



1. ----Are all the students from in your class?

----No, there are only three in our class. The others are from other countries.

A. Germany; Germen

B. Germany; Germans

C. German; Germans

D. German; Germany

【答案】 B


2.I'd like some ________ and ________.

A. banana; tomato

B. bananas; tomato

C. bananas; tomatoes

D. banana; tomatoes 【答案】 C



3.(.湖南娄底)—Would you like some _______for dinner? —OK.

A. tomatos

B. tomato

C. tomatoes

【答案】 C


4.On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the __________110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar.

A. man

B. men

C. men's

D. mens'

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:4月24日,谢文军在卡塔尔举行的亚洲田径锦标赛男子110米栏比赛中夺得金牌。hurdles,跨栏赛,名词复数,与man之间是所属关系,此处要用名词复数的所有格,men所有格不是以s 结尾,直接在复数后打撇加s,men's,故选C。


5.——Can I help you, Madam?

—Yes ____, please.

A. Two pair of socks

B. Two pairs of socks

C. Two pairs of sock

D. Two pair of sock

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析句意:——要我帮忙吗,女士?——是的,两双袜子。sock,袜子,可数名词,经常使用复数。a pair of 一双,two pairs of,两双,two pairs of socks,两双袜子,故选B。


6.(?广西百色)You must go to the ________ if you want to buy vegetables.

A. supermarket

B. library

C. theatre

D. bookshop

【答案】 A


7.(.山东临沂)I live near the station, It‘s only about five ________ walk.

A. minute’s

B. minute

C. minutes’

D. minutes

【答案】 C


8.—Look! They are .

—Yes. We are proud of them.

A. man scientist

B. women scientists

C. woman scientists

D. man scientists 【答案】 B


9.(?六盘水)—How well she sings!

— Yes, she has a very beautiful ______.

A. voice

B. sound

C. noise

D. laughter

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:-她唱得多好啊。-是的,她有一副非常优美的嗓音。A. voice嗓音,说话声;B. sound声音,指自然界的声音;C. noise噪音,嘈杂声;D. laughter笑声。歌唱得好,嗓音美。故选A。


10.—Simon always reads for half an hour before bedtime every day.

—That's a good . Reading makes a full man.

A. dream

B. wish

C. habit




11.——Canada is one of the largest______ in the world.

——That is, it is larger than ______ country in Asia.

A. country; any other

B. countries; any other

C. countries; any

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一。——那就是,它比亚洲任何一个国家都大。one of the+最高级+名词复数,最……之一。根据结构及句意,故填countries。同一范围相比时不能自己和自己比较,所以用any other+名词单数;不同范围相比时可以和任意一个进行比较,所以用any+名词单数。加拿大不属于亚洲,所以填any,故选C。

12.You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your _______.

A. shyness

B. politeness

C. quietness

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】当你和一个人谈话时你应该看他的眼睛,它显示了你的礼貌。your+名词。A. shyness害羞;B. politeness礼貌;C. quietness安静;根据句意及语境可知应选B。


13.—What do you think of our hotel?

—Good! I'm especially satisfied with the high of your service.

A. level

B. speed

C. praise

D. price

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你觉得我们酒店怎么样?——好!我对你们高质量的服务特别满意。A.level 水平,标准;B.speed 速度;C.praise 表扬,赞扬;D.price代价,价



14.—Look, the boss is very angry with Alex.

—Well, he came late again. But that's no ______ to shout at him.

A. problem

B. lesson

C. excuse

D. reason

【答案】 C



15.---_______ fathers didn't come to the meeting. Why? ---Because they have gone to Beijing.

A. Jeff's and Amy's

B. Jeff and Amy

C. Jeff's and Amy

D. Jeff and Amy's

【答案】 A


16.—Michael, how much do you know about _________?

—people usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan.

A. the Mid-Autumn Festival

B. the Spring Festival

C. the Dragon Boat Festival

D. the Lantern Festival


【解析】【分析】句意:——米切尔,关于端午节你知道多少?——人们为了纪念屈原,经常吃粽子。the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节;the Spring Festival春节;the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节;the Lantern Festival元宵节。根据people usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan可知纪念屈原,吃粽子是端午节的习俗,故选C。


17.(?苏州)Steve Jobs was full of — always coming up with new ideas which led to great changes in society.

