

Loan Agreement

本借款合同 (下称“本合同”)由以下双方于2015 年 9 月 25 日在中国北京签署:

This Loan Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into by and

between the Parties below as of the 25 th day of September, 2015, in Beijing,


(1)AAA 控股有限公司(下称“贷款人”),一家依照中华人民共和国香港特别行政区


司,地址为香港XXX ;

AAA Holdings Limited. ("Lender"), a Company incorporated and

existing under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong"), with its

address at XXX, Hong Kong;

(2) ________ (下称“借款人”),一位中华人民共和国(以下简称“中国”)公民,其

份证号码: _________ 。

_________ ( Borrower“ ” ), a citizen of the PRC with Chinese Identification No.:



Each of the Lender and the Borrower shall be hereinafter referred to as

a "Party" respectively, and as the "Parties" collectively.

鉴于 :


1. 借款人持有BBB (下称“借款人公司”) 30%的股权权益(下称



10,000,000 万元;

Borrower, directly or indirectly, holds 30% of equity interests ("Borrower

Equity Interest") in BBB Technology Co., Ltd. ("Borrower Company"), which is a

limited company duly registered in Shenzhen, China with its registered capital

of RMB 10,000,000.00;


Lender intends to provide Borrower with a loan to be used for the

purposes set forth under this Agreement.


After friendly consultation, the Parties agree as follows:




1.1 根据本合同之条款,贷款人同意向借款人提供一笔等值于人民币 3,000,000 万元的

无息贷款 (下称“贷款”)。贷款的期限为自本合同签署之日起10 年,经双方书面同意



In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender agrees

to provide an interest-free loan in the amount of RMB [3,000,000.00] (the

"Loan") to Borrower. The term of the Loan shall be 10 years from the date of

this Agreement, which may be extended upon mutual written consent of the

Parties. During the term of the Loan or the extended term of the Loan,

Borrower shall immediately repay the full amount of the Loan in the event any

one or more of the following circumstances occur:

借款人收到贷款人发出的要求还款的书面通知后30 天期满;

30 days elapse after Borrower receives a written notice from Lender requesting repayment of the Loan;


能力; Borrower's death, lack or limitation of civil



Borrower ceases (for any reason) to be an Shareholder of Borrower Company or their affiliates;


Borrower engages in criminal act or is involved in criminal activities;

任何第三方向借款人索偿超过人民币50 万元以上;或

Any third party filed a claim against Borrower that exceeds RMB 500,000; or






According to the applicable laws of China, foreign investors are permitted to

invest in the value-added telecommunication business and/or other business of

Borrower Company in China with a controlling stake or in the form of wholly-

foreign-owned enterprises, the relevant competent authorities of China begin

to approve such investments, and Lender exercises the exclusive option under

the Exclusive Option Agreement (the "Exclusive Option Agreement") described in

this Agreement.

贷款人同意在本合同第2 条规定的先决条件全部满足的前提下,在收到借款人需使用

该贷款的书面通知日起20 日内将该贷款全部汇给借款人指定的帐号。借款人应于收



Lender agrees to remit the total amount of the Loan to the account designated

by Borrower within 20 days after receiving a written notification from the Borrower regarding the same, provided that all the conditions precedent in Section 2 are fulfilled. Borrower shall provide Lender with a written receipt



the Loan upon receiving the Loan. The Loan provided by Lender under this

Agreement shall inure to Borrower's benefit only and not to Borrower's

successors or assigns.






Borrower agrees to accept the aforementioned Loan provided by Lender, and

hereby agrees and warrants using the Loan to provide capital for Borrower

Company to develop the business of Borrower Company. Without Lender's prior

written consent, Borrower shall not use the Loan for any purpose other than as

set forth herein.




Lender and Borrower hereby agree and acknowledge that Borrower's method of

repayment shall be at the sole discretion of Lender, and may at Lender's option

take the form of Borrower's transferring the Borrower Equity Interest in whole

to Lender or Lender's designated persons (legal or natural persons) pursuant to

the Lender's exercise of its right to acquire the Borrower Equity Interest

under the Exclusive Option Agreement.





Lender and Borrower hereby agree and acknowledge that any proceeds from

the transfer of the Borrower Equity Interest (to the extent permissible)

shall be used to repay the Loan to Lender, in accordance with this

Agreement and in the manner designated by Lender.





Lender and Borrower hereby agree and acknowledge that to the extent permitted

by applicable laws, Lender shall have the right but not the obligation to

purchase or designate other persons (legal or natural persons) to purchase

Borrower Equity Interest in part or in whole at any time, at the price

stipulated in the Exclusive Option Agreement.





Borrower also undertakes to execute an irrevocable Power of Attorney (the

"Power of Attorney"), which authorizes Lender or a legal or natural person

designated by Lender to exercise all of Borrower's rights as a shareholder of

Borrower Company.



Conditions Precedent

在下列条件全部得以满足或由贷款人书面放弃后,贷款人才有义务按照第 1.1 条的规定向借款人


The obligation of Lender to provide the Loan to Borrower contemplated in

Section 1.1 shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions,

unless waived in writing by Lender.



