

1. How often do you surf the Net?



2. What time does school start?

At about eight o’clock.

3. Is the shop still open?

Yes it is.

4. Would you like to go to school with me? Yes, I’d love to. That would be great.

5. How many terms are there in your school year?

There are two.

6. When does the film begin?

At half past seven.

7. W hat can you do?

I can sing and dance.

8. Can you climb a tree?

No, I can’t.

9. What is that over there?

It’s an oak tree.

10. Would you like to go swimming with us? I’m sorry I can’t.

11. How many sheep do you have on your farm?

There are twelve. 12.Can you watch TV on weekdays?

No, I can’t.

13. Can you jump very high?

Yes I can.

14. What can a fish


It can swim very well.

15. What day is it today?

It’s Tuesday.

16.What’s the date today?

It’s December 22nd.

17. What are you doing?

I’m writing.

18. Can teachers put out fires?

No, but firemen can put out fires.

19. What time does the train leave

for Shaoguan?

At a quarter to nine.

20. How would you like to travel?

By plane.

21. Are you going to Shenzhen for a day trip tomorrow?

Yes, I am.

22. Can you get to Panyu by train?

No, but I can get there by underground.

23. What do you

usually do at the weekend?

I usually go shopping.

24. Who is going to the Window of the World?

Ben and his parents.

25.How does he get to Hong Kong?

By train.

26. Would you like to go fishing with me? Yes, that would be fun.

27. What time does the spring term begin? It begins in February.

28. How are you?

I’m fine. Thank you.

29. How often do you go shopping?

Every Sunday.

30. Where do you eat Chinese noodles?

At my home.

31. Can you play any musical instrument? No, I can’t.

32. Are you good at English?

Yes, I am.

33. What does your

father do?

He’s a teacher. 34. How many monkeys are there in the tree?


35. What time do you usually leave for school?

At ten past seven. 36.Who’s going to

drive the car?

My father.

37. Can you get to the shopping centre by underground?

Yes I can.

38. Does your grandpa live with you? No, he doesn’t.

39. Who is going to the zoo with you



40.How long will you stay in Foshan?

For two days.

41. Do you like animals?

Yes I do.

42. Can the bird swim?

No, it can’t.

43. Where does the lion come from?

It comes from Africa.

44. What colour is a polar bear?

It’s white.

45. What’s your favourite animal?

My favourite animal is the panda.

46. Can a lion kill a


No one knows. 47. Is a tiger dangerous?

Yes, it is.

48. Can the turtle climb a tree?

No it can’t.

49. Can you tell a story in English?

Yes I can.

50.What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to climb the hill.

51. When is your birthday?

November 1st.

52. What does he often do in evening? He often does his homework.

53. Does the spring term begin in May in China?

No, it doesn’t.

54. Can a turtle jump high?

No, it can’t.

55. Can I read the books about plants? Of course, you can. 56. What are those

over there?

They are kapok trees.

57. Are you ready for this lesson?

Yes, I am.

58. The tulips look like cups, don’t they?

Yes they do.

59. What are these flowers?

They’re tulips.

60. Is there a tree in your school?

Yes, there is.

61. Can I sit here? Sure. Yes, please do.

62. Does he like flowers?

Yes, he does. 63.Can you tell me the way to the canteen?

Yes, go down this street and take the Second right. You can see it. It ’s on your left. 1)七点三十以前 before seven thirty 2) 做面条 make noodles 3) 去购物 go shopping 4) 今天晚上 this evening 5) 在周末 at the weekend 6) 晚饭后 after dinner 7) 中国的生活 the life in China 8) 刷牙 brush teeth 9) 回家 come back home 10) 做作业 do homework