A. instruction

B. invitation

C. introduction

D. invention

【答案】 D



18.——How was your journey to Canada?

——It was wonderful. ________ meaningful experience it was!

A. How

B. What a

C. How a

D. What




19.—_______ expensive mobile phone it is!

—Yes, but I think _______ style is quite fashionable.

A. What a;a

B. How;the

C. What an; the

D. How an; the 【答案】 C


1、what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式:1. What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或是:What+名词词组+主语+谓语!2. What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!


上文expensive mobile phone中心词是mobile phone可数名词单数,expensive词首音素是元音,故用what an. 下文特指上文提到的手机的款式,故选C.


20.Jim broke a pair of shoes made of ________ in a ________store yesterday.

A. glass; woman

B. glasses; woman

C. glass; women's

D. glasses; women's 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:昨天在妇女用品店,吉姆打坏了一双玻璃鞋。根据be made of,由……制成,可知后面跟鞋子的材料glass,玻璃,不可数名词;女士用品店,用名词所有

格,在名词后面加's,表示泛指,所有女士,因此用名词复数形式women,women's store,故选C。


21.—My sister was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village in Xinjiang last year.

—She said she would never forget some pleasant _______ while working there.

A. experiments

B. expressions

C. experiences

D. emotions

【答案】 C


22.——Is Mary _______ friend, Alice?

——No, she is a friend of ______.

A. yours; Jim

B. your; Jim's

C. his; me

D. you; mine

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——Alice,Mary是你的朋友吗?——不,她是Jim的一个朋友。your 你的,形容词性物主代词,后面修饰名词;yours 你的,名词性物主代词;me 我,人称代词宾格;mine 我的,名词性物主代词;Jim's 意思是Jim的。a friend of Jim's 是双重所有格形式,根据句意可知选B。


23.An _________ is a scientific test that is done to study what happens and to get new knowledge.

A. experiment

B. experience

C. advantage

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:实验是一种科学测试,用来研究发生的事情和获得新的知识。A 实验;B 经历;C 优势。根据题干中的a scientific test,可知这是实验,故选A。


24.It is Sunday today. It is lovely weather we want to spend the day on the beach.

A. such a; that

B. such; that

C. such; as

D. so; that

【答案】 B


滩。weather为不可数名词,such+adj+不可数名词+that,如此…以至于,固定结构,故选B 【点评】such修饰单数可数名词时,不定冠词a/an通常放在such之后紧挨着;而so则不同,不定冠词位置不同。其结构分别为:such a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词;so +形容词+a/an+单数名词。such除了修饰单数可数名词外,还可以修饰复数名词和不可数名词,so 是副词,修饰形容词或副词。如果复数名词前有few,many等形容词;不可数名词前有little,much等形容词,就必须用so,而不能用such

25.(?哈尔滨)Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as to keep healthy.

A. tomatoes and potatoes

B. tomatos and potatos

C. tomatos and potatoes



26.Look, you can see many _________ in the pool. And here is some ________for you to keep them.

A. fish; suggestion

B. fishes; advices

C. fish; advice

D. fishes; suggestions

【答案】 C



27.(·黑龙江)— How far is your home from school?

— About ______ walk.

A. five minute's

B. five minutes'

C. five minutes

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:-你家离学校多远?-大约五分钟的路。五分钟:five minutes;五分钟的:five minutes'(以s结尾的名词的所有格,在s的右上角加')。故选B。


28.A group of ________ are talking with two _______.

A. Frenchmen; Germans

B. Germans; Frenchmans

C. Frenchmans; Germen

D. Germen; Frenchmen

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:一群法国人正在和两个法国人交谈。a group of修饰名词时,名词用复数名词,数词two修饰复数名词。故选A。


29.一 What do you want to do as your future career?

一 I'd like to be an astronaut, but I think it is very difficult.

A. life

B. hobby

C. job

【答案】 C



30.Without______,we can't do many things such as watching TV or using washing machines.

A. water

B. electricity

C. air

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:没有电,我们不能做许多事情,如看电视,用洗衣机。water 水;electricity电;air空气。根据生活常识可知选B。


31.(?广西百色)I feel a bit tired for I saw a two ____ film last night.

