karat gold.

《not the same as the sky》
Shortlisted for the 77th annual Academy Awards in 2004, leonardo is the second Oscar best actor nomination. Although named after "pirates", but is actually a narrative first in the history of American billionaire, business empire, covering industry, Las Vegas hotel industry and Hollywood film Howard hughes.
In a fight for survival, his "Revenant" character Hugh Glass treks through snow-covered forests,gets swept away in a waterfall, sleeps inside the carcass of a disemboweled horse and hungrily eats raw bison liver before making it back to his camp.
In 1990, he got his break on television when he was cast in the short-lived seriess based on the movie Parenthood
His involvement in Parenthood and the daily soap earned him a nomination for the Young Artist Award for Best Young Actor each.
Shortlisted for the 77th annual Academy Awards in 2004, leonardo is the second Oscar best actor nomination. Although named after "pirates", but is actually a narrative first in the history of American billionaire, business empire, covering industry, Las Vegas hotel industry and Hollywood film Howard hughes.
In a fight for survival, his "Revenant" character Hugh Glass treks through snow-covered forests,gets swept away in a waterfall, sleeps inside the carcass of a disemboweled horse and hungrily eats raw bison liver before making it back to his camp.
In 1990, he got his break on television when he was cast in the short-lived seriess based on the movie Parenthood
His involvement in Parenthood and the daily soap earned him a nomination for the Young Artist Award for Best Young Actor each.
介绍奥斯卡奖的英文pptthe Oscar

Unit 8
About the Oscars
Name:Academy Award Bestowed by:AMPAS(the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) Object:directors,actors,writers It’s the highest critical honor for cinematic professionals-in addition to one of the biggest public events on the Hollywood calendar.
A crusader’ sword
Five spokes
reel of film
Story of the nickname “Oscar” A popular story has been that in 1931,Margaret Herrick, a new female librarian of the Cinema institute and eventual executive director, saw the gold statues. She surprised that the gold statues looked like her Uncle Oscar very much. At that time a newsman passed by who reported that coincidence. The institute prize henceforth then has the alternate name of Oscar which until now.
84th Academy Awards - 2012
About the Oscars
Name:Academy Award Bestowed by:AMPAS(the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) Object:directors,actors,writers It’s the highest critical honor for cinematic professionals-in addition to one of the biggest public events on the Hollywood calendar.
A crusader’ sword
Five spokes
reel of film
Story of the nickname “Oscar” A popular story has been that in 1931,Margaret Herrick, a new female librarian of the Cinema institute and eventual executive director, saw the gold statues. She surprised that the gold statues looked like her Uncle Oscar very much. At that time a newsman passed by who reported that coincidence. The institute prize henceforth then has the alternate name of Oscar which until now.
84th Academy Awards - 2012

Best film
战马(War Horse) 艺术家( 艺术家(The Artist) ) 点球成金(Money ball) 后人(The Descendants) 生命之树(Tree of Life) 午夜巴黎(Midnight in Paris) 帮助(The Help ) 雨果的秘密(Hugo) 特别响,非常近(Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
2012 Some Oscar winners
movie queen-Meryl Streep
She was born in 1949 and debut in 1971. 1983 an Oscar for best actress, "Sophie's Choice" (1982) 1980 the Oscar for best supporting actress, "Kramer couple" (1979)
The awards ceremony process
5:30(太平洋时间): opening remarks (北京时间9:30) 5:40: 最佳摄影(Cinematography) 5:43: 最佳艺术指导(Art Direction) 5:52: 最佳服装设计(Costume Design) 5:54: 最佳化装(Makeup) 6:03: 最佳外语片(Foreign Language Film) 6:07: 最佳女配角( Actress in a Supporting Role) 6:20: 最佳剪辑(Film Editing) 6:23: 最佳音效剪辑(Sound Editing) 6:26: 最佳音响效果(Sound Mixing) 6:33: 太阳马戏团表演 6:37: 最佳纪录长片(Documentary( Feature)) 6:41: 最佳动画长片(Animated Feature Film) 6:49: 最佳视觉效果(Visual Effects) 6:53: 最佳男配角(Actor in a Supporting Role) 7:04: 最佳配乐(Music (Original Score)) 7:08: 最佳歌曲(Music (Original Song)) 7:17: 最佳改编剧本(Writing (Adapted Screenplay)) 7:20: 最佳原创剧本(Writing (Original Screenplay)) 7:31: 最佳真人短片(Short Film (Live Action)) 7:34: 最佳纪录短片(Documentary (Short Subject)) 7:37: 最佳动画短片(Short Film (Animated)) 7:44: 最佳导演(Directing) 7:58: 纪念逝去影人 8:07: 最佳男主角(Actor in a Leading Role) 8:15: 最佳女主角(Actress in a Leading Role) 8:27: 最佳影片(Best Picture)(北京时间12:27)

