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日期:2010年7月2日 Date: July 2, 2010
Hybrid Buses
Electric Buses
Electric Special Vehicles
HEV Cars
EV Cars
数据: 国家863计划节能与新能源汽车重大项目办公室 Source: Office of National 863 New Energy Vehicle Project
The Urgency to Save Energy and Reduce Emissions
China’s petroleum consumption will reaches 393M Tons,import dependency is as high as 52%. Increasing conventional gasoline vehicles raise the greenhouse gases emission. China government promised on the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Summit that by 2020: CO2 per GDP d decreases 40% 40%-45%, 45% compared dt to 2005 Non-fossil energy counts for 15% of the total energy consumption
中国政府通过颁布实施《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》、《中国应 对气候变化国家方案》《汽车产业调整和振兴规划》等一系列战略规划和发展 政策,大力推动节能减排,积极探索能源和交通可持续发展的技术路线 Through enacting and executing strategic plan and development policies such as ‘N ‘National lO Outlines l f for M Medium d and dL Long-term Pl Planning f for S Scientific f and d Technological Development’, ‘Reply to Climate Change in China’, ‘Adjustment and Vitalization Plan for Auto Industry’ etc., china further promote energy saving and emission decreasing decreasing, exploring technical solutions for transportation that are sustainable to energy and environment. 把发展非化石能源能作为推进能源结构多元化的重要手段; No- fossil energy development as an important avenue for energy diversity 把氢和电作为带来能源清洁利用重大变革的重要载体; Hydrogen and electricity as the major means of clean energy for economic transformation 把新能源汽车作为重要节能减排技术和战略性新兴产业。 Cl Clean energy vehicles h l development d l as key k technology h l focus, f and d clean l energy vehicle h l industry as the strategic industry of development for an energy efficient and environmentally friendly auto industry ..
Common B C Basic i Technology
Common Supporting Platform Testing Standard
IPR Tech Info
Chinese EV Development History: 20012001-2005
The EV project of the national high-Tech R&D program : 880 million RMB
Common Basic 16%
测试基地、标准 12%
示范 范 纯电动整车 5% 7%
Vehicle 39%
电池系统 13%
混合动 力整车 18% 燃料电池 整车 14%
Investment from enterprises and local governments: 1,300 million RMB
2010 Shanghai World EXPO : 1024 Vehicles 1
中国电动汽车研发进程 R&D Status St t of f Electric El t i Vehicles V hi l
2009 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2010
Pow er y t em Sys Technol ogy Pl at f or m 31%
Com m on Bas i c Technol ogy 8%
Com m on Suppor t i ng Pl at f or m 16%
Vehi cl e Pr oduct 11%
2009-2010 Power Battery : 6200 million RMB
Number of Civilian Used Vehicles (10K)
2 70% 61% 52%
Based on the prediction, p without appropriate pp p measures,China’s dependence on foreign petroleum will dramatically increase due to the increasing demand. China is facing the challenge of energy security.
20012001 2006 2006 20062010 20112015
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 整车产 Vehicles 品 90% 10%
Power 动 力系 统平台 Systems
50% 50%
Auto 关 键零 部件 Parts
60% 40%
Key Par t and Com ponent 34%
Total : 11,100 11 100 million RMB
R&D Investment Areas by the 863 Program
Investment to different types of R&D project is not the same Focus on the development of key technologies and platform technologies
Finance Policy for EVs
Basic 共 性基 础 技术 Tech.
30% 70%源自文库
New 创 新支 撑 平台 Ideas
0% 100%
E & L & VC 863 pr ogr am
2001--2001 ---2006 2006-----2010 2010
2003---2007 • Demonstration vehicles: 500 • Mileage: 15000,000 km 2008 • Beijing Olympic Games • Demonstration vehicles: 595 • Mileage: eage: 3700,000 km • transporting passengers : 4400,000 person-time 2009—2010 • National ‘Tens Cities-Thousands Cities Thousands Vehicles’ demonstration project • Demonstration vehicles: 5000 • Mileage: 81,462,555 km
Development Policy for EVs
State Policy New Energy Vehicle Industry
Local Policy
Enterprise Planning
National 863 EV Key Projects “10 Cities Cities-1000 1000 Vehicles” Project, Financial Subsidies Industry Planning and Policy, Technology Revolution New standards and models for N ti l Registry National R it Associated Infrastructure Planning
EV Development Targets
Vehicle Product R&D
Vehicle Products
FCEV Power System Technology Platform HEV Power 混合动力汽车 System 动力平台 Technology Platform Pure EV Power 混合动力汽车 System 动力平台 Technology Platform
The Urgency to Save Energy and Reduce Emission
Optimum Economy Growth Normal Economy Growth Slower Economy Growth
In 2009, the total vehicle production reaches 13.79M. p The total vehicle stock reaches 76.19M. Vehicle Stock Prediction 120M to 160M by 2020
电机系统 11% 多能源控制系统 燃料电池发动机 3% 17%
Total : 2,180 2 180 million RMB
Key Part 45%
Chinese EV Development History: 2006 -2010
The EV p project j of the national high-Tech R&D program : 1,100 million RMB Investment from enterprises & local g governments & Venture Capital : 10B RMB
中国电动汽车发展进程 中国电动汽车发展进程及展望 及展望 The Status and Future of Electric Vehicles in China
ZHANG Zhihong Zhih 中华人民共和国科学技术部 Ministry of Science and Technology
August 30, 2010
Vehicle Power System Integration
Key Part and Component T h l Technology
燃料电池和动力蓄电池 FCE, Battery, UC, etc 电机系统和驱动控制 M o t o r, Tr a nsmission, Engine, etc 控制器和电动辅助系统 Materials, new parts, common technology, p gy infrastructural construction, etc