



一Listen and chooose.(听录音,选择你听到的单词,写序号)8分

()1.A.soft B.rough C.salty

()2.A.fruit B.touch C.taste

()3.A.smell B.small C.summer

()4.A.an elephant B.an aeroplane C.an orange ()5.A.fold B.cold C.boat

()6.A.hand B.hard C.head

() B.mouth C.mouse

()8.A.green B.grey C.group

二Listen and choose(听录音,选择你听到的句子,写序号)10

()1.A.The panda is tall and fat. B.The panda is big and fat.

()2.A.Listen to the bicycles. B.Look at the bicycles.

()3.A.Uncle Bai has many hats. B.Uncle Bai has many cats.

()4.A.I can hear them. B.I can’t hear them. ()5.A.A girl and two boys. B.A boy and two girls.

()6.A.Taste the sweet. B.Taste the salt.

()7.A.What can you hear,Kitty B.What can Kitty hear ()8.A.How do the cakes taste B.How does the cake taste

()9.A.How much are these apples B.How many apples are there

()10.A.The monkeys are cute. B.The monkeys are clever.

三Listen anc choose(听录音,选择正确的答句,写序号)6分

()1.A.It’s sour. B.It’s salty.

()2.A.It’s nice. B.They are nice.

()3.A.Yes,I do. B.No,I do.

()4.A.No,it’s soft. B.Yes,it’s soft.

()5.A.Apples,please. B.Thank you.

()can hear raindrops. B.I can hear a chick.

四Listen and judge(听录音,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)6分

1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6.


五Listen and judge.(听录音,判断正误,用“T”“F”表示)5分

()1.The rabbit isn’t hard.

()2.Its hair is white and its eyes are red.

()3.Its tail is red.

()4.It likes eating bones.

()5.Lemons are very sweet.

六Listen and fill(听录音,填入所缺的单词)5分

1.What can you see I can________a ship.

2.What____________is it It’s red.

3.How does it_________It’s nice.

4._________it.How does it feel

5.Do you like_________Yes,I do.


一正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写、标点符号以及单词之间的距离。7分how does it taste alice it’s bitter







6.do not(缩写形式)_________

7.tiger(同类词)___________8.taste(同类词) _________








6.in the zoo________________

7.fruit shop_________________

8.ride bicycles______________

9.take a rest_________________10.many hats____________


()1.I am_________.I want some some cakes.




()2.What is it It’s_______orange.




()3.How_______the doll feel It’s soft.




()4.I can________with my nose.




()5._______the apple.It’s sweet.




()6.__________the elephant.It’s so strong.

A.Look at



()7.I______hear a cat.But I______see the cat.

A.can can

B.can’t can’t

C.can can’t ()8.--Do you like________Yes,but I don’t like this ______.



C.pandas;panda 五根据上下文完成句子,每空一词。4分

1.Do you like_________Yes,I do.

2.How does the lemon taste It’s__________.

3.They are big and strong.They are grey.They have long noses.

They are____________.

4._______the flower.It’s nice.


()1.How does it feel A.They are smooth.

()2.How do they feel B.They are sweet.

()3.How does it taste C.It’s nice.

()4.How do they taste D.It’s soft.

()5.How does it smell E.It’s sour.


1.The apple is sweet.(对划线部分提问)

How does the apple_________

2.Do you like tigers(做否定回答)


3.I like pandas.(否定句)

I______like pandas.

4.They are elephants.(变成单数句)

It is___________________.

八阅读理解,根据短文判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。5分My name is Kitty.I’m eight years old.This is my family. This is my mother.She’s short and thin.This is my father. He’s fat and tall.

This is my brother.His name is Peter.He is six.He likes monkeys.We are happy.

()1.Kitty isn’t eight.

()2.Peter likes pandas.

()3.Kitty’s father is not short.

()4.Peter’s mother is short.

()5.They are happy.


参考句型(I like...They are...They have...

They can....They like....)


