


一.1. speech. 2, badly. 3, speaking. 4, keep. 5, conversations.

6, understand. 7, quickly. 8, meaning. 9, idea. 10, patient.

二.1, Maybe. 2, help. 3, aloud. 4, beginning. 5, conversation.

6, practice. 7, notes. 8, improve. 9, sentences. 10, writing.

三.1, corner. 2, planned. 3, illness. 4, after. 5, introduce.

6, partner. 7, understand. 8, perfect. 9, believe. 10, pronunciation. 四.1,calling 2, just. 3, nothing. 4, especially. 5, active.

6, notes. 7, secret. 8, homework. 9, teachers. 10, message.

五.1, means. 2, hometown. 3, crowded/ busy. 4, celebrate. 5, whole.

6, before. 7, pounds. 8, traditional. 9, achievement. 10, resolutions. 六.1, mean. 2, parents. 3, common. 4, popular. 5, because.

6, useful. 7, different. 8, feeling. 9, meaningful. 10, instead.

七.1, nothing. 2, first. 3, end. 4, tradition. 5, solves. 6, knowledge.

7, relatives. 8, or. 9, round. 10, life.

八.1, celebration. 2, welcome. 3, wet. 4, sign. 5, wishes.

6, luck. 7, old. 8, meaning. 9, light. 10, presents/ gifts.

九.1,exchange. 2, abroad. 3, program. 4, nervous. 5, use.

6, used. 7, cultures. 8, before. 9, noise. 10, countries.

十.1, sales. 2, success. 3, work. 4, day’s. 5, plans. 6, experienced. 7, far.

8, improve. 9, speech. 10, makes.

十一。1, nowhere. 2, learn. 3, knowledge. 4, hot. 5, rained. 6, share. 7,

foreigner. 8, normally. 9, surprise. 10, suggested.

十二。1, politely. 2, similar. 3, direct. 4, change. 5, more.

6, wonder. 7, abroad. 8, seemed. 9, situations. 10, itself.

十三。1, changed. 2, nearly/almost. 3, active. 4, first. 5, or.

6, followed. 7, though. 8, silent/quiet. 9, reason. 10, face.

十四。1, neighborhood. 2, used. 3, far. 4, hardly. 5, close.

6, usual. 7, helped. 8, themselves. 9, special. 10, offer.

十五。1, painting. 2, changed. 3, reason. 4, sleep. 5, successful.

6, myself. 7, worked. 8, math. 9, instead. 10, different.

十六。1, changed. 2, so. 3, use. 4, still. 5, alone. 6,following. 7, voice. 8, on.

9, sleeping. 10, without.

十七。1, noisy. 2, ringing. 3, just. 4, sale. 5, show.

6, actually. 7, must. 8, used. 9, materials. 10, touches/ feels.

十八。1, countryside. 2, noise. 3, sleep. 4, reasons. 5, transportation/ communications. 6, convenient. 7, free/spare. 8, summer. 9, worry. 10,


十九。1, returned. 2, information. 3, educational. 4, protecting. 5, yourself. 6, normal/usual/common. 7, bamboo. 8, material. 9, invited. 10, explained.

二十。1, trip. 2, sadness. 3, free. 4, endangered. 5, protect/keep. 6, hungry.

7, zoo. 8, visitors. 9, loudly. 10, forget.

二十一。1, ride. 2, driver. 3, excellent. 4, find. 5, police. 6, agree. 7, safety.

8, hit. 9, invented. 10, either.

二十二。1, educational. 2, actually. 3, invented. 4, admire. 5, common/normal.

6, changing. 7, moved. 8, height. 9, spirit/attitude. 10, Whatever.

二十三。1, worried/anxious. 2, situation. 3, for. 4, joined. 5, surprising.

6, Besides. 7, first. 8, business. 9, husband. 10, work.

二十四。1, traffic. 2, wake. 3, tourists/travelers. 4, new. 5, quarter.

6, introduce.. 7, interest. 8, natural. 9, bank. 10, across.

二十五。1, late. 2, allowed. 3, tired. 4, cut. 5, stop. 6, disagree.

7, worries. 8, seems. 9, spend. 10, like.

二十六。1,news。2, Neither. 3, camera. 4, use. 5, protect. 6, rules.

7, including. 8, loudly. 9, following. 10, nothing.