1.2 条规定的由借款人正式签署的提款通知。Lender


the written notification for drawdown under the Loan sent by Borrower according to

Section 1.2.





Borrower Company and Lender or other person (legal or natural person)

designated by Lender have officially executed an Exclusive Business

Cooperation Agreement ("Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement"), under

which Lender or other person designated by Lender, as an exclusive service

provider, will provide Borrower Company with technical service and business

consulting service.

2.3 借款人、借款人公司和贷款人或贷款人指定的人(法人或自然人)已签订一份内容



Borrower, Borrower Company and Lender or other person (legal or natural person)

designated by Lender have executed a Share Pledge Agreement ("Share Pledge

Agreement"), the contents of which have been confirmed, and according to the

Share Pledge Agreement, Borrower agrees to pledge Borrower Equity Interest to

Lender or other person designated by Lender.

2.4 借款人、贷款人和借款人公司已正式签订一份内容已经确定的《独家购买




Borrower, Lender and Borrower Company have officially executed an Exclusive

Option Agreement, the contents of which have been confirmed, and under which

Borrower shall irrevocably grant Lender an exclusive option to purchase all of

the Borrower Equity Interest.

2.5 借款人已经签署一份不可撤销的《授权委托书》,将其作为借款人公司

股东的全部权利授权给贷款人或其指定的人(法人或自然人)代为行使。Borrower has executed an irrevocable Power of Attorney ("Power of Attorney"), which authorizes Lender or other person (legal or natural person) designated

by Lender to exercise all of Borrower's rights as a shareholder in Borrower Company.

2.6 上述股权质押合同、授权委托书、独家购买权合同和独家业务合作协议于







The aforementioned Share Pledge Agreement, Power of Attorney, Exclusive Option

Agreement and Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement have been entered into

before or on the date of execution of this Agreement and shall have full legal

validity without any default or encumbrance related to these agreements or

contracts, and all the related filing procedures, approvals, authorization,

registrations and government procedures have been completed (as applicable). The

Parties have completed all the necessary government approvals and registrations

for the Loan under this Agreement according to the relevant laws and regulations

of the PRC.

2.7 借款人在第

3.2 条项下所做的陈述和保证都是真实的、完整的、正确的


All the representations and warranties by Borrower in Section 3.2 are true,

complete, correct and not misleading.

2.8 借款人没有违反其在本合同第4 条所作的任何承诺,且未发生或可预见将要发生任


Borrower has not violated the covenants in Section 4 of this Agreement, and no

event which may affect Borrower's performance of its obligations under this

Agreement has occurred or is expected to occur.


Representations and Warranties

3.1 在本合同签署日至本合同终止前,贷款人向借款人做出以下陈述和保证:

Between the date of this Agreement and the date of termination of this

Agreement, Lender hereby makes the following representations and warranties

to Borrower:


Lender is a corporation duly organized and legally existing in accordance with the laws of Hong






Lender has the legal capacity to execute and perform this Agreement. The execution and performance by Lender of this Agreement is consistent with Lender's scope of business and the provisions of Lender's corporate bylaws and other organizational documents, and Lender has obtained all necessary and proper approvals and authorizations for the execution and performance of this Agreement; and

本合同一经签署即构成对贷款人合法有效并可依法强制执行的义务。This Agreement constitutes Lender's legal, valid and binding obligations

enforceable in accordance with its terms.



Between the date of this Agreement and the date of termination of this Agreement, Borrower hereby makes the following representations and warranties:



Borrower has the legal capacity to execute and perform this Agreement. Borrower has obtained all necessary and proper approvals and authorizations

for the execution and performance of this Agreement;

本合同一经签署即构成对借款人合法有效并可依法强制执行的义务;和This Agreement constitutes Borrower's legal, valid and binding obligations enforceable in accordance with its terms; and





There are no disputes, litigations, arbitrations, administrative

proceedings or any other legal proceedings relating to Borrower, nor are

there any potential disputes, litigations, arbitrations, administrative proceedings or any other legal proceedings relating to Borrower.


Borrower's Covenants



As and when he becomes, and for so long as he remains a shareholder of Borrower Company, Borrower covenants irrevocably that during the term of

this Agreement, Borrower shall cause Borrower Company:



效性和可强制执行性的作为 /不作为;

to strictly abide by the provisions of the Exclusive Option Agreement and the Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement, and to refrain from any

action/omission that may affect the effectiveness and enforceability of the Exclusive Option Agreement and the Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement;


签订业务合作方面的合同 /协议,并确保该等合同 /协议的严格


at the request of Lender (or a party designated by Lender), to execute contracts/agreements on business cooperation with Lender (or a party designated by Lender), and to strictly abide by such contracts/agreements;



to provide Lender with all of the information on Borrower Company's business operations and financial condition at Lender's request;



to immediately notify Lender of the occurrence or possible occurrence of any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to Borrower Company's assets, business or income;


at the request of Lender, to appoint any persons designated by Lender as directors of Borrower Company;


