

中考英语听说考试(人机对话)专项训练7(含听说试题ppt、 word版、参考答案、听力mp3)

中考英语听说考试(人机对话)专项训练7(含听说试题ppt、 word版、参考答案、听力mp3)
录音原文 答案提示
B.短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文设5小题,请根据短文的内容,在每小题所 给的三个选项中选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项。短文听两遍。本题共 5分。 听下面一篇短文,完成第1-5题的句子。
1. There are ________ large food halls at Best Market. A. two B. three C. four 2. In Hall 1, you can buy many different _________. A. vegetables B. cakes C. bags 3. In Hall 2, you can get a hot breakfast until ________. A. 10:20 B. 10:30 C. 10:40 4. Hall 3 is the __________ hall. A. biggest B. smallest C. nicest 5. The new playroom is _________ the Hall 3. A. in the front of B. in the middle of C. at the end of
A.对话理解 本部分共有四段对话,每段对话后有两个问题。请根据 对话内容,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每 段对话听两遍。(本题共8分)。
1. Where does the man want to go? A. The nearest post office. B. The nearest supermarket. C. The nearest police station. 2. How can the man get there? A. Walk along this road and take the second turning on the right. B. Walk along this road and take the third turning on the left. C. Walk along this road and take the second turning on the left.












记得有一次,录音机里头传来一句:“The cat is playing with the ball.” 我愣是听成了“The cat is playing with the tall.” 结果一做题,错了,心里头那个懊恼啊,恨不得抽自己两巴掌。











1. Where is the woman going tonight?A B C2. What time did the boy finish his homework?A B C3. Where does the dialogue happen?A B C4. What does the man prefer?A B C5. What does Millie want to be in the future?A. A teacherB. A doctorC. A writer6. what did the woman mean?A. She enjoyed nothing.B. She enjoyed the weather there.C. She di dn’t like the weather there.7. How was the girl told to go to school?A. On foot.B. By bike.C. In her father’s car.8. What is Tony going to do tonight?A. Work on the Math problems.B. Enjoy an evening party.C. Visit his grandparents.9. When can the man have a talk with the manager(经理)?A. On Tuesday afternoonB. On Thursday afternoonC. On Wednesday afternoon10. How long will the woman stay at the hotel?A. For four days.B. For three daysC. For two days第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(每小题1分,共计10分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。











听下面五个句子, 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。

(每个句子读两遍)( )1. A. B. C.( )2. A. B. C.( )3. A. B. C.( )4. A. B. C.( )5. A. B. C.第二节听对话。

听下面六段对话, 从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。

(每段对话读两遍)听第1 段对话, 回答第6 小题。

( )6. Where are they talking?A. In a shop.B. In a restaurant.C. In a supermarket.听第2 段对话, 回答第7 小题。

( )7. Why is Jim so excited?A. His class won a basketball match.B. His team won a football match.C. His class won a football match.听第3 段对话, 回答第8 小题。

( )8. How many times has the man been to China?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times. 听第4 段对话, 回答第9、10 小题。

( )9. Which clothes does Mike like best?A. Jeans.B. Coats.C. Jackets.( )10. Why does Jane like dresses best?A. Because they are comfortable.B. Because they are cheap.C. Because they look nice on her.听第5 段对话, 回答第11、12 小题。

( )11. When will they go for a picnic?A. This Saturday.B. Next Saturday.C. This Sunday. ( )12. What do the woman ask the man to wear?A. Sports shoes.B. Sports clothes.C. Sports pants. 听第6 段对话, 回答第13、14 小题。






()1. When did Li Na’s final tennis match start last night?A. At 8:00 p.m.B. At 9:00 p.m.C. At 10:00 p.m.()2. What was Amy doing yesterday evening?A. Taking a shower.B. Taking a walk.C. Watching 'TV.()3. Where is Jennifer going this summer vacation?A. The beach.B. The mountains.C. New York.()4. Why is Daphne so happy?A. Her husband bought her some flowers.B. She had a new iPhone 4.C. Her daughter came back from Australia.()5. How can the girl make a lot of friends?A. By joining a club.B. By talking on QQ.C. By talking on phone.第二节听长对话,回答问题。




()6. Why does Tom look unhappy?A. He lost his English book.B. He has a bad headache.C. He is worried about his English.()7. What will Jessie do to help Tom?A. Buy a new book for him.B. Take him to hospital.C. Help him with his English.听下面一段较长对话,回答第8至10三小题。