二十七。1, alone. 2, independent. 3, educated/taught. 4, busy. 5, living.

6, manage. 7, waiting. 8, experience. 9, unusual. 10, tradition.

二十八。1, graduated. 2, bored. 3, First. 4, use. 5, spend. 6, like.

7, serious. 8, neither. 9, importance. 10, strict.

二十九。1, anywhere. 2, passed. 3, check. 4, yours. 5, might.

6, clearly. 7, can’t. 8, another. 9, looks. 10, belong.

三十。1,first。2, failed. 3, anywhere. 4, straight. 5, important.

6, weekend. 7, seat. 8, myself. 9, hurry. 10, whole.

三十一。1, dreams. 2, swimming. 3, failed. 4, much. 5, finishing.

6, quickly. 7, complain. 8, wasting. 9, usual. 10, change.

三十二。1, cinema/movie. 2, agreement. 3, unlucky. 4, safe. 5, waiting.

6, meaning. 7, interest. 8, through. 9, loudly. 10, public.


八年级上册补全对话集 一、补全对话。 A:Hi,Jack.What do you usually do in your free time? B:(81)______________________. I like it very much. A:(82)____________________________________? B:Because I want to be a football player. A:(83)___________________________________? B:I started to play football two years ago. A:(84)______________________________________? B:I used to listen to music and play the guitar when I was free.What about you?(85)_________________________? A:My hobbies are singing and collecting stamps. 二、补全对话。 A:Hi,Jason.(81)________________________________? B:I’m listening to music. A:(82)_______________________________________? B:Adele is my favorite singer.Do you like her songs? A:I never heard her songs.Maybe I can have a try.(83)______________________________________? B:Of course.I have many of her CDs.You can take the ones you like. A:(84)______________________________________? B:Don’t hurry.You can keep them for a month. A:(85)________________. B:You’re welcome. 三、补全对话. A:Hello,Nick.Why didn’t you go to school yesterday? B:Because I had to look after my grandfather at home. A:(1)_____________________________________? B:He had a bad cough.There may be something wrong with his lungs. A:(2)____________________________________? B:Yes,he did.He went to see a doctor yesterday morning. A:(3)_________________________________________? B:The doctor said it was caused by smoking. A:Smoking is bad for our lungs.It may cause cancer. B:(4)_________________________________________? A:You must ask him not to smoke any more. B:(5)_________________________________________? A:No.It isn’t easy.You know he smoked for so many years. B:Yes,but I think if he tries his best,he can stop smoking. 四、补全对话. A:Michael,you just won first place,(1)______________! B:Thank you. A:(2)________________________________________? B:I’m fourteen. A:(3)________________________________________? B:I began to play tennis five years ago. A:(4)________________________________________? B:My father taught me to play it. A:(5)________________________________________? B:Uh-huh.I want to be a tennis player. A:Thank you for answering my questions. B:You’re welcome. 五、补全对话. A:Hello!(76)___________________________________? B:Hello!This is Henry.Who’s that? A:This is Tom.Jack and I are going to play basketball this afternoon.(77)__________________________________? B:I’d love to,but I can’t. A:(78)________________________________________? B:I hurt my foot when I played football after school yesterday. A:I’m sorry to hear that.(79)______________________? B:Yes.The doctor said there was nothing serious. A:You should lie down and have a good rest.I hope you can get well soon. B:(80)_______________________________________. 六、补全对话. A:Hello!Could I speak to Jason? B:Hello!(81)_________________________.Who is that? A:This is John.Do you have any plans for this Saturday? B:No,I don’t.What’s up? A:I am going to see Li Ming in the hospital. (82)________________________________________? B:Yes,I’d love to.(83)____________________________? A:He hurt his leg when he played football yesterday. B:I’m sorry to hear that.(84)______________________? A:The doctor said he had to stay in hospital for a month. B:I believe he will get well soon. 七、补全对话. A:Hello,Mary!I didn’t see you last weekend.(81)______? B:I went to my grandparents’ home. A:(82)________________________________________? B:They live in the countryside. A:(83)________________________________________? B:Yes,I like the countryside very much. A:(84)________________________________________? B:Because there are many trees and animals in the countryside. A:(85)________________________________________? B:I like horses best. 八、补全对话. A:What’s your hobby, Rita? B:(56)______________________________.It’s great fun. A:(57)______________________________________? B:Four times a week. A:I used to like playing computer games, too.But now I hate it. B:(58)________________________________________? A:I’m interested in playing the violin now. B:(59)________________________________________?


