


Ohh,Marie. Yes,Monty?

Look , what’s this ? It’s a pencil, Monty.

And what’s this ? It’s an eraser.

Look! This is a book and this is a table. A Chair,please. A chair.

Look, it’s a bag . Yes Maskman. It’s a bag.


Hello. Hello.Hello. Sit down sit down

Open your books. Listen and point

Look. Look. Look

Stand up, stand up One two three

Close your books and listen to me

Sit down sit down Open your books.

Listen and point. Look. Look. Look

Stand up, stand up One two three

Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.


Ok, now . One table and one two chairs Yes, Marie two chairs

Look,one two three erasers. Yes good Maskman, three erasers

Look one two three. Four pencils

Maskman Maskman Emm

The bags. The bags Now, the bags.

One two three four five bags Yes good, five bags

No, no, marie . My bag. Look maskman

Your bag. My bag. Thank you marie. Yes, six bags

Now , stand up please, Maskman.


Blue blue blue. Blue and black. My favorite colors are blue and black. What’s your favorite color, Marie? Red.Red is my favorite color … and white. Red and white. What’s your favorite color,Monty? Yellow. Ummmm. I am a mouse. My favorite color’s yellow. And brown, Monty. Yes, thank you, Maskman. My favorite colors are yellow and brown.



剑桥少儿英语一级必须掌握的内容 上册 Unit One 基本句型:Hello , your name, please? This is my new book. Hi ! I’m Pat. His name is Bill. Bill is my friend. Nice to see you . Show me your pen. 重点朗读词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, your, his 男孩名字:Sam, Bill, Alex, Tom, Ben, Fan, Dan

女孩名字:Pat, Lucy, Ann, Sue, May, Jill, Lan, Kim 重点记忆词汇:a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser, my, your, his Class Book: Exercise 1,2,3,4 家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第5页的第9部分读熟直至能背下来。 2、抄写重点记忆单词,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听和跟读一遍本课的所有听力内容。 3、在一张纸上画十个指头人,并在每个指头人的下面写一个已经学过的英文名字。 Unit Two 基本句型:What’s this, Mr. Li? It’

s a goat. It’s a long tail. Smil, please. This is my cat. I love it. Let me try. 重点朗读词汇:a horse, a fish, a duck, a turtle, a cow, a rabbit, a cat, a chicken, a dog, a sheep, a frog, a goat 重点记忆词汇:horse, fish, duck, turtle, cow, rabbit, cat, chicken, dog, sheep, frog, goat Class Book: Exercise 1,3,4 家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第11页的第9部分歌曲唱熟。 2、抄写重点记忆单词,以备下次课听写。抄写课文标题两遍,中文一遍。完整的听


剑桥少儿英语二级第一集hospital 医院['h?spitl] cinema电影院['sinim?] library 图书馆['laibr?ri] market交易; 市集; 需求[?mɑ:k?t] zoo 动物园[zu:] park 公园[pɑ:k] shop 商店 [??p] supermarket超级市场[?su:p?mɑ:k?t] farm农场[fɑ:m] all全部,都[?:l] weekend 周末['wi:kend] 剑桥少儿英语二级第二集 Weather天气[?wee?(r)] sunny 晴朗的['s?ni] fine好的,上等的[fa?n] rain 雨;下雨[rein] rainy下雨的,多雨的 [?re?ni] windy有风的 [?w?ndi] cloud 云[klaud] cloudy多云的; 阴天的[?kla?di] snow积雪; 雪 [sn??]

snowy 下雪的['sn?ui] cold 寒冷的[k?uld] hot热的[h?t] about 关于;大约['?baut] outside外面;在外面; 向外面 [?a?t?sa?d] rainbow彩虹[?re?nb??] shout大叫; 呐喊; 大叫着说 [?a?t] 剑桥少儿英语二级第三集 ours 我们的['au?z] mine我的[main] yours你的,你们的[ju?z] theirs他(她,它)们的[e??z] pet宠物; 宠儿[pet] video录像机,收音机[?v?di??] comic连环图画,喜剧的['k?mik] scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] flat平的; 单调的; [fl?t] village村民; 乡村,村庄[?v?l?d?] come 来; 出现[k?m] need需要; 必须[ni:d] best 最;极[best] cd唱片,光盘[?si: ?di:]


