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CALL 计算机辅助语言学习
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been
around in one form or another since the 1960’s but only became widely available to the general public since the early 1990’s. CMC comes in two forms: asynchronous (such as email and forums) and synchronous (such as text and voice chat).
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is an approach to language teaching and learning in which computer technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element.
CALL 计算机辅助语言学习

CALL and computational linguistics are separate but somewhat interdependent fields of study. The basic goal of computational linguistics is basically to “teach” computers to generate and comprehend grammaticallyacceptable sentences… for purposes of translation and direct communication with computers where the computer understands and generates natural language.
Computer Assisted Language Learning
CALL 计算机辅助语言学习

CALL especially refers to the use of computer in teaching and learning of a sacond language or foreign language. ——Richards,1998
The History of call
……… NOW 1990S 1980S 1970S 1960S 21st century
一、关于计算机辅助语言教学(CALL)历史的多种学 说 二、行为主义的计算机辅助语言教学(Behavioristic CALL)(1970s—1980s) 三、交际式计算机辅助语言教学(Communicative CALL)(1980s—1990s) 四、综合性计算机辅助语言教学(Integrative CALL)(21st century)
CALL 计算机辅助语言学习
总结 总而言之,计算机辅助语言教学发展的历史已经证明了电脑极 大地方便了语言的教与学。 正如Warschauer所陈述到的电脑的三个作用:它可以是一个导 师,提供语言操练和技能练习;可以是一个刺激因素对于探讨与 交流;可以是书写和研究的工具。在计算机辅助语言教学发展的 三个阶段,每个阶段都有其相应的语言理论和技术理论。在行 为主义阶段,大型机作为指导向学习者发布信息,但是学习者 缺少真正在现实世界中实践的机会。 随着多媒体技术在个人计算机上的出现,电脑提供了丰富交流 的语言环境。学习者可以再次构建他们自己的语言内容,这样 激励了他们学习的热情。 在21世纪,我们已经从电脑网络上得到了益处,它将作为一个 媒介帮助我们完成地区的乃至世界的信息交流。
With these, learners can communicate in the target language with other real speakers cheaply, 24 hours a day. Learners can communicate one-on-one or one to many as well as share audio and video files. Because of all this, CMC has had the most impact on language teaching.
CALL 计算机辅助语言学习
计算机辅助语言教学(computer-assisted language learning)简称CALL。计算机按照 人们事先安排的语言教学计划和内容进行课 堂教学和辅助课外操练1955年左右(计算机 诞生后约10年),开始有人探讨如何把计算机 用于教育。
CALL 计算机辅助语言学习

Computational linguistics takes the principles of theoretical linguistics with the aim of characterizing a language with computational applications in mind. ref name=”Ten Hacken, Pius (May 2003). "Computerassisted language learning and the revolution in computational linguistics".
The development of CALL
计算机作为媒介的交流(CMC)的出现改变了电脑在20世纪末的应用。 这种技术使学习者可以在同一时段或者不同时段的模式下与其他的学习 者进行交流。这里涉及两种模式:同步模式(synchronous),意味着学习 者可以在真实的时间内与别的学习者交流。 这种交流模式不仅仅是一对一,还可以是一对多的;异步模式 (asynchronous),顾名思义就是学习者不能在实时的情况下进行交流。与 同步模式相比较而言,我们可以有更充足的时间来使用复杂的语言,便 于使用的语言更加的正式和准确。