Part I Short Conversations (每题2分,共10分)1. A. I'm going to the library. B. I'm going to the cinema. C. I'm going to the park.2. A. He is a teacher. B. He is a doctor. C. He is a student.3. A. She is happy. B. She is sad. C. She is tired.4. A. She likes apples. B. She likes oranges. C. She likes bananas.5. A. He is tall. B. He is short. C. He is fat.Part II Long Conversations (每题2分,共10分)6. W: Hi, John! How was your weekend?M: Hi, Lily! It was great! I went hiking with my family.W: That sounds fun! Where did you go?M: We went to the mountains near our town.W: Did you enjoy it?M: Yes, it was very beautiful and the air was fresh.7. W: Hi, Mark! I heard you're moving to a new city soon.M: Yes, that's right. I'm moving to Beijing.W: Why are you moving there?M: My father got a new job in Beijing, so we need to move closer to him.W: That's a good reason. Are you excited?M: Yes, I am. I've always wanted to live in Beijing.8. W: Hey, Tom! I heard you're going to camp this summer.M: Yeah, I am. I'm really excited!W: Where are you going to camp?M: We're going to a camp near the lake in the mountains.W: That sounds amazing! Are you bringing anything?M: Yes, I'm bringing my sleeping bag and some clothes.9. W: Hi, Jack! I saw you playing basketball yesterday.M: Yeah, I was playing with my friends.W: How was the game?M: It was great! We won the game.W: Congratulations! Do you play basketball often?M: Yes, I play almost every weekend.10. W: Hi, Sarah! I heard you're going on a trip with your family this summer.M: Yes, we are. We're going to Greece.W: That sounds wonderful! Are you looking forward to it?M: Absolutely! I've always wanted to visit Greece.Part III Recordings (每题2分,共10分)11. What is the man's name?A. Tom.B. Jack.C. Mark.12. Why does the woman call the man?A. To invite him to a party.B. To ask him to help with a project.C. To tell him about her vacation.13. What is the woman's profession?A. Teacher.B. Doctor.C. Nurse.14. How does the man feel about the weather?A. He likes it.B. He dislikes it.C. He is indifferent.15. What is the main topic of the conversation?A. Shopping.B. Travel.C. Education.Part IV Reading Comprehension (每题2分,共10分)16. What does the underlined word "enjoyable" mean?A. Exciting.B. Boring.C. Unusual.17. Why does the author mention "sunset" in the second paragraph?A. To describe the scenery.B. To express his feelings.C. To compare with sunrise.18. What does the author suggest at the end of the passage?A. To visit the beach at sunset.B. To take a walk on the beach.C. To enjoy the sunset with friends.Part V Writing (10分)Write a short passage about your favorite hobby. You should include the following points:1. Introduce your hobby.2. Explain why you like it.3. Describe how you do it.4. Share your experiences and feelings.答案:Part I1. B2. A3. A4. B5. APart II6. C7. B8. A9. C 10. APart III11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. BPart IV16. A 17. A 18. APart VSample passage:My favorite hobby is painting. I have always been fascinated by the beauty of colors and how they can transform a blank canvas into a piece of art. I started painting when I was a child, and it has become a significant part of my life.I enjoy painting because it allows me to express my emotions and creativity. Whenever I am feeling happy or sad, I can pour my feelings onto the canvas. Painting helps me relax and focus on the moment. I find joy in mixing colors and experimenting with different techniques.To paint, I use a variety of brushes and paints. I usually start by sketching a rough outline of my idea, and then I begin to fill in the details. I enjoy the process of creating a masterpiece from a blank canvas. Over the years, I have participated in several art exhibitions and received positive feedback from viewers.Painting has given me numerous experiences and memories. I have painted landscapes, portraits, and abstract art. Each painting has its own story, and I cherish them all. I believe that painting is a lifelong journey, and I am excited to see where it will take me in the future.。





1.A.He’ssmoking.B,He’sworking.C,He’swatchingTV.2.A,Snowy.B.Sunny.C,Rainy.3.A.Twodays. B.Everyday. C.Threedays.4.A.in1988B.in1992C.in19905.A、John.B、Tom.C、Jane.第二节:听长对话,回答以下问题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。