剑桥少儿英语二级上册各单元知识点汇总 Unit1 I’ve got many new friends. 单词:Chinese语文English英语name姓名American美国人sure 确信maybe可能tomorrow明天puppy小狗lovely可爱的give给strong强壮的weak虚弱的friend朋友 词组:go to see the great wall去长城see Chinese Garden 看中国园林watch TV看电视play games做游戏play the piano弹钢琴make more friends交更多朋友 draw pictures画画play with toys玩玩具learn English学英语play with dogs和小狗玩 句型:1. Hello! My Chinese name is Mei. 2. Hello! My English name is Ann. I’m six years old. I like singing and dancing. 3. I’ve got a robot. She’s got a red bike. 文章:Part1 Unit2 Is this book yours? 句型:1. Is this book yours? No, it’s not mine. 歌谣:This is my bike. This is my book. P10: His is his. 文章:Part1 Part2 Unit3 Our school is beautiful. 单词:library图书馆lake湖shop商店café咖啡馆building建筑city城市hill小山bank银行sports 运动centre中心dining-room餐厅music音乐room房间club俱乐部pond池塘art room美术室market市场hospital医院cinema电影院supermarket超市park公园island岛屿movie电影waterfall瀑布forest森林mountain山the Great Wall长城river河流lift电梯apartment公寓basement地下室balcony阳台jungle丛林dock码头TV room影视房 词组:playing soccer踢足球buy things买东西practice singing练习唱歌read books读书have sports games做体育运动have classes上课play sports做运动take a bath洗澡sing唱歌drink coffee喝咖啡take pictures摄影play computer games玩电脑游戏make a guess猜谜语 句型:1.This is the place where children can buy things. 2. Where do you often sing a song? I often sing a song in the music room. 文章:Part1 Part2 Unit4 Miss, can I ask you a question? 单词:questions问题language语言means方法anybody任何人straight直的math数学minutes分钟course课程curly卷曲的


剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集 Unit 1 What’your name ? Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name ? I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name? My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词:Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧hello 喂你好I 我 he 他表示男他she 她表示女她

am 是,在what 什么 you 你your 你的 name 名字my 我的 how 怎样old 年老的,旧的 seven 七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name? 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字? I’m Lucy. 我是露丝 How old are you?你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m Nick.What’s your name?你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字?My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly. 我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry. 你好,我是杰瑞 She’s Kelly.她是凯莉。 He’s Jerry.他是杰瑞

新版剑桥少儿英语二级上册教案 (1)

Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 综合复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication I’ve got many new friends. They are so lovely. Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. I like to play with toys. My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” My English name is“Ann.” Please give it to me. Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions

Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具 Materials for teaching 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片 每个同学需要带自己的照片 已学过的分类图片 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计划,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意


剑桥少儿英语一级上册期末试题 一.将下列数字按顺序排列。(20分) one nine two four eight seven five six ten three ____________________________________________________________ 二.把下列单词连到对应的位置。(20分) eye hand sock leg shirt mouth shorts shoes hair arm 三.看一看,读一读,在( 20分) 1)This is a cow . 2)This is a boy. 3)This is a duck. 4)This is a flag. 5)This is a cat. 四.连线。(20分) on the desk under the chair in the box between the books behind the cat next to the bus 在椅子的下面在箱子里面在课桌上在小猫的后面靠近公共汽车在书中间

飞机轮船自行车小船吉普车 bike plane ship boat jeep 五.选择括号中对应的单词。(10分) Two little________小熊(a. bears b. monkeys)are going home. They are very_______难过 (a. happy b. sad). They havn’t got any honey. They come to a big_______黄色(a. yellow b. orange)house. They are very ______高兴(a. happy b. sad)now. A little______小猫(a. cat b. dog)and a little_____小狗(a. cat b. dog)come to play with them. 六.用正确的词填空。(10分) 1.one plus two is_______. 2. two plus three is________. 3. three plus_________ is seven. 4.six minus three is_______. 5. eight minus _______ is one.