Borrower covenants that during the term of this Agreement, he shall:


endeavor to keep Borrower Company to engage in its current value-added telecommunication businesses;






abide by the provisions of this Agreement, the Power of Attorney, the Share Pledge Agreement and the Exclusive Option Agreement, perform his obligations under this Agreement, the Power of Attorney, the Share Pledge Agreement and the Exclusive Option Agreement, and refrain from any action/omission that may

affect the effectiveness and enforceability of this Agreement, the Power of Attorney, the Share Pledge Agreement and the Exclusive Option Agreement;




not sell, transfer, mortgage or dispose of in any other manner the legal

or beneficial interest in Borrower Equity Interest, or allow the

encumbrance thereon of any security interest or the encumbrance, except

in accordance with the Share Pledge Agreement;

促使借款人公司股东会和 /或董事会不批准在未经贷款人事先书面同





cause any shareholders' meeting and/or the board of directors of Borrower Company not to approve the sale, transfer, mortgage or disposition in any other manner of any legal or beneficial interest in Borrower Equity Interest, or allow the encumbrance thereon of any security interest, except to Lender or Lender's designated person;


促使借款人公司股东会和 /或董事会不批准借款人公司在未经贷款



cause any shareholders' meeting and/or the board of directors of the Borrower Company not to approve the merger or consolidation of Borrower Company with any person, or its acquisition of or investment in any person, without the prior written consent of Lender;



immediately notify Lender of the occurrence or possible occurrence of any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings relating to Borrower

Equity Interest;





to the extent necessary to maintain his ownership of the Borrower Equity Interest, execute all necessary or appropriate documents, take all necessary or appropriate actions and file all necessary or appropriate complaints or raise necessary and appropriate defense against all claims;



without the prior written consent of Lender, refrain from any action / omission that may have a material impact on the assets, business and liabilities of Borrower Company;


的董事; appoint any designee of Lender as director of Borrower Company,

at the request of Lender;





to the extent permitted by the laws of China, at the request of Lender at any time, promptly and unconditionally transfer all of Borrower Equity Interest

to Lender or Lender's designated representative(s) at any time, and cause the

other shareholders of Borrower Company to waive their right of first refusal

with respect to the share transfer described in this Section;






to the extent permitted by the laws of China, at the request of Lender at any time, cause the other shareholders of Borrower Company to promptly and unconditionally transfer all of their equity interests to Lender or Lender's designated representative(s) at any time, and Borrower hereby waives his right

of first refusal (if any) with respect to the share transfer described in this Section;




in the event that Lender purchases Borrower Equity Interest from Borrower in accordance with the provisions of the Exclusive Option Agreement, use such

purchase price obtained thereby to repay the Loan to Lender; and



without the prior written consent of Lender, not to cause Borrower Company to supplement, change, or amend its articles of association in any manner, increase

or decreases its registered capital or change its share capital structure in any manner.


Liability for Default





In the event either Party breaches this Agreement or otherwise causes the

non-performance of this Agreement in part or in whole, the Party shall be

liable for such breach and shall compensate all damages (including

litigation and attorneys fees) resulting therefrom. In the event that both

Parties breach this Agreement, each Party shall be liable for its respective





In the event that Borrower fails to perform the repayment obligations set

forth in this Agreement, Borrower shall pay overdue interest of 0.01% per

day for the outstanding payment, until the day Borrower repays the full

principal of the Loan, overdue interests and other payable amounts.






All notices and other communications required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be delivered personally or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, by a commercial courier service or by facsimile transmission to the address of such Party set forth below. A confirmation copy of each notice shall also be sent by email. The dates on which notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given shall be determined as follows:



Notices given by personal delivery, by courier service or by registered mail, postage prepaid, shall be deemed effectively given on the date of delivery.




Notices given by facsimile transmission shall be deemed effectively given on

the date of successful transmission (as evidenced by an automatically

generated confirmation of transmission).


For the purpose of notices, the addresses of the Parties are as follows:

甲方: AAA 控股有限公司

Party A: AAA Holdings Limited

地址:香港 XXX

Address: XXX, Hong Kong

收件人 :A

Attn: A





借款人: CCC

Borrower: CCC






Any Party may at any time change its address for notices by a notice

delivered to the other Party in accordance with the terms hereof.








何信息(惟并非由接受保密信息之一方擅自向公众披露);(b) 根据适用法律法规、股票交易规








英文借款合同 Loaning Contract The Money Loaning Contract(Drafted by lawyer ZhengShuhong & LuYu)The borrower (hereinafter referred to as party A):The lender (hereinafter referred to as party B):The guarantor (hereinafter referred to as party C):For the purpose o f…、、, the party A request for a loan from the party B by providing the party C as the guarantor of such loan、 The contract, concluded after consulting and discussing among the said three parties, by which the three parties should jointly abide、 Chapter one: The loaningArticle1: The money of the loaning shall be used to …………………、、Article2: The amount of the loaning is…… ( in Chinese character )、Article3: The period of the loaning is from…、to…、、, the second day of the expiration date shall be the repayment date、Article4: The interest for the loan shall be calculated in the manner of ………Article5: The party B shall deliver the money of the loan, before the period of the contract begins to count, to the party A in the manner of…、in (place) at the presence of the party