A. hour

B. hours

C. hour's

D. hours’

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:因为昨天晚上我看了一部两小时的电影,所以我感到有点儿疲倦。“两小时”:two hours(表示不止一个,名词用复数),”两小时的”:two hours’(以s 结尾的名词的所有格,在s后加’)。故选D。

32. weather it is! Let's go fishing.

A. What a fine

B. How fine

C. What fine

【答案】 C



33._______ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _______ teachers.

A. A number of; women

B. A number of; woman

C. The number of; women

D. The number of; woman

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我们学校老师的数量是大约200个,其中有四分之一是女老师。a number of 很多,大量;the number of …的数目。根据句意可知,第一个空说的是学校里老

师的数目,故排除A和B;女老师是woman teacher,当是复数形式的时候,两个词都变复数。故选C。


34.Jack is a good friend , and he often comes to our home for a visit.

A. of my father

B. of my father's

C. for my father

D. in my father's

【答案】 B


朋友,用双重所有格,即of 所有格与's所有格相结合,表示所有关系,故选B。



35.There are hundreds of teachers in our school and _______ of them are _______ teachers.

A. three hundreds, woman

B. three hundred, woman

C. three hundred, women

D. three hundreds, women





名词 ( C )1. (2017江西) —Do you have any for tonight yet? —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach? A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules ( A )2. (2017福建) —Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. —That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese . A. culture B. invention C. custom D. tradition ( A )3. (2017海南) It is very hot in Hainan this summer. On June 3rd, the in Lingao reached 41.9℃. A. temperature B. information C. development D. progress ( C )4. (2017上海) Did the policeman give much on how to protect personal information? A. note B. tip C. advice D. book ( C )5. (2017天津) Don’t stand too close to North Americans. You’d better give them more personal . A. time B. system c. space D. pity ( C )6. (2017重庆) —Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week. —Well, you’d better take a with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map D. postcard ( A )7. (2017安徽) The New Silk Road will offer a good for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price ( B )8. (2017山西) You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody. It shows your . A. shyness B. politeness C. quietness D. rudeness ( C )9. (2017南京) —I go swimming every day. —Wow! That’s a good . It keeps you healthy. A. match B. task C. habit D. dream ( C )10. (2017武汉) —I wonder if you’ve made a decision on the project, Eric. —Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand on prices. A. news B. knowledge C. information D. education ( B )11. (2017哈尔滨) During the Spring Festival, people in Northern China usually eat as a traditional Chinese food. A. pizza B. dumplings C. hamburgers D. bread ( C )12. (2017苏州)—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? —Either day is OK. It makes no to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( B )(2017孝感)13. Computers are very useful. They can help us get much on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages ( C )(2017青岛) 14. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breakfast with one .


中考中考英语总复习名词专题练习 一、初中英语名词 1.——Canada is one of the largest______ in the world. ——That is, it is larger than ______ country in Asia. A. country; any other B. countries; any other C. countries; any 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一。——那就是,它比亚洲任何一个国家都大。one of the+最高级+名词复数,最……之一。根据结构及句意,故填countries。同一范围相比时不能自己和自己比较,所以用any other+名词单数;不同范围相比时可以和任意一个进行比较,所以用any+名词单数。加拿大不属于亚洲,所以填any,故选C。 2.(?徐州)My cousin works for an airline. He flies planes. He is __________. A. an inventor B. a scientist C. an explorer D. a pilot 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:我的表弟在航空公司工作。他驾驶飞机。他是一名飞行员。an inventor一个发明家;a scientist一名科学家;an explorer一名探险员;a pilot一名飞行员。根据句意可知在航空公司上班,而且又驾驶飞机的,应是飞行员,故选D。 【点评】此题考查关于职业的名词辨析,注意根据句意选择正确的职业。 3.(?黔南州)—There are a lot of ______ of bike riding. —I agree. It's good for environment and it saves money. A. products B. advantages C. instruments D. instructions 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:-骑车有许多好处。-我同意,对环境有好处而且省钱。A. products产品;B. advantages优点,好处;C. instruments乐器;D. instructions说明。有利于环境及省钱是骑车的优点、好处,故选B。 【点评】本题考查名词词义辨析,以及. products;advantages;instruments;instructions。四个词的词义和用法。 4.—Whose jackets are these? —They said they are______. They lost them yesterday. A. Ours B. Li Lei and Li Tao's C. Li Lei′s and Li Tao's 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——这些是谁的夹克衫?——他们说是李雷和林涛的。他们昨天丢了。句中jackets是复数,说明夹克衫是李雷和林涛各自所有的,所以分别都要用所有