剑桥少儿一级上要求背诵课文和单词 一单元: 1.背诵part9 2..听写pencil-case(铅笔盒)、ruler(尺子)、book(书)、bag(书包)、eraser(橡皮)、desk(课桌)、my(我的)、your(你的)、his(他的)、our(我们的)。 二单元: 1.熟唱part9 2.听写horse(马)、fish(鱼)、duck(鸭子)、turtle(乌龟)、cow(奶牛)、rabbit(兔子)、chicken(小鸡)、goat(山羊)、frog(青蛙)、sheep(绵羊)。 三单元 1.背诵part11 2.听写apple(苹果)、banana(香蕉)、pear(梨子)、grape(葡萄)、mango(芒果)、orange(橙子)、peach (桃子)、coconut(椰子)、lemon(柠檬)、watermelon(西瓜) 四单元: 1.背诵part9 2.听写bird(鸟)、clock(闹钟)、hat(高顶帽)、baseball(棒球)、table(桌子)、flower(花)、sock(袜子)、watch(手表)、car(小汽车)、pig(猪) 五单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写hair(头发)、eye(眼睛)、ear(耳朵)、leg(腿)、hand(手)、foot(脚)、head(头)、nose(鼻子)、mouth(嘴巴)、arm(手臂) 六单元: 听写game(游戏)、draw(画画)、bee(蜜蜂)、cup(茶杯)、hat(帽子)、ice cream(冰激凌)、jacket (夹克)、mouse(老鼠) 七单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写fruit(水果)、potato(土豆)、pineapple(菠萝)、bean(胡豆)、carrot(胡萝卜)、tomato(西红柿)、onion(洋葱)、pea(青豆)、pumpkin(南瓜)、vegetable(蔬菜) 八单元 1.背诵part1 2.听写blue(蓝色)、yellow(黄色)、brown(棕色)、white(白色)、black(黑色)、green(绿色)、purple (紫色)、pink(粉色)、grey(灰色)、red(红色) 九单元: 1.背诵part8 2.听写train(火车)、jeep(吉普车)、ship(轮船)、boat(小船)、plane(飞机)、bus(公交车)、motorbike (摩托车)、mat(地毯)、under(在….的下面)、behind(在….的后面) on(在…上面)、between(在…之间)、next to(在…的旁边)、in front of(在..的前面) 十单元: 听写数字1-20


剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级上册教案Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友 , 学习和掌握本单元的重点句型 , 综合复习一下以前学过的词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I’ve got many new friends. , They are so lovely. , Maybe I can meet her tomorrow. , I like to play with toys. , My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.” , My English name is“Ann.” , Please give it to me. , Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片 , 每个同学需要带自己的照片 , 已学过的分类图片

, 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品 教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到 集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学 习计划,注意把握时间。 Presentation 上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:“This is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. He likes to play soccer, too.”介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依次在小组 里做一个介绍,让大家相互了解。介绍完之后,教师说:“We have six new friends today. Who can tell us something


剑桥少儿英语二级上知识点 Unit one 基本句型:I’ve got many new friends They are so lovely Maybe I can meet her tomorrow I like to play with toys My Chinese name is “Zhou Changcheng” My English name i s “Ann” Please give it to me. Can I help you with the bag? 重点朗读词汇: Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden 重点记忆内容: 单词:Chinese, English, American, robot, piano, crayon, strong, weak, fat, thin, 句型: 见第3页的第5部分需要学生记忆 Unit two 基本句型: Is this book yours? No, it’s not mine. Maybe you can ask Bob You should ask Tina This book is not yours

Which one is different? His beard is short, but his is long 重点朗读词汇: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different,scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand 重点记忆内容: 单词:mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, 句型: 见第11页的第8部分需要学生记忆 Unit three 基本句型: This is our school It’s very beautiful We’ve got a big library, a playground, a pretty garden and many classrooms. This is the place where children can buy things Where do you often play sports? I often play sports on the playground Can you tell what these rooms are? Where is Mr.White? 重点朗读词汇: beautiful, library, bank, shop, cafe, garden, diningroom, classroom, swimming pool, sports cetre, playground, practise, round, square, quiet, thin, hungry, thirsty, tired, different, famous 重点记忆内容:


剑桥少儿英语一年级预 备级课本 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】

剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集 Unit 1 What’your name Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词:Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧

hello 喂你好 I 我 he 他表示男他 she 她表示女她 am 是,在 what 什么 you 你 your 你的 name 名字 my 我的 how 怎样 old 年老的,旧的 seven 七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字 I’m Lucy. 我是露丝 How old are you你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m ’s your name你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly. 我是凯莉