公司之间借款协议书 1、公司之间的借款协议书 甲方(出借方)xx公司 乙方(借款方)xx公司 现甲乙双方协商一致,就甲方借款给乙方一事,达成如下协议:第一条、借款金额: 甲方出借给乙方人民币xx元(小写xx元) 第二条、借款期限: 借款期限自xx年xx月xx日起至xx年xx月xx日止。 第三条、还款方式: 借款期限届满到期一次还清。

第四条、借款利率: 年利率:xx%(大写:xx)到期还本付息,本合同约定利息合计金额为xx_元人民币。 第五条、合同生效日 以甲乙双方签字之日起生效。 第六条、解决合同纠纷的方式: 因本合同发生的全部争议,由当事人双方协商解决。协商不成,双方同意由xx仲裁委员会仲裁或诉讼至xx人民法院裁决。 第七条、其它: 本合同如有未尽事宜,须经合同双方当事人共同协商,作出补充规定,补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。 第八条、附件: 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。 乙方用xx_做为抵押物交于甲方。

乙方收到甲方所支付的全额借款款项后,应向甲方出具借据;乙方向甲方全额返还借款款项及应付利息后,甲方应向乙方返还借据或出具收条结清双方债权债务;甲乙双方之间的银行账户往来不作为主张双方债权债务的法定依据。 甲方签章:乙方签章: 代表人:代表人: 年月日年月日 2、公司之间简单借款协议书 贷款方: 借款方: 经**公司(下称贷款方)与**有限公司(下称借款方)充分协商,签订本合同,共同遵守。 一、借款用途 **公司流动资金需求。 二、借款金额 借款方向贷款方借款人民币万元(大写:万元)。 三、借款利息 在合同规定的借款期内,按年利息20%计算。 四、借款期限 借款期:一年。自20XX年4月15起至20XX年4月14日止。 五、其他


外贸合同 Contract( sales confirmation) 合同编号(Contract No.): _______________ 签订日期(Date) :___________ 签订地点(Signed at) :___________ 买方:__________________________The Buyer:________________________ 地址:__________________________Address: _________________________电话(Tel):___________传真(Fax):__________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________ 卖方:___________________________The Seller:_________________________地址:___________________________Address: __________________________电话(Tel):_________传真(Fax):___________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):______________________

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量(Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity): 2. 数量(Quantity): 允许____的溢短装(___% more or less allowed) 3. 单价(Unit Price): 4. 总值(Total Amount): 5. 交货条件(Terms of Delivery) FOB/CFR/CIF_______ 6. 原产地国与制造商(Country of Origin and Manufacturers): 7. 包装及标准(Packing): 货物应具有防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于远洋运输的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/ multiple transportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Do not stack up side down", "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment. 8. 唛头(Shipping Marks): 9. 装运期限(Time of Shipment):


英文版借款协议 借款人: borrower: 贷款人: lender: 抵押人: mortgagor: 保证人: surety : 出质人: pledgeor: 为明确各方权利和义务,根据《合同法》、《贷款通则》和其他有关法律、法规,订立本合同。 this contract is made in line with the contract law of the people’s republic of china and the general provisions of loans of the people’s bank of china to specify the rights and obligations of parties involved. 借贷条款 loan borrowing clause 第一条借款金额。见36.1

article 1. amount of loan: refer to 36.1 第二条借款用途。见36.2 article 2. purpose of loan: refer to 36.2 第三条借款期限。 article 3. life of loan 3.1见36.3。 3.1 refer to 36.3 3.2借据或贷款凭证是本合同不可分割的组成部分。借款的实际放款日和还款日以借款 人、贷款人双方办理的借据或凭证上所记载的日期为准。除日期外,借据或凭证其他记载事项 如与本合同不一致的,以本合同为准。 3.2 a certificate of indebtedness or a loan voucher is an integral part of this contract. the date of advance and payment due date shall follow the date specified on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher . where there is any inconsistency between the stipulations on the certificate of indebtedness or loan voucher and the terms and conditions on this contract except date, the latter shall prevail. 第四条借款划付。在借款人办妥借款手续后5个营业日内将全部款


It Is Necessary To Clarify The Rights And Obligations Of The Parties, To Restrict Parties, And To Supervise Both Parties To Keep Their Promises And To Restrain The Act Of Reckless Repentance. 编订:XXXXXXXX 20XX年XX月XX日 英文版借款合同简易版

英文版借款合同简易版 温馨提示:本协议文件应用在明确协议各方的权利与义务、并具有约束力和可作为凭证,且对当事人双方或者多方都有约制性,能实现监督双方信守诺言、约束轻率反悔的行为。文档下载完成后可以直接编辑,请根据自己的需求进行套用。 借款人: borrower: 贷款人: lender: 抵押人: mortgagor: 保证人: surety : 出质人: pledgeor: 为明确各方权利和义务,根据《合同 法》、《贷款通则》和其他有关法律、法规,