Over the years, the Oscars gained
August 1928.
international recognition and
became a symbol of cinematic
Evolution of Categories
Categories such as Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Picture were introduced, reflecting the diverse aspects of filmmaking.
Future Directions and Challenges
The Academy Awards constantly evolve to adapt to the changing landscape of the film industry and address issues of diversity and inclusivity.
2 Groundbreaking Achievements
Sidney Poitier became the first Black actor to win an Oscar for Best Actor in 1964.
3 Speeches that Resonate
Memorable acceptance speeches, like Halle Berry's emotional tribute, leave lasting impressions.
《Oscar英文介绍》PPT课 件
Oscar 英文介绍:了解奥斯卡的背景与意义。从奥斯卡的由来、奖杯背后的象 征意义入手,带您走进这一全球电影盛事。

Leonardo DiCaprio was born in in Hollywood California (November 11, 1974),is an American actor and film producer.
DiCaprio's career began with his appearance in several commercials and educational films. After being removed from the set of children's television series Romper Room for being disruptive at the age of five .
Leonardo DiCaprio
wins Oscar
Leonardo DiCaprio accepts the Oscar for Best Actor for the movie
Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar on February 28, taking home the best actor statuette for his role in revenge movie "The Revenant."
DiCaprio, a bachelor with a string of supermodel girlfriends has matured into one of the world's most admired and popular actors, as well as a champi on of environmental causes ranging from marine reseerves to the rights of indigenous people.

Are The Oscars relatively cheap or expensive to make?
• expensive stars appear on TV for free
• cheaper to produce than movie or mini-series.
No Image
Oscar Money-Maker #3: The Movie Industry
The Oscars as a Media Event
No Image
33% of all Canadians watch all or part of the Oscars (48% adult women, 40% adult men, 12% children)
The Oscars as a Commodity
No Image
Oscar Money-Maker #5: The Movie Studios
When are most Oscar potentials released? Why?
• December, to catch the holiday rush, and to ensure that movies are still in theatres.
Which winning movies don’t make much off the Oscars?
• Movies no longer in the theatre • Winners other than Best Picture
No Image
The Oscars as a Contest
AMPAS members nominate 5 and pick 1 winner
• expensive stars appear on TV for free
• cheaper to produce than movie or mini-series.
No Image
Oscar Money-Maker #3: The Movie Industry
The Oscars as a Media Event
No Image
33% of all Canadians watch all or part of the Oscars (48% adult women, 40% adult men, 12% children)
The Oscars as a Commodity
No Image
Oscar Money-Maker #5: The Movie Studios
When are most Oscar potentials released? Why?
• December, to catch the holiday rush, and to ensure that movies are still in theatres.
Which winning movies don’t make much off the Oscars?
• Movies no longer in the theatre • Winners other than Best Picture
No Image
The Oscars as a Contest
AMPAS members nominate 5 and pick 1 winner

20世纪末,在遭到毁誉近一 个世纪以后,英国终于给了王 尔德树立雕像 的荣誉。1998 年11月30日,由麦姬·汉姆林 雕塑的王尔德雕像揭幕。雕像 标题为“与奥斯卡·王尔德的 对话”,同 时刻有王尔德常 被引用的语录:“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
也无法体验到我如此奇妙的感受——/ 当我那被冲击的眼初次深深凝 视着你,/ 整晚我跪在你的足前,/ 直到你倦乏于这盲目崇拜。
啊!如果你喜欢我较少而爱我较深,/ 在经过那些欢笑和雨水的夏日 后,/ 此刻我早已不是忧伤的继承者,/ 也不会是侍立在痛苦之屋中的 仆人。
然而,即便懊悔,青春那苍白的管家,/ 带着他所有的扈从紧随在我 脚后,/ 我却深幸我曾爱你——想想那/ 让一株婆婆纳变蓝的所有阳光
《道林·格雷的画像》 1891
“这本书是法国颓废派文学这个 麻疯怪物的产物,是一本有毒的 书,充满了道德与精神沦丧的臭 气。”——《每日纪事报》
作品中美丽的词藻和绚烂的意象Leabharlann 附于变态人物和荒诞的情节,因
“这是最非比寻常的故事--不久前…人们还无法真实面对他同性 恋的一面。太残酷了。”
Oscar奥斯卡英文介绍 ppt课件