Unit1 Hello!I ’ m Sam 单词: pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 book 书 bag 包eraser 橡皮 new 新的 my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her 她的 our 我们的 their 他们的board 写字板 sand 沙子 mat 垫子 map 地图 party 聚会 time 时间 cousin 堂,表(兄弟姐妹) show 展示 句型: 1. Hello, your name, please?你好,你叫什名字? 2.Wow! This is my new book!哇!这是我的新书。 3.Show me your pen!让我看看你的钢笔。 4.Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴! 音标: Aa/? / Unit 2 It ’ s a goat. 单词: sheep 绵羊 horse 马 chicken 小鸡 cow 奶牛 goat 山羊 rabbit 兔子 fish 鱼turtle 乌龟 frog 青蛙 lizard 蜥蜴 world 世界 smile 微笑 tail 尾巴 love 爱句型: 1.It ’s a long 这tail是.一条长尾巴。 2. Smile, please!请笑一笑。 3.— What’ s this, Mr. Li?李先生,—这是什么? — It ’ s a goat它.是一—只山羊。 4.Let me try.让我试一下。 音标: Ee /e/ Unit3 I like apples. 单词 :fruit 水果 apple 苹果 banana 香蕉 orange 橘子 peach 桃 watermelon 西瓜 grape 葡萄 mango 芒果 grapefruit 柚子 coconut 椰子 pineapple 菠萝 pear 梨


小桔灯英语2019暑假剑桥二级下阶段测试三 姓名:得分: 一、听录音连线(共10分) 二、听录音,给下列句子排出正确的顺序。(共10分) ()What’s the matter with you ? ()I can see with my eyes. ()I like going swimming . ()Why do you want to go shopping now?. ()Do you like to go bike riding? 三、听录音,选择合适的答案。(共10分) ()1. A. I’ve got many new friend B. I’ve got a puppy C. I’ve got many pens in my pencil-case ()2. A. I like dogs B. I like swimming C. I like to read picture books ()3. A. Yes, I’d like to B. Yes, I do C. No, I don’t ()4. A. I am a boy B. I’ve got a headache C. No, I am not ()5. A. It’s a rainbow B. It’s sunny today C. It’s Sunday 四、根据例子改写单词。(8分) wind——(windy ) rain—()cloud—()sun—()snow——()五.根据基数词选出序数词。(12分) one——-()two——----()three——()nine——()twelve——-()twenty——()