英语补全对话解题技巧及例题解析 不管是“七选五”,还是“六选五”,有的地方甚至“五选五”,也不管是补全对话,还是 还原性的阅读理解,首先你需要知道这类题的选项都有哪几类,以“七选五”为例:“七选五”选项特点 该题型的选项大致可分为三类: ①主旨概括句(文章整体内容); ②过渡性句子(文章结构); ③注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)。 那么,另外两个多余的干扰项就可以通过这三个特点来排除。例如:主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释 性句子与上文脱节等。 “七选五”的解题技巧 1先看选项 七选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,只看选项可以从以下几点着手: ①看句子是否完整; ②看句子后面的标点符号。 这样可以初步判断该句在文章中的位置。 ③有时可以通过选项,找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。 2注意空前空后 由于七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。 3注意代词或定冠词 在做这类题目的时候,一定要注意句子中出现的人称代词或者指示代词,因为大家知道,代词是指代一个名词或者一个句子的,那么通过代词在句子中所做的成分我们可以推断出它指代的句子的类型,我们要做的就是从选项中找这类句型就可以了。4注意一些特殊疑问词 如果选项中或空前出现特殊疑问词,一定要把这句话仔细读几遍,因为对于不同特殊疑问词的回答方式是不一样的。 例如:对why的回答,后面要有because等表原因的词;对when的回答,后面要有表时间的状语;对where的回答,后面要有表地点的名词;对how的回答,后面要有方式状语等。


小学六年级英语情景对话 【导语】英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言,所以掌握英语对以后的人生来说是必备的一项技能,不仅仅是应付眼前的考试,更是为了将来的人生多了一份选择,可以过自己想要的生活。 小学六年级英语情景对话篇一 1、A:To be frank,I find philosophy rather boring. A:老实说,我觉得哲学太枯燥了。 B:To tell you the truth,it's the most tedious course I'ever had. 老实说,我觉得哲学太枯燥了。 A:How could you manage to pass the exam? 那你怎么考过去的? B:It is still a mystery to me. B:我也不知道。 2、A:What do you think of the former champ? A:你觉得上届冠军怎么样? B:There were some bad misses in his defence,so he lost it. 但在卫冕中有些失误,所以他失败了 A:No champion can remain at the top for ever. A:没有常胜的将军。 B:I suppose he's not in top form. B:我倒觉得他状态欠佳。 小学六年级英语情景对话篇二 1、A:Tony looks very handsome in the suit. A:托尼穿那件衣服很英俊。 B:He prefers suits to jackets. B:他愿意穿西装,不愿穿夹克。 A:Judge from his look,he's a very serious person. A:从外表来看他很严肃。 B:As a matter of fact,he is. B:事实上他本来就很严肃。 2、A:Can I help you? A:您买什么? B:Mm,I just need something about business news.Can you recommend some?


六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse me. Kerry: I ' m sorry. I ' m new here. Jack: Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo n ear here? Policeman: Yes, the zoo is next to the supermarket. Jack: Is it far? Policeman: _______________ 」t ' s just 5 minutes wa Jack: ____________________ Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You ' re wme. Have a good time. Jack: ______________ 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talk ing about their pla ns on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter? Peter : ______________________ . Tom: _______________________ ? Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is coming. _____________________________________ ? Peter: I am going to Han gzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there? Peter: ______________ . Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: ___ ? Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! // Tom: ______ . Goodbye! // Peter: See you! 3 A: What time did you come home last ni ght, Tom? B:____________ . Maybe about half past eleve n. A: ____________ . B: Well. I came in quietly. I did n't want to wake you up, mum. A: Did you play the computer games? B: No, . Mum. A: ________________ ? B: I went to the cinema. A: Why did you come home so late? ___________________________________________ ? B: No, it didn '. ________________ . A: Good job. We should help each other. A: That 'sOK. B: Yes, it is. C: No, it is n ear. D: Thank you E: Where is the zoo, please? F: How are you? G: How can I get there? A. Where did you go the n ? B. I didn ' t hear you at that time C. Did the film go on until midnight ? D. Oh, I don ' t know E. I didn ' t like it at,albu know. F. How did you come back home? G. Peter was ill. So I went to his home and help him with his less ons.


