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初中英语补全对话练习及答案1(At Mr. White’s office in a middle school)

A: Hello! 1. _______________________?

B: Speaking, please.

A: I’m Peter’s mother. I’d like to ask for leave for my son.

B: 2. ________________________?

A: He didn’t feel well this morning. He has a cold.

B: 3. ________________________. Is it serious?

A: Not very serious. But the doctor asked him to stay in bed and have a good rest. B: Don’t worry. 4. _________________________.

A: Thank you, sir. Goodbye!

B: Bye!


1Can I speak to Mr. White

2What’s wrong with him

3I’m sorry to hear that

4I hope he will be all right soon

初中英语补全对话练习及答案2A: 1. __________________________?

B: Come in, please. I’m in the study.

A: Hi, Susan.

B. Hi, James.

A: 2. __________________________?

B: I’m looking at the photos!

A: Yes? Can you show them to me?

B: 3. __________________________. Here you are.

A: Oh, what photos! Where did you take them?

B: Don’t you see the Palace Museum?

A: Oh, you’ve been to China! 4. ________________? B: During our summer holiday

A: Whose camera did you take them with?

B: Mine. I had a digital one before I left.

A: 5. ______________________?

B: It cost me 300 dollars.

A: Well, that’s great.


1May I come in\is anyone in

2What are you doing


4When did you go there

5How much did it cost

初中英语补全对话练习及答案3A: Good morning, sir. 1. __________________?

B: I’d like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts? A: Yes. 2. ____________________?

B: I want Size M.

A: Here you are.

B: Can I try it on?

A: Sure. Is it all right?

B: Yes. I like it very much. 3. ___________________?

A: 296 yuan.

B: That’s a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one. A: What about this one? It is only 108 yuan.

B: OK. 4. ___________________. Here is the money.

A: 5. ___________________.Goodbye, sir.



1Can I help you

2What size do you want

3How much is it

4I’ll take it

5Here you are

初中英语补全对话练习及答案4A: Summer holiday is coming.

1. _________________?

B: Yes, I’m going to my hometown.

A: 2. _________________________?

B: For about a month. 3. ____________________?

A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. It’s a beautiful place of interest.

B: 4. _________________________. But I have to visit my grandparents in my hometown.

A: It doesn’t matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you’ll have enough time to go traveling.

B: 5. _______________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.

A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back.

B. That’s a deal! Thank you.


1Do you have any plans for it