6、HowlongwilltheybeawayfromAmerica?A、Threedays.B、Fivedays.C、Tendays.7、WhyisBobsoglad?A、Hewillbefreeduringtheholiday.B、HewilltraveltoChinawithhisfather.C、HewillhaveanimportantmeetinginShanghai.8、Wherewilltheyreachfirst?A、Shanghai.B、Guangzhou.C、Beijing.9、HowmanytimeshasthewomanbeentoChina?A.Once.B.Twice.C.Threetimes.10.HowlongwilltheystayinBeijing?A.Tendays.B.Threedays.C.Twodays.第三节.听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选11.A.Three.B.FourC.Five12.A.Threeyearsago.B.Fouryearsago.C.Fiveyearsago.13.A.InJapan.B.InEngland.C.InAmerica.14.A.Tellingstories.B.Cooking.C.Fishing.15.A.Yes,heis.B.Yes,hehas.C.No,hehasn’t.2018年中考模拟试卷英语参考答案及评分标准听力材料一.1.W:Nosmokinghere,please!M:SorryQ:What’sthemandoing?2.W:Whatabrightdaytoday!M:Yeah,itis.Q:Howistheweathertoday?3.M:What’swrongwithyou,WeiHua?W:I’vebeenill,Doctor.M:Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis?W:Sincetwodaysago.M:Itdoesn’tmatter.Takethismedicineeverydayandstayinbedforthreedaysandyouwillbefinesoon. W:Thankyou.I’lldoitasyousaid.Q:HowlonghasWeiHuabeenill?4.W:Lookatthetwoboys.Aretheytwins?M:No.Mikewasbornin1990,andRickwasborntwoyearsearlier.Q:WhenwasRickborn?5.M:Icanwrite20wordsinoneminute,Jane.W:Isthatso?YouarefasterthanI,Tom.ButJohncanwrite30wordsinoneminute.Q:Whowritesthemostslowly?二.W:Hello,BoB、Youlooksohappy.Isthereanygoodnews?M:Yes,Mary.Myfathersayshe’lltakemetoChinanextweek.It’smyfirsttime. Haveyoueverbeenthere?W:Yes,I’vebeentherethreetimes.Howlongwillyoustaythere?M:We’llhaveonlyaten-dayholiday.Fathersayswecantravelonlythreecities. Atfirstwe’llgotoBeijingtoseefewplacesofinterestfor3days.Andthenwe’llgotoShanghai.W:Whywon’tyoustayanylongerinBeijing?It’squiteabeautifulcitywithalonghistory. M:Weknow.Butfathermusttakepartinanimportantmeetingfor2daysinShanghai.Intheendwe ’llflytoGuangzhou.Weheartheweatheriswarmandflowersareeverywherethere.W:Iwishyouwouldhaveagoodjourney.三.Hi!I’mMary.I’mfromEngland.Therearefourpeopleinmyfamily,dad,mommybrotherKevinandme.Weusuallyv isitgrandmaontheweekend.Sheisreallygoodatcooking.Grandmalivesbyherselfbecausemy grandpadiedthreeyearsago.Weallmisshim.Whenwewereyoung,heoftentoldusfunnystories andtookustotheriver.Ihavetwouncles,UncleSimonandUncleSean.UncleSeanisnotmarried.Heisgoodatfishin g.UncleSimonmarriedaJapanesegirlnamedYoko.Theyhavetwobeautifuldaughters,Sallyan dShelby.TheyliveinAmerica.Wewillvisittheminthecomingsummervacation.【一】听力〔此题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共20分〕1.A2.B3.A4.A5.CA B C 6.C7.A8.B9.C10.B11.B12.A13.C14.B15.C**************************************************************************************************************Ⅰ、听力(共20小题每题1分计20分)第一部分听句子选择图片或对话回答以下问题:在以下每题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A 、B 、C 三幅图画。