一般疑问句,及根据答句写问句的答题方法 改为一般疑问句: 1)先看句子中有没有be动词(am, is, are),过去式(was ,were)或can,有的把 它放在句子最前面,如:They’re happy.→Are they happy? 2)但是第一人称(I,we)和第二人称(you,你、你们)之间的转变要注意: I am a boy.→Are you a boy? We are busy.→Are you busy? I was happy.→Were you happy? We were happy .→Were you happy? 3)如果句中没有be动词(is,am,are/ was,were),须借助动词do,does(过去式did) A、先判断句子是否为过去式,是的则句前借did把动词改为原形。 eg: John climbed moutains yesterday. →Did John climb mountains yesterday? B、若非过去式,再判断是否为第三人称单数(he/she/it/Mike…),是则把单词改为原形,句前借Dose. eg: Amy often climbs mountains on the weekend. →Dose Amy often climb mountains on the weekend? C、如果都不是以上的形式,则句前借Do.如人称(I/we/you/they/Amy and Tom…) eg: Amy and Jack get up at 7:00. → Do Amy and Jack get up at 7:00? 根据答句写问句的方法: ①用适当的疑问词(who , whose , what , how, how many , when ,why) 来提问, ②将剩余部分改为一般疑问句 (如果剩余部分为动词或动词短语,则用do,does,did代替,改为一般疑问句,句前用相应的疑问词。) 如: What do you do everyday? I play football everyday. 特殊疑问词有: what(什么)what colour(什么颜色)what time(几点)what day(星期几)how(怎样)how old(多大、几岁)how many(多少)how much (多少钱) how heavy (多重) whose (谁的)where(在哪里)how long(多长) why(为什么)which(哪一个)how tall(多高) who(谁)when(什么时候)


五年级根据答句写问 句

就划线部分提问 方法:1.用疑问词代替划线部分并把疑问词放在句子开头 2. 把句子变成一般疑问句 3. 有1/ we 要变成you, 有my/ our要变成your,有mine/ ours要变成yours 4. 不要忘记问号 持殊碰问句由特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句组战"小学阶段学过的特殊籬问词有whoCift)T what<什么)>where(哪里),why(为什么)t when(什么时惧),hsK怎么样)thcw tnany(多少),how old(多少岁),how much〔多少钱). 巳岳—Who J$ that man? —Mr Black,my msth teacher, — What that? —It *s an sir-conditioner. j What、your math teacher like? —I la r s tall and strong* —Wharfs wrong with you? —I have a fever. are the green beans? —They arc in the basket 一How do you feel? —I am sad. —Why do you likt grapes? Because they; re tasty? —When is your bi rthday? ~lt J s on July l"1. ~ How much is the jacket? —It' 100 yuan. —flow much is fifteen and twelve?亠It'客twenty-seven. — How many paths arc there in the forest? — There are two. 一How old Mike? —He f s five* 补充:What colour颜色 What time 钟点 What day 星期 What date 日期 How ma ny +复数的名词 How much +不可数名词 How long时间的多少、长度 How tall 身高即时小练


根据答句写问句答题技巧 一、判断填一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。(有如果答句中有Yes或No的句子,是一般疑问句,如果无,则是特殊疑问句) 二、如果是特殊疑问句: 1、找疑问词。 1. 地点:where 2.什么: what 3. 时间:when 4.方式:how 5.人物:who 6.某人的:whose 7.几点:what time 8. 星期几: what day..? 9. 几号: what’s the date? 10. 爱好:what’s ……hobby? 11. 多少:how many 12. 多少钱: how much 13.几岁:how old 14. 为什么:why 15.颜色:what color 17.最喜欢的:what’s…….favorite…? 18. 哪一个:which 19.职业:What do you do? / What does she/he do? =What’s she/he? 20.姓名:what’s …name? 21.天气:what’s the weather like…? 22.房间里有什么:what’s in ……room? 23.外貌:what’s he/she like? 二、如果答句中有Yes或No的句子,把后面的句子改为一般疑问句。 1.找be动词,把be动词提前。Be动词:am,is, are,was, were 2.找情态动词,把情态动词提前。情态动词:can, should, may等。 3.若无be动词和情态动词时,需借用助动词do/does/did,放在句首。 三、改写。 1.句号变问号。 2. I am---are you I was --- were you I ---you my---your our—your some—any 小练习: 1.--________________________________ -- It’s Saturday today. 2.--________________________________ --Zhang Peng. Zhang peng is taller than me. 3.--________________________________ --They are in the park. 4.--________________________________ --Yes, I can play the piano. 5.--________________________________ --No, she is from America. 6.--________________________________ --Yes, I want to buy a postcard.


