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• 中晚唐回鹘女服
• 隋唐胄甲
• The picture showed was the gold belt which was tied on •
the waist. Additionally the picture showed was the primary thing came up out of land. 此图为金饰蹀腰带(辽宁辽墓出土实物)
商周贵族服饰 这个时期的织物颜色,以暖色为多,尤其以黄红为主, 间有棕色和褐色,但并不等于不存在篮、绿等冷色。(根据出土玉人 服饰复原绘制)
东周男子服饰 Men’s raiments in Dongzhou
• Costume in Zhou Dynasty followed of that
in Shang Dynasty.The style just as the picture shows.There was no button in this period, Belt was tied on the waist.
tomb in Hubei province and the clothe was the earliest
• (湖北江陵马砖一号楚墓出土实物)。楚墓出土的战国中期服饰实物,
有绢、罗、锦、纱、绦等各种衣着十余件,为目前所见的最早的实物。 通常用两种颜色的彩条纹锦镶沿
Warrior’s costume in Zhan period
金代贵族服饰 Noble costume in Gold Dynasty
• People in Gold Dynasty liked to use birds and beast as
their vignette, especially deer. Such decorative trait was reflected a lot to the costume. One of reason why the pattern of deer used a great deal was the beautiful figure of deer. The other one was that deer had the same pronunciation as “lu”, and in Chinese lu means propitious.
商代的发式 辫发局部(河南安阳股墟妇好墓出土的玉人)。商代男 子发式,以梳辫发为主。
商代发式骨笄 Shang Dynasty’s hairstyle---gu ji
The picture was the primary things handed down from ancient times and now were collected in the museum in Shanghai. The li was used to fixup bob in Shang Dynasty. In addition, then girls with fifteen-year old were called adults, and they could married,they called ji.
• 东周男子服饰 周代服饰大致沿袭商代的服制,只是略有
变化。如图所示的样式。这个时期的服装还没有扭扣,一 般在腰间系带,有的在带上还挂有玉制的饰物。
The hufu in the period of seven countres coexistence.
• There was obvious change in costume in this period, for example the hufu.
• 戴长冠、穿袍服的官员(湖南长沙马王堆汉墓出土着衣木俑)。 长冠,汉高祖刘邦先前戴之,用竹皮编制,故称刘氏冠
Emperor’s costume in Han Dynasty汉代皇帝冕服
• The picture was recovered. The mianyu on the emperor’s costume was the important symbol to distinguish gentle and simple.
Men’s quju in Han Danysty 汉代男子曲裾
• The Picture showed below was just a
recoved one
the long coronal in Han Dynasy
• In Han Dynasty, functionary had to wear the long
下摆一般呈喇叭状,行不露足。通常用交领,领口很低,以便露出里 衣。如穿几件衣服,每层领子必露于外,最多的达三层以上,时称 “三重衣”。
• Enjoy
the costume that bureaucracy wore in Tang Dynasty唐代官吏常服袍衫
原始服饰 根据出土的骨针、骨锥等制衣工具想象复原的。在纺 织技术尚未发明之前,动物的毛皮是人们服装的主要材料。当 时还没有绳、线,可能用动物韧带来缝制衣服。当时已经有头 饰、颈饰和腕饰等,材料有天然美石、兽齿鱼骨和海里的贝壳 等,当时佩戴这些饰物,可能不仅是为了装饰,也许还包含着 对渔猎胜利的纪念。
when they were walking the feet were hided. Another grait was that every collar should be showed outside so there were so many floors at the neckline.
• The picture showed was also a primary truth thing which
came up out of land from Liaoning province. 时戴这种盔帽的武士,头都要裹头巾。
• 战国武士服饰 春秋时期的青铜盔帽(辽宁出土实物)。当
the phylogeny of China’s costume
原始服饰original costume
The original costume was recovered by the imagine that according to spicula and some other clothes-made tools came up of land.Before the invention of spin technology, zoic fur were mainly material.At that time there was no line and rope,so the zoic ligament maybe used to make clothes. Then and there people had worn headgear collapsible and wristlet which were made by crude rock teeth fishbone and shells in the sea. The reason why whey wore these things was not only for being beautiful but also the commemorate for victory.
• 战国胡服 战国时期的服饰有较明显的变化,比较重要的是胡服的流行。所
The rich women’s costume in Chu period
• primary one until now.