___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


牛津上海版英语一年级课本 第一学期 Content Module 1 Getting to know you 1.Greetings Vocabulary: morning, afternoon Daily expressions: Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good afternoon. Goodbye. 2.My classmates Vocabulary: book, ruler, pencil, rubber Daily expressions: Give me…, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.My face Vocabulary: eye, mouth, face, nose, ear Module 2 Me, my family and friends 1.My abilities Vocabulary: dance, read, sing, draw I can… 2.My family Vocabulary: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, me He’s/She’s my…Daily expressions: How are you? Fine, thank you. 3.My friends Vocabulary: fat, thin, tall, short Module 3 Places and activities 1.In the classroom Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six How many…? … 2.In the fruit shop Vocabulary: apple, pear, peach, orange …, please. Daily expressions: Apples, please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.In the restaurant Vocabulary: hamburger, pizza, cake, pie May I have a/an…, please? Daily expressions: Can I help you? May I have…, please? Here you are. Thank you. Module 4 The natural world 1.On the farm Vocabulary: chick, duck, cow, pig What’s this/that? It’s a… 2.In the zoo Vocabulary: bear, tiger, monkey, panda Is this/that…? Yes./No. 3.In the park Vocabulary: red, blue, yellow, green What colour is it? It’s…


一、阅读改错 A butterfly is an insect. It lays eggs. The eggs are small and white. The eggs become caterpillars. They eat leaves. They make little houses. They are cocoons. They are brown. When the cocoon opens, a butterfly comes out. ( ) 1、The eggs are big and white. ( ) 2、The egg eats leaves. ( ) 3、The cocoons are white. ( ) 4、Butterflies come out of cocoons. ( ) 5、The caterpillars make cocoons. 二、要求写句子 1. There are five birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问) 2. I can see some juice in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句) 3. I like model ships. (改成否定句) 4. There is a cat behind the door. (对画线部分提问) 5. The masks are forty yuan. (对画线部分提问) 6. The boy can play the guitar. (对画线部分提问) 7. I like tiger masks. (对画线部分提问) 三、选择 ( ) 1. They are going to the restaurant by A. a taxi B. the taxi C. taxi ( ) 2. My brother to school at seven o’clock in the morning. A. is going B. go C. goes ( ) 3. Kitty needs uniform for school .A. a B. an C. the ( ) 4. Look! Our classroom is on the __________ . A. second floor B. two floor C. two floors ( ) 5. This doll too old. I need a new A. ones B. one C. that one . ( ) 6. The traffic light . “Stop” ! A. is red man B. red C. is red ( ) 7. ——washes his face at six o’clock in the morning . A. Danny B. Danny and Ben C. They ( ) 8. We like and leaves .A. some fruit B. fruits C. fruit ( ) 9.The are going to the underground statain . A. Lis B. Mr Li C. Li ( ) 10. My birthday is on of January . A. the twenty-first B. the twentieth-first C. the twenty-one 选择对应的回答 ()1、What is this monkey doing? ()2、How much is that ball ? ()3、How is Kitty, Mary ? ()4、What do you like ? ()5、How many children ? A、She is sick today. B、One hundred . C、It’s eating a banana. D、Ninety yuan . E、Bananas . 填进适当的词 1、Ben and his ______ (家庭) are in the sitting-room. 2、There aren’t ______ (一些) sofas in the sitting-room. 3、Now ,follow ______ (我),please. 4、We’re having a Music _______(课). 5、They like (做) model planes. 6、We ______(需要) some flowers and vases. 7、--What do you like? -- I like ______(马).



