说课稿 现在进行时的说课稿

说课稿 现在进行时的说课稿
说课稿 现在进行时的说课稿

Good morning, everyone, before we start our lesson, let us listen to a piece of music. Listen carefully ,and I will ask you some questions.

OK, let’s stop there. Can you tell me what you have got from this song. Any lyrics will be OK. I am sailing. I am flying I am dying.

Who can guess what these sentences mean. If they cannot answer, I can give them some clues. Today ,we will teach present continuous tense. According to the sentences in the blackboard, can you tell me how to use present continuous tense. For example, what am I doing, I’m . 所以我们应该使用be动词加动词ing形式表示这个动作正在进行. But if I say 我正在读书,我不是正在散步,how to translate? Ok, open turn….80. 下面的左右两个表格是总结的现在进行时的用法。

now, close you book, look at some pictures, and answer me some questions. What is he doing……Everyone does a good job, now look at the blackboard, are these sentences right? Can you find some mistake? Come to the front.大多数情况下动词后面都是直接加ing形式的,但有三种情况特殊,第一种是动词末尾的e不发音的时候,例如write,take, can you give me some other example s?

Make , invite, come, 第二种情况是动词用ie结尾的,后面的ie要变y加ing,例如die,lie, 第三种是以元音加辅音结尾的动词,及重读闭音节的时候,最后的辅音字母要双写加ing。例如,run, swim, and some other examples? put, get, stop ,chat, begin, sit

Now, let’s finish partA what are they doing? And work out the rule.

Ok, time’s up. Let’s check your answer.

Now, look at me, am I sitting on the chair? What am I doing? Are you sitting on the chair? What about her? Is she standing on the floor?

Ok, turn your page to 81, 在表达一般疑问句的时候,问句把be动词提前即可,i对应am….. 答句还原到原来的位置上,并且为了避免重复,则省略后面的现在分词。

Look at the tip on the left, at present means 目前…..

Now finish part b by yourself and I will check your answer after three minutes.

Ok, time is over, I choose this line to give me the answer.

I believe everyone has master the present continuous tense, now I will give eight minutes to finish partc and d

Ok, stop, I will check your answer.

Today we have learned present continuous tense, who can tell me the difference between simple present tense and present continuous tense. 一般现在时用于表示一般性,及目前存在的事实,习惯性,及经常做的事,真理性,及客观存在的事情。后面的动词除be动词外都是根据主语人称的来选择加不加s或者es,正在进行时则表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,用be动词加上动词的ing形式表示

Ok, let’s play a game. I need to divide the whole class into three groups, and then I will give all of you a piece of paper, 第一组写人物character,I you or sb’s name will be ok, 第二组写发生的事件,what has happened 第三组写地点in which place the thing has happened.

And then hand in your paper. I will ask two students to come to the front and put these words together by using…..,and make a dialogue.

I am sailing, I am sailing home again cross the sea. I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird cross the sky. I am flying passing high clouds, to be near you, to be free. Can you hear me, can you hear me, through the dark night far away? I am dying, forever crying, to be with you, who can say?


现在进行时初步讲解 教学背景: 听着在学习现在进行时之前,已学习和掌握一般现在时和be 动词的分解。 教学目标: 1.知识与能力目标:理解并学会运用现在进行时。 2.素质目标:根据知识的习得,引导学生珍惜当下正在学习的时光,美好的未来,由每一个今天的努力织绘而成。 教学过程: 本节课以创设的情境贯穿始终,需做出动画情境,小猴的动物幼儿园开运动会,小猴邀请妈妈来观看,并全程给妈妈当解说员。 1.导入:教师通过动画放映场景,小猴和妈妈到动物园看到热闹欢快的运动会正在进行,老师顺势提问:“Boys and girls, what are little monkey and his mother doing?”,教师顺势回答:“Yes, they are visiting animals ’ school.” 2.师通过动画展示,继续引导,“What are the animals doing?”, “They are having sports meeting.”继而导出现在进行时的概念:表达正在进行的动作或从过去某个时间点到现在持续进行的动作。总结现在进行时为大时态中“现在时”的范畴。 3.那么,现在进行时的结构是什么样的呢?动画展示,小猴拿出卡片展示例句: ①They are visiting animals ’ school. ②They are having sports meeting. 小猴拿出卡片上写“be (is/am/are), 猴妈妈拿出卡片上写“V-ing ”拥抱在一起,得出结论,现在进行时结构为:be(is/am/are)+V-ing 4.那么结构中的V-ing 需注意什么呢?小猴在树上拉出条幅展示四组动词变动名词: walk-walking; come-coming; lie-lying; run-running. 启发听者尝试总结,数秒后动画中小猴问,你想好了吗?是不是像这样的呢?自然拉出横幅,列出表格: 5.至此,现在进行时的主要内容,大家都了解了吗?当我们遇到下面的这些词和短语是要注意哦,是提示我们要用现在进行时的,下面请可爱的小猴再给我们展示一下这些词和短语吧(动画展示): at present 目前,现在 at the moment 此刻,现在 right now 立刻,马上 now 现在 look !看! listen! 听! 6.动画展示运动会激烈场景,小猴提问:Can you tell me what they are doing?(此处展示长颈鹿在跳高,龟兔在赛跑,小鱼在游泳,袋鼠兄弟在跳远等,让听者根据所学完成练习,巩固新知。) 7.最后,结束了运动会的观看和讲解,小猴和猴妈妈又走回了动物幼儿园的门口,妈妈说: “I am very happy today, your friends and you are great. I proud of you!” Most verbs + ing : walk-walking, play-playing Verbs ending in “e ” -e+ing : come-coming, have-having Verbs ending in “ie ” -ie+ing : lie-lying, die-dying Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant Double the consonant + ing : run-running, swim-swimming