any performing awards.
• Ang Lee gave up , for the 2nd time, the awards that involved FAMALE.
for various brancheБайду номын сангаас and crafts; • represent the viewpoint of actual creators
of the motion picture; • And……..
4 >>
Oscar Statuette
Weight 8.5pounds Height 13.5 inches
leading role, 9
• the 3rd time for Daniel Day-Lewis( Lincoln ) to
win an Oscar
4 >>
4 >>
• Argo is the only BEST PICTURE without
a slight charge of $5 to their hosts.
Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood
• Ang Lee gave up , for the 2nd time, the awards that involved FAMALE.
for various brancheБайду номын сангаас and crafts; • represent the viewpoint of actual creators
of the motion picture; • And……..
4 >>
Oscar Statuette
Weight 8.5pounds Height 13.5 inches
leading role, 9
• the 3rd time for Daniel Day-Lewis( Lincoln ) to
win an Oscar
4 >>
4 >>
• Argo is the only BEST PICTURE without
a slight charge of $5 to their hosts.
Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood

The Oscars as RITUAL
Seating plan is carefully controlled - stars seated in a "golden horseshoe” professional sitters hired to fill seats
The Oscars as RITUAL
Who wins the contest?
What types of actors /
characters tend to win?
• older stars over younger stars • movies with long-famous
stars • biographies PLAYERS
• First big payday: $75,000 for "Risky Business" (1983) Current Asking Price: $25 million (plus points) Worth the money? Yes! Cruise's 26 films have grossed $2.5 billion worldwide. He knows his star vehicles will hit the essential $100 million mark in America alone, and his contracts now always include points: He
Oscar Money-Maker #4: The Winners!
Along with prestige comes truly international stardom and economic benefits

Time:1928—today,it be held once a year The host: Hollywood in Losangeles.The Dolby theatre
has hosted Oscar awards in the past 10 years
Praise:The Oscar award and the three European
最佳剪辑奖(Best Film Editing)....................Hal C. Kern & James E. Newcom
1998 seventieth session of Oscar best film 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best director James Cameron 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best cinematography of Russell Carpenter 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best art direction 1998me design 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best editing 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best sound 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best (visual effects and other) 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best film song Celion Dion "my heart will go on" 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best The end sound editing 1998 seventieth session of Oscar Best Original Music Award The 1998 session of the fifty-fifth Golden Globe Award for best film (Drama) The 1998 session of the fifty-fifth Golden Globe Award for best director James Cameron 1998 session of the fifty-fifth Golden Globe Award for best film music 1998 the eleventh European Film Award for best actress Kate Winsleet 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best supporting actress Gloria Stewart 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best actress Kate Winslet 1998 seventieth session of Oscar best makeup 1998 session of the fifty-fifth Golden Globe Award for best actor (Drama) Leonardo Dicaprio
Oscar Wilde28页PPT

Witty words
▪ I can resist everything except temptation. ▪ 摆脱诱惑的唯一办法就是向它屈服。 ▪ 女人是用来爱的,不是用来被理解的。 ▪ 人真正的完美不在他拥有什么,而在于他是什么。 ▪ 生活中有两个悲剧,一个是得不到想要的,另一个
▪ poet
sphinx (1894)
▪ a writer of comedy, staged from 1892 – 1895
Lady Windermere’s Fan
▪ A Woman of No Importance
▪ An Ideal Husband
The Importance of Being Earnest
The Soul of Man Under Socialism (1891)
▪ novelist
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891) , the only one
The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) (fairy tales)
▪ a green carnation or sunflower or … in his buttonhole ▪ velvet knee breeches
唯美主义运动 (Aesthetic Movement)
▪ 唯美主义运动是于19世纪后期出现在英国艺术和文 学领域中的一场组织松散的运动。通常,人们认为 唯美主义和彼时发生在法国的象征主义或颓废主义 运动同属一脉,是这场国际性文艺运动在英国的分 支。这场运动是反维多利亚风格风潮的一部分,具 有后浪漫主义的特征。它发生于维多利亚时代晚期, 大致从1868年延续至1901年,通常学术界认为唯美 主义运动的结束以奥斯卡·王尔德被捕为标志。