《牛津英语》三年级上册Unit1 Hello! 一、学情分析 本学期的教学对象是三年级学生,他们活泼好动,富有表现力。他们喜欢形象多变的学习内容,对游戏,动画,唱歌,表演充满了兴趣。但是注意力的持续性比较分散,不能做到45分钟全神贯注的听课,由于一二年级的过渡,学生已经有小组意识与合作意识,在小组展示上,大部分学生能够自由发挥想象,灵活运用英语进行基本交流。因此,在设计课堂教学中,应当尽可能的为孩子创造出有趣的情境,让学生大胆的交流,积极地分享。对不同的情境做出恰当的反应。由于三年级开始书写单词,教学时应让学生学会分辨字母大小写并正确书写字母。 二、教材分析 本单元是三年级上册Module 1的第一个单元(P2-5),整个module都是围绕学生日常生活相关的情境来展开的“Getting to know you”。内容切合学生的生活实际情境,容易引起学生的共鸣,激发学生的学习主动性和积极性,学生能参与到课堂。本单元重在锻炼学生用简单的语言来相互打招呼,学会运用到实际生活对话中。同时开始英文字母Aa,Bb的学习。本单元课题是Hello。在一二年级时,学生已经学过有关打招呼的句型的基础上,学习Hello, I’m…, Good morning, 并掌握发音和使用规则。另外二年级开始接触字母的学习。本单元要求学生学会在不同的情境下灵活自如的使用招呼的礼貌用语,掌握四个新人名,并且学会Aa,Bb,能够正确认读,能够区分大小写并正确书写。本单元作为Module 1的第一个单元,让学生通过视听等多种学习渠道,在固有知识的基础上加深,并加以字母的学习,既丰富了日常用语的灵活使用,又为后面的学习奠定了一定的知识基础。 三、单元设计整体思路和依据 本套教材建议我们的教学注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣,多听多模仿;中段英语,听说领先,在此基础上开始练习写,激发学生的参与积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣。 1. 采用情境创设教学法,充分利用三年级学生的直观思维能力强,爱看动画,爱唱表演等特点组织教学。 2. 运用精美的课件,抓住学生天真活泼,善于模仿的天性,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性。 3. 利用现代教学媒体,充分向学生展示适当的语境,准确呈现语言信息,并利用多媒体创设的情境进行合作学习,提高自由运用英语的能力。通过信息技术的运用,更好地实现教师与学生之间高效的教与学的过程,以达到良好的教学目标。 4. 通过歌曲、游戏等活动,充分调动学生积极性,培养学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习和应用英语打下扎实的基础。 四、教学安排 第一课时:新授课Listen and say, Look and learn, Make and say 第二课时:新授课Say and act, Sing a song 第三课时:拓展课Revision, Learn the letters, Application 五、单元目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)学习关于人名的词汇:Alice, Kitty, Peter, Joe,并知道名字第一个字母大写。 (2)学习关于Miss…, Mr.…的用法,分清女士用Miss.,男士用Mr. (3)学习句型Hello. Hi. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.等一些问候性语言。 2.语言技能目标: (1)能用Hello. Hi. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening等用语进行问好。 (2)能针对别人的问好,用Hello. Hi. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening等用语进行回答。 (3)能用一些其他的礼貌用语,如:Thank you. I’m sorry. Goodbye.等。 3.学习策略目标:


上海牛津英语六年级上下册 精选知识点汇总集合梳理 频度副词 always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…? 在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。 E.g She is always kind.她总是很善良的。 She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。 不能出现这样的句子:She is always helps other people.(×) 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。 how often 与how many times how often 提问“频率次数+时间范围” how many times 提问“频率次数” e.g. —How often do you exercise? —Twice a week. —How many times have you been there? —Twice. 副词 表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。 He looks very happy.(修饰形容词) The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词) Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子) 形容词后面+ly构成副词: slow—slowly slight—slightly quick—quickly careful—carefully fierce—fiercely immediate—immediately gentle—gently lucky—luckily happy—happily 介词 What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。 With me/him/her/it/us /them 在具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数


上海版牛津英语全册教案 Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。 3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量 多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的 各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习, 这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思: 1)句型最好板书出示,加以认读。加强音和形的联系。 2) 对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏笔。 the second period