• The clothe showed is came up out of 百度文库and from Chu
The mainly color used in that days was warm color, especially yellow and red. But blue and green were exist. (the picture was recovered by the yuren’s costume came up out of land)
Hufu is actually minority’s costume which came from northwest. The costume was much different from the zhongyuan area, it was usually short coat pantalettes and long shoes. The advantage of the costume was that it was easy to activity. The first king who used this costume was the king of zhaolingwu who was the earliest innovator in the phylogeny of China’s costume. 谓胡服,实际上是西北地区少数民族的服装,它与中原地区宽衣博带式汉族 服装有较大差异,一般为短衣、长裤和革靴,衣身瘦窄,便于活动。首先采 用这种服装的赵武灵王,是中国服饰史上最早一位改革者。这种服装最初用 于军中,后来传入民间,成为一种普遍的装束。左图为穿窄袖短衣的杂技艺 人(战国铜人,传世实物,原件现在美国华府弗里尔美术馆)。中图为穿窄 袖短衣胡服的奴仆(河北满城出土当户灯铜人)。右图为戴冠、穿齐膝窄袖 胡服的男子(河南三门峡上村岭出土战国铜人)。
商代发式 商代骨笄(传世实物,原件现藏上海博物馆)。笄是我国 在新时器时代就有的用来固定发髻。周代男女都用笄 从周代起,女 子年满十五岁便算成人,可以 许嫁,谓之及笄。如果没有许嫁, 到二十岁时也要举行笄礼,由一个妇人给及龄女子梳一个发髻,插上 一支笄,礼后再取下。
The noble finery in Shang Dynasty
商代的发式 The hairstyle in Shang Dynasty
Plaits were made just some parts (The picture was the Jade Person excavated in anyang’s tomb, henan province. In Shang Dynasty , men mostly had plaits.
• 本图根据文献记载及图案资料复原绘制,冕冠,是古 代帝王臣僚参加祭祀典礼时所戴礼冠。冕冠的顶部, 有一块前圆后方的长方形冕板,冕板前后垂有“冕 旒”。 冕旒依数量及质料的不同,是区分贵贱尊卑的重要标 志。
General officer’s loricae in Han Dynasty
• The Ch’in Dynasty was the dynasy that the data was the most widely , and the most detailed. All of that due to the discovery of the military forces tomb figure. Their loricae costume put up sterm grade system.
• 秦代是我国历史上至今资料最全面、最准确、最详细的朝代,这 有归功于秦始皇陵兵马俑的发现。他们的铠甲服饰装束表现出森 严的等级制度。
Women’s quju costume in Ch’in Dynasty秦汉妇女曲裾
• The lap of the skirt was usually assumed bugle shape, so
• 金代的装饰图案喜用禽兽,尤喜用鹿。这种装饰特点,在衣冠服饰上也得到
• 中晚唐回鹘女服
• 隋唐胄甲
• The picture showed was the gold belt which was tied on •
the waist. Additionally the picture showed was the primary thing came up out of land. 此图为金饰蹀腰带(辽宁辽墓出土实物)
商周贵族服饰 这个时期的织物颜色,以暖色为多,尤其以黄红为主, 间有棕色和褐色,但并不等于不存在篮、绿等冷色。(根据出土玉人 服饰复原绘制)
东周男子服饰 Men’s raiments in Dongzhou
• Costume in Zhou Dynasty followed of that
in Shang Dynasty.The style just as the picture shows.There was no button in this period, Belt was tied on the waist.
tomb in Hubei province and the clothe was the earliest
• (湖北江陵马砖一号楚墓出土实物)。楚墓出土的战国中期服饰实物,
有绢、罗、锦、纱、绦等各种衣着十余件,为目前所见的最早的实物。 通常用两种颜色的彩条纹锦镶沿
Warrior’s costume in Zhan period
金代贵族服饰 Noble costume in Gold Dynasty
• People in Gold Dynasty liked to use birds and beast as
their vignette, especially deer. Such decorative trait was reflected a lot to the costume. One of reason why the pattern of deer used a great deal was the beautiful figure of deer. The other one was that deer had the same pronunciation as “lu”, and in Chinese lu means propitious.
商代的发式 辫发局部(河南安阳股墟妇好墓出土的玉人)。商代男 子发式,以梳辫发为主。
商代发式骨笄 Shang Dynasty’s hairstyle---gu ji
The picture was the primary things handed down from ancient times and now were collected in the museum in Shanghai. The li was used to fixup bob in Shang Dynasty. In addition, then girls with fifteen-year old were called adults, and they could married,they called ji.
• 东周男子服饰 周代服饰大致沿袭商代的服制,只是略有
变化。如图所示的样式。这个时期的服装还没有扭扣,一 般在腰间系带,有的在带上还挂有玉制的饰物。
The hufu in the period of seven countres coexistence.
• There was obvious change in costume in this period, for example the hufu.
• 戴长冠、穿袍服的官员(湖南长沙马王堆汉墓出土着衣木俑)。 长冠,汉高祖刘邦先前戴之,用竹皮编制,故称刘氏冠
Emperor’s costume in Han Dynasty汉代皇帝冕服
• The picture was recovered. The mianyu on the emperor’s costume was the important symbol to distinguish gentle and simple.
