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1.Let’s go and ask him if he has any______________(具体的)thoughts on it.

2.We need a foreign policy that is more_____________(灵活的。

3.There is hardly any______________(翻译)of the poem.

4.He suspected that Laura was____________(取笑)him.

5.____________(传递)the message with a few suggestive words.

6.He fell ill and_______________(最终)died.

7.It is easy to write and,like the cinquain,can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using

the____________(最少的)of words.

8.She was______________(变成)into stone on the mountain top.

9.A great many_________________(树枝)were blown off the tree.

10.I hate____________(无止境的)homework.

11.Tom became___________(上瘾的)to playing chess.

12.After climbing up the stairs,I became______________.(气喘吁吁)

13.We should____________(加强)the cooperation with other countries.

14.I felt__________(羞愧的)for not being able to answer my teacher’s question in class.

15.__________(习惯)to living in the countryside,my grandma felt content with her present life.

16.Some officials___________(滥用)their power in China.

17.He became______________(绝望的)when trapped in ruins in the earthquake.

18.The drug has a harmful______________(影响)on people.

19.We bought a fully___________(自动的)washing machine the other day.

20.Her father is a_____________(强硬的)man,who never gives in to difficulties.


21.The graduate’s mind____________(go)blank when he learned that he could not get the graduation diploma because of his poor performance.

22.Could you tell me how_____________(write)a poem.

23.If we___________________(not act)now to protect the environment,we’ll live to regret it.

24.It’s no good______________(lie)to other.

25.With no rain for months and food____________(run)out,the soldiers felt very worried.

26.But for the help of my English techer,I____________(not win)the first prize in the English Writing Competition.

27.If we____________(take)the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the metting.

28.It is to bad that I failed in the physics exam.If only I______________(work)hard at it.

29.Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he__________(be)our chairman now.

30.If you had told me in advance,I________________(meet)him at the airport.

31.After the trainer was sure that the whale could look afteritself,he___________(release)it into the sea.

32.Do you believe the reason___________he explained for his being absent from the meeting?

33.The report based on figures from six different cities in Europe is made______of six parts.

34.—why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop for a blouse?

—On she was very particular____________her clothes.