请从右栏找出下列问句的正确答案,将其序号填入括号内。 ( )1.What is the capital of America? A. Because they are very cute. ( )2.Why do you like Australian animals? B. No, there wasn’t. ( )3.What are you going to do this summer? C. It’s an autumn festival. ( )4.Was there a pond here before? D. Tom’s T-shirt is wet. ( )5. What’s Halloween? E. Fifty points. ( )6.What’s the matter? F. No, I’m not. ( )7. How many points have you got? G. It’s Washington,D.C. ( )8.What can the dog do ? H. I’m going to go back to London. ( )9.Are you sad? I .It can run and help. ( )10. What was your father before? J. He was a driver. ( )1.Where did he work? A. It’s spring. ( )2.What did she have? B. Thank you. ( )3.What’s your favourite season? C. Yes, of course. ( )4. I’ll buy you a new bag. D. Fine, thank you. ( )5. What colour is your bag? E. It’s from Hainan. ( )6.Will you help me ? F. He worked in an office. ( )7.How are you? G. She had some rice. ( )8. How long is the snake? H.It’s green. ( )9.How old is the moon? I.It’s five metres long. ( )10.Where is the stamp from ? J.It’s millions of years old!


根据问句选择合适的答语 Unit 4-Recycle 2 1. Where is the cat? () A. it’s in the kitchen. B. He is in the bedroom. C. She is in the study. 2. Is he in the study? () A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, he is . 3. What colour is the book? () A. It’s on the table. B. It’s blue. C. It’s good. 4. How old is he? () A. He is a student. B. He is strong. C. He is eight. 5. Where are they? () A. They are in the living room. B. I’m in the bedroom. C. We are in the study 6. What do you do in the kitchen? () A. Have a sleep. B. Read a book. C. Have a snack. 7. Where do you watch TV? () A. In the kitchen. B. In the living room. C. In the study. 8. Where do you read a book? () A. In the living room. B. In the kitchen. C. In the study. 9. Can you use fork and knife?_________ A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, she can.


英语练习题 一、按照答句写出问句。 1、?I go to school on foot. 2、?You can go to the park by NO.5 bus. 3、?We can go to Canada by plane. 4、?The bookstore is east of the cinema. 5、?The museum is in front of the park. 6、?Turn left,then go straight. You’ll see the hospital. 7、?I’m going to read a book next week. 8、?We’re going to school tomorrow. 9、?They’re going to clean the room after school. 10、?I’m going to the cinema tonight. 11、?I’m going to school now. 12、?He’s listening to the music now. 13、?Sarah is singing now. 14、?We’re doing the dishes now. 15、?They’re cleaning the room now.

13、?It’s Oct 26th. 14、?Today is Wednesday. 15、?It’s 3 o’clock. 16、?I’m going to the park by bus. 17、?He’s going to the zoo on foot. 18、?They’re going to school by bike. 19、?I’m going to the Great wall next year. 20、?We’re going to Shanghai tomorrow. 21、?They’re going on Sunday. 22、?She’s going this weekend. 23、?I’m going to buy a comic book. 24、?They’re going to buy some food. 25、?Mike is going to buy a computer. 26、?I’m going to school tomorrow. 27、?We’re going to the USA next month. 28、?They’re going to the cinema. 29、?My brother is going to the bookstore. 30、?I’m going to be a scientist one day. 31、?I’m a teacher.