八年级上学期补全对话专练 A = Amy;C = Cathy A: Hey, Cathy. How about going with me to buy some clothes? C: OK!(1)__ __ because it will rain this afternoon. A: Where shall we go? C: What about that department store next to the Shangrila Hotel? A: I think it’s too expensive. (2)__ __ C: OK! I didn’t know about it. I’m interested to see what clothes they have. A: (3)___ _ C: I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring. A: I need some. (4)__ __ C: Many of your clo thes are dark, so why don’t you choose some bright colors? A: I agree. Hey, it’s already 3:00 pm. (5)__ __ 二、补全对话(有一项是多余的) A: Have you ever been to Beijing? A: I have been there twice. (2)____ B: Yes, I have. It is fantastic!(3)____ A: I have been to the Summer Palace. B: (4)____ A: Yes, it is very beautiful, especially in summer. B: (5)____ 三、补全对话(有一项是多余的)(10分) Daming=D; Lingling=L L: (1) D: Science, especially space science. L: Have you ever heard the news that our country has sent a satellite to Jupiter?


unit5 A: ? I called at seven and you didn't pick up. B: Oh, I was in the kitchen helping my mom. A: I see . I called again at eight and either. B: What was I doing at eight? Oh I know. When you called, I was taking a shower. A: But then I called again at nine. B: Oh, I was sleeping at that time. A: ? B: I was tired so I sleep early. ? A: I needed help with my homework. B: ? A: At last I called Jenny and she helped me. unit6 A: So about the story of Yu Gong? B: I think it's really interesting. Y u Gong found a good way his problem.

A: Really? I think it is a little bit silly. It doesn't seem very possible to move a mountain. B: But the story is trying to show us that everything is possible if you ! Yu Gong kept trying and didn't give up. A: Well, I still don't agree you. I think we should try to find other ways to solve a problem. B: But what could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains? A: Well, there are many other ways. For example, he could build a road. That's better and faster than ! B: You have different opinions about the story, and neither of you are wrong. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it. unit7 A: Feel Free to ask me anything on today's Great Wall tour. B: ? A: I think it is the longest wall in the world. B: ? A: It's about 8,850 kilometers long B: ? A: Because the ancient emperors wanted to protect their part of the


河南省郑州市小学英语六年级上册期末专项复习卷:句子与对话 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、判断下列句子与图片是否相符。 (共5题;共10分) 1. (2分) He goes fishing in the park. 2. (2分) (2020三上·萧山期末) — Mike,let's make a puppet! — Great! — This is the head. Here you are. — Thanks. 3. (2分)根据图片判断句子正误。 Touch your head. 4. (2分)— I'd like some milk and fish,please. — Here you are.

5. (2分) A . pizza B . pie 二、看图片,选出正确的选项。 (共1题;共10分) 6. (10分) Stop and wait at a red light. A . B . 三、读对话,选图片。 (共1题;共20分) 7. (20分)看图分组,把相同的一组写在同一条横线上。 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. (1) Merry Christmas! ________ (2) Happy birthday! ________ (3) Happy New Year! ________ 四、读句子,按意义选择正确的句子切分方法。 (共4题;共8分)

8. (2分)—What color is it? —It's_______. A . blue B . blue ruler C . a blue ruler D . a ruler 9. (2分) Many people work the day and sleep night. A . on;at B . in;in C . in;at D . on;in 10. (2分) Give me a rubber,please. A . B . 11. (2分)向大家介绍“李梅是我的朋友”,你应该说:________ A . This is Li Mei. B . Li Mei is my friend. 五、单项选择。 (共10题;共20分) 12. (2分) Show me book. A . a B . the C . an 13. (2分)—________ animal do you like best? —Pandas. A . Which B . Whose C . Where 14. (2分)如果你想告诉售货员你要买三个热狗,你会说________________ A . I'll eat three hot dogs. B . I'll take three hot dogs. 15. (2分) (2019三上·即墨期末) 你看到近处有只小动物,你想知道是什么,你该怎样问你的同学?