订立本合同。 this contract is made in line with the contract law of the people's republic of china and the general provisions of loans of the people's bank of china to specify the rights and obligations of parties involved. 借贷条款 loan borrowing clause 第一条借款金额。见36.1 article 1. amount of loan: refer to 36.1 第二条借款用途。见36.2 article 2. purpose of loan: refer to 36.2


公司之间借款协议书 甲方:________________________ 乙方:________________________ 签订日期:____ 年____ 月____ 日甲方(出借人):住所: 乙方(借款人): 住所:

甲乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成本合同,并保证共同遵守 执行。 一、借款金额:乙方向甲方借款人民币(大写)(小写: )。 二、借款用途为。 三、借款利息:借款利率为月利息%按月收息,利随本清。 四、借款期限:借款期限为,从年月日起至年月日止。如实际放款日与该日期不符,以实际借款日期为准。乙方收到借款后应当出具收据,乙方所出具的借据为本合同的附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 五、甲方以转账的方式将所借款项打入乙方账户。 借款人用户名: 账号: 开户银行: 六、保证条款: 1、借款方必须按照借款合同规定的用途使用借款,不得挪作他用,不得用借款进行违 法活动。否则,甲方有权要求乙方立即还本付息,所产生的法律后果由乙方自负。 2、借款方必须按合同规定的期限还本付息。逾期不还的部分,借款方有权限期追回借款。

七、违约责任 1、乙方如未按合同规定归还借款,乙方应当承担违约金以及因诉讼发生的律师费、诉讼费、差旅费等费用。 2、乙方如不按合同规定的用途使用借款,甲方有权随时收回该借款,并要求乙方承担 借款总金额百分之的违约责任。 3、当甲方认为借款人发生或可能发生影响偿还能力之情形时,甲方有权提前收回借款, 借款人应及时返还,借款人及保证人不得以任何理由抗辩。 八、合同争议的解决方式:本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由当事人双方友好协商解决,也可由第三人调解。协商或调解不成的,可依法向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 九、本合同自各方签字之日起生效。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,合同文本具有同等法律效力。 甲方(签字、盖章): 法定代表人: 签订日期:年月 乙方(签字、盖章) 法定代表人: 日


编号:_______________ 本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打 印,感谢您的下载 国际贸易合同中英文对照版 甲方:___________________ 乙方:___________________ 日期:___________________

英文进口合同范本-- 合同编号(Contract No.): 签订日期(Date) : ________________

m 甘售 inr (signed a ° ________ __ The Buyer _________________________________________

Address- C >5H (T E _) -—— ________ f 火客a (E —ma=H ___________________________

卖方: The Seller: 地址: Address: 电话(Tel):_ 传真(Fax): 电子邮箱(E-mail):

买卖双方同意按照下列条款签订本合同: The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below: 1. 货物名称、规格和质量( Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity ): 2. 数量(Quantity ): 允许的溢短装( % more or less allowed ) 3. 单价(Unit Price ): 4. 总值(Total Amount ):


借款合同 Loan Contract 贷款方(Lender): 身份证件号码(ID Number.): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 借款方(Borrower): 法定代表人(Representative):职务(Title): 地址(Address): 电话(Tel): 借款方是一家从事以下两种业务的公司: The Borrower operates two discrete businesses: 1.生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(“砂石品业务) 1. Manufacture and sale of the “spray-stone”and “super-stone”products (“the Stone Business”); 2.生产销售柳制产品(“柳制品业务”) 2.Manufacture and sale of wicker products (“the Wicker Business”). 现借款方打算停止开展柳制品业务。 The Borrower intends to cease operating the Wicker Business. 借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。 For its production and operation, the Borrower intends to borrow money from the Lender. For the mutual benefits, both Parties agree to conclude this Contract.


STANDARD AGREEMENT SAMPLE (协议范本) 甲方:____________________ 乙方:____________________ 签订日期:____________________ 编号:YB-HT-030085 公司对公司借款合同(示范合

公司对公司借款合同(示范合同) 公司对公司借款合同范文一 甲方(借款方):乙方(贷款方):丙方(保证人): 甲方为进行生产经营活动,特向乙方借款,并由丙方作为保证人;经三方协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。 第一条贷款种类:1.一次性贷款2.分期贷款 第二条借款用途:。第三条借款金额:人民币万元(大写:)。第四条借款利率:借款利息为/月。第五条借款和还款期限 1、借款时间共年个月,自年日起,至年月借款分期如下: 第六条还款方式:银行转账至乙方账户或至乙方财务部门柜台交付现金支票或汇票,不得将现金或票据交付乙方其他业务人员。第七条担保条款 1、甲方将本公司(或个人)资产并办理抵押登记;若到期不能归还乙方的贷款,乙方有权对抵押物进行拍卖、变卖等处理。 2、若甲方不能按时还款,丙方应承担连带还款责任;丙方承担还款责任后,有向甲方追偿的权利,甲方有义务对丙方进行偿还。 3、甲方必须按照借款合同规定的用途使用借款,不得挪作他用,不得用借款进行违法活动。