中考英语听力训练材料(含答案解析)第一部分听力理解Part 11. What is Peter's favorite food?A. French fries.B. Fried chicken.C. Fish and chips.D. Hamburger.2. What is the woman doing?A. Buying a newspaper.B. Drinking coffee.C. Waiting for a friend.D. Reading a book.Part 23. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Boss and employee.D. Mother and son.4. What is the woman's problem?A. She lost her phone.B. She doesn't understand the directions.C. She doesn't have enough money.D. She doesn't have a phone.Part 35. What does the man suggest they do?A. Go to the beach.B. Go shopping.C. Go to the movies.D. Go to the park.6. What does the woman think of the suggestion?A. She doesn't like it.B. She thinks it's a good idea.C. She has another idea.D. She's not sure.第二部分听力技能Part 17. How long has the man been studying Chinese?A. One year.B. Two years.C. Three years.D. Four years.8. What did the woman do last weekend?A. She watched a movie.B. She went shopping.C. She went to a concert.D. She visited a museum.Part 29. What does the man suggest the woman do first?A. Take a shower.B. Brush her teeth.C. Change her clothes.D. Have breakfast.10. What does the woman want to do after breakfast?A. Go shopping.B. Go for a walk.C. Listen to music.D. Watch TV.答案解析1. C:由于该题信息是在具体品种的介绍后出现,需要同学们对听取的文本有足够的理解和记忆才能听出来。






1、Who is supposed to give students a class now?A、Mr. ZhangB、Mr.WangC、Mr.Yang2、Which bus would the woman take?A、No.40B、No.9C、No.143、What would the man drink?A、MilkB、CoffeeC、Lemonlade4、Who'll probably go to see a film with Linda?A、SamB、JimC、Jim'sister5、Why does Peter have to ask Sarah for her opinion?A、Because Sarah knows more than TinaB、Because Tina doesn't like PeterC、Because Tina can't make her decision第二节听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题。




6、What's the name of the girl?A、TomB、Dentist'sC、We don't know7、Which of the following states is true?A、The girl has got a serious toothacheB、The boy is going to treat his illnessC、The boy felt much better than he did last night听下面一段对话,回答第8—10三个小题。





(共5分,每小题1分)1. A. Yes, I think so. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you, too!2. A. Good idea. B. Yes, please. C. Never mind.3. A. Sorry, I can’t. B. Thank you for your help. C. Yes, I’d love to.4. A. The same to you. B. Have a good time. C. You’re so kind.5. A. You’re e. B. That’s right. C. I’m afraid not.Ⅱ.对话理解根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。


(共10分,每小题1分)6. A. To ask for help. B. To say “hello". C. To visit her friend.7. A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In the street.8. A. He is a child. B. He thinks the novel is boring.C. He likes the novel very much.9. A. Before he came to the UK. B. Before he came to China.C. After he came to China.10. A. He is easy-going. B. He is humorous. C. He is helpful.听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。

11. A. $1,000,000 B. $100,000 C. ¥1,000,00012. A. Buy a car. B. Go travelling. C. Raise money for charity.听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。



一、听力理解(共25小题,每小题2分,满分50分)Part A1. A. He is in the classroom. B. He is in the library. C. He is in the school canteen.2. A. She is a teacher. B. She is a student. C. She is a doctor.3. A. It's sunny. B. It's cloudy. C. It's rainy.4. A. He is 12 years old. B. He is 14 years old. C. He is 16 years old.5. A. She likes reading. B. She likes watching TV. C. She likes playing football.6. A. He is a basketball player. B. He is a soccer player. C. He is a swimmer.7. A. She is a singer. B. She is a dancer. C. She is a pianist.8. A. He is good at playing chess. B. He is good at playing cards. C. He is good at playing the guitar.9. A. They are in the classroom. B. They are in the library. C. They are in the school canteen.10. A. She is in the United States. B. She is in China. C. She is in Japan.Part B11. A. She is in her classroom. B. She is in her teacher's office. C. She is in her dormitory.12. A. She is reading a book. B. She is watching TV. C. She is listening to music.13. A. She has a cat. B. She has a dog. C. She has a rabbit.14. A. She is a teacher. B. She is a student. C. She is a doctor.15. A. She is in China. B. She is in the United States. C. She is in Japan.Part C16. A. He is going to the library. B. He is going to the school canteen.C. He is going to the classroom.17. A. He is reading a book. B. He is watching TV. C. He is listening to music.18. A. He is good at playing chess. B. He is good at playing cards. C. He is good at playing the guitar.19. A. They are in the classroom. B. They are in the library. C. They are in the school canteen.20. A. She is in the United States. B. She is in China. C. She is in Japan.Part D21. A. She is in her classroom. B. She is in her teacher's office. C. She is in her dormitory.22. A. She is reading a book. B. She is watching TV. C. She is listening to music.23. A. She is good at playing chess. B. She is good at playing cards. C. She is good at playing the guitar.24. A. They are in the classroom. B. They are in the library. C. They are in the school canteen.25. A. She is in the United States. B. She is in China. C. She is in Japan.二、综合填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)26. He is a good ________ and he always helps us with our ________.27. She ________ to school by bus every day.28. They are going to ________ a movie this weekend.29. The teacher said, "You should ________ more time on your studies."30. ________ you finish your homework, you can go out and play.三、阅读理解(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)31. The story is about a boy who ________.32. The girl ________ her mother because she was very sad.33. The teacher said, "We should ________ our friends and respect them."34. The cat ________ under the bed when I came home.35. The boy ________ his dog in the park every morning.四、写作(共1题,满分10分)36. Write a short passage about your favorite animal. You should include its appearance, habits and why you like it.(注:本试卷仅供参考,实际考试内容可能会有所不同。