单词音标释义单词音标释义autumn ['?:t?m] 秋天swing [swi?]摇摆,秋千rubber ['r?b?] 橡皮balloon [b?'lu:n] 气球colour ['k?l?] 颜色postman ['p?ustm?n] 邮差fisherman ['fi??m?n] 渔民;渔夫building ['bildi?]建筑物present ['preznt] 赠品;礼物toothbrush ['tu:θbr??] 牙刷chopsticks ['t??pstiks] 筷子plate [pleit] 盘子spoon [spu:n] 勺子breakfast ['brekf?st] 早餐umbrella [?m'brel?] 伞queen [kwi:n] 皇后playground ['pleiɡraund] 操场triangle ['trai??ɡl] 三角形library ['laibr?ri] 图书馆shape [?eip] 形状square [skwε?] 正方形、广场sandwich ['s?nwid?] 三明治camera ['k?m?r?] 照相机telephone ['telif?un] 手机、电话pineapple ['pain,?pl] 菠萝strawberry ['str?:b?ri] 草莓skateboard ['skeitb:d] 滑板beautiful ['bju:tiful] 美丽blouse [blauz] (女)短上衣,衬衫quiet ['kwai?t] 安静raindrop ['reindr?p] 雨滴season ['si:z?n] 季节classmate ['klɑ:smeit] 同学dentist ['dentist] 牙医engine ['end?in] 引擎waitress ['weitris] 女服务员branch [brɑ:nt?] 树枝sharp [?ɑ:p] 尖锐地shoulder ['??uld?] 肩strong [str??] 强壮bookshop ['buk??p] 书店chocolate ['t??k?lit] 巧克力climb [klaim] 爬coffee ['k?fi] 咖啡exercise ['eks?saiz] 练习fountain ['fauntin] 喷水池rectangle ['rek,t??ɡl] 长方形sunglasses ['s?n,ɡlɑ:siz] 太阳眼镜supermarket ['sju:p?,mɑ:kit] 超市answer ['ɑ:ns?,] 答案question ['kwest??n] 问题rubbish ['r?bi?] 垃圾blind [blaind] 瞎的blunt [bl?nt] 钝的hamburger ['h?mb?:ɡ?] 汉堡包kitchen ['kit?in] 厨房bathroom ['bɑ:θrum]浴室restaurant ['rest?r??]餐馆


Module1 Using my five senses Unit1 Seeing and hearing 词汇: aeroplane飞机bus公共汽车 ship轮船car小汽车 字母: Ch- chick小鸡chair椅子 语法知识: What can you hear/see? I can hear/see... Unit2 Touching and feeling 词汇: pineapple菠萝cake蛋糕bag袋子 bread面包glass玻璃杯 字母: Sh- ship轮船shop商店 语法知识: How does it/do they feel? It’s/They’re... Unit3. Tasting and smelling 生词: sweet lemon sour salt salty coffee bitter 字母: wh- whale white 语法: How does it smell/taste? It’s... Module2 My favourite things Unit1 Animals 生词: tiger lion panda monkey 音标: -ck clock rock 语法: Do you like...? Yes,I do. No,I don’t. Unit2 Toys

toy train doll skateboard robot 音标: -ll small tall wall 语法: What do you like? I like... Unit3 Clothes 生词: Hat scarf jacket a pair of gloves a pair of socks a pair of shoes 音标: -ss classroom glass 语法: What are these/those? They’re... Module3 Things around us Unit1 Shapes 生词: Circle square triangle stare rectangle 音标: -ff turn off take off 语法: I have... Unit2 Colours 生词: Sky sea mountain river 音标: -cl clothes pl- plant gl- gloves 语法: What colour is/are...? It’s/They’re... Unit3 Seasons 生词: Plant a tree have a picnic ice-skate ski 音标: Bl- blue fl- flower sl- slowly 语法: What season is it?


Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。 2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 等问候语。 2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning. –How do you do? –How are you?-Fine, thank you. –Hello! 来问候和交流。 3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。 三.教学步骤

四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you. 对于一些从来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方面做努力。 1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶; 2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子; 3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4. 设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习,这样学起来既轻松又有成效。 3)由于Let’s talk的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分内容提前到第一课时来上。 5.教学反思:


上海版牛津小学英语:3B Module 1 Unit1 学习笔记 3B Module 1 Unit1 Seeing and hearing 背单词: aeroplane: n.飞机 bus: n.公共汽车 ship: n.(大)船;舰 by:prep. 在……旁边 car: n. 小汽车 chair: n.椅子 children: n.(复数)儿童,小孩 else: adv. 其他的;别的 hear: v.听见 listen:v.听 them: pron.他们;它们 window: n.窗;窗户 复习句型: What can you hear? I can hear… What can you see? I can see…

音标巩固:[t∫] 发音部位:双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,声带不振动。绕口令练习:Chalse is catching a chicken in the Kitchen. 发[t∫]的字母组合:ch, tch ch: tea ch er pea ch ch erry ch air tch:wa tch ma tch ------------------------------------------------------

小练习: 1、Tweet! Tweet! What can you ____? A. hear B. listen C. see 2、根据发音规则,选出下列单词中全部发[t∫]的一组: ? A. chair beach cheese catch ? B. China church egg shark ? C. dumpling night chick monkey


上海版牛津英语一年级英语练习题 Class _______________ Name__________________ No ________________ 一、根据图片或单词,在字母框内圈出正确的内容 10% 1 b a g b e g f a t g 2 s m i n g s i n g l 3 f f e f a t h e r n 4 s t h i n t h a n n 5 t h o r t s h o r t 二、根据所给的图片,圈出正确的单词 30 % 1 nose mouth 2 nose ear 3 ruler rubber 4 book pencil 5 ear eye 6 pencil rubber 7 morning afternoon 8 ruler bag 9 eye ear 10 book pencil 三、圈出意义上不属于同一类的词 30% 1) rubber pencil face 2) morning mouth afternoon 3) ear ruler nose 4) book eye pencil 5) Kitty Alice Eddie 6) dance read book 7) fat sing tall 8) mother father mouth 9) draw short thin 10)grandfather grandmother Eddie

四、根据数字,圈出图片的数量 15% 1 six 2 eight 3 four 4 seven 5 three 五、根据图片内容,勾出正确的句子 16% 1 () What can you do? I can draw. () What can she do? She can dance. 2 () Who’s she? She’s my grandmother. () Who’s she? She’s my mother. 3 () This is my friend. She’s thin. () This is my friend. He’s fat. 4 () Tall girl, Short girl, I can see. () Tall boy, Short boy, I can see. 5 () I can draw a flower. () I can draw flowers. 6 () How many books? One. () How many pencils? One. 7 () I can see three rabbits. () I can see two rubbers. 8 () Four rulers. () Five rulers.


牛津上海版(三起)三年级英语下册知识梳理 Module Using my five senses 一、核心词汇  1. 颜色词 black黑色的 blue蓝色的 green绿色的 red红色的 white白色的 yellow黄色的 orange橙色的 2. 食物词 candy糖果 lemon柠檬 ice cream冰淇淋 3. 味觉形容词 sour酸的 sweet甜的 4. 交通工具名词 bike自行车 bus公共汽车 plane飞机 ship船 car小汽车 train火车 5. 动词 hear听见 listen听 6. 玩具名词 ball球

7. 疑问词 how怎么,怎样 8. 情态动词 can能 9. 连词 and和;同 10. 其他 colour颜色 taste味道;尝 二、拓展词汇  1. 颜色词 pink粉色的 purple紫色的 grey灰色的 golden金黄色的 violet紫罗兰色的 2. 食物词 chocolate巧克力 donut甜甜圈 mango芒果 cherry樱桃 pineapple菠萝 3. 味觉形容词 bitter苦的 hot辣的 salty咸的 4. 交通工具名词 subway地铁 taxi出租车 raft木筏 boat小船 jeep吉普 truck卡车 5. 疑问词