Grade5(上) Unit 2 My Days of the Week Name:_______________ Class:__________ Number:________ 一、看问句写答句。 1. What day is it today? (星期三) 2. What day is it tomorrow? (星期四) 3. What do you have on Tuesdays? (语文,英语,科学和音乐) _________________________________________________________ 4. What do they have on Wednesdays? (数学,语文,科学和美术) _________________________________________________________ 5. What do you do on Saturdays? (看书和做运动) _____________________________________________________________________ 6. What do they do on Sundays? (做作业和看电视) ___________________________________________________________ 7. Do you like weekends? (两种回答都写) _________________________________________________________ 8. Do you often do housework at home? (两种回答都写) __________________________________________________________ 9. What time is it now? (8点) ___________________________________________________________ 10. What is the weather like today? (晴朗而且热) _________________________________________________________ 11. Is it Saturday today? (两种回答都写) ________________________________________________________ 二、看答句写问句。 1. A: ? B: It’s Monday. 2. A: ? B: Tomorrow is Thursday.


最新周测题型: 1.( )Is she in the living room? 2.( )Are they on the table? 3.( )Where are the keys? 4.( )Is Mike in the study? 5.( )Where is the pen? 6.( )Is it in the living room? A 、Yes, she is . B 、Yes, he is. C、Yes, they are. D、Yes, it is. E、They are in door. F、It is on the table 看问句,找答语。 ( )Where is it? A. Many desks and chairs. ( )What’s in the classroom? B. Six. ( )What’s this? C. It’s near the door. ( )How many lights? D. My name is Zhang Peng. ( )What’s your name? E.It’s a crayon。

( )What’s in your schoolbag? A It’s under the desk. ( )Where is my pen? B A pencil and an eraser. ( )What’s in your hand? C It’s a storybook. ( )What’s this? D Guess. ( )What’s in your pencil box? E Four. ( ) What’s her name? A. An English book. ( ) What’s in it? B. It’s blue and white. ( ) What colour is your hat? C. Mr Black ( ) Who’s she? D. She’s my friend ( ) Who’s your maths teacher? E. Her name is Sandy ( ) 1 .Where are my books? A . No, she isn’t. ( ) 2. Are they on the table? B. They are on the desk. ( ) 3. Is she in your bedroom? C. Yes ,it is. ( ) 4. Is it in your hand? D. No, they aren’t. 第一组 ( ) 1. What would you like? ( ) 2. Do you like bread? ( ) 3. What’s for dinner? ( ) 4. Can I have some noodles, please? A. We have fish,bread and chicken for dinner.


小学六年级英语——根据答句写问句专项练习1.__________________________________________________ ? Yes,I climbed mountains last Sunday. 2.___________________________________________________ ? Yes,Mike often goes swimming on the weekend. 3. ? Yes,I’m answering the phone. 4. ? My mother has a sore arm. 5. ? The boy is 38 kg. 6. ? I felt bored last music class. 7.___________________________________________________ No,my father usually reads newspapers on Sunday. ? 8.___________________________________________________? He was 154 cm last year. 9. ? There were 4 pens on the desk yesterday morning. 10. ? Lily’s shoes are bigger than Mary’s. 11. ? It was Apr. 3rd yesterday.

12. ? Yes, my mother watches TV in the evening. 13. ? No, we are going to take pictures next wee. 14. ? Mary and Amy are singing and dancing. 15. ? The boy is going to be a teacher. 16. ? No, the boy has a hamburger for lunch. 17. ? The children had a picnic in the park last month. 18. ? I am going to the Zhongshan park tomorrow. 19. ? We have Chinese, math and English on Thursdays. 20.______________________________________________? He is going to the cinema this weekend. 21._______________________________________________? John played football last weekend. 22._______________________________________________? They watched TV last evening.