4、甲方必须按照合同规定的期限还本付息。 5、甲方有义务接受乙方的检查、监督贷款的使用情况、了解甲方的计划执行、经营管理、财务活动、物资库存等情况。甲方应提供有关的计划、统计、财务会计报表及资料。 6、由于甲方经营管理不善而关闭、破产,确实无法履行合同的,在处理财产时,除了按国家规定用于人员工资和必要的维护费用时,应优先偿还贷款。 第八条违约责任 一、甲方的违约责任 1、甲方若未按合同规定的用途使用借款,则乙方有权提前收回部分或全部贷款,对违约使用的部分,按银行同期贷款利率加收罚息。 2、甲方若逾期未还借款,乙方有权追回借款,并按银行同期贷款利率加收罚息作为违约金。甲方提前还款的,应按规定加减收利息。 3、甲方利用借款合同进行违法活动的,乙方有权提前追回贷款本息,并通报有关单位对甲方追究相关责任。 二、乙方的违约责任 乙方未按期提供贷款,应按违约数额和延期天数,付给甲方违约金。违约金数额的计算与加收甲方的罚息计算相同。 第九条解决合同纠纷的方式:本合同履行过程中若发生争议,由当事人协商解决。协商不成的,任一方均可向乙方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。第十条合同的变更和解除 当事人一方要求变更或解除本借款合同时,应及时采用书面形式通知其他当事人,并达成书面协议。本合同变更或解除之后,甲方已占用的借款和应付的利


Purchase Contract CONTRACT NO.: _ SIGNING DATE: SIGNING PLACE: 买方:卖方: Buyer: Seller: Tel: Tel: Fax: Fax: Mobile: Mobile: 买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品,并按下列条款签订合同。 The contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1.商品名称、规格、数量及价格: 2.生产国别和制造厂商: COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURE: 3.包装:适合长途海运/空运的防潮防破的标准包装,符合中国海关卫生检疫要求。 PACKING: All goods are to be packed in seaworthy export standard packages according to international standards. 4.唛头:买方选择 SHIPPINGMARK: Option by buyer 5.装运时间: TIME OF SHIPMENT: 6.装船港口:目的港口: PORT OF SHIPMENT: PORT OF DESTINATION: 7.付款条件: TERMS OF PAYMENT: 8.保险:装船时由卖方以买方为受益人按发票金额的110%投保险 INSURANCE: To be covered by the buyer for 110% of invoice value covering risks with the Buyer as beneficiary. 9.合同单据: (1)注明合同号,签字正本发票5份。


合同编号:YT-FS-3335-31 公司之间借款协议书(完 整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

公司之间借款协议书(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 公司之间借款协议书一: 甲方:(公司名称) 乙方:(你的基本信息) 甲、乙双方经协商,就乙方向甲方无息借款购买汽车事宜达成协议如下: 1、借款金额:乙方向甲方借款金额为人民币元。 2、借款利息:甲方向乙方出借的款项在借款期限内不支付利息。 3、借款期限及还款期限:借款期限为年,即从年月日至年月日止。(可以约定具体如何归还的期限,比如每月或每年的什么时候归还,由公司从个人工资款项中扣回多少元等)。 4、还款方式:如果前面有明确约定,则可以不要。 5、保证条款:(如果公司需要这方面的保证的话,

不要就可以不要此条款,要的话根据你和公司的协商进行补充。)企业间借款合同范本 6、违约条款:根据你们的意见写 7、其他:公司借款给你如果有什么服务期限或什么附加条款请注明。 8、本协议一式二份,甲乙双方各执一份,经双方签字或盖章后生效。 甲方:乙方: 时间:时间: -- 甲方:(公司名称) 乙方:(你的基本信息) 甲、乙双方经协商,就乙方向甲方无息借款购买汽车事宜达成协议如下: 1、借款金额:乙方向甲方借款金额为人民币元。 2、借款利息:甲方向乙方出借的款项在借款期限内不支付利息。 3、借款期限及还款期限:借款期限为年,即从


CONTRACT 合同号Contract 日期Date: 地点:Place: 卖方:The Seller: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 买方:The Buyer: 地址:Address: TEL: FAX: 本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,卖方同意售出,买方同意购进以下商品: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods subject to terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows: 1.商品名称及规格NAME OF COMMODITY AND SPECIFICATION: 2.数量QUANTITY: 3.单价(包装费包括在内)UNIT PRICE (PACKING CHARGES INCLUDE): 4.总值: TOTAL VALUE: USD 5.包装(适于海洋运输)PACKING (SEAWORTHY):