中考英语考点归纳(全) [短语、词组归纳] 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1. ............................................................................ look at… 看…,look like… 看上去像,look after…照料… 2. listen to …听 ... 3. welcome to…欢迎到.... 4. say hello to …向.... 问好 5. speak to…对... 说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。 二、动词+副词 动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A. 动词(vt.)+副词 1. put on 穿上 2. take off 脱下 3. write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前 面。 B. 动词(vi)+副词。 1. come on 赶快 2. get up 起床 3. go home 回家 4. come in 进来 5. sit down 坐下6 . stand up 起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1. close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4. be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopp ing 9.watch TV/games 10. play games [介词短语聚焦] 介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将初中常用的介词短语按用法进行归类。 1. ................................................................................................. in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着.................................................. 。 2. .................................................................................... in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade 等,表示在排/队/班级/年级"等。 3. in the morning/afternoon/ evening/ 表示在上午/下午/傍晚"等一段时间。 4. in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里” 5. in the tree表示在树上(非树本身所有)” on the tree表示在树上(为树本身所有)” 6. in the wall表示在墙上(凹陷进去)” on the wall表示在墙上(指墙的表面)” 7. at work (在工作)/at school (上学)/at home (在家)应注意此类短语中无the。 & at +时刻表示钟点。 9. like this/that表示方式,意为像...... 这/那样” 10. of短语表示所属关系。 11. behind/ beside/ near/ under+ 名词等,表示方位、处所。


中考英语真题名词专项练习 【历届真题】 The three ____ upstairs are too small to have enough_____ for a double bed . A .room ,room B .room ,rooms C .rooms ,room D .rooms ,rooms Daniel has tried to lose ___________ by eating less recently, but two kilos has been put on instead. A. weight B. weights C. height D. heights The broken ______may cut into your hand if you touch it, you should be careful. A. glass B. glasses C. candle D. candles Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous__________ in American__________. A. symbol ;culture B. symbol ;cultures C. symbols ;culture D. symbols;cultures Katherine was excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on _____ Day. A. Woman B. Women C. Woman's D. Women's —Mum, I’ve heard that we can’t eat ____ these days. Is it true? —Take it easy. It is safe to eat cooked meat. A. chicken B. chickens C. a chicken D. the chicken The students of Grade 7 visited Mike’s farm and saw many _____there. A. bird B. duck C. sheep D.rabbit —I hear you run for half an hour every day . —Right, we have to. It is one of the ____ in our school. A.rules B. plans C. hobbies D. choice Look! The kites in the sky are in different _______. Some are big and some are small. A.size B.sizes C.color D.colors —Could you take ____ for these ____? They are very beautiful . A. any photos; tomatoes B. some photos; tomatoes C. some photos; tomatos D. any photos; tomatoes


七年级上册英语单词表 Starter Unit 1 good /gud/ adj. 好的 morning /'m?:ni?/ n. 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好! hi /hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂hello /h?'l?u/ interj. 你好;喂afternoon /,a:ft?'nu:n/ n. 下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening /'i:vni?/ n. 晚上;傍晚 Good evening! 晚上好! how /hau/ adv. 怎样;如何 are /a:/ v. 是 you /ju:/ pron. 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗? I /ai/ pron. 我 am /?m/ v. 是 fine /fain/ adj. 健康的;美好的thanks /θ??ks/ interj.&n. 感谢;谢谢OK /?u'kei/ interj.& adv. 好;可以 Starter Unit 2 what /w?t/ pron.&adj. 什么 is /iz/ v. 是 this /eis/ pron. 这;这个 in /in/ prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English /'i?gli?/ n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语 map /m?p/ n. 地图 cup /k?p/ n. 杯子 ruler /'ru:l?/ n. 尺;直尺 pen /pen/ n. 笔;钢笔 orange /'?rind?/ n. 橙子 jacket /'d??kit/ n. 夹克衫;短上衣 key /ki:/ n. 钥匙 quilt /kwilt/ n. 被子;床罩 it /it/ pron. 它 a /?/ art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物) that /e?t/ pron. 那;那个 spell /spel/ v. 用字母拼;拼写 please /pli:z/ interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请 Starter Unit 3 color /'k?l?/ n. (=colour) 颜色 red /red/ adj.& n. 红色(的)