Men’s quju in Han Danysty 汉代男子曲裾
• The Picture showed below was just a
recoved one
the long coronal in Han Dynasy
• In Han Dynasty, functionary had to wear the long
下摆一般呈喇叭状,行不露足。通常用交领,领口很低,以便露出里 衣。如穿几件衣服,每层领子必露于外,最多的达三层以上,时称 “三重衣”。
• Enjoy
the costume that bureaucracy wore in Tang Dynasty唐代官吏常服袍衫
原始服饰 根据出土的骨针、骨锥等制衣工具想象复原的。在纺 织技术尚未发明之前,动物的毛皮是人们服装的主要材料。当 时还没有绳、线,可能用动物韧带来缝制衣服。当时已经有头 饰、颈饰和腕饰等,材料有天然美石、兽齿鱼骨和海里的贝壳 等,当时佩戴这些饰物,可能不仅是为了装饰,也许还包含着 对渔猎胜利的纪念。
when they were walking the feet were hided. Another grait was that every collar should be showed outside so there were so many floors at the neckline.
• The picture showed was also a primary truth thing which
came up out of land from Liaoning province. 时戴这种盔帽的武士,头都要裹头巾。
• 战国武士服饰 春秋时期的青铜盔帽(辽宁出土实物)。当
the phylogeny of China’s costume
原始服饰original costume
The original costume was recovered by the imagine that according to spicula and some other clothes-made tools came up of land.Before the invention of spin technology, zoic fur were mainly material.At that time there was no line and rope,so the zoic ligament maybe used to make clothes. Then and there people had worn headgear collapsible and wristlet which were made by crude rock teeth fishbone and shells in the sea. The reason why whey wore these things was not only for being beautiful but also the commemorate for victory.
• 战国胡服 战国时期的服饰有较明显的变化,比较重要的是胡服的流行。所
The rich women’s costume in Chu period
• primary one until now.
• The clothe showed is came up out of 百度文库and from Chu
The mainly color used in that days was warm color, especially yellow and red. But blue and green were exist. (the picture was recovered by the yuren’s costume came up out of land)
Hufu is actually minority’s costume which came from northwest. The costume was much different from the zhongyuan area, it was usually short coat pantalettes and long shoes. The advantage of the costume was that it was easy to activity. The first king who used this costume was the king of zhaolingwu who was the earliest innovator in the phylogeny of China’s costume. 谓胡服,实际上是西北地区少数民族的服装,它与中原地区宽衣博带式汉族 服装有较大差异,一般为短衣、长裤和革靴,衣身瘦窄,便于活动。首先采 用这种服装的赵武灵王,是中国服饰史上最早一位改革者。这种服装最初用 于军中,后来传入民间,成为一种普遍的装束。左图为穿窄袖短衣的杂技艺 人(战国铜人,传世实物,原件现在美国华府弗里尔美术馆)。中图为穿窄 袖短衣胡服的奴仆(河北满城出土当户灯铜人)。右图为戴冠、穿齐膝窄袖 胡服的男子(河南三门峡上村岭出土战国铜人)。
商代发式 商代骨笄(传世实物,原件现藏上海博物馆)。笄是我国 在新时器时代就有的用来固定发髻。周代男女都用笄 从周代起,女 子年满十五岁便算成人,可以 许嫁,谓之及笄。如果没有许嫁, 到二十岁时也要举行笄礼,由一个妇人给及龄女子梳一个发髻,插上 一支笄,礼后再取下。
The noble finery in Shang Dynasty
商代的发式 The hairstyle in Shang Dynasty
Plaits were made just some parts (The picture was the Jade Person excavated in anyang’s tomb, henan province. In Shang Dynasty , men mostly had plaits.
• 本图根据文献记载及图案资料复原绘制,冕冠,是古 代帝王臣僚参加祭祀典礼时所戴礼冠。冕冠的顶部, 有一块前圆后方的长方形冕板,冕板前后垂有“冕 旒”。 冕旒依数量及质料的不同,是区分贵贱尊卑的重要标 志。
General officer’s loricae in Han Dynasty
• The Ch’in Dynasty was the dynasy that the data was the most widely , and the most detailed. All of that due to the discovery of the military forces tomb figure. Their loricae costume put up sterm grade system.
• 秦代是我国历史上至今资料最全面、最准确、最详细的朝代,这 有归功于秦始皇陵兵马俑的发现。他们的铠甲服饰装束表现出森 严的等级制度。
Women’s quju costume in Ch’in Dynasty秦汉妇女曲裾
• The lap of the skirt was usually assumed bugle shape, so
• 金代的装饰图案喜用禽兽,尤喜用鹿。这种装饰特点,在衣冠服饰上也得到