6.生产国别及制造商COUNTRY OF ORIGIN & MANUFACTURE: 7.装运时间:TIME OF SHIPMENT: 8.装运口岸:PORT OF LOADING: 9.目的口岸:PORT OF DESTINATION: 10.装运唛头:SHIPPING MARKS 11.付款条件:Terms of Payment A. 买方于装运时间前天通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,卖方在装船启运后凭本合同条款12所列单据在开证银行已付货款。信用证有效期为装船后15天截止。 A. days prior to the time shipment, the Buyer shall open with the Bank of , an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing Bank against presentation of the shipping documents as stipulated under Clause 12 of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th days after shipment. B. L/C AT SIGHT 见票即付信用证(或者根据实际情况改为TT) 12.装运单据Shipping Documents: DETAILED IN THE L/C 按信用证所列 13.延期交货及罚款:除不可抗拒原因外,如卖方不能如期交货,买方有权撤销或解除该订单,或经买方同意在卖方缴纳罚款的条件下延期交货。买方可同意给予卖方天优惠期。每迟延一天卖方需向买方支付订单总价款%的违约金。罚款自第天起计算。 Delayed Delivery and Penalty: Should the Sellers fail to effect delivery on time as stipulated in this Order owing to causes other than Force Majeure as provided for in Clause 11 of this Order, the Buyers shall have the right to cancel or terminate the order .The Sellers may, with the Buyers’consent, postpone delivery on payment of penalty to the Buyers. The Buyers may agree to grant the Sellers a grace period of days. Delay each day, the Seller need to pay % of the price (the compensation)to the Buyer. Penalty shall be calculated from the 16th day. 13、仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会天津国际经济金融仲裁中心,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this CONTRACT shall be submitted to CIETAC Tianjin International Economic and Financial Arbitration Center for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon all parties 。 14. 商检条款INSPECTION:


英文版的银行借款合同参 考文本 In Order To Protect Their Legitimate Rights And Interests, The Cooperative Parties Reach A Consensus Through Consultation And Sign Into Documents, So As To Solve And Prevent Disputes And Achieve The Effect Of Common Interests 某某管理中心 XX年XX月

英文版的银行借款合同参考文本 使用指引:此合同资料应用在协作多方为保障各自的合法权益,经过共同商量最终得出一致意见,特意签订成为文书材料,从而达到解决和预防纠纷实现共同利益的效果,文档经过下载可进行自定义修改,请根据实际需求进行调整与使用。 借款人: 贷款人: 抵押人: 保证人: 出质人: 为明确各方权利和义务,根据《合同法》、《贷款通 则》和其他有关法律、法规,订立本合同。 借贷条款 第一条借款金额。见36.1 第二条借款用途。见36.2 第三条借款期限。 3.1见36.3。

3.2借据或贷款凭证是本合同不可分割的组成部分。借款的实际放款日和还款日以借款 人、贷款人双方办理的借据或凭证上所记载的日期为准。除日期外,借据或凭证其他记载事项 如与本合同不一致的,以本合同为准。 第四条借款划付。在借款人办妥借款手续后5个营业日内将全部款项划至借款人指定的账户,划付次数、时间、金额见36.4。 第五条 Article4Transferringofloan.Thefullamountofloanshallb etransferredtoanAccountdesignatedbytheBorrowerwit hin5workingdaysfromthedateofcompletingborrowing procedure.Referto36.4forthefrequency,timeandamoun toftransferring 第五条借款利率和计息。


合同编号:YT-FS-2053-80 借款合同中英文范本(完 整版) Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties. 互惠互利共同繁荣 Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity

借款合同中英文范本(完整版) 备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 借款合同中文范本 借款单位:_____ 法定代表人:____ 贷款单位:_____ 法定代表人:____ 保证单位:____ 法定代表人:____ 签约日期:____ 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,借款方为保证施工生产正常进行,向贷款方申请建筑企业流动资金贷款,经贷款方审查同意发放,为明确各方权责,特签订本合同共同遵守。 第一条本合同规定____ 年贷款额为人民币(大写)____ 万元,用于____ 。

第二条借款方和贷款方必须共同遵守贷款办法,有关贷款事项按办法规定办理。 第三条贷款自支用之日起,按实际支用数计收利息,利率为月息____ ‰,超计划贷款的超过部分利率为月息____ ‰,逾期贷款加计利息20%,挪用贷款挪用部分加罚利息50%。 第四条贷款方保证按照本合同的规定供应资金,贷款方如因工作差错贻误用款,以致借款方遭受损失时,应按直接经济损失,由贷款方负责赔偿。 第五条贷款方有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、帐册、凭证和报表,查核物资库存和施工生产情况等,必须给予方便。 第六条借款方如违反合同和贷款办法的规定,贷款方有权停止贷款,提前收回部分或全部贷款。 第七条担保方对借款方归还贷款本息承担责任,如果借款方未按期清偿贷款本息时,担保方应在接到贷款方还款通知后一个月内负责归还。 第八条本合同有效期:自____ 年____ 月____


