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1 系统概述

1.1 开发技术

系统后台采用MySQL 数据库,提供标准化的API 接口,与医院的HIS 系统对接,无需改造现有的HIS 系统,只需



1. 中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九七〇医院 信息科,山东 烟台 264002;

2. 武警烟台特勤疗养中心 放射科,山东 烟台 264000

收稿日期:2018-07-25 修回日期:2018-08-13通讯作者:李中华,副主任医师,主要研究方向为影像信息。通讯作者邮箱:lizhonghua107@

[摘 要] 目的 开发医保精细化监管系统,对临床科室、医生和患者的医保统筹费用进行实时监管,规范医保统筹费的使用,提高医院的医保管理工作水平。方法 采用.NET 技术和MySQL 数据库,以接口方式与医院的HIS 系统对接,对重点医疗数据进行备份、提取和分析,形成监管数据和报告,医保管理人员实时查看报告并进行监管。结果 开发的系统具有患者医保费用监控、超额预警、控费分析和统计分析等功能,实现科室、医生、患者三级的医保统筹费用的精细化管理。结论 系统的部署规范了科室和医生的医疗行为,医院的药品、耗材、检验、检查等方面的诊疗工作更符合医保规定,节省了医保开支,医院的内涵质量建设更上一个台阶。

[关键词] 医保;统筹费用;精细化管理;监控分析;超额预警

Design and Implementation of Medical Insurance Fine Management System

XIAO Yongping 1, LI Zhonghua 2

1. Department of Information, 970 Hospital of the PLA JLSF, Yantai shandong 264002, China;

2. Department of Radiology, Yantai Special Service Sanatorium of Armed Police, Yantai shandong 264000, China

Abstract: Objective To supervise the medical insurance pooling expenses of clinical departments, doctors and patients in real time, standardize the use of medical insurance pooling fees, and improve the level of medical insurance management in hospitals based on developing a detailed supervision system of medical insurance. Methods The .NET technology and the MySQL database were used to interface with the HIS system in the hospital. The key medical data were backed up, extracted and analyzed, and the supervision data and reports were formed. The medical insurance managers checked the report and supervised the report in real time. Results The developed system had the functions of patient medical insurance cost monitoring, excess early warning, cost control analysis, and statistical analysis, so as to realize the fine management of the three level medical insurance overall cost of the department, the doctor and the patient. Conclusion The deployment of the system regulates the medical behavior of departments and doctors. The diagnosis and treatment work of drugs, consumables, inspection and inspection in the hospital is more in line with the provisions of medical insurance, which saves medical insurance expenses and brings the connotation and quality construction of the hospital to a higher level.

Key words: medical insurance; overall cost; meticulous management; monitoring analysis; excess warning [中图分类号] TP391.44 [文献标识码] A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-1633.2019.04.031 [文章编号] 1674-1633(2019)04-0119-04