一、写问句或写答句。 1._________________________ ? The canteen is on the first floor. 2.____________________________? There are forty-five students in my class. 3.____________________________? Yes, this is my computer. 4._______________________________? No, that isn’t my picture. 5._________________________________? The library is on the second floor. 6.Where is the playground ? (在第一层) __________________________________. 7.Is this the TV room? (美术室) _________________________________ . 8.Is it a teacher’s d esk? (讲台) ___________________________________ . 9.Is that your classroom? (教室) ____________________________________ . 10.________________________________ ? Yes, I have lunch at school. 11._________________________________ ? It’s nine o’clock. 12.________________________________ ? Yes, it is time for dinner. 13._________________________________? No, it isn’t time to go home. 14._________________________________? Yes, it is ten o’clock. 15.__________________________________? No, it isn’t twelve o’clock. 16.__________________________________? No, it is eight thirty. 17._________________________________? No, it is time for breakfast. 18.What time is it? (11点) ___________________________________. 19.Is it time for lunch? (9点) ____________________________________ . 20.Is it time to go to bed? (9点30分)___________________________________ . 班别:姓名: 21.__________________________________? Yes, it is time for Chinese class. 22.__________________________________ ? No, it isn’t time for English class. 23.___________________________________? The dress is yellow. 24.___________________________________? My shoes are white. 25.___________________________________? My sweater is pink. 26.What colour is your skirt? (绿色的)_____________________________________ . 27.What colour are the pants? (蓝色的)_____________________________________ . 28.__________________________________? Yes, this is my jacket. 29.__________________________________? No, that isn’t Amy’s shirt. 30.__________________________________? This is Mike’s T-shirt. 31._________________________________? They are John’s jeans. 32.Is this Sarah’s dress? (Amy’s) ____________________________________ . 33._________________________________? Your socks are on the chair. 34.Where are Tom’s shoes? (在床下) ____________________________________. 35.________________________________? Yes, my shirt is red. 36._________________________________? No, Chen Jie’s skirt isn’t yellow. 37._________________________________? Zhang Peng’s jacket is on the bed. 38.Wher e is Lucy’s hat? (在书桌上) ____________________________________. 39._________________________________? It’s windy today. 40.________________________________?


根据问句选择答句 A.()1.Is Ms smith strict? A. He is kind and funny. ()2.Who is he? B. Mr Li ( )3.What is your music teacher like? C. Sure. ( )4.Do you like funny teachers? D. No, she isn’t. ( )5.Can you play football? E. Yes, I do. B.( )1.What do you do on Sundays? A. Yes, it is. ( )2.Do you often clean your room? B.We have art,music and Chinese. ( )3.Is it Friday? C.I like Fridays. ( )4.What do you have on Tuesdays? D.Yes,I do. ( )5.I like Mondays. What about you? E.I often read books and do my homework C. ( )1.What would you like to eat for dinner? A. No, I don’t. It’s sweet. ( )2.What’s your favourite drink? B .My favourite drink is orange juice. ( )3.What do you have today? C. I’d like some rice and chicken. ( ) 4.Do you like ice cream? D. Her favorite food is beef noodles. ( )5.What’s Sarah’s favourite food? E. We have fish sandwiches today. D.( )1.Is she young? A.Yes,he is. ( ) 2.What’s he like? B.No,she isn’t. ( )3.Who is he? C.She is tall. ( )4.Is he strict? D.He is strict. ( )5.What’s Miss Chen Jie like? E.He isMr Green. E.()1.What do you have on Mondays? A. Yes, it is. ( )2.When do you have PE? B. No,I don’t. ()3.What do you do on Sundays? C.PE and English. ( )4.Do you like sports? D. I often sleep. ( )5.Is it Saturday today? E. On Wednesdays. F.()1.What ’s your favourite food? A. I’d like some water. ( )2.What would you like to drink? B.I like rice. ( )3.What would Amy like ? C. Because they are healthy. ( )4.When do you eat dinner? D. She’d like som e. ( )5.Why do you like carrots? E. Usually at six. G.()1.What can you do? A.No, I can’t. ( )2.What can the robot do? B.I can make a puppet. ( )3.What can your sister do? C.No,he can’t. ( )4.Can you do Kungfu? D.She can cook. ( )5.Can he cook? E.It can sing. H.()1.Is there a river in the park? A. They’re in the tree. ( )2.Are there any lakes near your village? B. No, there isn’t. ( )3.What’s in the lake? C. There are some ducks.. ( )4.Where are the birds? D. It’s near the park. ( )5.Where’s your house? E. No, there aren’t. I.()1.Are there any elephants in the forest? A. There are some books. ( )2.Is there a robot on the desk? B. They are birds. ( )3.What’s in your bag? C. Yes, there is. ( )4.Where is the garden? D. Yes, there are. ( )5.What are those? E. It’s behind the house. J. ()1.Sarah,can you clean the classroom? A.He can play ping-pong. ( )2.Who can play the pipa? B. Yes, I do.