what什么 where哪里 who谁 whose谁的 which哪一个 when什么时候why为什么 6. 情态动词 may可能 must必须 will将要 could能够 should应该 would将要 7. 连词 but但是 or或者 三、核心句型  1. — What colour is your ball? 你的球是什么颜色的? — It’s red and white. 它是红白相间的。 详解:“what colour”的意思是“什么颜色”,用来对物品的颜色进行提问。当主语是单数形式时,be动词用is,答语用“It’s + 颜色.”;当主语是复数形式时,be动词用are,答句用“They’re + 颜色.”。 举一反三:— What colour is your pen? 你的钢笔是什么颜色的? — It’s blue. 它是蓝色的。 — What colour is the panda? 熊猫是什么颜色的? — It’s black and white. 它是黑白相间的。 — What colour is the blackboard? 黑板是什么颜色的? — It’s black. 它是黑色的。 2. — How is it? 它怎么样?


上海版牛津英语六年级下册6B重点知识点复习整理 Module 1 City Life Unit 1 Great cities in Asia 【知识点梳理】 1.方位词:east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west 用法:a. 两地不相邻: e.g. A is north B. (= to the south of) b. 两地接壤: e.g. A is on the north of B. c. 所属关系,A包含B, B属于A: e.g. B is in the north of A. 2. by + 交通工具表示“乘……交通工具”, 用how进行提问 e.g. by bus / ferry / train / ship / underground… by plane = by air, by ship = by sea 3. How far…多远(询问距离的远近,路程的长短) e.g. Hoe far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? 4. How long…多长,多久(询问时间的长短,提问一段时间) e.g. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 坐火车从上海到北京 要花多长时间? 5. It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 做某事需要花费多少时间 e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal plane. 做这个模型飞机花了我5个小时。 6. like / love / enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 e.g. The people in Bangkok like / love / enjoy eating spicy food. 曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。 7. 词组句型 at an exhibition about great cities in Asia 在一个关于亚洲大城市的展览会上 Which city…? 哪个城市…?the capital of……的首都from…to…从…到…in the past 在过去 travel to other places 去别的地方more than = over 超过,多于 visit the Great wall 参观长城tall buildings 高楼大厦 huge department stores大型的百货商店famous hotels著名的宾馆 quiz cards测试卡 at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的沙滩上 Module 1 City Life Unit 2 At the Airport 【知识点梳理】 1.have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来) have/has been in 住在= have lived / stayed in have/has gone to去,到….. (表示现在还没有回来) e.g. We have already been to Changfeng Park.


牛津上海版一年级第二学期英语 Module 1 Using my five senses (1)look and see 单词:frog rabbit bee bird One, two, three, I am a bee. Four, five, I am a bird. Six, seven, eight, I am a rabbit. Nine, ten, I am a frog. What do you see? I see a panda. I see a bear. I see a tiger. I see a monkey. Hi, kitty. What do you see? I see a frog. What colour is it? It’s green. What do you see? I see … What colour is it? It’s … (2)listen and hear What do you hear? I hear … What do you hear? Oink …Oink …I hear a pig. What do you hear? Quack …Quack …I hear a duck. 单词:sheep hen dog cat What do you hear? Oink …Oink …I hear a pig.

Oh, it’s you, Danny. Ha! Ha! (3) taste and smell 单词:rice soup egg noodles taste smell Taste the noodles, Tom. Yummy. Yummy. Smell the soup, Alice. It’s nice. Can I help you? Soup, please. Here you are. Thank you. Taste it, please. Hmm …Yummy. Yummy. Danny, stand up. Alice, touch you nose. Kitty, smell the flower. Smell the egg. Smell the rice. Egg and rice, Nice, nice, nice. Taste the soup. Taste the noodles. Soup and noodles, Yummy, yummy, yummy.


Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 My birthday 生词: first second third fourth fifth sixth 音标: e e_e ee ea /i:/ she these bee sea me Chinese sweet read i y /i/ it drill easy happy this fish very early 语法: When is your birthday? It ’son the...of January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/ November/December. Unit2 My way to school 生词: taxi underground zebra crossing traffic lights pavement 音标: e a ea /e/ bed any head pet many bread a /? / dad apple back black 语法 : How do you come to school? I come to school... Unit3 My future 生词: worker pilot farmer cook shop assistant 音标: /p/p pick map/t/t taste fruit /b/b book job/d/d date bad k kite work /k/c cook picnic ck clock duck /g/g game big 语法: What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...