4/9 1 Unit 1 (1) name[ neim ]名字(2)pen[ pen ]钢笔(3)pencil[ ?pensl ]铅笔(4)pencil-case [ ?pensl keis ] 铅笔盒(5)ruler [ ?ru?l? ] 尺(6)book [ buk ] 书(7)bag [ b?g ]书包(8)eraser[ i?reiz? ]橡皮(9)new[ nju?]新的(10)my[ mai; mi ]我的(11)your[ j??, ju? ]你的(12)his [ hiz;iz ]他的(13)her[ h??; ??h?, ? ]她的(14)our [ ?au? ] 我们的(15)their [ eε?, e?r ] 他们的(16)friend [ frend ] 朋友(17)cousin [ ?k?zn ] 堂(表)兄弟姐妹 (一)Hello,your name,please?你好,请问你叫什么名字?I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。Wow!This is my new book! 哇!这是我的新书!This is my new pencil! 这是我的新铅笔!This is my new bag!这是我的新书包!Hi! I’m Pat. 嗨!我是帕特。I’m An Qi. 我是安齐Hi! I’m Zhang Xin. 嗨!我是张新Hello! I’m Lucy.你好!我是露西。My new book! 我的新书My new book!我的新书 (七)Hello! 您好!I’m Sam. 我是萨姆。His name is Bill. 他的名字叫比尔。Bill is my friend. 比尔是我的朋友。Hello! 您好!I’m An Qi. 我是安齐。His name is Alex. 他的名字是亚力克斯。Alex is my friend.亚力克斯是我的朋友。Nice to see you ! 很高兴见到你!Nice to see you ,too! 我也很高兴见到你!(九)My friends are your friends. 我的朋友是你的朋友。 (九)Your friends are my friends. 你的朋友是我的朋友。 His friends are her friends. 他的朋友是她的朋友。 Her friends are his friends. 她的朋友都是他的朋友。 Our friends are their friends. 我们的朋友是他们的朋友。 Their friends are our friends. 他们的朋友是我们的朋友。 4/16 2 Unit 2 (1) long [ l?? ]长的(2)tail [ teil ]尾巴(3)smile [ smail ]微笑(4) animal [ ??nim?l ]动物(5)world [ w??ld ]世界(6)please [ pli?z ]请(7)love [ l?v ] 爱(8)horse [ h??s ] 马(9)cow [ kau ]奶牛(10)rabbit [ ?r?bit ]兔子(11)cat [ k?t ] 猫 (一)It’s a long tail. 它是一条长尾巴Smile, please! 请微笑 What’s this Mr.Li? 这是什么,李先生?It’s a goat. 这是一只山羊 Hello, friends! 你好,朋友们!This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界 This is our animal world. 这是我们的动物世界。Please love our animals! 请爱我们的动物! (1)a horse 一匹马(2) a cow 一头奶牛(3) a fish 一条鱼(4)a duck 一只鸭子(5)a turtle 一只乌龟(6)a chicken 一只鸡(7)a rabbit 一只兔子(8)a cat 一只猫(9)a dog 一只狗(10)a frog 一只青蛙(11)a sheep 一只绵羊 4/23 3 Unit 2 (1)dog [ d?g]狗(2)chicken [ ?t∫ikin ]小鸡(3)sheep[ ∫i?p ]绵羊(4)frog [ fr?g ] 青蛙(5) goat[ g?ut ]山羊(6)duck [ d?k ]鸭子(7)turtle[ ?t??tl ]乌龟(8)fish [ fi∫ ]鱼(9)elephant [ ?elif?nt ] 大象(10)lizard [ ?liz?d ] 蜥蜴(11)farm [ fɑ?m ] 农场 (七)This is my cat.I loveit. 这是我的猫。我爱它。Let me try! 让我试试! (九)Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克唐纳有个农场, E-I-E-I-O.


剑桥少儿英语预备级第一集Unit 1What’your name ? Hello! I’m Nick. What’your name ? I’m Lucy. How old are you Seven. Come! Let’s play. Hi! I’m Nick. What’s your name? My name’s Lucy. Hello, I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. My name’s Ben. I’m Kelly. Hello, I’m Jerry. She’s kelly. He’s Jerry. 教小朋友单词: Let us read it word让我们一起读单词吧

hello喂你好I我 he他表示男他she她表示女她am是,在what什么 you你your你的 name名字my我的 how怎样old年老的,旧的 seven七 看图小朋友们在做游戏: Hello!I’m Nick. What’s your name? 你好!我叫尼克,你叫什么名字? I’m Lucy.我是露丝 How old are you?你几岁了 Seven我七岁了 Come!Let’s play!来吧,让我们一起玩吧! Hi! I’m Nick.What’s your name?你好!我是尼克。你叫什么名字?My name’s Lucy.我的名字叫露茜。 Hello,I’m Kelly.你好,我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 My name’s Ben.我的名字叫本。 I’m kelly.我是凯莉 Hello,I’m Jerry.你好,我是杰瑞


Unit IWhat ' s your name? Hello! I ' m Ted. What ' s your name? I ' m Jeff. How old are you? Seven. Come! Let ' s play. I ' m??=Iam…You' re …=Youare …He' s ........... =Heis …She' s…=She is … It ' s…=It is We re …=We are …They' re …=They are …Come in please and close the door.Go to school and don ' t be late.Unit 2What ' s this? What' s this? It ' s letter A. Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B? This is the letter B. Yes, you ' re right. Hello, Meg, is this a bag? Yes, it is. Is that a bag, too? No, it isn ' t. It ' s a handbag. Unit 3What colour do you like? What colour do you like? I like yellow. What about you? What colours are they? What colouris it? Unit 4How many ducks are there?