(共20个小题,计20分)A. 情景反应。


(每小题念两遍)( )1. A. Fine, thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. I’m a worker.( )2. A. Thursday. B. June 10. C. My birthday.( )3. A. Thank you all the same. B. It’s nice of you. C. Thanks a lot.( )4. A. Hold on, please. B. That’s all right. C. What a pity.( )5. A. Yes, do please. B. My pleasure. C. That’s right.( )6. A. Yes, here you are. B. You’re welcome. C. No, thank you.( )7. A. How are you like? B. How do you do? C. What do you do?B. 对话理解。


(每小题念三遍)( )8. A. Electronic dictionaries. B. Mobile phones. C. MP4 players.( )9. A. David. B. Nobody. C. Rosa.( )10. A. Cats. B. Snakes. C. Mice.( )11. A. School life. B. Summer holiday. C. Shopping.( )12. A. Last night. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. This evening.( )13. A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Once a month.( )14. A. About 8:30. B. About 9:30. C. About 10:30.( )15. A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a cinema.C. 短文理解。






1. Who has been to China?A. Mike.B. Jim.C. Lucy.2. What day is it today?A. Friday.B. Thursday.C. Wednesday.3. How many people are going for a picnic?A. Four.B. Three.C. Five.4. Whose car is it?A. John’s.B. Jill’s.C. Joe’s.5. Where are they talking?A. In a bookshop.B. In a library.C. In a restaurant.第二节。




6. Where is the woman going?A. To her school.B. To her factory.C. ToXiangyang railway station.7. How much time is there left?A. 15 minutes.B. 20 minutes.C. 25 minutes.8. How will she go there?A. In her car.B. On the man’s bike.C. On her bike.听第二段材料,回答第9至11小题。

9. Who is going to buy a car?A. Sarah.B. Tony.C. Dale.10. How much does Tony want for his car?A. 500 dollars.B. 1000 dollars.C. 1500 dollars.11. What can we get from the conversation?A. Tony wanted to sell his car.B. Dale is going to buy a new car.C. Sarah wanted to buy a second-hand car, too.听第三段材料,回答第12至14小题。

















初中英语中考听力训练初中英语中考听力训练 1第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话。




1.why doesn’t the woman like to have red wine?a.because she doesn’t like its taste.b.because she prefers beer.c.because she is afraid of getting drunk.2.what is the man going to buy?a.food.b.drinks.c.flowers.3.what are the two speakers doing?a.looking for some suitcases.b.booking tickets for a journey.c.checking the woman’s baggage.4.why would the woman rather stay at the hotel?a.it costs less money.b.it saves much labor.c.it feels more fortable.5. what are the two speakers talking about?a.a painting.b.a country scene.c.a kind of drink.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。





6.what is the relationship between the two speakers?a.classmates.b.neighbors.c.strangers.7.what can’t the man wait to do?a.go shopping with his wife.b.look after his children.c.work in his garden.8.when does this conversation most probably take place?a.on wednesday.b.on friday.c.on saturday.听第7段,回答问题9至11。

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(共20 个小题,计 20 分)A. 情景反应。

(共7 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)本题共有 7 个小题,从下列各题A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答语并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(每小题念两遍)( )1. A. Fine, thanks. B. Nice to meet you. C. I ’ m a worker. ( )2. A. Thursday. B. June 10. C. My birthday.( )3. A. Thank you all the same. B. It ’ s nice of youC.. Thanks a lot. ( )4. A. Hold on, please. B. That ’ s all right. C. What a pity. ( )5. A. Yes, do please. B. My pleasure. C. That ’ s right. ( )6. A. Yes, here you are. B. You ’ re welcome. C. No, thank you. ( )7. A. How are you like B. How do you do C. What do you do?B. 对话理解。