《pep小学英语现在进行时》微课程设计方案 微课程信息 主题名称Pep小学英语现在进行时 选题意图小学英语中的四大时态的学习尤为重要,学生对现在进行时概念的掌握能帮助他们克服学习中的语法障碍,更清晰的认识英语的语法结构。 内容来源人教版五年级下册小学英语 适用对象小学英语,五年级 教学目标1、复习现在进行时; 2、能够完成相应的现在进行时练习。 教学用途√□课前预习√□课中讲解或活动√□课后辅导□其他 (请简要说明你将如何使用该微课程) 1、上课时,当学生明确学习任务(揭题检查预习)后,先检查预习情况并反馈。 2、小组解决问题的环节中也可根据实际需要反复观看微课。 知识类型√□理论讲授型□推理演算型□技能训练型□实验操作型□答疑解惑型√□情感感悟型□其他 制作方式(可多选) □拍摄□录屏√□演示文稿√□动画□其他预计时间(不超过10分钟) 微课程设计 教学过程设计意图一、出示阿狸的动画图片,造句,回顾现在进行时。激发学生兴趣 1.What is he doing? He is walking. 2.What is he doing? 阿狸是动画形式呈现,体现出了动词的重要性,并且动词组让学生回忆起五年级学习过的动词作知识以及现在进行时。

He is dancing. 3.What is he doing? He is reading a book. 4.What is he doing? He is flying a kite. 二、把现在进行时中的主语替换为复数,继续练习。 1.What are they doing? They are playing basketball. 2.What are they doing?


现在进行时复习教案 加乐中学王亚昌 一、教学目标 1、复习学过的动名词的形式 2、现在进行时的基本句式 3、能听、读、说现在进行时的单词和句型 4、通过有意义的活动,培养学生参与课堂的兴趣。 二、教学重点 1、感受、运用现在进行时态 三、教学难点 1、能完成老师设计的活动 四、教学过程 Step. 1 1. 1. Greeting 2. 2. Say something about your future 3. 3. Let’s enjoy the chant. Step 2 Look and say 1. What’s the boy doing?He is swimming in the sea. 2. What’s the girl doing?She is cleaning the blackboard. Step 3 现在进行时 1. 定义:表示现在正在进行的动作或说话者说话时正在进行的动作。 2.现在进行时由be(am/is/are)+动词-ing形式构成。 肯定式结构:主语+be+动词-ing形式+其他. 如:I am reading a book now.

否定式结构:主语+be+not+动词-ing形式+其他. 如:I am not reading a book now. 一般疑问句结构:Be+主语+动词-ing形式+其他? 如:Are you reading a book now? Yes, I am./ No, I'm not. 特殊疑问句结构:疑问词+be+主语+其他? 如:What are you doing? 3. 常与现在进行时态连用的词:now, listen,look,these days等。 如:What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) I’m reading now. (我现在正在读书。) Listen! She is singing. (听,她正在唱歌。) 4. 动词现在分词的构成规律: 1) 一般情况下,在动词原形后直接加-ing. 如:work—working (工作) do—doing (做)play—playing(玩) 2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉e,再加-ing. 如:dance—dancing(跳舞)come—coming(来) 3) 重读闭音节单词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,则双写这一字母,再加-ing. 如:get—getting(得到) shop—shopping(购物)run—running(跑)swim—swimming (游泳) 4) 以ie结尾的重读开音节,变ie为y,再加ing 如:lie---lying die—dying tie---tying。 Step 4. Listen and fill in the blanks. Class Two ______ ______ an English lesson now. The teacher ______ ______ near the blackboard and writing some English words on it. ______ ______ the words at the same time. All the students ______ ______ at the


现在进行时复习课 【教学内容】 1. 复习已学过的现在进行时的单词 2. 现在进行时的基本用法 3. 现在进行时动词加ing 的方法 【教学重难点】 1.现在进行时的基本用法 2.现在进行时动词加ing 的方法 【教学过程】 一、导入观看视频“Yesterday is history, today is a gift 二、复习 (一)Look and answer看图并回答问题 Look ! what is she doi ng^,她正在做什么?She is eat ing她正在吃东西 Liste n! What is she doi ng?听,她正在干什么?She is laughi ng 她正在笑 What are they doi ng now?他们正在干什么?They are ridi ng bicycle他们正在坐自行车What is Dami ng doi ng?Dami ng 正在做什么?He is playing the trumpet 他正在吹小号

