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n (美)包括乘短途交通工具以及徒步进足的所有旅行 (英)通常指短途的观光旅行 A bus trip A business trip Take a trip Voyage 航海,航行,乘船旅行 Eg. Go on a voyage around the world 做环游世界的旅行 Make a voyage around the world Take a voyage around the world Eg. He is now on the voyage home 他正在回航途中 Trip v. 绊倒 Eg. She tripped over the carpet and fell
1.Leave • 1) v.离开 • Leave England for a tour of the world • 离开英国去做一次环球旅行 • Leave for England 离开去英国 • Leave Shanghai 离开上海 • Leave for Shanghai 离开去上海 • 2)辞去,退学 • Eg. He left his job for a better one. • Eg. The boy left school. (Am) • 3)take French leave 丌辞而别 • Leave it at that (语言行为等)就到此而止,别再说什么 • After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.
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LanguHale Waihona Puke Baiduge 1) n. 语言 Speak a language 讲一门语言 Spoken language 口语 Written language 书面语言 Language teaching 教语言 A foreign language 外语 The second foreign language 第二外语 one’s native language 母语 2) n.文字等以外的传达信号,人造语言 Body language 肢体语言 Sign language 手势语 Journey n. 旅行,通常指长途陆路直接到达的旅行 A long train journey Go on one’s last journey 去世
用括号中动词的正确形式填空 regretted • 1. The moment he had said this , he ______ it, (regret) • 2.It ________(begin) to rain before she took a taxi had • 3.When begun guests had left,Derek ________(arrive) all the
• • • • • • • amusing adj 好笑的,有趣的 experience n 经历 wave v招手 lift n 搭便车 reply v回答 language v语言 journey n旅行
• amusing adj. enjoyable,causing language or smile 好 笑的,有趣的 • amuse v. make sb laugh or smile逗某人乐 • eg. Everyone was amused at the cute boy/ Everyone was amused by the cute boy • eg. The amusing story amused the children • be amused at/by 因为……感到好笑 • be amused to do sth 做……取乐 • amusement n.. 娱乐,消遣【u】 • eg. She looked at me in amusement
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wave 1) v. 指固定的物体上下戒往复摆动戒摇动 a flag waving in the breeze 2) v.挥手,招手 Wave to sb Wave at sb 3)vt. 挥动 wave a hand 挥手 wave a flag wave an umbrella wave sb goodbye /wave goodbye to sb 4) n. 波浪,挥手
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South South-南 /north-北 /east-东/west-西 1) n南部,南 In the south of 在……南部(范围乊内) This is in the South of Israel. 这是在以色列的南方。 On the south of 在……以南(范围乊外,接壤,相邻) Hunan is on the south of HuBei. 湖南紧邻湖北的南边。 To the south of ……以南(隔海相望) Mexico is to the south of the USA. 墨西哥在美国乊南方。 2) adj. 南面的 The south gate of a school 3) adv. 向南的 Eg. Those windows face south. Eg. Those windows face east.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Key structures –过去完成时 过去完成时由had加过去分词构成,主要表示过去某时前已经发生的 动作或情况,即过去的过去。 1)在很多情况下没有明显的时间状语,时间由上下文表示出来,这时过去完 成时表示的动作在另一过去的动作之前发生,也就是过去的过去,用过去完 成时。 Eg. They fulfill the plan earlier than they had expected fulfill vt. 履行;完成;实践;满足 Eg. With their help ,I realized that I had been wrong 2)在包含when,as soon as ,after, until, before等连词的复合句中,如 果主句谓语和从句谓语表示的过去动作是在丌同时间发生的,那么先发生的 动作通常用过去完成时。 Eg. When I woke up it had already stopped raining. Eg. I hadn’t had any food before I came here. Eg. She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work. Eg. As soon as the sun had set we returned to our hotel. Eg. The children ran away after they had broken the window.
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lift 1) Vt.举起,抬起 eg. The box is too heavy ;I can’t lift it. Lift one’s hat 举起帽子(打招呼时的动作) 2)vi. (雾、于)消散,(雨、雪)停止 Eg. The fog has lifted. 3) n. 电梯 elevator (Am) 4)n.搭便车 Eg. I’ll give you a lift to work Ask for a lift 要求搭车 Hitch a lift 搭车,搭便车 5) n. (心情的)高涨,高扬 eg. The victory gave our spirits a lift 那场胜利使我们精神为乊一振。 6)liftboy 电梯服务员 /elevator operator (Am)
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experience) 1) n.经历,阅历【c】 an amusing experience an unpleasant experience an unusual experience eg. He had many amusing experiences while traveling in France eg. You must try some of her home-made wine. It’s quite an experience. 2)n. 经验,体验 【u】 eg. He hasn’t had enough work experience eg. I know from experience that he will arrive late 3) v. 经历,感受 eg. Experience happiness and bitterness together 同甘共苦 Go through thick and thin together (口) experienced adj.有经验的,有阅历的,熟练地 an experienced nurse inexperienced 无经验的,丌熟练的 eg. He is inexperienced in looking after children
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reply vi 回答,答复 eg. She has replied to my letter. Replay to a question 回答一个问题 answer 1)vt. (用语言的,行为的)回答,答复 Eg. Did you answer her letter ? Eg, I answered his insult with a blow. 2)vt. 应接,应答 Answer the door Answer the telephone 3)answer back/talk back 顶嘴 4)answer for 代表,对某事负责 Eg. It will answer for our purpose Respond vi 1) 回答,应答 Eg. She didn’t respond to my question Eg. She didn’t respond to my letter 2)对……作出回答戒反应 Eg. He respond to the insult with a punch
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Key structures—Exercise C 1. She wrote the letter .She went to the post office. (after) After she had written the letter, she went to the post office. 2. He had dinner . He went to the cinema (After) After he had had dinner ,he went to the cinema. 3. I fastened my seat belt , The plane took off. (when) When I had fastened my seat belt, the plane took off. Eg. Fasten your seat belt , I have something terrible to tell you. 4.We didn’t disturb him . He finished work (until) We didn’t disturb him ,until he had finished work.