最新 中考英语名词专题训练答案

最新中考英语名词专题训练答案 一、初中英语名词 1. weather it is! Let's go fishing. A. What a fine B. How fine C. What fine 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】这题考查感叹句的用法:what修饰名词,how修饰形容词或副词,这句话是修饰weather,而且是不可数名词,所以选C。 2.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 3.—What would you like to eat? —Some _________, please. A. bread B. cake C. coffee D. tea 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你想要吃什么?——请来一些面包。bread面包;cake蛋糕;coffee咖啡;tea茶;根据What would you like to eat?可知此处介绍吃的食物,有some修饰,故此处用bread或cakes,故选A。 【点评】本题考查名词辨析,以及bread;cake;coffee;tea四个词的词义和用法。 4.— Which country do you think will win the first prize of the ____FIFA World Cup? —You mean the football match will be held in __________? A. twenty-one; Russia B. twenty-first; Russian C. twenty-first; Russia D. twenty-one; Russian 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你认为哪个国家会赢得第二十一届国际足联世界杯的冠军?——你是指将在俄罗斯举行的那场足球比赛?第一空,根据冠词the,判断后接序数词形式;第二空,表示在俄罗斯(Russia),Russia 在这里指国家俄罗斯,专有名词。故选C。【点评】考查数词和名词辨析。注意掌握序数词的正确写法,区分Russia和Russian的用法。


基础义务教育资料 中考名词考点梳理 考查点一:名词的数 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词:可数名词有复数形式,其前面可以用不定冠词、基数词、many、some等直接修饰;不可数名词没有复数形式,不可以用 基数词及不定冠词修饰,但可用much> some等词修饰。 【中考例题】 1.(2015 广安)一How many can you see in the picture? —Two. A. dog B. child C. sheeps D. sheep 2.(2014 遵义)Mr. Li is always patient to give me on how to work out the problems. A. an advice B. many advice C. some advice D. any advice 3.(2014 巴中)一Let's make a banana milk shake. What do we need? 一We need some and two. A. bananas; cup of milk B. bananas; cups of milk C. banana; milks D. banana; milk 4.(2014 安顺)There are fifty in our school. They are all friendly to us. A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. woman teacher D. women teachers 5.(2015 安徽)Please accept our best w(祝愿)for our exams. 6.(2015 武威)The(monkey) are trained to do a lot of things like humans. 考查点二:名词所有格 名词所有格分为三种:’S所有格、of所有格和双重所有格。①,S形式所有格: 此类所有格一般用于有生命的但单数名词(以?s结尾的复数名词用)以及表示时间和距离的名词。②。f所有格:没有生命的名词表示所属关系时,一般用of短语来表示所有格。③双重所有格:表示所属物的名词前有不定冠词、数词、非确定特指的限定词(some、any> a few等)、物主代词(my、your等)或指示限定词(this、that、these、those)时,常用“of +所有格/名词性物主代词”的形式,即双重所有格来表示关系。 【中考例题】 7.(2014 长沙)一Is the school bag under the desk yours? 一No, it's my. He left it there just now. A. brother B. brother's C. brothers5 D. brothers's


