06第六章 人工系统发展、分类及人工系统设计哲学_中英__2011_09_v3.0

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“系统理论与人工系统设计学”讲义System Theory and Artificial System Design”


Lecture 10


Chapter 6

Development and Categorization of Artificial System and the Philosophy of Artificial System Design

第六章人工系统发展、分类及人工系统设计哲学 (4)

Chapter 6 Development and Categorization of Artificial System Design and the Philosophy of Artificial System Design (4)

§1 人工系统本征性质讨论 (4)

§1 Discussions on the Essentials of Artificial System (4)

1.1 人工系统的内涵讨论 (4)

1.1 Discussions on the Connotations of Artificial System (4)

1.1.1 人工系统 (4)

1.1.1 Artificial system (4)

1.1.2 人工系统的出现和不断发展 (4)

1.1.2 The advent and constant development of artificial system (5)

1.1.3 重要的人工系统 (5)

1.1.3 Important artificial systems (5)

1.1.4 人工系统是综合性学科 (5)

1.1.4 Various artificial systems are involved with various fields of science, technology and

engineering (5)

1.1.5 人工系统是工程科学技术及工程实现领域的结合 (6)

1.1.5 Artificial system is connection of engineering science and technology and engineering..6

1.1.6 人工系统与人类社会共同不断进化 (6)

1.1.6 The incessant joint evolution of artificial systems and human society (6)

1.2 人工系统按功能性质概略分类讨论 (7)

1.2 Discussions on the Concise Categorization of Artificial System from the Perspective of

Functions and Characteristics (7)

1.2.1 科学型(科学工程型) (7)

1.2.1 Scientific Type (scientific engineering type) (8)

1.2.2 公务型 (8)

1.2.2 Public Service Type (9)

1.2.3 经济发展型(广义的经济)在市场经济模式中是大量普遍存在。 (9)

1.2.3 Economic Development Type (economy in broader sense): abundant and common in

market economy (10)

1.2.4 社会发展型 (10)

1.2.4 Social Development Type (10)

1.2.5 生活消费使用型 (11)

1.2.5 Living Consumption Type (11)

1.2.6 综合(混合)型人工系统 (12)

1.2.6 Comprehensive (mixed) Type Artificial Systems (12)

§2人工系统发展溯源人之思维方式讨论 (14)

§2 Origins of the Development of Artificial System: Discussions on the Thinking Pattern of Mankind14

2.1 人的本质贵在认识和实践能力,也是人工系统发展的根本因素 (14)

2.1 The essence of mankind lies in their learning and practicing abilities, which are also the

fundamental causes for the development of artificial systems (14)

2.2 人的认识和实践能力发展的核心因素是思维能力的发展 (15)

2.2 The core elements for the development of mankind’s learning and practical abilities are the

development of thinking abilities (15)

2.3 人的科学思维方式应该是对立统一辨证思维 (15)

2.3 The scientific thinking pattern of mankind should be dialectical and follow the law of unity of

opposites (15)

2.4 人工系统研究发展中对立统一辨证规律是基本规律 (17)

2.4 The law of the unity of opposites is the basic law in the research and development of artificial

system (17)

2.4.1 人工系统是多种约束条件的交织关系 (17)

2.4.1 Artificial systems is relation of constraint condition (17)

2.4.2 人工系统的核心是对立统一规律 (18)

2.4.2 The core of the artificial system is the law of the unity of opposites (18)

§3 系统理论指导下的人工系统设计研发哲学 (19)

§3 Philosophy of the Research and Development of Artificial System Design under the Guidance of System Theory (19)

3.1 由哲学讨论到人工系统设计哲学 (19)

3.1 From Philosophical Discussions to the Philosophy of Artificial System Design (19)

3.1.1 哲学研究内涵之扼要表述 (19)

3.1.1 Brief Summary of the Contents of Philosophical Researches (19)

3.1.2 人工系统设计哲学的基本内涵简述 (23)

3.1.2 Brief Introduction of the Connotation of the Philosophy of Artificial System Design (23)

3.2 人工系统设计哲学简述 (25)

3.2 Brief Introduction to the Philosophy of Artificial System Design (25)

3.2.1 人工系统的基本“存在”规律 (25)

3.2.1Basic Laws of “Being” of Artificial System (25)

3.2.2 设计环节人“存在”设计成功的基本规律 (27)

3.2.2 Basic Laws of the Success of Design of the “Being” of Men in Design (27)

3.2.3 在人工系统设计中应遵循之准则(由设计成功机理推演出必须遵守规则) (30)

3.2.3 Guidelines that Should be Followed in Artificial System Design (rules that must be

adhered to deduced from the successful mechanism of design) (30)

3.2.4 设计哲学运用综合举例 (32)

3.2.4 Comprehensive Case Studies of the Application of Design Philosophy (32)
