Book 8 Unit 2 词汇复习(公开课)

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13. able
adj. 有能力的;能够的 → ________ enable v. 使 → ________ unable adj. 不能的 ________ n.装饰 decoration → reasonable ________ adj. 合情
能够 → ________ ability n 能力 14. decorate v.装饰 → 15. reason 理的 n.理由 v.推理
7. You cannot blame me for that because I merely _______ (mere) want to find out the truth.
correction 8. The teacher asked Jack to make ____________ (correct) about his articles, specially about those spelling mistakes.
调节→ _______ adj.定期的,有规律的;正规的 regular
10. __________ n.规则,规章;法规→_________ v.规范; regulation regulate
resist vt.抵抗,对抗→__________ resistance 11._________ n.抵抗,反抗;
5. My father ________ retired (retire) at the age of 60 in 2012.
6. I don’t think his explanation about the incident is reasonable __________ . (reason )
10. forbid _______ vt. 禁止;不准
11. _____________ reasonable adj. 合情理
的; 讲道理的; 公道的
12. ________ exact adj. 精确的
13. ________ moral adj. 道德(上)的
14. ________ shortly adv. 立刻; 不久
5. 他把他的成功归功于他妈妈的鼓励。
(owe …to)
5. He owed his success to his mother’s encouragement.
1. 1.Li Li Ming Mingwanted wantedto tobe bea asinger, singer, but but his his father father objected objectedto tohis hisidea. idea,He saying said his effort would be in vain. This cast cast him down/ This made him cast in vain, which him down. (v-ing 表伴随; 非限定从) (v-ing表伴随;非限定从) down.
3. He practised hard and finally his hardworking / efforts paid off .
4. 评委们被他的表演打动了,他获得了第一名。 (judge; be struck by) 4. The judges were struck by his performance . He obtained/ got the first place.
选修八 Units 1~2
6.accumulate __________ vt.& vi.积累;聚积→_____________ accumulation n.积 累;聚积
retire vi.退休;→______________ retirement n.退休 7.______ assumption assume v.以为;设想; 8. __________ n.假定;设想→________ merely adv.仅;只;不过→_______ 9._________ mere adj.仅仅的
Unit 2 Cloning words &phrases 单元归纳提升
1. ____________ v. 不同;相异 differ
2. ________________ n. 突破 breakthrough 3. ____________ procedure n. 程序;步骤
3. 他很努力练习,最后他的努力得到了好的结果。 (pay off) 4. 评委们被他的表演打动了,他获得了第一名。 (judge; be struck by) 5. 他把他的成功归功于他妈妈的鼓励。
(owe …to)
1. 李明想成为一名歌手,但他的爸爸反对他的想法,说他 的努力将白费力气,这使他很失望。 (object to ; in vain; cast down)
主干回顾 ·夯基础
核心探究 ·破疑难
考点对练 ·全突破
1. His plan of finding a job after high school met objection (object) from his family. with fierce __________
moral adj. 道德 ( 上 ) 的; → ________ morally adv. 道德上地; 5 . _______
→morality ________ n.道德; → immoral _______ adj.不道德的
主干回顾 ·夯基础 核心探究 ·破疑难 考点对练 ·全突破
4. ________ media n. 媒介;手段 (pl.)
5. ________ obtain vt. 获得;赢得
6. ________ vt. 欠;归功于…… owe
7. ________ retire vi. 退休;离开
8. _________ bother vt. 打扰;操心;烦扰 9. ________ resist vt. 抵抗;对抗
20. __________ undertake vt. 着手;从事;承担
选修八 Units 1~2
二. 重点词汇拓展。
different adj.不同的 →___________ →___________ differently adv.不同地
difference n .不同之处 1 . _______ differ vi. 不同;相异 → ______________
resistant 抵抗力→_____________ adj.有抵抗力的
主干回顾 ·夯基础
核心探究 ·破Leabharlann Baidu难
考点对练 ·全突破
选修八 Units 1~2
12. correct 地 →
v. 改正;adj. 正确的 → correctly ________ adv. 正确 ________ n. 改正 correction
pay off object to in favour of owe… to … in vain in good condition cast down
1. To avoid accidents, it’s important to check that all your in good condition before starting. tools are ____________________ 2. She _______ owed her success ______ to good luck. cast down when he lost the race. 3. Charles felt _____________ 4. Is he _____________cloning or against cloning? in favour of 5. Considering the high expense, I decide to ______________ the plan. object to 6. Li Fen won the first prize in the national English competition. I’m glad that her efforts at last paid off __________________ . 7. I tried to make peace with her, but _________. in vain
2.他的妈妈支持他并相信他一定会成功。 (be in favour of ;be bound to)
2. His mother was in favour of him and believed that he was bound to succeed.
3. 他很努力练习,最后他的努力得到了好的结果。 (pay off)
四。词汇短语活学活用:翻译句子并连成5句话的短文 1. 李明想成为一名歌手,但他的爸爸反对他的想法,说 他的努力将白费力气,这使他很失望。 (object to ; in vain; cast down)
2.他的妈妈支持他并相信他一定会成功。 (be in favour of ;be bound to)
三. 高频短语归纳自测 pay off 1.还清;得到好结果 ; pay for… 2.为…付款 ; 3.反对 object to ; be in favour of ; 4.赞成;支持 owe… to … 5.欠某人某物;把…归功于 ; be bound to do sth 6.一定或注定(做)… ; 7.使…刻骨铭心 ; strike …into one’s heart 8.不时;偶尔 from time to time ; bring … back to; life 9.使复活 10. 白费力气;徒劳 in _______; vain in good /poor condition 11. 状况很好/坏 ; differ from…/be different from… 12.与…不同 ; cast down 13.使失望 ___________________ be struck by… 14.被…所感动 ___________________________
1. Li Ming wanted to be a singer, but his father objected to his idea. He said his effort would be in vain. This cast him down/ This made him cast down.
2.________ exact adj.精确的;准确的→_______ exactly adv.精确地,准
commercial commerce 3. ___________ adj.商业的;贸易的→__________ n.商业;
object v.反对;不赞成→__________ objection n.不赞成; 4._________
15. ________ merely adv. 仅仅; 只; 不过
cast 16. _________ vt. 扔;投;掷
object vi. 反对;不赞成 17. ________ strike v. 打;撞击;罢工;突 18. ________
vain 19. ________ adj. 徒劳的;虚荣的
2. Reading more ________ enables (able) us to improve our sense of language. 3. As a saying goes, “Details make the difference (different)”. ___________ 4. Anyone who fails to obey the school regulation ___________ (regulate) will be punished.