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2009年2月自 然 灾 害 学 报J OURNAL OF NATURAL D I SASTERS Vo.l 18,No .1Feb .,2009收稿日期:2007-11-13; 修订日期:2008-04-16


作者简介:文世勇(1979-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事海洋遥感与G I S 技术相结合的赤潮灾害风险评估与损失的应用研究.Em ai :l s hy_w en @163.co m

文章编号:1004 4574(2009)01 0106 06


文世勇1,2,赵冬至1,张丰收1,马小峰1,2,杨 帆1,2








中图分类号:X 55 文献标识码:A

R isk assess m ent m ethod of har m ful algal bl oo m hazard

W E N Sh i yong 1,2,Z HAO Dong zh i 1,ZHANG Feng shou 1,MA X i a o feng 1,2,YANG Fan

1,2(1.Nati ona lM arine Env i ronm entalM on itoring C enter ,Dalian 116023,Ch i n a ; 2.Coll ege of Environm en t Science

and E ngi neeri ng ,Dalian M ariti m eU n i vers it y ,Dali an 116026,Ch i na)Abst ract :H ar m ful algal b l o o m hazard is one of the three m ajorm ar i n e cala m ities .It deteri o rates the m ari n e eco log ica l env ironm en,t jeopardizes hum an health ,and causes the increasing soc ial econo m ic losses of ocean year after year .The risk assess m ent o f the har m ful a l g a lb loo m hazard is one of the i m portant contents o f reduci n g and preven ti n g t h e har m fu l a l g a l bloo m hazard .The essence o f the har m ful algal bloo m hazar d still belongs to the natural ca la m ity .A ccor d i n g to the characteristics of the har m ful a l g a l b loo m hazard and the connotati o n o f natura l ca la m ity risk ,this paper exp licates the defi n iti o n o f risk assess m ent of har m ful a l g a lb l o o m hazard ,and i n respect to bo t h the deg ree o f the risk assess m ent o f har m ful algal b l o o m hazard and vulnerab ility of sea socia l econo my proposes the i n dex syste m of risk assess m ent of har m f u l alga l b l o o m hazard ,sets up risk assess m entm ode l of har m fu l a l g a l bloo m hazard ,and puts for w ard t h e techn ical fl o w o f risk assess m ent of t h e har m fu l a l g a l b l o o m hazard .

K ey w ords :har m f u l algal b l o o m hazard ;risk assess m en;t index syste m;risk assess m en tm odel

赤潮(red ti d e)又称为有害藻华(har m fu l algal bloo m,HAB)是指一些海洋微藻、原生动物或细菌在一定环境条件下在水体中暴发性增殖或聚集,并致使海水变色的一种生物现象[1-3]。随着我国沿海地区人口的增长及工农业生产的持续发展,我国近岸海域富营养化日益严重,赤潮灾害发生频率明显呈上升趋势;每次赤潮的平均面积即赤潮的规模越来越大,持续的时间也越来越长[4];对沿海经济的危害程度日益增加,严重年份(2001,参看2001年中国海洋灾害公报)的直接经济损失超过10亿元。赤潮已成为一种严重的全球性海洋灾害,如何科学地进行赤潮研究和减灾,有效地进行赤潮防治已经成为迫切需要解决的重大问题。