—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务——

全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 上海牛津英语三年级下学期单元测试题 3BModule 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Seeing and hearing I. Read and write(按要求写单词): 1. bus(复数) 2. butterfly(复数) 3. oranges(单数) 4. ships(单数) 5. car(同类词) 6. five(同类词) 7. hear(同音词) 8. four(同音词) II. Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空): 1. I can see (a) aeroplane. 2. There (be) a big ship in the sea. 3. Look at the (bus). They are nice. 4. There are some (apple) on the table. 5. Is that (you) balloon? Yes, it is. 6. That boy is my good friend. (he) eyes are big. 7. I can see two beautiful (ladybird) on the leaf. 8. There is (a) big apple in the basket. III. Answer the questions(按要求回答问题): 1.What can you see?(一只鸟) 2.Is that a big ship?(是) 3.What can you hear?(飞机) 4.What colour is the sun?(红色) 5.Can you see my bicycle?(不) 6.How old is your sister?(8) IV. Read and judge(情景判断,用“T”或“F”表示):


六年级下册单词、课文中译英(上海版牛津英语) 六下 Module 1 U nit 1 巨大的;伟大的 great 亚洲 Asia 日本 Japan 东京 Tokyo 泰国 Thailand 曼谷 Bangkok 西北 north-west 东北 north-east 东南 south-east 西南 south-west 展览会 exhibition首都 capital (大)船;舰 ship 多远 how far 千米,公里 kilometre 旅行 travel 博物馆 museum 宫殿 palace 游客,观光者 tourist 多于;超过 more than 百万 million 欣赏;喜爱 enjoy Unit 2 机场 airport 票;入场券登机牌 ticket 手提箱 suitcase 丝绸 silk 围巾;头巾scarf 洛杉矶 Los Angeles 以前 before 停留;呆 stay 几个 several 然而 however 装(箱) pack 足够的,充足的航班 enough 空间 space 去、、、 leave for、、、应该 should 到达、、、 arrive at、、、 不得不 have to 担心 worry 离开,出发 departure 航班 flight 乘客;旅客 passenger 护照 passport 登机牌 boarding card 带来 bring 元(美国,加拿大等货币) dollar 地址 address

六年级下册单词、课文中译英(上海版牛津英语) Unit 3 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 比赛 race 某物,某事 something 庆祝 celebrate 出生(be)born 一千 thousand 以前 ago 国家 country 很,非常 very much 劝告,忠告 advice 向、、、提出建议 give advice to、、、 国王 king 接受(某人的)劝告take one’s advice 死,死亡 die 以后,后来 later 输掉,失去 lose 战役 battle 处于危险中 in danger 河,江 river 农历的 lunar 纪念,记得 remember 有,带有 with 没有 without 月饼 moon cake 甜食,甜点,布丁 pudding 宁愿 would rather Unit 4 保持 stay 保持健康 stay healthy 室内的 indoor 室外的 outdoor 篮球 basketball 电影,胶片 film 网球 tennis 模型 model 去野餐 go on a picnic 邮票 stamp 烧烤野餐 barbecue 来一次烧烤野餐have a barbecue 头痛 headache 胃痛 stomach ache 牙痛 toothache 感冒 cold 发烧 fever 疼痛的 sore 咽喉 throat 锻炼,运动 exercise 真正的,的确 really 体育运动 sport 忘记 forget Module 2 Unit 1在、、、前面 in front of 有魔力的 magic 寻找 look for 开始 start 按钮 button 纸币,注释 note 按,压 press 微笑,笑 smile 背面,反面 back 、、、年后 in、、、years’time 重的 heavy 厘米 centimetre 有、、、重,称、、、的重量 weigh 千克,公斤 kilogram 宇航员 astronaut 同意 agree 擅长(be)good at 灭火 put out fires 可能的 possibly
