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We will conti nue to im prove the company's inter nal control system, and steady impr ovement in a bility to manage and control, optimize busi ness processes, to e nsure smooth pr oce sses, responsibil ities in place; to further strengthen inter nal control s, play a contr ol post indepe ndent oversight role of evaluation com plying wit h third-party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internal a udit t ools detect potentia l management, streamline, sta ndar dize related tra nsa ctions, strengt heni ng operations in a ccorda nce with law. Dee pe ning the information management to ensure full communi cation "zero resistance". o constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, a nd M IS, and SCM, i nformation system base d constr ucti on, full i ntegration i nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expa nd Portal system applicati on of brea dth a nd dept h, play informati on system on ent erprise of Assistant role; to perfect dai ly run mai ntena nce operati on of records, prom ote problem reasons a nalysi s and system ha ndov er; to stre ngthening BFS++, and ERP, a nd SCM, technology applicati on of training, impr ove empl oyees a ppli cation i nformation system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to e nsure "zer o." To strengthe ning Humanitie s care, continues to foster compa ny wind cle ar, a nd gas are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmosphere; strengt heni ng love helpe d trapped, care diffi cult empl oyees; carrie d out style activities, rich employe es life; strengt heni ng he alth and la bour prote ction, organi zation career health m dical, control car eer against; continues to im plementati on psychologi cal war ning pr evention system, traini ng empl oyees health of chara cter, a nd sta ble of mood and enter prisi ng of attitude, created frie ndly fraternity of Humanitie s environment. o stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, ensure t hat the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengt hene d busi ness plans manageme nt, will busi ness busine ss plans cover t o all level, e nsure the busi ness ca n control i n control; t o close concern fi nancial, and coal ele ctric li nkage, a nd nergy-savi ng sche duli ng, nati onal poli cy trends, stre ngthe ning track, a ctive should; t o impleme ntation State-ow ned a ssets method, f urther spe cification busi ness financial manageme nt; to perfect risk tube control system, a chieve d risk re cogniti on, and mea sure, a nd a ssessment, and report, and control fee dba ck of closed ri ng management, improve risk preventi on ca pacity. To further standar dize trading, and strive to achieve "accor ding to la w, standardize and fair." Innovation of performance manageme nt, to ensure t hat pote ntial empl oyees "zero fly". To strengthe n performa nce ma nagement, proce ss contr ol, enhance empl oyee eval uation and l evels of effective communi cation t o improve performance manageme nt. T o furt her quant ify and refine empl oyee standards ... Work, full play party, a nd bra nch, and members i n "five type Enterpri se" construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress r ole and pi one er model r ole; to continues to stre ngthening "four good" leadershi p constr uction, full play levels ca dres in enterpri se de velopment i n the
二O 一O 年十月日