How many ducks are there? There aretwo. Hello, Tom! Hello, Pat! Look! There are lots of chicks here. How many? I don ' t know. Let ' s count them. One, two, three, …eight. Yes, there are eight. Unit 5Have you gotany fish? Have you got any fish? Yes, I have. / No,I haven ' t. Unit 6Has he gota teddy bear? Has he got a teddy bear? No, he hasn ' t. But he ' s got a ball. I have got a dog, but my sister has got a cat. We have got English books, but we haven ' t got maths books.I /You /They W have got …He /She has got …=I /You /They /We ' ve g(gtot ??…UWe/She ' family Hello, I ' m Teddy. This is my grandmother. She I ' s 25 years old.They and grandfather. Hi! I ' m Tim. They ' re my brothers. Have you got a hat? No, I haven ' t. Is it for me?


Unit 1 What's your name? Hello! I'm Ted. What's your name? I'm Jeff. How old are you? Seven. Come! Let's play. I'm…=I am…You're …=You are…He's……=He is…She's…=She is… It's…=It is…We're…=We are…They're…=They are… Come in please and close the door. Go to school and don't be late. Unit 2 What's this? What's this? It's letter A. Hello, Ted. Which is the letter B? This is the letter B. Yes, you're right. Hello, Meg, is this a bag? Yes, it is. Is that a bag, too? No, it isn't. It's a handbag. Unit 3 What colour do you like? What colour do you like? I like yellow. What about you? What colour s are they? What colour is it? Unit 4 How many ducks are there? How many ducks are there? There are two. Hello, Tom! Hello, Pat! Look! There are lots of chicks here. How many? I don ' t know. Let's count them. One, two, three,…eight. Yes, there are eight. Unit 5 Have you got any fish? Have you got any fish? Yes, I have. / No,I haven't.


剑桥少儿英语二级考试攻略 剑桥少儿英语二级考试技巧及备考方法 1.准备三支铅笔、干净橡皮、直尺、十二色水彩笔(色正、水足)。建议使用铅笔做答,保证卷面整洁; 2.提前30分钟进入考场,保证良好的考试状态,把考试当作一次模拟练习,争取最好成绩; 3.抓住两遍听力,第一遍认真听做,第二遍确认或更正;同时,应带着问题听录音,并巧用例题example; 4.书写需规范、勿连笔,注意人名、地名的首字母大写,数字可用阿拉伯数字填写,学会通过重音来区分单词(thirteen/thirty); 5.阅读句子和文章时要找到主干,可圈画出重点单词或句型,如: What did she do last night? She watched TV. 此外,当需要从文中摘抄单词时,需小心仔细,通过上下文及关键词汇判断所选单词或短句是否正确; 6.读写部分要检查,看看是否漏题,是否画蛇添足,要注意:名词单复数、大小写、时态,动词三单等; 7.口试时要主动问好,如:Hello, Good-bye, Thank you.等,在自己没有把握或没有听清时,用pardon再次询问,二级口语要用完整句子来回答,如:Yes, I am. Yes, I do. Cherry is my best friend. 等。同时,回答时可以借助表情及手势来辅助回答,如:This is a cat. But that is a dog.用手指一指左图的猫和右图的狗。 剑桥少儿英语二级语法六大金钢

1.掌握名词复数的不规则变化,如:man-men, woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, goose-geese, leaf-leaves, shelf–shelves, mouse-mice, person-people, fish-fish, deer-deer, sheep-sheep等; 2.掌握形容词的比较级和最高级,注意特殊变化,如:good-better-best, well-better-best, bad-worse-worst, many-more-most, much-more-most等; 3.掌握代词的用法,按“主格代词、宾格代词、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词”顺序记牢,I-me-my-mine-myself, you-you-your-yours-yourself/yourselves, he-him-his-his-himself, she-her-her-hers-herself, it-it-its-its-itself, we-us-our-ours-ourselves, they-them-their-theirs-themselves. 4.掌握There be句型,并与表示以人做主语的have区分,注意There be的be要随着名词单、复数形式以及时态的不同而变化,此外,There be句型还要符合就近原则,如:There is a helicopter and motorbike. 5.掌握一般现在时的单数第三人称,注意在疑问句和否定句中,does或doesn’t后面的行为动词要用原形,如:Does your fath er work in a store? No, he doesn’t work in a store. 6.掌握一般过去时,注意二级考试中不规则变化动词共有55个(注意:become-became, bring-brought, choose-chose, fly-flew, leave-left, meet-met, stand-stood, wake-woke, wear-wore 等),同时,应结合表过去的时间状语,如:yesterday, last weekend等,反复操练。 名师点睛 Part 3 Read the text and choose the best answers