A: That’s OK. B: Yes, it is. C: No, it is near. D: Thank you E: Where is the zoo, please? F: How are you? G: How can I get there? 六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse me. Kerry: I’m sorry. I’m new here. Jack: Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here? Policeman: Yes, the zoo is next to the supermarket. Jack: Is it far? Policeman: .It’s just 5 minutes walk. Jack: Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welcome. Have a good time. Jack: 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talking about their plans on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter? Peter : . Tom: ? Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is coming. ? Peter: I am going to Hangzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there? Peter: . Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: ? Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! // Tom: 3 A: What time did you come home last night, Tom? . Goodbye! // Peter: See you! B: . Maybe about half past eleven. A: . B: Well. I came in quietly. I didn't want to wake you up, mum. A: Did you play the computer games? B: No, . Mum. A: ? B: I went to the cinema. A: Why did you come home so late? ? B: No, it didn’t. . A: Good job. We should help each other. A. Where did you go then ? B .I didn’t hear you at that time . C. Did the film go on until midnight ? D. Oh, I don’t know . E. I didn’t like it at all , you know . F. How did you come back home? G. Peter was i11.So I went to his home and help him with his lessons . A. How about you? B. Thank you C. I am going to visit many beautiful places and eat delicious food. D. Speaking. E. What are you doing now? F. Where are you going? G. When are you going?


新目标英语八年级上期末补全对话专项训练 A A: Hi, Tony! What are you doing here? B: Hi, Judy! I'm reading about 1____ . A: About travelling? Are you planning for your winter vacation? B: Yes, I'm planning to travel 2____ my winter vacation. Winter is the perfect time for fun and I'd like to visit somewhere warm in winter. A: That'll be fun! Have you 3______ where to go? B: Not yet. I'm ______4 for a place I've never been to. Any ____5 ? A: My advice is that you go to Hainan. It's quite warm there in winter. I'm _____6 you will like that place because there are many fun activities. And the 7___ there is also special. B: _____8 great. I like to enjoy different kinds of food. Thanks for your advice. What's your plan for the winter vacation? A: I will _____9 at home. I'll help my father with his business. But please tell me 10____ your vacation after you come back. B: No problem. 1.________ 2. ________ 3. _________. 4. __________ 5. ___________ 6.________ 7. ________ 8. _________. 9. __________ 10. ___________ B A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? B: Yes. I want to buy some tickets for the 1___next week. A: How 2___ tickets do you want? B: Three. A: ____3 performance do you like, Thursday evening 4____ Sunday evening? B: The day is not important, but my friends and I want to sit 5____ . A: Let me see if I can help you. You know the singer is very _6___ and the tickets sell well. B: I know. But my friends and I really d o n't want to be apart(分开), so please have a try. A: Ah, there 7____ to be three such seats for Sunday's concert. Yeah, here they are. Row 11, Seat 7, 8, 9. B: That's fine. How _8_ are they? A: 30 dollars _9_, 90 dollars in all. B: Here's 100 dollars. A: 10___ . Here are your tickets and the change. 1.________ 2. ________ 3. _________. 4. __________ 5. ___________ 6.________ 7. ________ 8. _________. 9. __________ 10. ___________


六年级上册 U3 Staying Healthy Healthy Food 一.Warming up 1.Exercise song before the class. 2.Tree talk: What do you eat for breakfast? 二、Presentation 1. A story about Gogo: What’s wrong with Gogo? He has a stomachache. a. What is junk food? (Show some junk food by pictures) b. What is healthy food? (Show some healthy food by pictures) 2. What other food does Gogo like?(Listen and give advices to Gogo) 3. Put the food into 6 group and try to build a food pyramid. 4. Show and explain the food pyramid. 5. Fill in the blank according to the food pyramid. 6. Listen to a passage and check the answers above. 7. Try to talk about the pyramid by giving one sentence to each layer of the pyramid. 8. Group taking: My diet habits Hello, I’m________. I eat a lot of _____________ every day.


2016-2017学年小学六年级英语《情景对话》期末专项复习 题 Ⅰ.从B栏中找出A栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。 A ()1.W h a t d o e s h e l i k e? ()2.D o e s s h e g o t o w o r k b y b u s? ()3.W h a t i s y o u r h o b b y? ()4.D o e s J i m l i v e i n S h a n g h a i? ()5.D o y o u l i k e l i s t e n i n g t o m u s i c? ()6.W h a t a r e y o u g o i n g t o d o t h i s a f t e r n o o n? ()7.H o w d o e s y o u r f a t h e r g o t o E n g l a n d? ()8.W h e r e’s y o u r h o m e?

