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Industry Standards of Sampling,Sample Preparation and Inspection method of Laterite

Nickel Ore



The purpose is to regulate the accuracy of the inspection of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore. 二、适用围Scope of application


It is applicable to the inspection of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore in Asian Pacific area.


The specifications introduce the quoted standard for chemical analysis of the Lateritic-Nickel-Ore as well as methods of sampling & sample preparation during loading/discharging. The purpose is to make sure that the inspection is performed correctly and that the sampling & sample preparation will be result in representative samples.


The specifications are applicable to all the members of the Asian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel-Ore.


· GB 2007.1-87 散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工取样方法

· GB 2007.1-87General rules for the manual sampling and automated sample preparation of bulk minerals.

· GB 2007.2-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则手工制样方法

· GB 2007.2-87General rules for the manual sampling and manual sample preparation of bulk minerals

· GB 2007.3-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则评定品质波动试验方法

· GB 2007.3-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental method for evaluation of quality variation

· GB 2007.4-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则精密度校核试验方法

· GB 2007.4-87General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental methods for checking the precision and bias

· GB 2007.5-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则取样系统误差校核试验方法

· GB 2007.5-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk Experimental method for checking the bias of sampling

· GB 2007.6-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则, 水分测定方法热干燥法

· GB 2007.6-87 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk. Determination of moisture content-Heat drying method

· GB 2007.7-87散装矿产品取样、制样通则粒度测定方法手工筛分法

· GB 2007.7-87General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk. The method for determination of particle size by manual sieving

· ISO3082:2000(E) 铁矿石取样、制样标准

· ISO3082:2000(E) Iron ores-Sampling and sample preparation procedures

· JIS M 8109-1996 硅镁镍矿取样、制样、水分测定方法

· JIS M 8109-1996 Methods of sampling, sample preparation and moisture determination of Silicon- Magnesium-Nickel Ore

四、红土镍矿的背景Background of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore


Lateritic-Nickel-Ore is a form of heterogeneous low-grade ore which is derived from extremely thin clay materials and rock chips. Due to its high Fe content, it appears light red in color. Based on the content of ferronickel in the ore, it can be divided into High-Ni/ Low-Fe and High-Fe/ Low-Ni varieties which is mainly located in the Philippines, Indonesia and New Caledonia of South Pacific.

五、一般规定General Regulations


People involved in the inspection shall be trained and work upon authorization.


While working on site, inspectors shall comply with Port and Warehouse regulations while paying close attention to health and safety issues.


Make necessary preparation for sampling equipment and sample collection and storage according to the cargo tonnage.


1mm sample shall be retained for 90 days, while the assay sample shall be retained for 180 days in case of further requirements.

5、装货港检验:Load port Inspection


Prior to loading, empty hold inspection should be carried out.


During loading, the general cargo conditions plus any important factor such as weather conditions shall be recorded in detail and with photos.

6、卸货港检验:Discharge port Inspection


While on board, the weather condition noted during loading shall be checked and recorded.


After opening hatch cover(s), the surface condition of the cargo in each hold shall be visually checked and photographed, especially any leakage shall be kept on file with photos.


While performing the inspection, if high/strong winds, storms, heavy rain or any other unsuitable situation occurs, the inspectors shall stop the work and report to the Client in timely manner while making a detailed record.
