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_从__一_个__地__方__搬_到__另__一__个_地_ 方 15.than ever before _比__以__往__任_何__时__候_______ 16. without a second thought__不__假_思__索_____ 17. hold on _别__挂__断_(_电__话__),_ 抓住不放,坚持下去 18. find out _查__明__真__相_,__打__听清楚,发觉 19. take notes of _注__意__(_到__)__,__做笔记
9.believe it or not ___信__不_信__由__你_____ 10.because of ___因__为__;_由__于_____ 11.at the end of the 16th century__在__十__六_世__纪__末_ 12.by the end of the 16th century__到__十_六__世__纪__末_ 13.come from all over the world __来__自_世__界__各__地_ 14.move from one place to another
Book1unit2高三一轮复习 优秀课件
__f_lu__en__t _ adj.流利的;流畅的 _f_lu_e_n__tl_y_adv流利地;流畅地 _f_l_u_e_n_c_y_ n.流利;流畅
Miss Dent,who speaks English⑴f_l_u_e_n_tl_y, says that ⑵__fl_u_e_n_c_y_develops gradually over considerable time and through lots of practice. (fluent)
1. base n. 基础,底部;根据地
vt. 以……为基础/根据地
搭配 在……的基础上 on the base of
be based on = base sth. on
运用 (1)我们的意见应该以事实为依据。
Our opinions should be based on facts.
⑴ He requested me _t_o_w__r_it_e_ (write) a letter of recommendation. ⑵ He requested that I _s_h_o_u_ld__w_r_i_t_e/_w_r_i_t_e(write) a letter of recommendation. ⑶ The passengers __a_r_e_r_e_q_u_e_s_te_d_(request) to show their passports.
运用 (1)他命令我马上离开。
He commanded me_t_o_l_e_a_v_e_ (leave) at once. He commanded that I _s_h_o_u_l_d_l_e_a_v_e_/l_e_a_v_e_ (leave) at once.
He has a very good command of English.
base of reading a lot.
2. command n.& vt.命令;指令;掌握
搭配 命令某人做某事
command sb. to do sth. command that sb (should) do 精通 have a good command of 指挥 in command of
(2) _______ on facts, our opinions are accepted by others.
A. Base B. Basing C. Based D. To base
___b_a__si_c____adj.基础的;根本的 __b_a__si_c_a_l_ly__adv.基本上;实际上;主要地 ___b_a__si_s____n.基础;要素;基准
3.request v.& n.请求,要求
request sb.to do sth. request that sb (should) do 向某人要求某物 request sth. of/from sb.
make a request for sth.
⑴ Merry,whose husband serves in an air base,
believes that the _b_a__s_is__ (base) of a good marriage is
⑵ Our friendship is based _o_n_ trust and honesty. ⑶ We improve our reading comprehension _o_n__ the
3. 辨认出;承认vt. _r_e_co_g__n_iz_e__ 辨认出;承认n__r_e_co_g__n_it_io__n
4. 办公室n. _o_f_f_ic_e__ 官方的,正式的adj. _o_f_f_ic_i_a_l _ 军官,警官n.Hale Waihona Puke Baidu__o_f_f_ic_e_r___
1.___p__la_y__a_p_a_r_t_______扮演一个角色;参与 2.___s_u_c_h__a_s__________例如……;像这种的 3.___c_o_m__e_u__p_________走近;上来;提出 4.___b__e_b_a_s_e_d_o__n______以……为基础 5.___m__a_k_e__fu__ll_u_s_e__o_f __充分利用;充分使用 6.___a_t__p_r_e_se_n_t________目前;现在 7.___e_v_e_n__if_/_th__o_u_g_h____即使;尽管 8.___c_o_m__m__u_n_i_c_a_te__w_it_h_与……交流;与……相连
1. 统治 v.__g__o_v_er_n____ 统治者n.__g_o_v_e_r_n_o_r_ 政府n. _g_o_v_e_r_n_m_e_n_t_
2. 丰富的adj.___r_i_ch____ 丰富,富饶n__r_i_c_h_n_e_s_s_ 使富裕,充实,改善 v.__e_n_r_ic_h___