(共 8 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 8 分)本题共有 8 个小题,请根据你所听到的对话及问题,从下列各题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(每小题念三遍 )( )8. A. Electronic dictionaries. B. Mobile phones. C. MP4 players. ( )9. A. David. B. Nobody. C. Rosa.( )10. A. Cats. B. Snakes. C. Mice.( )11. A. School life. B. Summer holiday. C. Shopping.( )12. A. Last night. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. This evening. ( )13. A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Once a month. ( )14. A. About 8:30. B. About 9:30. C. About 10:30. ( )15. A. In a restaurant. B. In a hospital. C. In a cinema.C. 短文理解。

(共 5 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)请根据你所听到的短文,从下列各题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(短文念三遍 )( )16. My family lived in _______ before I was 12 years old.A. the cityB. townC. the mountains( )17. I spent ______ walking to school every morning.A. half an hourB. one hourC. one and a half hours ( )18. I could meet _______ on the way to school.A. my friendsB. my parentsC. nobody( )19. There were ______ students in my class.A. 12B. 20C. 40( )20. I could see ________ there.A. the seaB. many high buildingsC. many kinds of flowers 听力原文:A. 情景反应。

(共7 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)本题共有 7 个小题,从下列各题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答语并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(每小题念两遍)1.How are you, Mike2.What’ s the date today3.Happy birthday to you.4.I am sorry to be late, sir.5.Could I use your telephone?6.What can I do for you?7.Mum, this is Mr Li.B. 对话理解。

(共 8 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 8 分)本题共有 8 个小题,请根据你所听到的对话及问题,从下列各题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(每小题念三遍 )8.M: Tina, what rules do you have at the schoolW:Well we are not allowed to use mobile phone.Q: What can ’ t be used at Tina?’ s school9.W: David, could you give my dictionary backM:Sure. Rosa ,I ’ m soory to have kept it so long.Q:Who lent the dictionary ?10.M: Susan, Did you use to be afraid of snakesW:No, I was afraid of cats.Q:What did Susan use to be afraid of?11.M: Where did you go last summer holidayW: I went to some beautiful places. What about youM:I only stayed at home and did my homeworkQ:What are they talking about?12.W: Little boy, how long have you been like thisM:Oh ,since eight o’ clockyesterday evening. I think I have got a bad cold.Q:When did the boy fall ill?13.W: Do you miss your mother, TomM: Of course ,I send her an e-mail once a week. I ring her up once a month.Q:How often does Tom ring his mother up?14.M: Darling, now It is 8 ︰30. It will take us one hour to arrive at the airport.W:OK, let us hurry.Q:What time will they arrive at the airport ?15.W: Hello, can I help youM:I want a bowl of beef noodles and a glass of orange, please.W:Wait a moment, please.Q:Where may the conversation take place?C. 短文理解。

(共 5 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)请根据你所听到的短文,从下列各题A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(短文念三遍 )Before I was twelve years old, my family lived in the mountains.Our house was far from my school. It took me one hour to walk to school evry morning. It was happy time for me, because I could meet friends on the way, and we would go to school together. There were just six classes in my school, and only about twenty students in each class. We spent most of our time playing, the mountains were our playground. I still remember the different kinds of flowers, the songs of different birds,and the colors of trees in different seasons—everything was so interesting and beautiful. Even now I still miss my life in the mountains.听力测试答案 :1-5 ABCBA 6-10 CBBCA 11-15 BACBA 16-20 CBABC第二套Ⅰ.听力测试。

(共 20 个小题,计 20 分)情景反应。

(共 7 个小题,每小题 1 分,计 7 分)本题共有 7 个小题,从下列各题A、B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答语并将其番号填入题前括号内。

(每小题念两遍)( )1. A. Yes, I am. ()2. A. She is ill. B. It’ s on Center Street.B. She is at home.C. No, there isn . ’t C.She likes swimming.( )3. A. I ’ m .16 B. A doctor. C. To Paris.( )4. A. Be careful. B. Why did he do so C.I ’ m sorry to hear that. ( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. Not at all. C. Yes, please.( )6. A. Yes, do you like it B. thanks a lot. C. You are right.( )7. A. The same to you. B. I am sorry he isn’Ct.inWhat. do you want to do?B. 对话理解。