中考英语总复习名词练习题 一、初中英语名词 1.—What was the _______ of the football match last night? — AC Milan won the game. A. value B. result C. choice D. decision 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:---昨天晚上的足球赛的结果是什么?---AC米兰队赢了。value价值;result结果;choice选择;decision决定。根据句意可知,比赛所涉及的当然是结果,故答案为B。 【点评】考查名词词义辨析,熟记单词,理解句意,注意基本逻辑。 2.——Can I help you, Madam? —Yes ____, please. A. Two pair of socks B. Two pairs of socks C. Two pairs of sock D. Two pair of sock 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析句意:——要我帮忙吗,女士?——是的,两双袜子。sock,袜子,可数名词,经常使用复数。a pair of 一双,two pairs of,两双,two pairs of socks,两双袜子,故选B。 【点评】此题考查名词复数。注意量词的表达方式。 3.(?重庆)—It's hot today. Have some ________, please. —No, thanks. I'm not thirsty at all. A. water B. potatoes C. bread D. cakes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:—今天很热。请喝一些水。—不,谢谢。我一点都不渴。water水;potatoes土豆;bread面包;cakes蛋糕。根据答语中I’m not thirsty at all.可知该选A。 4.(.山东临沂)I live near the station, It‘s only about five ________ walk. A. minute’s B. minute C. minutes’ D. minutes 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我住在车站附近。只有大约步行五分钟的路程。英语中基数词+时间词的所有格+交通方式,可以表示用这种交通方式需要多长时间。时间词根据基数词不同而进行单复数变化。本题中minute应该用复数形式,后面加s;故变为所有格时后面只加'即可。选C。


人教版中考英语九年级英语常见名词最全总结 一、初中英语名词 1.(?黑龙江龙东)Could you give me some ______ ? I tried several times but failed. A. notice B. suggestion C. advice 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:你能给我一些建议吗?我试了几次,但是都失败了。A. notice 通知,可数名词单数;B. suggestion建议,可数名词单数;C. advice建议,不可数名词。some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。结合句意,排除A;根据some的用法排除B,故选C。 2.(?云南曲靖)—Look at the clouds,so beautiful! —Wow,so many different horses, dogs,sheep. A. sizes B. senses C. colors D. shapes 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:一一看云,那么美。一一哇,那么多不同的形状的马啊,狗啊,绵羊啊。A.大小;B.感觉;C.颇色;D.外形,形状。天上的云块呈现出马啊、狗啊、绵羊啊等不同的形状,故选D。 3.(.山东临沂)I live near the station, It‘s only about five ________ walk. A. minute’s B. minute C. minutes’ D. minutes 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我住在车站附近。只有大约步行五分钟的路程。英语中基数词+时间词的所有格+交通方式,可以表示用这种交通方式需要多长时间。时间词根据基数词不同而进行单复数变化。本题中minute应该用复数形式,后面加s;故变为所有格时后面只加'即可。选C。 4.(·鄂州)—The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive. —Don't worry. You can enjoy yourself. It's my _________.


【英语】中考英语名词专项训练及答案含解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?重庆) It's cold today. Take your with you when you go out. A. knife B. coat C. brush D. key 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天天气冷,当你出去的时候,请带上你的外衣。A. knife 小刀; B. coat外衣; C. brush 刷子; D. key钥匙。根据It’s cold today.可知,这里指的是出去带着外衣,故选B。 2.—Mom, I will eat less fast food this year, believe me. —If you make a , you must keep it. A. joke B. noise C. mistake D. promise 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】考查名词辨析。句意:-妈妈,我今年将会少吃快餐,相信我。-如果你许下诺言,你就必须坚持它。Joke笑话;noise吵闹;mistake错误;promise诺言。结合语境,所以选D。 3.—The last bus has left. What should we do? —Let's take a taxi. We have no other ______ now. A. choice B. reason C. habit 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:-末班车离开了。我们应该怎么办呢?-我们坐出租车吧。我们现在没有其他的选择了。A. choice选择;B. reason理由;C. habit习惯。没公交了,只有坐出租车这条选择,没有别的选择了。故选A。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析。 4.Upstairs are bedrooms. They are tidy and nice. But are in a mess. A. Lily's and Lucy's; our B. Lily's and Lucy's; ours C. Lily's and Lucy; ours D. Lily and Lucy's; our 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:楼上是利莉莉的和露西的卧室,他们整洁又好看,但是我们的一团糟。根据they,可知莉莉和露西每人有一个卧室,因此两个词都应使用所有格,故排除CD;第二空后面没有名词出现,应使用名词性物主代词,ours,我们的,故答案是B。【点评】考查名词所有格和名词性物主代词,注意当两个人分别拥有某个东西时,两个词都应使用所有格形式,如果物主代词后没有名词出现,应使用名词性物主代词。