根据答句写问句。1.--------------------------------------------------------------? Yes , there is a post office near our school . 2.----------------------------------------------------------------? The cinema is next to the science museum . 3.----------------------------------------------------------------? Turn right at the school ,then go straight . You can see the bookstore . 4.------------------------------------------------------------------? No , it isn’t . The hospital is far from here . 5.--------------------------------------------------------------------? The bookstore is next to the cinema . 6.---------------------------------------------------------------------? Yes , there is a bookstore near our school . 7.---------------------------------------------------------------------? The hospital is next to the post office . 8.-----------------------------------------------------------------------? Turn left at the school ,then go straight . you can see the cinema . 9.--------------------------------------------------------------------------? No, it isn’t .The science museum is far from here . 10.---------------------------------------------------------------------------? No , there isn’t . There is a park . 11.----------------------------------------------------------------------------? I usually go to school by train .


一般疑问句,否定句以及根据答句写问句的答题方法 改为一般疑问句: 先找be动词(am, is, are),或can,放在句子最前面, 如果没有则判断是否为第三人称单数(he/she /it/ Mike…),是则把动词改为原形,句前加Does,其余照抄。 还不是,则句前加Do,其余照抄。 改为否定句: 方法和上面一样,先找be动词(am, is, are),或can,再后加not,其余照抄 不是则判断是否为第三人称单数(he/she /it/ Mike…),是则把动词改为原形,人后加doesn’t,其余照抄 还不是,则人后加don’t,其余照抄 根据答句写问句的方法: ①用适当的疑问词(who , whose , what , how, how many , when ,why)来提问, 1.②将剩余部分改为一般疑问句 (如果剩余部分为动词或动词短语,则用do代替,句前加what,再改为一般疑问句) 2.如果句中没有be 动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词形 式,借助do 的相应形式放在句首。 ●如果谓语动词是原形,则借do ●如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does

●如果陈述句中有实义动词have,且表示“有”时,借助动词do、 does ●e.g I have some friends in America. → Do you have any friends in America? 需要注意的是:借does 或did 后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 e.g Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill gets up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday? 注意:陈述句变一般疑问句注意的事项: ●如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时要变为第二人称。 e.g I usually have lunch at school. → Do you usually have lunch at school? My father is playing soccer. → Is your father playing soccer? ●如果陈述句中有some,则变问句时要变为any。 e.g There is some water on the playground. – Is there any water on the playground? 练习题: 将下列句子变为一般疑问句以及做肯定和否定回答 1.His father is an English teacher. 2.These cats are nice.


G4上(新)根据问句选答语 1.Where are you? 1. I’m behind the tree /on your left 2.Where’s the park? 2.Turn left . It’s next to a supermarket. 3.Thank you . 3.You’re welcome 4.Where’s the train? 4.It’s up /down the hill/at the station 5.Where’s the train? 5. It’s near the house. 6.Where’s the supermarker? 6. Go straight on. Turn left. 7.What are you doing ? 7. I’m listening to music . 8.What’s Tom doing ? 8. He’s reading a book about China 9.What are they doing? 9.They’re playing football. 10.Do you want some noodles? 10. Yes,please./No, thank you. Yes, I do /No,I don’t

11.How much is it? 11.Ten yuan 12.Can I help you? 12. Of course,We want some eggs,please. 13.Here you are. 13. Thank you 14.Can you run fast? 14. Yes,I can /No, I can’t. (I’m afraid I can’t) 15.Can I have some bread? 15.Yes, you can./No, you can’t. Yes,Here you are.(sorry, you can’t) 16.Happy Birthday! 16. Thank you. 17.Can I come in? 17. Yes, of course. 18.What are you going to do? 18.We’re going to visit Hainan 19.What are you going to do? 19.I’m going to do the high jump. 20.Are you going to run on sports? 20.Yes, I am/ No, I’m not.