()9.I s y o u r m o t h e r a n E n g l i s h t e a c h e r? ()10.A r e y o u g o i n g t o t h e G r e a t W a l l n e x t w e e k? B A.Y e s,s h e d o e s. B.N o,s h e i s n’t.S h e i s a m a t h t e a c h e r. C.H e l i k e s s w i m m i n g. D.I’m g o i n g t o b u y a c o m i c b o o k i n t h e b o o k s t o r e. E.I t’s n e a r t h e s c h o o l. F.H e g o e s t o E n g l a n d b y p l a n e. G.I l i k e w a t c h i n g T V. H.Y e s,w e a r e.


补全对话专项练习 (一) (John wants to invite Sue and Judy to see a film. He is calling Sue …) Sue:Hello! John:Hello! May I speak to Sue ? Sue:This is Sue speaking . 1. _________________________? John:This is John. Sue:Hi , John. How are you ? John:Fine, thank you. And you? Sue:I’m OK.What’s up? John:2. _________________________? Sue:Yes, I’m free. John:I’ve got three tickets for a film this Saturday evening. I’d like to invite you and Judy to see the film. Would you like to go with me ? Sue:3. _________________________. John:Great! By the way, do you have Judy’s t elephone number? Sue. Yes. John:4. _________________________? Sue:Sure. I’ll call her as soon as possible. When and where shall we meet ? John:5. _________________________? Sue:OK. Let’s meet at 5.00 pm a t the cinema. John:All right. See you then. Sue:See you. (二) Amy: 1. _________________________? Bob: Speaking! Amy: I’m calling to thank you for your present. Bob: 2. _________________________? Amy: Yes, I like it very much. It is a beautiful sweater. I really like the color. Bob: By the way, you looked wonderful at the party. Amy: Thank you! I really enjoyed it. 3. _________________________? Bob: Oh, I went to the History Museum. Amy: 4. _________________________? Bob: Well, I saw many old inventions on show. Amy: Wow! Are there any new inventions?


六年级毕业模拟试卷(情景模式句子训练) 1. 选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。 1.It ’s hot, can you ____ the window for me? 2.Tomwas ill and he stay ______ yesterday. 3.My house is big. Look, you can see a _______ and three bathrooms in it. 4.The ball is too expensive, I don ’t have _____ money. 5.Here are our new books, please ______ them. 2.从右栏中选择左栏句子的正确答语。 ( ) 1.What ’s the matter? A. Thank you. ( ) 2.Would you like some cakes? V B.I had a cold. ( ) 3.Let ’s go to school. C.I had fish. ( ) 4. Good luck. D.Yes,please. ( ) 5.What did you have for lunch? E. All right. 3.情景交际: A :Hello, Tom. What are you going to do this afternoon? B:___1____ A:____2____ B:Basketball. Do you want to play with me? A:I'd like to.__3___ B:_____4______ A:That's a good idea! It's easy for me. B:____5______ A:In the playground. 1._______ 2._________ 3.________ 4._________ 5.__________ 4、选择方框内的单词或词组完成下列句子。每个只限用一次。 watching yellow playing enough heavy 26. They ’re basketball. 27. This black bag is big and . 28. My favourite colour is . 29. I’m TV . 30. We didn ’t have food. 5、从右栏中选出左栏的答语,并将其标号填入题前括号内。 ( )31.Will it be hot tomorrow? A. Yes, I did. ( )32. Where did you go last Sunday? B. Yes, it will. ( )33. What ’s this? C. No, it isn ’t. ( )34. Is this a tiger? D. It ’s a tiger. ( )35. Did you drink some milk? E. I went to the park. 6、情景交际。根据对话的内容,选择方框内句子完成下列对话。每个句子只能使用一次。 Daming : Hi, Sam. Sam: 36 Daming! Daming: 37 Sam : I ’m watching TV . It ’s about basketball. Daming: Do you like basketball ? Sam: 38 Daming: Have you got a basketball ? Sam: 39 Daming: Good. Let ’s play basketball this afternoon. A.But where do we play? B.What sport do you like? C.I will do some sport. E.How about playing table tennis with me? E.But I don't have a ball now. bathroom open enough give out at home A. Y es, I do. B. H ello! C. O k. D. W hat are you doing? E. Yes, I have.