中考英语专题复习一名词考点讲解和训练 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

中考英语专题复习一:名词考点讲解和训练 【考点直击】 1.可数名词和不可数名词的用法; 2.名词所有格的构成及用法; 3.近义名词的辨析。 【名师点睛】 一、名词的数 1.单数和复数 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。复数形式通常是在单数形式后加词尾“-s”构成,其主要变法如下: (1)一般情况在词尾加-s,例如:book→books,girl→girls,boy→boys, pen→pens,doctor→doctors, boy→boys。 (2)以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的词加-es,例如:bus→buses,class→classes,box→boxes,watch→watches,brush→brushes。 (3)以ce, se, ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s,例如:orange—oranges。 (4)以辅音母加y结尾的词变“y”为“i”再加-es,例如:city→cities, factory→factories, country→countries, family→families。但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数 形式只加s,如:boy→boys, day→days。 (5)以o结尾的词多数都加-es。例如:hero→heroes,potato→potatoes,tomato→tomatoes,但词末为两个元音字母的词只加-s。例如:zoo→zoos,radio→radios,还有某些外来词也 只加-s,例如:photo→photos,piano→pianos。 (6)以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f为v再加-es,例如:knife→knives,leaf→leaves, half→halves。 复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法如下表所示。 复数词尾s(或es)的读音方法 情况读法例词 在[p][t][k][f]等清辅音后[s] cups, hats, cakes 在[s][z][t][][F]等音后[iz] g lasses, pages, oranges, buses, watches,faces 在[b][d][][v]等浊辅音后[z] beds, dogs, cities, knives (7)少数名词有不规则的复数形式,例如:man→men,woman→women,tooth→teeth, foot→feet,child→children,mouse→mice。 【注意】与man和woman构成的合成词,其复数形式也是-men和-women。例如:an Englishman,two Englishmen。但German不是合成词,故复数形式为 Germans;man, woman等作 定语时,它的单复数以其所修饰的名词的单复数而定,如:men workers, women teachers。 有个别名词单复数一样,例如:Chinese,Japanese,sheep,deer,fish等。但当fish表示 不同种类的鱼时,可以加复数词尾。 (8)单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:people, police等。 (9)数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式,中间加连字符。例如:ten-minutes’ walk, an 8-year-old girl, a ten-mile walk。 (10)还有些名词仅有复数形式,如:trousers,clothes,chopsticks,glasses,goods,ashes,scissors,compasses。 (11)只用作单数的复数形式的名词有:


中考英语真题名词 一、初中英语名词 1.—______ are you in? —I am in Class One. A. Which school B. What class C. Which grade 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——你在哪一个班?——我在一班。A. Which school哪所学校;B. What class什么班,哪一个班;C. Which grade哪一个年级。答语是“I am in Class One.”我在一班,可以推测出前句问的是班级,故选B。 2.Computers are very useful.They can help us get much ________ on the Internet. A. games B. information C. courage D. messages 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】考查名词词义辨析.句意"电脑是非常有用的.它们能帮助我们在网上获得更多的信息."games游戏.information信息,不可数名词.courage勇气.messages信息,可数名词的复数形式.根据题干They can help us get much ________ on the Internet.可知句意应为它们能帮助我们在网上获得更多的信息.根据句中关键词much.可知后面修饰不可数名词.结合选项只有B符合题意.故选B. 3.The New Silk Road will offer a good _____ for more nations to communicate. A. chance B. habit C. question D. price 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】新丝绸之路将会给更多国家提供交流的好机会。根据各个选项的意思chance"机会";habit"习惯,习性";question"问题";price"价格",根据语境可知新丝绸之路将会给更多国家提供交流的好……对照选项的意思可推知提供一个好机会,故填入chance,故选A。 4.—There are many _____ about this farm. —Yes, lots of _____ are planted on it. A. photo; potato B. photos; potatos C. photos; potatoes D. photoes; potatoes 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—有许多关于这个农场的照片。—是的,许多的土豆种在农场