Who wins the contest?
What types of actors / characters tend to win?
? older stars over younger stars ? movies with long-famous stars ? biographies of remarkable
youth, adventure, science fictions, action films ? serious dramas rather than “light” films
How are the Oscars similar to a RITUAL?
? Are The Oscars relatively cheap or expensive to make?
? expensive stars appear on TV for free ? cheaper to produce than movie or mini-series.
Oscar Money-Maker #3: The Movie Industry
So what's the big deal?
Who's makin' the big bucks?
Oscar Money-Maker #1: THE ACADEMY (AMPA)
? earns $2 million per year on Oscars
? AMPA is a non-profit organization - so they spend the profit on film-
? An Oscar is just a tin and copper, gold-plated statuette of a naked man holding a sword and standing on a reel of film
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第六十七届奥斯卡最佳(1995) 片名:Forrest Gump 中文:阿甘正传 出品:美国派拉蒙影片公司 年份:1994 导演 罗伯特· 泽梅基斯 编剧 埃里克· 鲁里 男主角 汤姆· 汉克斯 主演 加里· 西尼斯
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually. It is also the oldest award ceremony in the media.
Best Picture
最佳男/女主角奖 Best Actor/ Actress in a Leading Role 最佳男/女配角奖 Best Actor/ Actress in a Supporting Role 终身成就奖 Academy Honorary Award
奥斯卡小金人 Oscar Statuette • 种类,类别 Categories
著名演员蓓蒂· 台维丝申述,是她最早命名
叫了声丈夫海蒙· 奥斯卡· 奈尔逊的名字“奥斯 卡”,被现场采访的记者听到,于是一下子传
The Oscar statuettes
第六十三届奥斯卡最佳影片(1991) 片名:Dances With Wolves 中文:与狼共舞 出品:美国Tig公司、美国Orion公司 联合出品 年份:1990 导演 凯文· 科斯特纳 编剧 迈克尔· 布莱尔 主演 凯文· 科斯特纳 玛丽· 麦唐纳尔
• • • •
最佳女配角奖(Best Actress in a Supporting Role)
最佳原创剧本奖(Original Screenplay)
>> 0
最佳改编剧本奖(Adapted Screenplay)
最佳艺术指导奖(Best Art Direction)
>> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
That year, Audrey Hepburn,as a new star, with her first film "Roman Holiday" and she was awarded the winner of the Oscar best actress in 1954. 当年作为好莱坞新人的奥 黛丽-赫本,凭借自己主演的 第一部电影《罗马假日》 (Roman Holiday)一举摘得 1954年奥斯卡的最佳女主角 奖项。
1931年电影艺术与科学学院图书馆的女管理员兼 执行董事玛格丽特· 赫里奇在仔细端详了金像奖之后, 惊呼道:“啊!他看上去真像我的叔叔奥斯卡!”
After hearing these words,the reporters in the next door wrote: "The staffs of Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences affectionately call their gold statue" Oscar ". From then on, the alias['eiliæ s] become well-known by word of mouth.
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
In 1958, through the Three Faces of Eve, Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward won the Oscar for best actress award that year.This is the moment when Paul Newman looked at his wife with infinite love at the award ceremony that night.
奥斯卡正式的颁奖仪式是世界上 最突出的颁奖典礼之一,每年电视在 200多个国家现场直播。它也是媒 体中最古老的颁奖仪式。
Name origin(名字由来)
Why it is called "Oscar" ?
Do you like watching movies?
Do you know Oscar?
• Oscar :['ɔskə] n. 奥斯卡(男子 名), 奥斯卡金像 奖 • Academy Awards 电影艺 术科学院年奖, 奥斯卡金像奖
• • • •
• • • • • •
最佳服装设计奖(Costume Design)
>> 1 >>
• • • • • • • •
科技成果奖(Scientific or Technical Awards) 最佳动画长片奖(Best Animated Feature) 最佳动画短片奖(Animated Short Film) 最佳实景短片奖(Live Action Short Film) 最佳纪录长片奖(Documentary Feature) 最佳纪录短片奖(Documentary Short Subject) 最佳外语片奖(Best Foreign Language Film) 终身成就奖(Academy Honorary Award)
最佳摄影奖(Best Cinematography) 最佳视觉效果奖(Visual Effects) 最佳剪辑奖(Film Editing) 最佳原创音乐奖(Original Score) 最佳歌曲奖(Best Song) 最佳音效奖(Sound Mixing) 最佳音效剪辑奖(Sound Editing/ Sound Effects
第六十五届奥斯卡最佳影片 (1993) 片名:Unforgiven 中文:不可饶恕 出品:美国华纳兄弟公司 年份:1992 导演 克林特· 伊斯特伍德 编剧 戴维· 皮尔斯 主演 克林特· 伊斯特伍德
第六十六届奥斯卡最佳影片(1994) 片名:Schindler’s List 中文:辛德勒的名单 出品:美国环球影片公司 年份:1993 导演 斯蒂文· 斯皮尔伯格 主演 利亚姆· 尼森 本· 金斯基 拉尔夫· 费因斯
第六十四届奥斯卡最佳影片(1992) 片名:The Silence Of The Lambs 中文:沉默的羔羊 出品:美国Orion影片公司 年份:1991 导演 乔纳森· 德梅 编剧 特德· 塔里 男主角 安东尼· 霍普金斯 女主角 朱迪· 弗斯特
Major Awards Categories