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外文题目:Dragon Gate Cranes design and metal structure design




Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of the national economy, the growing market demand for cranes. In recent years, the crane industry has been around for 15% growth rate, rapid development, the ownership of components crane industry has undergone

tremendous changes, with the exception of state-owned professional crane plant, collective, joint ventures, investment and private development has been rapid.

Promote research to improve productivity and product quality, reduce costs and expand the scope of application of the various field cranes and crane technology development directions. Current and emerging high-performance succession process, the capacity to adapt to the working environment, supports a strong ability to function, to resist fatigue strength to resist bending performance and the performance of refined performance, colleges, and economic crane design new methods.

Although Chinese crane industry in the past 10 years has made remarkable progress, but with many industry lags far behind developed countries.

Currently, the major lift transport aircraft structural components used in the metal materials with ordinary carbon steel, quality carbon structural steel, low alloy steel ordinary, alloy structural steel. Common cast steel base metal structure. Metal welding and bolts into the structure of the links in two broad categories.

key wordS:Cranes, metal structure, carrying capacity, fatigue strength, intensity


2龙门式起重机设计的总体设计方案 (5)

2.1龙门起重机总体设计所需的基本参数 (5)

2.2起重机的选型 (6)

2.2.1起重机基本型式的选择 (6)

2.2.2起重机主要性能指标的选择 (6)

3起重机金属结构设计 (7)

3.1金属结构概述 (7)

3.2箱形结构门架强度计算 (8)

3.2.1金属结构的基本参数选择与设计计算 (10)

3.2.2主减速器的润滑 (16)

3.3驱动桥-差速器 (18)

3.3.1对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的基本参数选择与设计计算 (19)

3.4驱动桥-半轴 (25)

3.4.1全浮式半轴的设计计算与校核 (25)

3.5驱动桥-桥壳 (28)

3.5.1钢板冲夺焊接整体式桥壳的受力分析及强度计算 (29)

4总结 (32)

致谢 (33)

参考文献 (34)

附录A (35)

附录B (37)



由于本人设计的起重机结构为龙门式箱形结构,支腿型式为“ ”型。就不考虑其他类型起重机的结构,箱形梁式结构起重机结构是国内外起重机中应用最普遍的一种梁架结构型式。因为箱形梁式具有设计简单、制造工艺性好等优点,而这些有利条件对于尺寸规格多、生产批量较大的箱式起重机标准化系列产品来说,显得更加重要。由于小车轨道整正中铺设的箱形梁式结构至今仍然是我国成批生产的、最常用的、典型的一种结构。我主要设计的内容是龙门起重机的总体设计和金属结构设计。总体设计中有起重机的选型、设计参数、质量、等。金属结构包括:梁、直架、力、强度、刚度、稳定性的校核和计算。