中考英语专题复习二-------名词 考点一:不可数名词 1、不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,它们不能直接和表示数字的词或不定冠词连用,也没有_______形式。常考的不可数名词有:news(新闻), information(信息), 建议________, 天气________, 家庭作业____________, 时间_______, 钱__________, 纸___________,音乐 ___________等。 2、不可数名词可以借助______来表示一定的数量。但也可以用much(许多), some/any(一些), a little(一点点),little (几乎没有) plenty of(很多), a lot of(=lots of)(许多)等修饰不可数名词。一则新闻:a piece of news ; 两瓶水:two bottles of water ; 四条建议 ________________________ ; 六张纸_________________ ;你能借给我一些钱吗?Could you lend me__________________? 【中考真题再现】 ( ) 1. All the _____ are made of ______ , not plastics. A. glass; glass B. glasses, glass C. glasses , glasses D. glass, glasses ( ) 2. Jenny gave us ____ on how to improve English. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice 考点二:可数名词单数变为复数的几条规律 1、一般直接加-s: 比如:girl---__________map---_________ 2、以-s, -x, -sh, -ch结尾的单词常在词尾加—es: 比如:bus—_______ brush---_______ 3、以辅音字母+y结尾变y为i,再加—es: 比如:story---_______ baby---_______ 4、以--o结尾的名词变复数常有下列2种变化: ①【口诀:黑人和英雄正在吃士豆和西红柿。】 说明:Negro(黑人),hero(英雄),potato(土豆),tomato(西红柿),这四个名词变复数时,在词尾加-es。 ②其它以o结尾的名词一般加-s, radio_______ zoo______ kangaroo__________(袋鼠) photo________(照片) kilo_________(千克) 5、以“f”和“fe”结尾,一般改f 或fe 为v,再+es 【口决:树叶多半自己黄,妻子拿刀去割粮。架后窜出一只狼,就像盗贼逃命忙。】 说明:leaf(树叶),half(半),self(自己),wife (妻子),knife(刀子),shelf(架子),wolf(狼), thief(盗贼),life(生命) 这九个名词变复数时都要变f或fe为v, 再加-es。 比如: leaf_______ half ________ myself_________ wife________ knife__________ 6、【可数名词变复数名词的不规则变化】 1)改变单数名词中的元音字母或其它形式。 ①foot—_______ (脚) tooth---_______ (牙齿) ②goose—______ (鹅) woman ---______ (女人) ③man ---_______ (男人) ④child ---_______ (孩子) ⑤mouse ---_______ (老鼠) ★与man 和woman构成的合成词,两部分都要变成复数形式。 e.g.: woman doctor ---wom e n doctor s(女医生)man driver—m e n driver s (男司机) 2)巧记某国人单复数常有下列三种变化。


中考英语名词、代词专项练习题及答案 一、名词的数 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. At last the little boy came up with a(an) to help the poor man. A. information B. advice C. idea D. news ( ) 2. — Tom, can you help me find a new job? — Yes. Three are needed in our school. Would you like to have a try? A. men teacher B. men teachers C. man teachers D. man teacher ( ) 3. — What would you like to drink, my dear friends? —, please. A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffees C. Two cup of coffees D. Two cups of coffee ( ) 4. I hear that two and three are coming to our school this week. A. Japanese; German B. Japanese; Germen C. Japanese; Germans D. Japaneses; Germans ( ) 5. These people want to have some for supper, so they decided to catch now. A. fish; many B. fishes; much C. fish; much D. fishes; too much Ⅱ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. You should take more (锻炼). Don’t always sit at the table busy d oing your (练习). 2. There are lots of (土豆) in the basket. 3. I’ve heard of(两条) news about Han Han’s new magazine. 4. Look! The cat is running after two (老鼠). 5. When autumn comes, the (叶子) on the tree turn yellow. 【指点迷津】 名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分。 二、名词所有格 Ⅰ. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. — Where have you been, Tim? —I’ve been to(亨利的家). 2. Are they going to have a picnic on (儿童节)? 3. This is (汤姆和蒂姆的房间). The twin brothers like it very much. 4. My home isn’t far from here. It’s only(十五分钟的) walk. 5. My brother has lots of friends. Mr Black is a friend of (我弟弟的). Ⅱ. 单项选择 ( ) 1. When we saw the film 2012, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat
