




1.单词的重读符号标在重读音节的 __________,次重读符号标在次重读音节的____________.


3.所谓的连读,就是把前一个单词的 _______ 和后一个单词的


4.一个音节有_______个元音,单独的一个______ 也可以是一个


5.双元音的发音规则是前 ________ 后 _______ ,前 ______

后 _______.


1. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be

delayed because ____ weather conditions.

A. of

B. in C at D. with

’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow.

A take

B make

C look

D save

price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you

A for

B at

C with

D to

have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight .

A at

B on

C in

D to

may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers.

A away

B for

C up

D down

6. I’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______

shows it’ll be delaye d.

A. boarding pass

B. boarding gate

C. boarding time

D. notice board

7. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule.

A behind

B between

C front

D bellow

you tell me where to check ______

A in

B out

C at

D bellow

9. Let me check ______ you again

A. on B and C with D do

10. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’

clock and arriving in Los Angeles at 8 o’clock.

Flight B. CA124 flight

C. flight CA124

D. flight CA124


(1)( )商务舱 A boarding pass

( )登机卡 B. Miami

( )航站楼 C. terminal

( )迈阿密 D. international flight ( )国际航班 E. business class

(2)( ) boarding gate A.办理登机手续( )seat belt B.行李

( )checking in C.亚特兰大

( )luggage D.登机口

( )Atlanta E.安全带


1.luggage tag _____________

2. aisle seat ________________

3. scale ______________

4. check-in___________________

5. lounge______________

6. round-trip ticket ______________ weather condition ________________

8. international flight ____________ card ____________

escape chute _______________________.



When I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouses everywhere on the streets there is a saying, “ China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China.”

The service inthe teahouses is really friendly. When you go into a teahouse , the waiters or waitresses greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands after you sit down, they set the cups on the table and pour the tea into the cps.

People who go to the teahouses are not really thirsty. They pay 20 cents to go to a teahouse and will sit there all day long to chat with each other. These days, more and more peoplego to teahouses for business talks. Some teahouses also have performances, such as storytelling and Sichuan Opera.

( ) g to the passage, Chengdu has ____ in the world.

A the best tea bestteahouses

worst tea D. the cheapest teahouses

( ) does the writer think of the service in the teahouses ’s friendly B. It’s not so bad

’s bad D. It’s unfriendly

( ) 3. The word “greet” can be replaced with“_____”

A. call after C. say hello to D. cry at

( ) are told that __________.

A. every teahouse has performances

are many teahouses in Chengdu

C. only the waitresses make tea in the teahouses

D. young people don’t like going to teahouses

( )’s the best title for the passage

A. the Price of Teahouses

B. China Has Great Teahouses

C. Performances in Teahouses

D. Teahouses in Chengdu


Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor. One night it was very dry and windy.

When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly.

At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.

1.Peter lived with his______.

A.sisters B.brothers C.uncles D.parents 2.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning. A.the table B.the wood C.the door D.the window 3.______, so he could not put out the fire.

A.Everybody was asleep

B.He couldn't shout loudly

C.The kitchen was very big

D.there was no water tap in the house

4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______.

A.to wake the people up B.to get some water C.to find his classmates D.to visit them

5.______hurt in the fire.

A.People in other houses were B.Peter's parents were C.Nobody was D.Peter was



Ladies and gentlemen,

For the sake of your dafety, we will explain three kinds of position against impact of ditching.

First , keep the upper part of your body upright, grast the arms of your seat with your two hands firmly, and step on the floor with your feet firmly.

Second, stretch both your arms and cross them on the back

of the seat in front of you, lower your head as much as

possible, step on the floor with your feet firmly.

Third, bend the upper part of your body forward as much

as possible, separate your feet in a length as your shoulders,

lower your head between your knees and clasp both ankles or

brace both legs.

Thank you.













2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A 卷) 考试科目:航空英语考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春航空班 一、填空题( 15分) (1)英语语音音素一共有________ 个,其中元音 _______ 个,辅音______个。 (2)辅音根据发音方法可以分为六类,分别是: ________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________ 。 (3).所谓的连读,就是把前一个单词的 _______ 和后一个单词的 ________连起来读。 (4).一个音节有_______个元音,单独的一个______ 也可以是一个音节。 (5)英语单词中有一个音节的叫_______________词、有两个音节的叫______________词. 二、选择题(20分) 1.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 2.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 3.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 4.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 5.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 6. Let me check ______ you again A.on B and C with Ddo 7. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C.Flight CA124 D. flight CA124 8. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三.搭配(15分) (1)1.( )打折机票 A local airport 2.( )舱位等级 B. discount ticket 3.( )团体票 C. cabin class 4.( )当地机场 D. group ticket 5.( )紧急出口 E. emergency exit 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


飞机 A/C(是airc raft 的英文缩写形式) 航前检查 pre flight check 航后检查 postflight check 短停检查 transi t check 定检 scheduled m aintenance 发现 found或revealed (注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault 失效 fail 或 malfunction 不工作 inoperative 缩写INOP 工作不稳定 rough 工作稳定 smoothly 排故 troubleshooting 为了排故 for troubleshoo ting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据 refer 或 per to 或according to; 维护手册 AMM 更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/ N 时控件 time control part 拆下 removed 安装 installed 上件 part on

下件 part off 放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation guide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单 MEL(是mini mum equipment list的缩写形式) 同意放行 dispatch approv ed 或 released 因为 due 或 because 因停场时间不足 due time short 没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts available 或 no parts in stock 待件 wait for parts 申请保留 apply for reser vation 保留故障 defer defect 保留项目 defer item 保留期限 due time 关闭保留项目 close defer red item 撤消保留项目 rescind def erred item 前部 forward 缩写fwd 后部 after 缩写aft 左 left 缩写L 或 LH 右 right 缩写R 或 R H 上面 upper 下面 lower 内侧 inboard 缩写 I/B 外侧 outboard 缩写 O/B


航空英语听力考试试卷 考试时间:2012年5月28日 Ⅰ. Write down the English words according to the given Chinese meaning. (40 points)1.支持 2. 调整,调节 3. 减少 4. 排出 5. 候补 6. 主要的 7. 方式 8. 娱乐,消遣 9. 操纵,驾驶10. 装配11. 指挥12. 召集 13. 机内的14. 输入15. 管理16. 通告 17. 超控18. 使-----完善19.指明,指定20. 动力的 21. 倾斜22. 基础23. 可靠的24. 路线,轨道 25. 空白的26. 次要的27. 产量28. 幸存 29. 半径30. 使能够31. 包括,涵盖32. 拆开 33. 吸收34. 过多的35. 构造36. 数字的 37. 刹车38. 基本的,必要的39. 可听见的40. 机械装置 Ⅱ. Choose the best answer to each question according to what you hear. (20 points) 1. Which of the following is mentioned as a function for the hydraulic system? A. auto pilot B. control inputs C. nose wheel steering 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a component for the system in the passage? A. a reservoir B. an actuating cylinder C. an AC motor pump 3. When will the engine-driven pump start to operate? A. The engine is working. B. The engine is not running. C. The pump is coupled to the engine. 4. How can the system pressure be built up? A. The engine is running. B. The pump expels fluid to the system. C. All of them. 5. On what day did the accident happen? A. January 13, 1992 B. January 12, 1982 C. January 13, 1982 6. At what place did the accident happen? A. Washington D.C. B. the barrier wall of the north C. the west side of the Bridge 7. How many people were there on the plane? A. 79 B. 74 C. 5 8. At what time did the aircraft crash? A. 737-222 B. 1601 C. 0.75 9. From which runway did the aircraft take off? A. 14 B. 36 C. 7 10. How many people survived? A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (20 points) Time of accident: 1. standard time Date/Month: 2. Year: 3. Location of accident: 4. miles west northwest of 5. airport Type of plane: 6. Reason of not landing: System did not indicate 7. in the down position Population of the passengers: 8. Population of the crewmembers: 9. Population finally injured: 10. Ⅳ. Write down the sentences you hear. (20 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


飞机A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式) 航前检查preflight check 航后检查postflight check 短停检查transit check 定检scheduled maintenance 发现found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障trouble 或failure 或fault 失效fail 或malfunction 不工作inoperative 缩写INOP 工作不稳定rough 工作稳定smoothly 排故troubleshooting 为了排故for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据refer 或per to 或according t o; 维护手册AMM 更换replaced 件号part number 缩写P/N 时控件time control part 拆下removed 安装installed 上件part on 下件part off 放行标准DDG(是dispatch deviatio n guide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单MEL(是minimum equ ipment list的缩写形式) 同意放行dispatch approved 或rele ased 因为due 或because 因停场时间不足due time short

没有备件lack parts 或no spare pa rts available 或no parts in stock 待件wait for parts 申请保留apply for reservation 保留故障defer defect 保留项目defer item 保留期限due time 关闭保留项目close deferred item 撤消保留项目rescind deferred item 前部forward 缩写fwd 后部after 缩写aft 左left 缩写L 或LH 右right 缩写R 或RH 上面upper 下面lower 内侧inboard 缩写I/B 外侧outboard 缩写O/B 内侧发动机inboard engine 外侧发动机overboard engine 起落架landing gear 缩写LDG 主轮main wheel 前轮nose wheel 测试test 通电测试power-on test 安装测试test for installation 操作测试operational test 系统测试test for system 正常normal 或OK 异常abnormal 在空中in flight 在地面on ground 地面检查GND check 试车检查running-up test (同机)对串件interchanged…with…


2014年秋航空专业期末考试《英语》试题 1、考试时间:90分钟,满分100分。 2、请首先按要求在试卷标封处填写您的班级、姓名、学号。 3、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定位置填写答案。 ⅠChoose the best answer. (共15分,每题1分) 1.--- Hello, this is Baosheng Booking Office. May I help you. ----Yes, I want ___ tickets from Beijing to Shang. A. book B. books C. booking D. to book 2. Which class would you prefer? ___,please. A. Next Wednesday B. Two C. Business class D. Ok 3. Thank you for _______Baosheng. A. to call B. calling C. call D. called 4.Could you please arrange it ___ me? A. to B. from C. of D. for 5. You should____ two hours before the departure time. A. check B. check out C. check in D. checking 6. Please put them___ the conveyor belt. A. up B. on C. off D. down 7. Please give me an aisle seat if it's not____ trouble. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many 8. I want to know how many pieces of luggage i can carry___ the plane. A. on B. onto C. in D. into 9. Your ticket ______to china Eastern Airlines A. belong to B. belong C. belongs to D. is to 10. Do you have any luggage to check in? A. much B. many C. any D. some 11. It___ at 10:00 in the morning and ____ in at 2:00 in the afternoon. A. leave ; arrives B. leaves; arrive C. leave; arrive D. leaves; arrives 12. Thank you for________. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited 13. This is electronic ticket, you can change____ boarding check on the left. A. to B. in C. into D. of 14. Here is your ticket, passport _______your boarding pass. A. include B. except C. besides D. including 15. You can board your flight _____Gate 26 A. at B. in C. on D. of Ⅱ.(1) Put the following words into Chinese or English. (共10分,每题1分) 1.安全检查 ____________________________ 2.除此之外_______________________________ 3.接待员________________ 4.直达航班________________ 5.国内航班__________________ 6business class____________________________ 7. high season__________________ 8.inquiry _________________________ https://www.360docs.net/doc/c914487352.html,plicated ________________________ 10.transport __________________________ (2) Put the following sentences into English or Chinese. (共20分,每题2分) 1.请问我能问你个在这儿办理登记手续吗? 2.您的行李体积是90×50×48cm. 3.请问您的姓名和电话号码是? 4. 请问您的姓名和电话号码? 5. 没有直达航班,但我们能为您安排很好的衔接航班。 1 / 4


机务实用英语词汇 轮档挡好-- Chocks in 地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected 收到-- Roger 现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines 准备牵引-- Ready for pushback 所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed >松刹车-- Brakes off 松刹车-- Release parking brakes 刹车已松-- Brakes off 刹车已松-- parking brake Released 可以牵引--Clear for pushback 23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three 05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five 牵引完成--Pushback complete 刹车--Brakes on 刹车--Set parking brake 刹车刹好--Brakes on 刹车刹好-- Parking brake set 准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two) 可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two) 已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on 启动结束--Start complete 断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment 插销移开--Ping Removed 稍等--Standby Air Conditioning System (空调系统) PACK空调主件 HOT BLEED AIR热引气 OUTLET DUCT外流管 BYPASS V ALVE旁通活门 RAM AIR 冲压空气 INLET SCOOP 进气口 TRIM AIR V ALVE 调节空气 PACK FLOW SWITCH空调主件流量 EXTRACTOR FAN 排气风扇 GUARDED FLAP 有保护盖的导片 ISOLATION V ALVE 隔离活门 “LIGHT OUT”AUTO POSITION “灯灭”自动状态 BLOWER 鼓风机 EXTRCTOR排风扇 OVERBOARD 机外 ONBOARD机上 OPEN-CIRCUIT开路


《民航英语》单元测试1 一、词语翻译(3×10) 1、直达航班 2、往返机票 3、头等舱 4、旺季 5、国际航班 6、经济舱 7、附加费用8、凯华订票中心 9、身份证10、头等舱 二、单选题(2×10) 1、I want to ( ) tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong. A、take B、buy C、book D、use 2、Seats are ( ) on CA981 on January 13th,next Wednesday. A、available B、some C、many D、OK 3、How ()seats would you like? A、available B、some C、many D、OK 4、is there anything ()i can do for you? A、for B、else C、what D、but 5、May i have your (),please? A、name B、money C、water

6、Have a nice ()。 A、day B、body C、ticket D、trip 7、It leaves at 10:00 in the morning and ()in at 2:00 in the afternoon。Is that right? A.but B. and C. or D、arrives 8、I’ve booked one economy class seat from beijing to shanghai on feb 20th. but i don’t want to go there. could you ( ) it for me,please? A.failed B. missed C. cancle D. lost 9、let me ()my computer. A.see B、check C. look D. watch 10、which class would you ()? A. in B. since C. for D、prefer 三、汉译英(5×5) 1、我为您订了一张商务舱的客票。 2、请问您的姓名和电话号码? 3、感谢您打电话进行再确认。


关于民航英语一些常用词汇 1 . handle /'hendle/ v. 处理 2 . item/'aitэm/ n.项目,条款,术语 3 .origin /'oridgin/ n.起源,由来 4 .desination/desti'nei∫эn/ n. 目的地 5 .departure/di'pa:t∫э/ n. 离开 6 .economy class 经济舱 7 .business class 公务舱 8 .first class 头等舱 9 .essential/i'sen∫эl/ a. 基本的 10.offer/'ofэ/ v. 提供 11.route /ru:t/ n. 路线 12.reasonable/'ri:znэbl/ a. 合理的 13.direct flight 衔接航班

14.according to 根据 15.purpose/'pэpэs/ n. 目的 16.available/э'veilэbl/ a.可利用的 17.high season 旺季 18.in that case 那样的话 19.recommend/,rekэ'mend/ v. 推荐 20.standby /'standbai/ v.候补 In the reservation office,the agents whose job is to handle telephone reservations for passengers should know some important items. 呼叫中心负责处理电话预定的工作人员应该掌握一些重要的术语。 First,passenger's name; 首先,顾客的姓名; Second,the number of Identification Card; 其次,顾客的身份证; Third,origin and destination; 第三,出发地和目的地; Fourth,departure time and arrival time; 第四,离港和到达时间;


2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:航空英语考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春航空班 一、填空题( 15分) (1)英语语音音素一共有________ 个,其中元音_______ 个,辅音______个。 (2)辅音根据发音方法可以分为六类,分别是:________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________ 。 (3).所谓的连读,就是把前一个单词的 _______ 和后一个单词的 ________连起来读。 (4).一个音节有_______个元音,单独的一个______ 也可以是一个音节。 (5)英语单词中有一个音节的叫_______________词、有两个音节的叫______________词. 二、选择题(20分) 1.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 2.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 3.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 4.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 5.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 6. Let me check ______ you again A.on B and C with Ddo 7. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C.Flight CA124 D. flight CA124 8. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三.搭配(15分) (1)1.( )打折机票 A local airport 2.( )舱位等级 B. discount ticket 3.( )团体票 C. cabin class 4.( )当地机场 D. group ticket 5.( )紧急出口 E. emergency exit (2)1.( )Zurich A大阪 2. ( )Osaka B.新加坡 3. ( )Singapore C.苏黎世 4. ( )Madrid D.西雅图 5. ( )Seattle E.马德里 四.英汉互译(共10分) 1.flight number 2.notice board___________ 3.window seat ____________ 4. weather forecast ___________ 5.Airport __________ 6.Thailand _____________ 1 / 3


2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试 《民航客舱服务实用英语》试卷(A) (时间90分钟满分100分) (适用于领航专业学生) 一、短语测试(10分,每题分) 1.海关规定 11.中转旅客 2.信用卡 12.摆渡车 3.胸口疼 13.安全措施 4.受伤区 14.咨询台 5.客舱压力 15.入境表格 6.氧气瓶 16.移民检查 7.防冲撞姿态 17.私人物品8.迫降 18.到达大厅 9.联程航班 19.报关物品 10.备用航班 20.广播系统 二、实用句型测试(20分,每题1分)。 1.先生,您要购买免税商品吗 _______________________________________________________ 2.我将为您算出汇率。 _______________________________________________________ 3.您最好躺下休息。 _______________________________________________________ 4.不用担心,应对这种情况我训练有素。 _______________________________________________________ 5.您可以通过吞咽咀嚼糖果来减轻耳痛。 _______________________________________________________ 6.打扰了,厕所有人吗 ________________________________________________________ 7.为了您的安全,请保持做好,系好安全带。 ________________________________________________________ 8.我们机长已经决定紧急降落。 ________________________________________________________ 9.目前我们还没有得到确切的离港时间。 ________________________________________________________


航海英语试题 中华人民共和国海事局 2008 年第46 期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46 期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:903 适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副 (本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分数70 分,考试时间100 分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。第1 题至88 题,每题1 分,第89 题至96 题,每题1.5 分。 1.You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ____ . 你可以在___________ 找到某个港口低潮后的平潮期。 A. mFAG. B. Tide tables. 潮汐表 C. Notices to mariners. D. Table of azimuth. KEY: B https://www.360docs.net/doc/c914487352.html,rmation on the operating times and characteristics of foreign radiobeacons can be found in which publication? _______ . 国外无线电信标的运转时间和特性的信息在哪一个出版物里能够被找 到? A. List of Lights 航标表 B. Coast Pilot C. Sailing Directions D. List of Radiobeacons KEY: A 3. ______________________________________________________ A line of position from a celestial observation is a segment of a ________________________________ . 来自天体观测的位置线是 _______ 的一段


航空机务常用英语大全汇 总 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.

飞机 A/C(是aircraft 的英文缩写形式)航前检查 preflight check 航后检查 postflight check 短停检查 transit check 定检 scheduled maintenance 发现 found或revealed(注:对已发生事情的描述常用过去式) 故障 trouble 或 failure 或 fault 失效 fail 或 malfunction 不工作 inoperative 缩写 INOP 工作不稳定 rough 工作稳定 smoothly 排故 troubleshooting 为了排故 for troubleshooting 不能fail to…或can’t 根据 refer 或 per to 或 according to; 维护手册 AMM 更换 replaced 件号 part number 缩写P/N 时控件 time control part 拆下 removed 安装 installed 上件 part on 下件 part off 放行标准 DDG(是dispatch deviation gu ide的英文缩写形式) 最低设备清单 MEL(是minimum equipm ent list的缩写形式) 同意放行 dispatch approved 或 released 因为 due 或 because 因停场时间不足 due time short 没有备件 lack parts 或 no spare parts av ailable 或 no parts in stock 待件 wait for parts 申请保留 apply for reservation


精品文档 学校 班级 姓名 学号 //////密 封 线内不要答题////////////// 2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试试卷(D 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春航一、航二 一. 填空题(20分) 1.单词的重读符号标在重读音节的 __________,次重读符号标在次重读音节的____________. 2.连读符号用______表示,连读只能发生在__________意群内。 3.所谓的连读,就是把前一个单词的 _______ 和 后一个单词的 ________连起来读。 4.一个音节有_______个元音,单独的一个______ 也可以是一个音节。 5.双元音的发音规则是前 ________ 后 _______ ,前 ______ 后 _______. 二. 选择题(20分) 1. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 2.I ’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 3.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 5.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 6. I ’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______ shows it ’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 7. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 8.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 9. Let me check ______ you again A. on B and C with D do 10. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o ’ clock and arriving in Los Angeles at 8 o ’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C. flight CA124 D. flight CA124 三.搭配(10分) (1)( )商务舱 A boarding pass ( )登机卡 B. Miami ( )航站楼 C. terminal ( )迈阿密 D. international flight ( )国际航班 E. business class (2)( ) boarding gate A.办理登机手续 ( )seat belt B.行李 ( )checking in C.亚特兰大 ( )luggage D.登机口 ( )Atlanta E.安全带 四. 英汉互译(共15分) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 合计 得分


学校 班级 姓名 学号 ///////密 封线内不要答题 ////////////// 2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试试卷(C 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春 航一、航二 一、 填空题(15分) 1. 单词的重读符号标在重读音节的 __________,次重读符号 标在次重读音节的___________ . 2. 连读符号用______表示,连读只能发生在同一个意群内。 3.不完全爆破一共有五类 爆破音+________ 、爆破音 +________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 。 4. 英语中连读的种类有三类,分别是 ___________、 _________ 、________________ 5. 双元音的发音规则是前 ________ 后 _______ ,前 ______ 后 _______. 二、 选择题(20分) 1.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 2. Let me check ______ you again A. on B and C with D do 3. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los Angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C. flight CA124 D. flight CA124 4. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 5.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 6.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 7.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 8.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New Y ork, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三. 搭配(15分) (1)( )善意的谎言 A. ticket office ( )视而不见 B. a white lie ( )护照 C. passport ( )出口 D. Exit ( 订票处 E. turn a blind eye (2)( )United Airlines A.中国国际航空公司 ( )Air China B.中国东方航空公司 ( )U.S AIR C.全日航空公司 ( )China Easten Airlines D.美国联合航空公司 ( )All Nippon Airlines E.美国航空公司 四.英汉互译(共15分) 1.luggage 2. aisle seat 3.smoking section ____________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 合计 得分