CONTENTS 目录 1 General Provisions 一般规定 (5) 1.1 Definitions 定义 (5) 1.2 Interpretation 解释 (10) 1.3 Communications 通信交流 (11) 1.4 Law and Language 法律和语言 (12) 1.5 Priority of Document 文件优先次序 (12) 1.6 Contract Agreement 合同协议书 (13) 1.7 Assignment 权益转让 (13) 1.8 Care and Supply of Document 文件的照管和提供 (13) 1.9 Confidentiality 性 (14) 1.10 Employer’s Use of Contractor’s Documents雇主使用承包商文件 (14) 1.11 Contractor’s Use of Employer’s Documents承包商使用雇主文件 (15) 1.12 Confidential Details 事项 (15) 1.13 Compliance with Laws 遵守法律 (15) 1.14 Joint and Several Liability 共同的和各自的责任 (16) 2 The Employer 雇主 (16) 2.1 Right of Access to the Site 现场进入权 (16) 2.2 Permits, Licences or Approves 许可、执照或批准 (17) 2.3 Employer’s personnel雇主人员 (18) 2.4 Employer’s Financial Arrangements雇主的资金安排 (18) 2.5 Employer’s Claims雇主的索赔 (18) 3 The Employer’s Administration雇主的管理 (19) 3.1 The Employer’s Representative雇主代表 (19) 3.2 The Employer’s personnel其他雇主人员 (20) 3.3 Delegated Persons 受托人员 (20) 3.4 Instructions 指示 (21) 3.5 Determinations 确定 (21) 4 The Contractor 承包商 (22) 4.1 The Contractor’s General Obligations承包商的一般义务 (22) 4.2 Performance security 履约担保 (22) 4.3 Contractor’s Representative承包商代表 (24) 4.4 Subcontractors 分包商 (24) 4.5 Nominated Subcontractors 指定的分包商 (25) 4.6 Co-operation 合作 (25) 4.7 Setting out 放线 (26) 4.8 Safety procedures 安全程序 (26) 4.9 Quality Assurance 质量保证 (27) 4.10 Site Data 现场数据 (27) 4.11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price 合同价格 (28) 4.12 Unforeseeable Difficulties 不可预见的困难 (28) 4.13 Rights of way and Facilities 道路通行权于设施 (28) 4.14 Avoidance of Interference 避免干扰 (29) 4.15 Access Route 进场通路 (29)


金融借贷合同范本(中英文对照) 金融借贷合同范本 (Financial loan contract model)贷款方(Lender) 身份证件号码(ID Number.) 地址(Address) 电话(Tel) 借款方(Borrower) 法定代表人(Representative) 职务(Title) 地址(Address) 电话(Tel) 借款方是一家从事生产销售喷砂和抛光研磨纤维石产品;(砂石品业务)的公司: The Borrower operates

Manufacture and sale of the spray-stone (the Stone Business); 借款方因生产经营需要,向贷款方借款。双方本着互惠互利的目的,友好协商,特制订本合同。 For its production and operation,the Borrower intends to borrow money from the Lender. For the mutual benefits,both Parties agree to conclude this Contract. 第一条借款金额Article 1 Amount of Loan 借款金额280,000美元(大写:贰拾捌万美元) US$280,000(Capital Letter:Two Hundred Eighty Thousand US Dollars) 贷款方在签订本书面合同之前,已向借款方提供280,000美元贷款。借款方在此确认已经收到贷款方通过银行转账方式提供的280,000美元贷款。 The Lender agrees to advance the


个人向公司借款协议书 【第1篇】个人向公司借款协议书 甲方(出借方):________有限公司 住所地:________________ 联系人:____________ 联系电话:____________________ 乙方(借款方):____________(身份证号:________________) 住所地:____________联系电话:______________ 甲乙双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成本合同,并保证共同遵守执行。 一、借款金额:乙方向甲方借款人民币(大写)________(小写:________)。 二、借款用途为____________。 三、借款利息:借款利率为年利率____%,利息清算按日计算,利随本清。 四、借款期限:借款期限为____,从____年____月____日起至____年____月____日止。如实际放款日与该日期不符,以实际借款日期为准。乙方收到借款后应当出具收据,乙方所出具的借据为本合同的附件,与本合同具有同等法律效力。 五、甲方以转账的方式将所出借款项打入乙方如下账户: 乙方用户名:________________________ 账号:__________________________ 开户银行:______________________ 六、保证条款:

1、乙方必须按照借款合同规定的用途使用借款,不得挪作他用,不得用借款进行违法活动。否则,甲方有权要求乙方立即还本付息,所产生的法律后果由乙方自行负责。 2、乙方必须按合同规定的期限还本付息。 七、违约责任 1、乙方如未按合同约定向甲方偿还借款,每逾期一日,应按照逾期未偿还的借款金额每日利息的百分之五计付罚息,直至全部借款归还为止。同时,乙方还应承担甲方因此所遭受的经济损失以及因诉讼发生的律师费、诉讼费、差旅费等费用。 2、乙方如不按合同规定的用途使用借款,甲方有权随时收回该借款,并要求乙方承担借款总金额百分之二十的违约责任。 3、当甲方认为乙方发生或可能发生影响偿还能力之情形时,甲方有权提前收回借款,乙方应及时返还。 八、合同争议的解决方式:本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方友好协商解决。协商或调解不成的,可依法向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 九、本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,合同文本具有同等法律效力。 甲方(盖章):______________ 乙方(签字):________ 授权代表:__________________ 签订日期:____年____月____日签订日期:____年____月____日 【第2篇】个人向公司借款协议书 出借方(甲方):__________投资有限公司法定代表人:_______________ 借款方(乙方):_____________ 身份证号码:_______________ 住址: _____________________