What is the bird doi ng?小鸟正在做什么?It is singing in the tree 它在树上唱歌 (二)观察下列句子并找出相关规律。She is eating She is laughing They are riding bicycle He is playing the trumpet It is singing in the tree (三)教师辅助学生总结出现在进行时的基本构成人称+be 动词+动词ing 形式第一人称+am+v-ing 第二人称+are+v-ing 第三人称+is+v-ing 单数+is+v-ing 复数+are+v-ing 注:be动词随人称的变化而变化 我用am, 你用are, is 跟着他,她,它现在进行时表示现在(说话的瞬间)正在进行的动作 四)游戏(火眼金睛) What are the ducks doing? They are eating picnic What is she doing? She is watching TV What is he doing? He is listening to music What are they doing? They are playing basketball


英语微课教案 教学内容:let’s read 教学目标: 1.能够理解并会朗读Let’s read部分的短文,并回答课后问题。 2.基本掌握现在进行时的用法。 教学重、难点: 1.重点是理解并正确朗读短文,能读懂会说Let’s read 中的对话,尤其是复习巩固现在进行时的用法。 2.难点是能灵活运用Let’s read中的语言。 课前准备: 教师准备本课时所需的词卡。 教学过程: Step 1 Preparation 1.出示第二单元A let’s learn部分的单词卡,学生同桌之间可以开火车的形式操练How do you feel? I feel sick. I have a fever… 2.教师出示第二单元的单词卡,学生同桌之间操练句型。 3.教师提问:We’re going to have a farewell party. How do you feel? 学生自由回答:I feel….. Step 2 Pre-reading 出示图片或动作展示,引导学生用现在进行时来描述。例如:

I am …ing. He / She is …. Is he / she …? 诸如此类的句子。 Step 3 In-reading 1. General reading 让学生快速浏览,并回答: A: Is Liu Yun happy? B: How many gifts? Check the answers. 2. Detailed reading 让学生仔细阅读,回答(在课本上划出答案): A: What are the gifts? B: What does Liu Yun give in return? Check the answers. (3) Read and write 让学生再次细读,完成基础训练上的题目。 Check the answers. 跟读 Read aloud . Step 4 Post-reading 1.学生分角色朗读对话,提出不理解的句子,教师解惑答疑。 2.学生进行小组对话练习,然后进行表演,教师鼓励学生在原有对话的基础上进行改编和创新。


“现在进行时”微课教学设计 授课教师郝晓云学科英语 录制时间 微课名称现在进行时视频长 度 8分钟以内2016年1月28日 知识点来源新目标人教版 适用对象本微课是针对需要学习初中英语现在进行时的学生 设计思路本课分为四个环节: 一:现在进行时的定义、基本结构二:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句三:小结、现在进行时的记忆口诀四:小测 教学过程 一、 通过描述几张图片,让学生总结现在进行时的定义和现在进行时的基本构成结构。 二、 以动词study为例来看一下现在进行时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问及其简略回答。 (1)I am (not)studying. He/She is(not)studying. We/You/They are(not)studying. (2)Am I studying?Yes, I am./No, I am not. Is he/she studying?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. Are they studying?Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. 三、1.Do you know the rules? 肯定句变否定句:be动词后加not。 陈述句变一般疑问句:be动词提到主语前。 2.现在进行时口诀:

(1)现在进行时表示动作正在发生或进行, (2)Look, Listen, now是标志, (3)Be+ving不分离。 (4)两个错误要回避:一是丢掉be,二是丢掉ing.(5)我用am,你用are,is跟着他她它,所有的复数都用are. 四、小测试Fill in the blanks: 1.The boy __________the door now.(close) 2.Listen!They _________ in the classroom.(read) 3.Look! She __________ under the tree.(sing) 4.I ___________a cake in the kitchen now.(make) 5.Linda ________ her homework at home now.(do) 6.They ___________ in the river now.(swim) 7.My brother ____________ soccer now.(play)


现在进行时 授课目的 现在进行时是小学四大时态之一,也是语法的基础,学好这一时态对今后做语法题尤其是时态题有很重要的作用,针对该生语法基础比较薄弱的现况,加强这一方面的学习显得尤为必要,希望学生能迎头赶上! 授课内容: 导入新课:I am watching TV. 授课过程: Warm up and lead in Show some pictures and ask students to answer. ---What are you doing? 你在做什么? --- I am reading English. 我正在读英语. ---What are they doing? 他们在做什么? ---They are singing. Presentation 概念:现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动 或现阶段正在进行的动作。 常与look、now、listen 连用 结构:主语+ be ( am / is / are ) + v-ing + … 句型: 1. 肯定句: 主语+ be ( am / is / are ) + v-ing + … eg:Look,the boy is reading a book. eg:-What’s the bird doing? -It is singing. 2.否定句:主语+ be ( am / is / are ) + not + v-ing + … eg:The boy isn’t readinga book now. -Is the horse running? -No,it is dancing. Look,they are dacing . They aren't singing. 现在分词形式的变化规则: 1. 直接在词尾加-ing. 如: do ______ watch ______ play______ 2. 以e结尾的词去e再加ing.
