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还有一些行业职称头衔,其高级职称不用“正”或“副”表示,而直接用“高 级”来表示,我们可以用senior来称呼,例如: 高级编辑senior editor 高级工程师senior engineer 高级记者senior reporter 高级讲师senior lecturer 高级教师senior teacher 高级农艺师senior agronomist
以director 表示职位的副职常以deputy director表示。此外,secretary, mayor, dean等头衔的副职也可冠以deputy, 例如: 副秘书长deputy secretary-general 副书记deputy secretary 副市长deputy mayor 副院长deputy dean 学术头衔系列除了含“正”、“副”级别的高级职称和中级职称外,还有初 级职称如“助理”,“助理”常用assistant来表示,例如: 助理教授assistant professor 助理研究员assistant research fellow 助理工程师assistant engineer 助理编辑assistant editor 助理馆员assistant research fellow of …(e.g., library science) 助理教练assistant coach 助理农艺师assistant agronomist
我国有一些常见的荣誉称号(honorary title)在许多英语国家没有对应 的表达语,现列举部分英译供参考: 标兵pacemaker 学习标兵student pacemaker; model student 劳动模范model worker
模范教师model teacher 优秀教师excellent teacher 优秀员工outstanding employee; employee of the month/year 青年标兵model youth/youth pacemaker 青年突击手youth shock worker 三好学生 “triple-A” outstanding student 三八妇女红旗手 “March 8th Red Banner” outstanding woman pacemaker
称谓英文名称大全 中英文词语对照
校长(大学)president of Beijing University 校长(中小学)principal/headmaster of Donghai Middle School 院长(大学下属)dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属)chair/chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会)president of the Student Union, Shanghai University 厂长(企业)director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院)director of Huandong Hospital 主任(中心)director of the Business Center 主任(行政)director of Foreign Affairs Office 行长(银行)president of the Bank for International Settlements 董事长(企业)chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校)Chairmen of the Board of Trustees
有些头衔含诸如“代理”、“常务”、“执行”、“名誉”这类称谓语,例如: 一般来说,“代理”可译作acting, 例如: 代理市长acting mayor 代理总理acting premier 代理主任acting director “常务”可以用managing表示,例如: 常务理事managing director 常务副校长managing vice president (亦可译作first vice president) “执行”可译作executive,例如: 执行主任executive director 执行秘书executive secretary 执行主席executive chairman (也可译作presiding chairman) “名誉”译为honorary,例如: 名誉校长honorary president/principal 名誉主席/会长honorary chairman/president(也可用emeritus表示,如 emeritus chairman/president 有些职称或职务带有“主任”、“主治”、“特级”、“特派”、“特约”等头衔, 英译不尽相同,例如: 主任编辑associate senior editor 主任秘书chief secretary 主任医师senior doctor 主任护师senior nurse 主治医师attending/chief doctor; physician; consultant 特级教师special-grade senior teacher 特派记者accredited correspondent 特派 editor 特约记者special correspondent
当然,有些英语职位头衔,如 manager和 headmaster, 其副职头衔可 冠以assistant, 例如: 副总经理assistant/deputy general manager, assistant/deputy managing director 大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager 副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster
首席长官的汉语称谓以“总……”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓语则 常带有chief, general, head, managing 这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字 的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯: 总书记general secretary 总工程师chief engineer 总会计师chief accountant 总建筑师chief architect 总编辑chief editor; editor-in-chief; managing editor 总出纳chief cashier; general cashier 总裁判chief referee 总经理general manager; managing director; executive head 总代理general agent 总教练head coach 总导演head director 总干事secretary-general; commissioner 总指挥commander-in-chief; generalissimo 总领事consul-general 总监chief inspector; inspector-general; chief impresario 总厨head cook;chef
如下列机构的负责人可以用director, head, 或chief来表示: 司(部属)department 厅(省属)department 署(省属)office (行署为 administrative office) 局bureau 所institute 处division 科section 股section 室office 教研室program/section 例:局长director of the bureau, head of the bureau, bureau chief 国务院the State Council 属下的部为ministry, 所以部长叫做minister。 另外,公署专员叫做 commissioner, 其办事机构叫做“专员公署”,英语 为prefectural commissioner’s office. 汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配 或表达习惯等情况,可选择vice, associate, assistant, deputy 等词。相 对而言,vice 使用面较广,例如: 副总统(或大学副校长等)vice president 副主席(或系副主任等)vice chairman 副总理vice premier 副部长vice minister 副省长 vice governor 副领事 vice consul 副校长(中小学)vice principal
[中英文对照]职衔职称 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
食品伙伴网 (2005-04-10) 进入论坛
立法机关 LEGISLATURE 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress 秘书长 Secretary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People’s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People’s Congress 政府机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民政府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government 地区专员 Commissioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government
行政职务的副职头衔与学术头衔的“副”职称往往用不同的词表示,最为 常用的英语词是associate, 例如: 副教授associate professor 副研究员associate research fellow 副主编associate managing editor 副审编associate senior editor 副审判长associate judge 副研究馆员associate research fellow of…(e.g., library science) 副译审associate senior translator 副主任医师associate senior doctor
乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 Secretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spokesman 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 Commissioner 外交官衔 DIPLOMATIC RANK 特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary 公使 Minister 代办 Charge d’Affaires 临时代办 Charge d’Affaires ad Interim 参赞 Counselor 政务参赞 Political Counselor 商务参赞 Commercial Counselor 经济参赞 Economic Counselor 新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor 公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor 商务专员 Commercial Attaché 经济专员 Economic Attaché 文化专员 Cultural Attaché 商务代表 Trade Representative 一等秘书 First Secretary 武官 Military Attaché 档案秘书 Secretary-Archivist 专员/随员 Attaché 总领事 Consul General 领事 Consul 司法、公证、公安 JUDICIARY,NOTARY AND PUBLIC SECURITY 人民法院院长 President, People’s Courts 人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, People’s Tribunals 审判长 Chief Judge